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Grade 12

Practical Research 2

Week 2
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
1.Illustrates the importance of quantitative
research across fields.

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
People do research to find solutions, even tentative ones, to problems,
in order to improve or enhance ways of doing things, to disprove or provide a
new hypothesis, or simply to find answers to questions or solutions to
problems in daily life. Research findings can affect people’s lives, ways of
doing things, laws, rules and regulations, as well as policies, among others.
Widely, quantitative research is often used because of its emphasis on proof
rather than discovery.
In recent times, research studies are gaining an unprecedented focus
and attention. Then, only the faculty in higher education has so much
interest and conduct researchers, but now even the teachers in the basic
education are engrossed in researches and devote time and effort in
conducting researches to improve educational practices that may lead to
more quality learning of the students. Many teachers do action researches
because there is a serious need to identify the problems of the deteriorating
quality of education. By doing so, they can address systematically and make
educational decisions regarding the problems met. Innovative teaching
strategies are product of research.
In the natural and social sciences, quantitative research is the
systematic, empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical,
mathematical or computational techniques. The objective of quantitative
research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or
hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The process of measurement is
central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental
connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of
quantitative relationships.
Health Sciences (Medical Technology, Dentistry, Nursing, Medicine,
etc.) use quantitative research designs like descriptive, pre-experimental,
quasi-experimental, true-experiment, case study, among others.
Researches can help design a new product or service, figuring out
what is needed and ensure the development of product is highly targeted
towards demand. Businessmen can also utilize research results to
guarantee sufficient distribution of their products and decide where they
need to increase their product distribution. Conducting researches can also
help a business determine whether now is the proper time to open another
branch or whether it needs to apply for a new loan. It may also help a small
business decide if a procedure or strategy should be change to meet the
requirements of the customer base. Research is important for any
organization to remain in the market. The primary function of research in
ABM is to correctly determine its customers and their preferences, establish
the enterprise in the most feasible location, deliver quality goods and
services, analyze what the competitors are doing and find ways on how to
continuously satisfy the growing and varied needs of the clients.
Anthropology is a research method of combining qualitative and
quantitative research data. It is concerned with exploring connections
simultaneously, amidst cultural differences, alternatives and identity. In the
contemporary academic, socio-cultural and political climate these concepts
have immense symbolic overtones.
Quantitative research is use in Anthropology in many aspects. Like, true
experiments may use in studying people provided that you follow certain
steps (Bernard, 2004). This is to look into the Effects of an intervention in
ethnic behavior of a group. In here, you need at least two groups, called the
treatment group and the control group. On group gets the intervention and
the other group don’t. Next, individuals may be randomly assigned, either to
the intervention group or to the control group to ensure that the groups are
equivalent. Then, the groups are measured on one or more dependent
variables; this is called the pre-test. After which, the intervention is
introduced. Lastly, the dependent variables are measured again. This is the
post test.
True in experiments with people in laboratory are also common. Laboratory
experiments often produce results that beg to be tested in the natural world
by Anthropologists. Aaron and Mills (1959, as cited by Bernard, 2004)
demonstrated in a lab experiment that people who go through severe
initiation to a group tend to be more positive toward the group than are
people who go through a mild initiation. They reasoned that people who go
through tough initiation rites put a lot of personal investments into getting
into the group. Later, if people see evidence that the group is not what they
thought it would be, they are reluctant to admit the fact because of the
In Field, Janet Schofield and her colleagues did a 3 year ethnographic study
in middle school. During the first year, they noticed that African-American
and while children seemed to react differently to “mildly aggressive acts’ –
things like bumping in the hallway, poking one another in the classroom,
asking for food, or using another student’s pencil without permission. There
appeared to be no event of racial conflict in the school, but during interviews
while students were more likely to report being intimidated by their African-
American peers than vice versa (Sagar & Schofield, 1980, as cited by
Bernard, 2004)
