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MMR Vaccination and Febrile Seizures

Evaluation of Susceptible Subgroups and Long-term Prognosis
Mogens Vestergaard, MD, PhD Context The rate of febrile seizures increases following measles, mumps, and ru-
Anders Hviid, MSci bella (MMR) vaccination but it is unknown whether the rate varies according to per-
sonal or family history of seizures, perinatal factors, or socioeconomic status. Further-
Kreesten Meldgaard Madsen, MD, PhD more, little is known about the long-term outcome of febrile seizures following
Jan Wohlfahrt, MSci vaccination.
Poul Thorsen, MD, PhD Objectives To estimate incidence rate ratios (RRs) and risk differences of febrile sei-
zures following MMR vaccination within subgroups of children and to evaluate the
Diana Schendel, PhD clinical outcome of febrile seizures following vaccination.
Mads Melbye, MD, DMSci Design, Setting, and Participants A population-based cohort study of all chil-
Jørn Olsen, MD, PhD dren born in Denmark between January 1, 1991, and December 31, 1998, who were
alive at 3 months; 537171 children were followed up until December 31, 1999, by
using data from the Danish Civil Registration System and 4 other national registries.

HE SAFETY OF THE MEASLES , Main Outcome Measures Incidence of first febrile seizure, recurrent febrile sei-
mumps, and rubella (MMR) zures, and subsequent epilepsy.
vaccine is of major public Results A total of 439251 children (82%) received MMR vaccination and 17 986
health interest because mil- children developed febrile seizures at least once; 973 of these febrile seizures occurred
lions of children are vaccinated every within 2 weeks of MMR vaccination. The RR of febrile seizures increased during the 2
year. Fortunately, the vaccine is gen- weeks following MMR vaccination (2.75; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.55-2.97),
erally well-tolerated, rarely associated and thereafter was close to the observed RR for nonvaccinated children. The RR did
with serious adverse effects, and may not vary significantly in the subgroups of children that had been defined by their fam-
even have nonspecific health ben- ily history of seizures, perinatal factors, or socioeconomic status. At 15 to 17 months,
the risk difference of febrile seizures within 2 weeks following MMR vaccination was
efits.1-5 However, MMR vaccination is 1.56 per 1000 children overall (95% CI, 1.44-1.68), 3.97 per 1000 (95% CI, 2.90-
followed by a transient increased risk 5.40) for siblings of children with a history of febrile seizures, and 19.47 per 1000 (95%
of febrile seizures compared with non- CI, 16.05-23.55) for children with a personal history of febrile seizures. Children with
vaccinated children, probably due to febrile seizures following MMR vaccinations had a slightly increased rate of recurrent
vaccine-induced fever.6-10 It may have febrile seizures (RR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.01-1.41) but no increased rate of epilepsy (RR,
clinical implications if susceptible chil- 0.70; 95% CI, 0.33-1.50) compared with children who were nonvaccinated at the time
dren could be identified before the vac- of their first febrile seizure.
cination but no study has been large Conclusions MMR vaccination was associated with a transient increased rate of
enough to identify such subgroups. For febrile seizures but the risk difference was small even in high-risk children. The
example, it is unknown whether chil- long-term rate of epilepsy was not increased in children who had febrile seizures
dren with a personal or a family his- following vaccination compared with children who had febrile seizures of a different
tory of seizures are more prone to etiology.
