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Identifying Forensic Interesting Files

in Digital Forensic Corpora by Applying

Topic Modelling

D. Paul Joseph and Jasmine Norman

Abstract The cyber forensics is an emerging area, where the culprits in a cyber-
attack are identified. To perform an investigation, investigator needs to identify the
device, backup the data and perform analysis. Therefore, as the cybercrimes increase,
so the seized devices and its data also increase, and due to the massive amount of
data, the investigations are delayed significantly. Till today many of the forensic
investigators use regular expressions and keyword search to find the evidences, which
is a traditional approach. In traditional analysis, when the query is given, only exact
searches that are matched to particular query are shown while disregarding the other
results. Therefore, the main disadvantage with this is that, some sensitive files may
not be shown while queried, and also additionally, all the data must be indexed
before performing the query which takes huge manual effort as well as time. To
overcome this, this research proposes two-tier forensic framework that introduced
topical modelling to identify the latent topics and words. Existing approaches used
latent semantic indexing (LSI) that has synonymy problem. To overcome this, this
research introduces latent semantic analysis (LSA) to digital forensics field and
applies it on author’s corpora which contain 29.8 million files. Interestingly, this
research yielded satisfactory results in terms of time and in finding uninteresting as
well as interesting files. This paper also gives fair comparison among forensic search
techniques in digital corpora and proves that the proposed methodology performance

Keywords Disc forensics · Uninteresting files · Interesting files · Latent semantic

analysis · Topical modelling

D. P. Joseph (B) · J. Norman

School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT, Vellore, India
J. Norman

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 411
Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
A. K. Tripathy et al. (eds.), Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning,
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 127,
412 D. P. Joseph and J. Norman

1 Introduction

Cybercrimes have been incorporated in day-to-day human’s life. As the word digital-
ization extended to all the areas, the attacks on the digitalized world also are increased.
Internet not only connecting one person to another, but also interconnecting one per-
son to attacker anonymously. Since the birth of internet, so many advancements have
been taken place to combat the security threats. Even though many security proto-
cols and software are developed, the advanced threats and malwares peep into digital
network resulting in cybercrimes like data theft, cyber-stalking, cyber-warfare. Gen-
erally, when an attacker targets stand-alone system or a layman or an organization,
cybercrime wing seizes the digital devices and submits to forensic investigators in
a process of finding the culprits as well as the source, medium, and the intensity of
the attack. Digital forensics comes into role, when the investigator has been asked to
give the implications. Digital forensics, hereafter DF, is a branch of forensic science
that compasses identifying the digital device-searching for the evidence in device-
seizing of the device and device-preserving of the device [1, 2]. According to [3, 4],
DF includes various domains like database forensics, disc forensics, network foren-
sics, mobile forensics, memory forensics, multimedia forensics and cloud forensics.
Typically, DF is a seven-stage process [5] but piled up into four stages [6, 7]. Authors
have concentrated on disc forensics domain, and forensic disc analysis is performed
on the author’s corpora that contain 29.8 million files of different types.

2 Background

Once the cybercrimes are enumerated, the devices are seized and referred for the
analysis. Survey according to FBI [8] reveals that in the year 2012 alone, 5.9 TB of
data has been analysed, and further more alarming that, the rate of cybercrime cases
pending is 61.9% in India [9]. The crucial reason behind this is the massive amount
of digital data stored in the personal systems as well as enterprise systems. So far,
numerous forensic investigation agencies perform analysis by keyword search and
regular expression search after the data is indexed. The main hindrance in this is
that, only the terms that are matched exactly to the query will be shown and rest
are veiled. Another downside of this approach is semantically (polysemy) related
words will not be shown while the standard search is performed. For example, if the
investigator wants to search for “flower”, standard keyword gives the result where
the exact word “flower” is matched. The words which are semantically related to this
could not be shown in the results. To overcome this approach, topical modelling is
introduced [10]. Various modelling techniques have been developed, and one such
model is latent semantic analysis [11]. Latent semantic analysis (LSA) is a statistical
model that is developed to uncover the latent topics in a set of documents along with
the semantically equivalent words [12]. LSA works on the distributional hypothesis
mainly used for information retrieval in the corpus [13]; i.e. the words that are nearer
Identifying Forensic Interesting Files in Digital … 413

to the meaning will occur more than once in the same text. For example, bat and ball
appear oftentimes in the document that talks about cricket game; and lion, tiger and
other animals will appear more times in the document that refers to the topic animals.
With the context of information retrieval, the application of natural language process-
ing over the neural networks is often termed as latent semantic analysis (LSA). Many
articles quote that LSA or LSI is similar but differs in their usage and context.1, 2,3