Researchers are often interested in how an understanding of a
particular communication phenomenon might generalize to a larger
population. For example, researchers can advance questions like “What
Effect do punitive behavioral control statements have on a classroom? What
communicative behaviors are associated with different stages in romantic
relationships? What communicative behaviors are used to respond to co-
workers displaying emotional stress? (Allen, Titsworth, Hunt, 2009)
Quantitative research is used to analyze how sports may be used as
an alternative way of medicating an illness. An example is the research done
by University of Eastern Finland which investigated the relationship
between mushrooming of fast food chains and obesity, as well as the
intervention needed to prevent children’s obesity from reaching serious
proportions. The research focused on the children’s physical activity and
physical inactivity and the concomitant impact on the children’s amount of
adipose tissue (fat mass) and the endurance fitness. The study is used to
analyze certain the effect of physical activity in weight control.
Quantitative research in medical education tends to be predominantly
observational research based on surveys or correlational studies. The
designs test interventions like curriculum, teaching-learning process, or
assessment with an experimental group. Either a comparison or controlled
group learners may allow researchers to overcome validity concerns and
infer potential cause-effect generalizations. Researchers are using to cope
with the emerging trends in recent times.
Relationship Questions in today’s quantitative trend tend to explore
how one behavior exhibited by people is related to other types of behavior.
Examples are verbally aggressive behaviors related to physical aggression –
that is, when a person has a level of verbally aggressive behavior, does he or
she tend to be physically aggressive? Are certain supervisor communication
skills related to the emotional experiences of employees?
Questions of difference explore how patterns of behavior or
perceptions might differ from one group or type of a person to another: Do
people with disabilities experience emotional labor differently from those
without disabilities? Do women perceive talkativeness (or lack of it)
differently form men? Do communication styles differ from one culture to
the next? (Alle, Titsworth, Hunt, 2009).
When quantitative researchers explore questions of differences or
questions of relationships, they do so in an attempt to uncover certain
patterns of behavior. If the researcher discovers that a certain relationship
exists in sample that she or he has drawn form the population, she/he is
then in a position to draw generalizations about patterns expected of human
Quasi Experiments are most often used in evaluating social problems.
Suppose a researcher has invented a technique for improving reading
comprehension among third graders. She/he selects two third grade classes
in a school district. One of them gets the intervention and the other doesn’t.
Students are measured before and after the intervention to see whether their
reading scores improve. This design contains many of the elements of true
experiment, but the participants are not assigned randomly to the treatment
and control groups.
Mertens (2005) says that the dominant paradigms that guided early
psychological research were positivism and its successor, post positivism.
Positivism is based on rationalistic, empiricist philosophy that originated
with Aristotle, Francis Bacon, John Locke, August Comte, and Immanuel
Kant. the underlying assumptions of positivism include the belief that the
social world can be studied in the same way as the natural world, that there
is a method for studying the social world that is value-free, and that
explanations of a causal nature can be provided.
Medical practitioners, for example, conduct researches to obtain
significant information about diseases trends and risk factors, results of
various health interventions, patterns of care and health care cost and use.
The different approaches to research provide complementary insights.
Researchers help in determining the effectiveness and even side effect of
drugs and therapies in different populations and various institutions. It is
also necessary in evaluating experiences in clinical practice in order to
develop mechanisms for best practices and to ensure high quality patient
care. Researchers in these fields ultimately aim for man’s longevity.
As for engineers, architects, and other builders, research helps in providing
designs which are creatively beautiful and at the same time give more
convenience and efficiency as they utilize modern technology to adapt to the
ever changing society. New materials and procedures may be developed so
as to further strengthen the structural materials than can withstand various
calamities and disasters.
The following are activities for you to answer. Based your answer from the
above discussion.
Religiously answer the following activities and indicate your answer
and give feedback at the end of this activity sheets. You are going to submit
this Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) every Friday in the morning to your
adviser. Make sure it has a name and address as well as contact number/s
if you had to easily track your status in the subject Practical Research 2.
Your teacher will as well contact you if there are discrepancies in your
answer. Good luck and happy learning.