JAMA. 2004;292:351-357
MMR-induced febrile seizures than chil-
dren without such history. Febrile sei-
zures are in general associated with an
Author Affiliations: The Danish Epidemiology Sci- (Drs Thorsen and Schendel), Denmark; and National
increased risk of epilepsy11-13 but it re- ence Centre, Department of Epidemiology and Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabili-
mains unclear if febrile seizures follow- Social Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus (Drs ties, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, At-
Vestergaard, Madsen, and Olsen), The Danish Epi- lanta, Ga (Dr Schendel).
ing MMR vaccination carry a particu- demiology Science Centre, Department of Epidemi- Corresponding Author: Mogens Vestergaard, MD,
larly high risk. To address these ology Research, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen PhD, Department of Epidemiology and Social Medi-
(Dr Melbye and Mr Hviid and Ms Wohlfahrt), and cine, The Danish Epidemiology Science Centre, Aarhus
questions, we performed a large popu- North Atlantic Neuro-Epidemiology Alliances, Depart- University, Vennelyst Blvd 6, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Den-
lation-based cohort study. ment of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Aarhus mark (

©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, July 21, 2004—Vol 292, No. 3 351

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METHODS data are transferred to the National Board cause the NHR contains no informa-
Study Population of Health once a week without specify- tion on number of febrile seizures oc-
This population-based cohort study was ing the day of vaccination, we had to se- curring within the febrile episode,
based on a previously described study lect 1 day as the day of vaccination in duration of the febrile seizures, and type
population2 and includes all children our analyses and we chose Wednes- of febrile seizures (generalized or fo-
born in Denmark between January 1, day. Since 1996, vaccination informa- cal onset). Children were categorized
1991, and December 31, 1998, who were tion has been recorded with the child’s with epilepsy if they had ICD-8 code
alive at the age of 3 months (N = own civil registry number and the in- 345 or ICD-10 code G40.
537171). The cohort was established by formation directly linked with other reg-
means of data from the Danish Civil Reg- istries. Before 1996, vaccination infor- Potential Effect Modifiers and
istration System and 4 other national reg- mation and the age of the child were Confounders
istries. All live-born children and new recorded with the civil registry num- We obtained information on febrile sei-
residents in Denmark are assigned a ber of the accompanying adult. We used zures and epilepsy in siblings from the
unique personal identification number information from the Danish Civil Reg- NHR during the period January 1, 1977,
(civil registry number), which is stored istration System to identify the link from to December 31, 1999. Children were
in the Danish Civil Registration Sys- the accompanying adult to the child; labeled with a family history of sei-
tem together with information on vital therefore, 98.5% of the children were zures from the day a sibling was admit-
status, emigration, address, and family identified with the use of the child’s civil ted to a Danish hospital or had been in
structure (link to mother and father).14 registry number or the civil registry outpatient care with febrile seizures or
The registry is updated every week and number of the mother or father and epilepsy. We obtained information on
all changes regarding the status of the the age of the child at vaccination. birth weight and gestational age from
above-mentioned variables are re- The remaining 1.5% of vaccinated chil- the Danish Medical Birth Register18 and
quired by law. The civil registry num- dren were identified based on the civil the NHR.15 Information on socioeco-
ber can be used to link individual infor- registry number of other relatives and nomic status (as indicated by the em-
mation in all national registries. We the child’s address at the time of vacci- ployment status of the head of the
obtained permission from the Danish nation. household) and maternal education was
Data Protection Board before the study obtained from Statistics Denmark at the
was initiated. Febrile Seizures and Epilepsy time the child was aged 15 months.
Information on febrile seizures and epi-
MMR Vaccination Status lepsy was obtained from the National Statistical Analysis
We determined MMR vaccination sta- Hospital Register (NHR),15 which con- To study the association of MMR vac-
tus from vaccination data reported to tains information on all patients dis- cination with a first episode of febrile
the National Board of Health by gen- charged from Danish hospitals since seizure, we followed the children from
eral practitioners, who provide MMR 1977; outpatients (visits to emer- the age of 3 months until the first di-
vaccinations in Denmark. The general gency department and hospital clin- agnosis of febrile seizure registered in
practitioners are reimbursed by the state ics) have been included in the register the NHR, death, emigration, a diagno-
based on these reports. since 1995. All treatments in Danish sis of epilepsy, cerebral palsy, severe
We retrieved information on vacci- hospitals are free of charge for all Dan- brain injury, brain tumor, meningitis,
nations from January 1, 1991, through ish citizens. Diagnostic information was encephalitis, aged 5 years, or until De-
December 31, 1999. The MMR vaccine classified according to the Danish ver- cember 31, 1999, whichever came first.