3 Methodology

To overcome the drawbacks mentioned above, this research proposes two-tier foren-
sic framework that serves twofold purpose. Firstly, it detects and eliminates the
uninteresting files in forensic investigations by proposed algorithms. Secondly, it
identifies interesting files in the resultant corpus with the help of machine learning
algorithm as shown in Fig. 1. To classify a file in interesting category, primarily latent
semantic analysis (LSA) is used along with few data pre-processing techniques.

Fig. 1 Proposed architecture to identify the interesting files

414 D. P. Joseph and J. Norman

3.1 Identification of Uninteresting Files

Once the acquisition process starts, as this research concentrates on disc forensics,
only discs with supported formats are loaded into the framework. In the preliminary
phase, the files which are irrelevant to forensic investigations can be removed [14].
These files can be system files, software files and auxiliary files. Identification and
removal of uninteresting files are given in Algorithm 1. After the preliminary reduc-
tion phase, on the remaining files, data cleaning and data analysis are performed, in
which LSA is used to identify the interesting files using semantic approach.

Algorithm 1: Deleting system files that meet threshold criteria

Input: X (application files) (exe | asm | dll | sys | cpl | cab | chm | icl)
Output: Y (application file) (size > threshold value)
del size 1 ← 1*1024
del size 2 ← 512
for n ← 0 to max(n) //max(n) is end sector in disk
for X ← files ()
if (X) = del size 1
end if
if (X) == X.icl | X.msu | X.cfg | | X.pkg | X.bin
end if
end for
end for

3.2 Identification of Interesting Files Using LSA

In this section, an architecture is proposed to identify the forensic interesting files.

In Fig. 1, documents or multimedia data are given as input to the pre-processing
task as this research is exclusively for textual data in forensic corpus. The following
sections reveal how data is pre-processed for LSA.

Data Pre-processing
Raw data in the forensic corpus contains much inconsistency, as it includes redundant
files, abbreviations, stop words, diacritics and sparse terms. Before training the data,
all these inconsistencies must be removed and each word should be treated as a
single token and so the data pre-processing methods are used. In existing work, data
pre-processing methods consumed much time, and with this concern, this research
Identifying Forensic Interesting Files in Digital … 415

has optimized pre-processing techniques within meantime. Few methods used in this
process are as follows.
Removal of stop words
In documents, there will be many unwanted words that delay the investigations.
For example, words like the, hers, but, again, is, am, i fall under this category. To
remove this, authors have used spaCy package [15] in python. In the corpus, total
of 1780 stop words are identified and removed after multiple iterations. The main
advantage in removing the stop words is that it increases classification accuracy as
fewer tokens will be left. Furthermore, in this research, customized stop words are
added with respect to digital forensic terms, which reduced the corpus to much extent.
For example, before the removal of stop words: cyber-security is the emerging area
as it involves many cyber-threats like cyber-assaults, cyber-espionage, cyber-stalking
(total 17 words).
After removal: cyber-security emerging area involves cyber-threats cyber-assaults,
cyber-espionage, cyber-stalking (total 10 words).
Removal of white spaces
While iterating through the corpus, it is found that many white spaces exist in
ending and leading sentences. Since this research used python language primarily
for data pre-processing and training the data, the pre-defined packages made this
task done easily. By passing input to strip() function in loop, all the white spaces are
Tokenization is the process of splitting the words in a document to individual
tokens. Once the stop words are removed, all the individual words are treated as
single tokens and stored in a python list in order to construct document-term matrix.
In existing works, NLTK and genism are much used, which consumed a lot of time.
To overcome this, this research collectively used spaCy and OpenNMT package
which tokenized efficiently within O(n) time complexity.
Subtree matching for extracting relations
Since it is arduous to build generalized patterns, knowing dependency sentence
structures to enhance rule-based techniques for extracting information is necessary.
In general, there exist many correlated words in forensic corpus [16], and therefore,
it is very difficult to correlate manually, which is the main cause for delayed investi-
gations. To overcome this, this research used subtree matching using spaCy toolkit
to extract the different kinds of relations existing among the entities and objects.
The resultant relations are shown as dependency graphs, by which investigators can
easily identify the relationships among different persons involved in a cybercrime.
416 D. P. Joseph and J. Norman