Activity 1 Answer the questions below. Follow instructions properly.
I. MATCHING TYPE. Match item in COLUMN A with those of COLUMN B
by placing the letter of the correct answers in the space provided in column
A from among the choices I column B. Identify what discipline the given
research title is related.

1. What Effect do Punitive Behavioral Control

Statements have on Classroom?
2. The Relationship between the A. QUANTI & ANTHROPOLOGY
Mushrooming of Fast Food Chains and
Obesity of Children in Kuopo, Eastern B. QUANTI & COMMUNICATION
3. Effect of Tourism to the Cultural System of C. QUANTI & SPORTS MED.
Villagers in Southern Cordillera.
4. Factors Affecting Quality of Medical D. QUANTI & MEDICAL ED.
Education in Saint Louis University.
5. Relationship of Verbally Aggressive E. QUANTI & BEHAVIORAL SCI.
Behavior to the Physical Aggression of a
6. Factors Affecting Crime Rates in Burgos, La
7. Video Integration in Teaching Science in
Grade 12 of Upper Tumapoc National High H. QUANTI & ABM
8. Communicative Behaviors Associated in I. QUANTI & STEM
Different Stages of a Romantic
9. Ethnographic Study: Changes of Aeta
Behaviors in past 5 years.
10.Relationship of Physical Activity to the
Amount of Adipose Tissue and Endurance
Fitness of Children Aged 15 – 22 in Burgos,
La Union.
Activity 2
ESSAY. Discuss briefly, what is ask below.
1. How quantitative research related or important to different field of
2. Choose two disciplines enumerated above (column B) and explain how
quantitative research was used on it.
Activity 3
Complete the concept map presented below. You add figures so long
as you will use your creativity using the figures given. Present the
importance of quantitative research to different fields. Maximize the space

People do research to find solutions, even tentative ones to problems, in order to
improve or enhance ways of doing things, to disprove or provide a new hypothesis
or simply to find answers to questions or solutions in daily life. In natural and
social sciences, quantitative research is the systematic, empirical investigation of
observable phenomena via statistical and mathematical techniques.


Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L chart below to pre-assess your prior knowledge
regarding the topic “Special Relativity”. By the end of the lesson, go back to this
activity to answer the L part.

Activity Title: Characteristics, strengths,

weaknesses, and kinds of
Quantitative Research KWHL
References (If Any)
Objectives: Describes characteristics,
strengths, weaknesses, and kinds
of quantitative research.
Materials to be Used (if any) Writing materials such as pen and

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Then, identify the kind of

research being referred to. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

____________1. It is a systematic investigation of the nature of relationships,

or associations between and among variables without necessarily
investigating into casual reasons underlying them.

____________2. It is concerned with describing the nature, characteristics

and components of the population or a phenomenon.

____________3. This research utilizes scientific method to test cause-and-

effect relationships under conditions controlled by the researcher.

____________4. It is used to gather information from groups of people by

selecting and studying samples chosen from a population. It may be done in
various ways like face-to-face phone, mail, and online.

____________5. It is intended to assess the effects, impacts or outcomes of

practices, policies or programs.

E. RUBRICS for Scoring (If necessary)

For checking your understanding:
In the KWHL Chart, you are going to answer each column based
from your own understanding from the discussions above. The
following is you scoring guide:


Think and Act. Answer the What new or additional learning

following. What were your did you gain from this lesson in
misconceptions about the terms of skills, content, and
topic prior to this lesson? attitude?
I thought… I learned that…

Rubrics to answer this:

Above Meets Approaching Below

Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations

4 3 2 1

The reflection explains The reflection The reflection The reflection does
the student’s own explains the student’s attempts to not address the
thinking and learning thinking about his/her demonstrate student’s thinking
processes, as well as own learning thinking about and/or learning.
Reflective implications for future processes. learning but is
Thinking learning. vague and/or
unclear about the
personal learning

The reflection is an in- The reflection is an The reflection attempts The reflection does
depth analysis of the analysis of the to analyze the not move beyond a
learning experience, the learning experience learning experience description of the
value of the derived and the value of the but the value of the learning experience.
Analysis learning to self or derived learning to learning to the student
others, and the self or others. or others is vague
enhancement of the and/or unclear.
student’s appreciation
for the discipline.

The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection does

articulates multiple articulates connections attempts to articulate not articulate any
connections between between this learning connections between connection to other
this learning experience and this learning learning or
experience and content content from other experience and experiences.
from other courses, courses, past learning content from other
Making Connections
past learning, life experiences, and/or courses, past learning
experiences and/or future goals. experiences, or
future goals. personal goals, but
the connection is
vague and/or unclear.

Baraceros, Esther L. Practical Research 2. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.,

Catane, J. A. Conducting Research: A Practical Application. Quezon City:

Goodwill Book Store, 2010.

Chan, Editha I. Research in Various Disciplines Seeing Through the Process

of Writing. Valenzuela City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc., 2011.

Ellison, C. Concise Guide to Writing Research. New York: McGraw Hill,


Faltado III, Ruben E. et. al. Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research for
SHS. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc., 2016.

Plata, Sterling L. et. al. Thinking and Writing Research 4th Edition.Manila:
Trailblazer Publications Asia, Inc., 2014.

Prieto, Nelia G, Naval, Victoria C. and Carey, Teresita G. Practical Research

2, For Senior High School, Lorimar Publishing Inc, 2017

Reyes, Marcelo. Social research: A Deductive Approach. Manila: Rex Book

Store,Inc., 2010.

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