was introduced in Denmark in 1987 and sion of the International Classification The resulting person-years at risk were
a single-antigen measles vaccine has of Diseases (ICD) as follows: ICD-8 was aggregated and analyzed using Pois-
never been recommended. The MMR used from 1977 to 199316 and ICD-10 son regression, producing incidence
vaccine used in Denmark during the was used from 1994 to the end of rate ratios (RRs).19 We considered MMR
study period was identical to that used 1999.17 We classified children as hav- vaccination a time-varying covariate;
in the United States and contained the ing a febrile seizure when they were reg- the children were assigned to the non-
following vaccine strains: Moraten istered with ICD-8 code 780.21 or vaccinated group until they received the
(measles), Jeryl Lynn (mumps), and ICD-10 code R56.0, were aged be- MMR vaccine. From that day, they were
Wistar RA 27/3 (rubella). The national tween 3 and 60 months at the time of included in the vaccinated cohort. We
vaccination program recommended dur- discharge, and had no recorded his- evaluated whether the RR of febrile sei-
ing the entire study period that chil- tory of nonfebrile seizures, cerebral zures following MMR vaccination var-
dren should be vaccinated twice, at 15 palsy, severe head traumas, intracra- ied between subgroups of children by
months and at 12 years. Only the first nial tumors, meningitis, or encephali- testing for statistical interaction.
vaccination is relevant to the end point tis. The febrile seizures could not be All RRs were adjusted for age
under study. Because the vaccination classified as simple or complex be- (3-month categories) and calendar
352 JAMA, July 21, 2004—Vol 292, No. 3 (Reprinted) ©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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period (1-year categories). In multi- sonal history of febrile seizures, we come of interest (a second episode of
variable analyses, we considered con- constructed a cohort of 10 541 chil- febrile seizures or a first diagnosis of
founding by sex, number of siblings dren who were nonvaccinated at the epilepsy), death, emigration, cerebral
with febrile seizures (no siblings, no sib- time of the first febrile seizure. These palsy, severe brain injury, brain tumor,
lings with febrile seizures, 1 sibling with children were followed up prospec- meningitis, encephalitis, aged 5 years, or
febrile seizures, ⱖ2 siblings with febrile tively from the day of the first regis- until December 31, 1999, whichever
seizures), number of siblings with epi- tered febrile seizure until the second came first. The RRs were adjusted for age,
lepsy (no siblings, no siblings with epi- episode of febrile seizure registered in calendar period, age at first febrile sei-
lepsy, ⱖ1 siblings with epilepsy), birth the NHR, death, emigration, a diagno- zure, and current vaccination status.
order (1, 2, 3, ⱖ4), gestational age in sis of epilepsy, cerebral palsy, severe All analyses were conducted using
weeks (ⱕ36, 37-41, ⱖ42), birth weight brain injury, brain tumor, meningitis, SAS statistical software version 8.2 (SAS
in grams (ⱕ2499, 2500-2999, 3000- encephalitis, aged 5 years, or until De- Institute Inc, Cary, NC). P⬍.05 was
3499, 3500-3999, ⱖ4000), maternal cember 31, 1999, whichever came first. considered statistically significant.
education (postgraduate education, col- We considered MMR vaccination a
lege, vocational training, secondary time-varying covariate. The RRs were RESULTS
school, primary school), and socioeco- adjusted for age, age at first febrile sei- We followed up 537171 children for a
nomic status as indicated by the employ- zure, and calendar period. total of 1.9 million person-years and
ment status of the head of the house- To estimate the number of addi- identified 17986 children who devel-
hold (managers [very high], wage earner tional febrile seizures that occurred in oped febrile seizures at least once; 973
[high], wage earner [medium], wage the 2 weeks following MMR vaccina- of these febrile seizures occurred within
earner [low], wage earner [minimal], tion compared with nonvaccinated chil- 2 weeks of the MMR vaccination. Dur-
unemployed). We had no information dren (risk difference), we first calcu- ing the study period, 439251 children
on birth weight, gestational age at birth, lated the proportion of vaccinated and (82%) received MMR vaccination.