3.3 Latent Semantic Analysis

LSA, a statistical model technique in the natural language processing is developed

to find the semantic relations among the documents and terms. This works by using
the mathematical technique called singular value decomposition (SVD),4 which is
used for dimensionality reduction [17]. SVD is a least squares method, and hence, it
constructs the words to the document in a matrix format known as word-document
matrix. Words or objects that belong multiple dimensions are reduced to either sin-
gle or two dimensional in space; i.e. SVD (matrix decomposition) aims to make
subsequent matrix calculations simpler by reducing matrix into constituent parts5

M = P Q RT (1)

where M the original matrix of m × n size is decomposed into P, Q and R matrices.

P(U) and R(V-transpose matrix) are orthogonal matrices of m × n, and Q(S) is a
diagonal matrix of m × n.
Constructing document-term matrix
Once the pre-processing steps are completed, then a m × n matrix is constructed
such that there a m documents with n unique tokens. Initially, authors performed
on small corpus that contains 17,398 tokens out of which 11,898 unique tokens are
observed. Later LSA is extended to original corpus that contains 29.8 million files,
which took 4 h in constructing matrix on distributed environment. For distributed
setup, authors have used python’s gensim pyro server with 8 logical servers on i5
processor of speed 2.53 GHz. The same corpus is trained on stand-alone system,
which took 48 h for the documents to be processed. tfidf is calculated as per Eq. (2).6
t f id f i, j = Wi, j /W ∗ j ∗ log(X/ X i ) (2)

where W i,j = the number of times word i appears in document j (the original cell
W ∗ j = the number of total words in document j (just add the counts in column j).
X is the number of documents (columns) and X i is the number of documents in
which word i appears (the number of nonzero columns in row i).
Computing SVD
As explained earlier, SVD is applied on the term-document matrix to reduce
the dimension to k (number of topics) as stated below (PQRT ). Each row Px is a
document-term matrix, which is the vector representation of document of length k
(number of topics) and Rx is term-topic matrix which is the vector representation of
terms in the document A.

Identifying Forensic Interesting Files in Digital … 417

Algorithm 2: Calculating SVD (M = P QRT )

Input: Matrix P where P=M, Matrix R (identity matrix)

for all i <j
compute submatrix
n of P P 
= (αββδ) n
where α = x=1 Pxi , β = x=1 Pxj
2 2
and γ = x=1 Pxi Pxj
compute jacobi rotation that diagonalize (αββδ)
update columns of matrix P
for x =1 ← n
t = Pxi , wherePxi = (t ∗ s)–(u ∗ Pxj )
Px∗j = (u ∗ s) + (t ∗ Pxj )
end for
update V matrix of rsv (right singular vector)
for x = 1 ← n
s = Rxi
Rxi = (t ∗ s)–(u ∗ Rxj ), Rxj = (u ∗ s) + (t ∗ Rxj )
end for
end for

