Module 3 - Six Strategies For Change Constructing A Skeletal Plan

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OTL505 – Educational


Six Strategies for Change & Constructing a Skeletal Plan for Crossing the Implementation

Below are the six strategies that are discussed in Module 3 and in this week’s reading of the
course text. Based on the change you selected in Module 2, address each area strategy
thoroughly and explain how you will move stakeholders through that particular strategy toward
full implementation of your change plan (as you envision it so far). Refer to Chapter 2 in the
course text book for how to formulate your responses under each strategy (see the questions
provided in Handout 2.2.A to help formulate your explanations). You are not limited by the
spaces provided below; ensure each response is detailed and thorough so your instructor can
follow your ideas.

EXAMPLE: Strategy 1: Creating a Shared EXAMPLE: Explanation for Addressing

Vision of the Change: this Strategy with Stakeholders:

The vision is that teachers in grades 9-12 will In order to ensure this vision is shared by all
use the Learning Management System 9-12 teachers, we need to present data to
AnySystemUSA to organize course materials, support the use of LMS platforms in engaging
deliver assessments, and build student student learning and improving student
community. outcomes. We also need to assure teachers
that ample training will be provided so they
are comfortable using AnySystemUSA. We
also need to present student feedback
regarding this change. Their enthusiasm for a
new system of delivering course work will
help motivate the teachers that this change
will be well-received by students.

Strategy 1: Creating a Shared Vision of the Explanation for Addressing this Strategy
Change: with Stakeholders:

The vision is for all staff instructors and In order to get staff instructors’ buy-in for this
students going through Mission Qualification change, I would need to gather ARB data
Training (MQT) to understand the specific from the past 4-5 years (2 years at minimum)
criteria that need to be met for students to and present this information to the entire
meet an Academic Review Board (ARB). teaching staff as well as the administrators
(Chief of Training and Director of

The ARB data over the last few years should

show instances where criteria for switching
students into a new class was unfair OR that
in similar cases, teachers all dealt with the
consequences differently. I will want to pose a
Template adapted from Hord & Rousin, 2013: Implementing Change Through Learning: Concerns-Based Concepts, Tools and Strategies for
Guiding Change
OTL505 – Educational

philosophical question to my staff instructors

about subjectivity vs. objectivity and that
equality and equity in education is extremely
important which is why ARB criteria must be
Strategy 2: Planning and Identifying Explanation:
Resources Necessary for the Change:
Temporarily, the “Product Development”
In order to instate these changes, I need a team will need to realign their current roles
small dedicated group of instructors to find and focus on research development. This will
the data, create a product to present the data, be a full time job for approximately 1 month,
and then create a mindmap with appropriate utilizing 2-3 instructors, max. The research
milestones to begin implementing the change. development instructors will need to identify
the reasons for increased ARBs in 2020 and
The earliest I can implement new ARB create a convincing argument to the
changes would be in May 2021, with the new administrators to establish set ARB criteria so
MQT class inbound. This gives me 4 months that students know when they are on the
to gather data, set up a formal meeting with chopping block.
the administrators, and then formally teach
the staff instructors of the ARB changes and To ensure that the plan remains up to date, the
then implement. Product Development team will create an
ARB template (commonly known as the After
Action Report) for teachers to utilize once
their students have met ARB criteria. This
template will include (but not limited to):
date, instructor/class, student name, and a
short explanation as to why the student has
met ARB criteria. Documentation must also
include any documented feedback previously
given to student prior to meeting ARB

The plan will have our desired impact when

number of ARBs in one year drops, and
teachers are able to trend similar failure rates
in MQT.
Strategy 3: Investing in Professional Explanation:
Development/Professional Learning:
At our unit, we also need to start investing in
I will need to create a powerpoint lesson one day per month “down day” for the
using peer-review journals on the difference instructors to focus on professional
between subjectivity vs. objectivity in the development and professional learning. We
classroom and provide this lesson as part of used to do this a couple years ago but with the
PD for the staff instructors. Not all instructors change in administrators, professional
are aware of how or why ARBs are held. development was nixed.
Administrators/Leaders need to support
Template adapted from Hord & Rousin, 2013: Implementing Change Through Learning: Concerns-Based Concepts, Tools and Strategies for
Guiding Change
OTL505 – Educational

professional development to ensure that

continuous learning for instructors. There
could be new technology or teaching
techniques that teachers are unaware or not
yet exposed to.