socioeconomic status, and maternal nonvaccinated children that developed
education for 6.2%, 31.7%, 2.7%, and febrile seizures at a given age when fol- RRs of Febrile Seizures
0.3% of the children, respectively. Data lowed up for 2 weeks (cumulative After MMR Vaccination
on gestational age at birth was not avail- incidence). The cumulative incidences Overall, we found that the rate of first
able for children born after December were calculated by using the exponen- febrile seizures was 10% higher among
31, 1996. When evaluating confound- tial formula: cumulative incidence=1 − vaccinated children (7445; person-
ing, we used 2 different strategies for exp (−incidence rate ⫻ time).21 The for- years at risk, 1151661) compared with
the handling of missing values. First, mula is based on the assumption that the nonvaccinated children (10 541; per-
we used the method of single imputa- incidence rate is constant during the pe- son-years at risk, 793568) during the
tion, replacing a missing value with the riod of interest. The age-specific cumu- study period (RR, 1.10; 95% CI,
most common value of that variable: lative incidence was calculated sepa- 1.05-1.15), after adjusting for age and
3000 to 3499 g for birth weight, 37 to rately for vaccinated and nonvaccinated calendar period. However, the rate of
41 weeks for gestational age at birth, children within each subgroup and the febrile seizures increased during the first
wage earner (standard level) for socio- risk difference calculated as the differ- (RR, 2.46; 95% CI, 2.22-2.73) and sec-
economic status, and vocational train- ence between the cumulative inci- ond week (RR, 3.17; 95% CI, 2.89-
ing for maternal education. Second, we dences. Confidence intervals (CIs) for 3.49) following vaccination only
analyzed only those children with com- the risk difference were calculated us- (FIGURE 1); thereafter the rate was close
plete information on all variables ing the Delta method.22 to that for nonvaccinated children.
(358702). A priori, we decided to add To evaluate the long-term prognosis Overall, the RR of febrile seizures
all variables to the final model that of febrile seizures following MMR vac- within 2 weeks of MMR vaccination was
changed the estimate of interest by at cination compared with febrile seizures 2.75 (95% CI, 2.55-2.97) compared
least 10% using either strategy.20 None of a different etiology, we categorized with nonvaccinated children. We found
of the variables with missing data quali- children with febrile seizures into 3 no statistically significant difference in
fied. Only age and calendar period were groups according to the vaccination sta- the RR of febrile seizures in the 2 weeks
included in the final model. When tus at the time of the first febrile sei- following vaccination between sub-
evaluating effect modification, we ana- zure: 10 541 children were nonvacci- groups of children characterized by
lyzed only those children with com- nated, 973 children had been vaccinated family history of seizures, sex, birth or-
plete information on the variable of within the previous 2 weeks, and 6472 der, gestational age at birth, birth
interest. children were vaccinated more than 2 weight, or socioeconomic factors, com-
To study the association of MMR vac- weeks ago. These children were fol- pared with nonvaccinated children
cination and a second episode of fe- lowed up from the day of the first reg- within the subgroup under study
brile seizures in children with a per- istered febrile seizure until the out- (FIGURE 2). The highest RR was found
©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, July 21, 2004—Vol 292, No. 3 353

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rate was close to that observed for non-

Figure 1. Adjusted Rate Ratios of Febrile Seizures According to Time Since MMR Vaccination
vs Nonvaccinated Children in a Cohort of Children Born in Denmark, 1991-1998 vaccinated children. This finding is con-
sistent with previous reports6-10 and is
4.0 expected since MMR vaccination of-
ten induces fever,1 a necessary cause of
3.0 febrile seizures. Farrington et al7 found
an increased rate of febrile seizures up
to 35 days after vaccination with the
Urabe mumps strain but the rate was
Rate Ratio

increased no longer than 2 weeks for

the Jeryl Lynn vaccine, which was used
in our study.