4 Results and Discussion

Once all the steps are applied, the corpus is trained with LSA algorithm with 100
passes and 500 topics. Later, topic count is increased based on the usage. Since the
output is in n topics, each topic word against document is compared with author’s
database that contains blacklisted keywords as described in the proposed methodol-
ogy section. If any of the word matches, then that file is treated as interesting file, else
flagged as uninteresting category. LSA technique with SVD is applied on the author’s
corpus which consists of 29.8 million files. Corpus contains 9.86% of textual files,
8.62% of word document files, 11.59% of pdf files and rest includes multimedia files,
operating system files and application files. This technique is applied on pdf, text and
word document files. Since there are thousands of files to be analysed, prioritizing
which file to be analysed will be the major task for investigator. To meet this require-
ment, LSA is applied on the corpus after pre-processing techniques, which yields
the documents based on the topics. This research also integrated keyword search
along with LSA, such that no interesting files are skipped. For keyword search,
418 D. P. Joseph and J. Norman

authors have used blacklisted keywords identified by the National Security Agency
Homeland (NSA). Not only the topics with their similarity measures are displayed,
but also indicated whether that file is interesting or uninteresting to the investigator.
For example, if the investigator searches for the word malware, only the files with
word malware are returned in traditional search. Whereas after applying LSA on
the corpus, files with the words like volatile, WannaCry, botnet, operating_system,
malware, TOR are also retrieved as these words are closely related to the word “mal-
ware”. Table 1 gives the comparison among the different approaches used in digital
forensics. Even though LSI and LSA are similar, their representations with regard to
different contexts yielded in different values as shown in Table 1.
Precession = Total relevant documents/Total retrieved documents and Recall =
Documents retrieved relevant/total possible relevant documents. Higher the preces-
sion and recall rate, higher chances that maximum amount of data is retrieved. Since
it is difficult to give all the results, only results are given for two keywords. Figure 2
represents the results for keyword K1, and Fig. 3 represents the results for keyword K2
as given below. From these figures, one can understand that LSA with the proposed
methodology is proven to be the best searching algorithm in forensic investigations
as it contains best precision and recall values.

5 Conclusion

In this research, traditional searching techniques in forensic investigations are given

in detail. To overcome the disadvantages, this research introduced forensic framework
that serves twofold purposes. Firstly, to identify uninteresting files based on threshold
values. Secondly, to identify forensic interesting files using LSA. Existing techniques
were used on limited set of documents, but this research has used the same approach
with efficient pre-processing techniques and reduced the corpora to 25.5 million,
which yielded satisfactory results by identifying 4.3 million files as forensically
uninteresting. The overall performance with regard to time and classification of
interesting files is highly satisfactory. Furthermore, this research draws comparison
among traditional search methods and proves that the proposed methodology is the
best approach in forensic investigations to detect uninteresting as well as interesting
files along with accurate search results followed by keyword hits. The scope of further
research based on the present study is to implement efficient topical modelling on
forensic corpus, as synonymity occurs.
Table 1 Comparative analysis of various search techniques in forensic investigations
Searching type Execution Hit ratio Auxiliary search Precession Recall Strengths Drawbacks
K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2
Keyword search 9.2 5.02 0.71 0.68 Boolean operators 0.112 0.088 0.102 0.055 Used to find user’s (1) Stop words are
can be used behaviour insight included in search
(2) Increased risk of
Indexed search 4.51 8.46 0.64 0.69 Boolean operators 0.110 0.098 0.101 0.095 Quick retrieval of Takes extra space on
and wildcards are query primary and
used Faster access secondary memory
Identifying Forensic Interesting Files in Digital …

GREP search 3.39 4.48 0.51 0.55 Usage of wildcards 0.47 0.59 0.39 0.47 Powerful in finding Memory overheads
for pattern matching the expressions are caused
Easily configurable,
but requires logical
LSI 6.5 5.9 0.37 0.33 Keyword, indexed 0.67 0.71 0.59 0.64 Semantic words Polysemy and
and grep search can Extracts conceptual synonymy
be integrated after content
LSA 8.2 6.2 0.27 0.21 Keyword, indexed 0.75 0.81 0.71 0.76 Semantic words and Synonymy
and grep search can overcomes polysemy
be integrated after
420 D. P. Joseph and J. Norman




5 4.51









Keyword search Indexed search GREP search LSI LSA

ExecuƟon Ɵme Hit RaƟo Precission Recall

Fig. 2 Keyword versus indexed versus grep versus LSI versus LSA search for K1



7 6.2







Keyword search Indexed search GREP search LSI LSA

ExecuƟon Ɵme Hit RaƟo Precission Recall

Fig. 3 Keyword versus indexed versus grep versus LSI versus LSA search for K2


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