Not all instructors are aware of how many

students fail and meet an ARB. It’s important
that all instructors are in the know about
what’s happening in the teaching community.
Consistency amongst teachers is key to good

I want to bring this back professional

development (“Down day”) to serve as a time
for all staff instructors to collaborate and
share any successes or failures in the
classroom for the month. Sharing information
and solutions amongst teachers will help
provide insight on any current or future
problems with students. In order to determine
in professional learning was effective, I can
implement teacher feedback on Down Days to
receive reactions/opinions on topic of
discussion and what staff instructors are
interested in learning next month.
Strategy 4: Checking or Assessing Explanation:
The types of data we need to determine if
In order to determine if the solution for the ARB criteria need establishment:
change is working, I will need to enforce a - Evidence of implementation
plan for all instructors. My instructors must o Training teachers on the new
also be able to provide me with information ARB criteria and documented
or feedback if they have a better way of on the school’s LMS
implementing the solution. o If ARB criteria is met, teachers
must be using the standardized
ARB template/After Action
o Update of ARB status at every
Professional Development
meeting (at least once a month)
- Evidence of Impact
o One year worth of data (3
MQT classes)
o Staff instructors regularly

Template adapted from Hord & Rousin, 2013: Implementing Change Through Learning: Concerns-Based Concepts, Tools and Strategies for
Guiding Change
OTL505 – Educational

track, analyze and trend

behavior and failure data for

What we learn from the data will be reported

to the Chief of Training and Director of
Operations (top administrators) at the end of
each MQT class (every 4 months). This data
will be used to trend and determine if we need
to fix the solution, or if we keep as is for next
Strategy 5: Providing Continuous Explanation:
The Weapons Instructor will be made
A coach or mentor could provide staff available to assist and maintain momentum of
instructors will the support they need to implementation. The Weapons Instructor will
implement the solution for ARB criteria. It is also be present at every professional
a shared responsibility between coach and development and provide coaching one-on-
staff instructor to determine areas of one if necessary.
To sustain and improve implementation in the
face of changes and challenges is to get staff
instructor’s input on the ARB criteria. If
there’s anything staff instructors disagree
with, it can be brought up during professional
development days in order to develop a
solution from the bottom, up.

In addition, professional development days

are meant to provide an avenue for teachers to
celebrate their successes or provide
suggestions on how to improve the process.
Strategy 6: Creating a Context Conducive Explanation:
to Change:
Change is difficult to implement if teachers
Teachers have a lot of power and influence, are resistance to learning and evolving. In
even without them knowing. Teachers mut be order to make changes easier in our
confident in their actions and know that community, we also need to change the
change can be extremely beneficial. Change culture in regards to teaching MQT. As staff
begins first with behaviors! I need to instructors, we need to listen to our students’
encourage my teachers to change their feedback and take the time to create solutions
perspective about teaching and to see that to those problems. If the students don’t feel
their solutions are heard and considered. like their opinions or concerns are being
heard, then that same culture might happen to
teachers and their administrators.

Template adapted from Hord & Rousin, 2013: Implementing Change Through Learning: Concerns-Based Concepts, Tools and Strategies for
Guiding Change
OTL505 – Educational

Every teacher can be a teacher leader and a

change agent. Teachers can carry mutual
responsibility and accountability for the
changes made to ARB if we put ourselves in
our students’ shoes…. We want our learning
environment to be safe, inviting and most of
all, FAIR.

To support the instructors, the administrators

need to provide space and time for the
instructors to develop a plan, test it out, and
assess its effectiveness. Teachers want to be a
part of the solution if administrators will
allow it.

Readiness for Change

Handout 2.4 in our text is a good template to help you as the change agent determine whether or
not your targeted audience is ready for the change you are proposing. The key, of course, is
gathering the necessary data and making the necessary observations of your audience so you can
determine if they are, in fact, ready for your change plan.

For this part of the assignment, develop a brief “Readiness for Change” online assessment or
survey that you might give to your stakeholders based on the change you are proposing. To do
this, you will use Google Forms.
Because you have a CSU-Global Gmail account, you will have access to Google Drive, and
subsequently, to Google Forms. If you have never used Google Forms before, consider using the
following tutorials to assist you.

There are other tutorials out there if you need additional support.

You should create a survey assessing readiness for change in the following areas:

1. Relevance and Meaning

2. Consensus and Ownership
3. Scope and Culture
4. Structure and Coherence
5. Focus, Attention, and Letting Go

Use Handout 2.4 from the course text to help you craft your questions.

Template adapted from Hord & Rousin, 2013: Implementing Change Through Learning: Concerns-Based Concepts, Tools and Strategies for
Guiding Change
OTL505 – Educational

Paste the URL to your Google Form here:

Template adapted from Hord & Rousin, 2013: Implementing Change Through Learning: Concerns-Based Concepts, Tools and Strategies for
Guiding Change

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