Family history of seizures, preterm
birth, low birth weight, and male sex
are risk factors for febrile seizures23 but
the RR of febrile seizures following
0.5 MMR vaccination did not vary signifi-
cantly according to these factors in this
study. The highest RR was found among
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-26 27-52 53-104 105-156 157-260 siblings of children with epilepsy; a
Time Since Vaccination, wk 4-fold increased rate of febrile sei-
zures following MMR vaccination was
MMR indicates measles, mumps, and rubella. Rate ratios are adjusted for age and calendar period. Point es-
timates are given with error bars representing 95% confidence intervals. observed compared with nonvacci-
nated siblings of children with epi-
lepsy. However, our statistical power in
among siblings of children with a his- to 20 months, and 0.64 per 1000 (95% this subgroup was limited and further
tory of epilepsy who had a 4-fold in- CI, 0.22-1.40) for children vaccinated studies are needed to determine
creased rate of febrile seizures in the 2 at 21 to 23 months. whether the siblings of children with
weeks following vaccination com- The highest risk difference was found epilepsy are more likely to experience
pared with a 2.7-fold increased rate of among children with a personal his- a febrile seizure after MMR vaccina-
febrile seizures following vaccination in tory of febrile seizures (19.47 per 1000; tion than other children, or the find-
siblings of children with no history of 95% CI, 16.05-23.55) and for chil- ing is merely due to chance. The RR of
epilepsy (P value for interaction=.09). dren with a family history of febrile sei- febrile seizure was not modified by a
Among the 10 541 children with a zures (3.97 per 1000; 95% CI, 2.90- family history of febrile seizures.
personal history of febrile seizures, 175 5.40; TABLE 1). Overall, our data suggest that MMR
children had a recurrent febrile sei- vaccination and the other indicators for
zure within 2 weeks of the MMR vac- Long-term Prognosis febrile seizures follow a multiplicative
cination. The RR of febrile seizures in of Febrile Seizures model; the rate of febrile seizures in
the 2 weeks following vaccination was Following MMR Vaccination all subgroups of children is approxi-
2.75 (95% CI, 2.32-3.26) after adjust- We found that children who experi- mately 2.75 times higher within 2 weeks
ing for age, age at the first febrile sei- enced febrile seizures within 2 weeks of MMR vaccination than it would have
zure, and calendar period, compared of MMR vaccination had a 19% in- been had the children not been vacci-
with nonvaccinated children with a per- creased rate of recurrent febrile sei- nated. The absolute increase in inci-
sonal history of febrile seizures. zures (RR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.01-1.41) but dence of febrile seizures following vac-
no increased rate of epilepsy (RR, 0.70; cination depends therefore on the
Risk Difference of Febrile Seizures 95% CI, 0.33-1.50) during up to 105 underlying risk of febrile seizures in
Among Subgroups of months of follow-up. The reference each subgroup. In Denmark, most chil-
Vaccinated Children group consisted of children who had dren are vaccinated against MMR at age
The risk difference of febrile seizures not been vaccinated when having their 15 to 17 months when the incidence
in the 2 weeks following MMR vacci- first febrile seizure (TABLE 2). rate of febrile seizures is peaking.24 At
nation compared with nonvaccinated this age, the number of children expe-
children was 1.56 per 1000 (95% CI, COMMENT riencing febrile seizures within 2 weeks
1.44-1.68) for children vaccinated at 15 The incidence rate of febrile seizures was 1.56 more per 1000 vaccinated chil-
to 17 months, 1.46 per 1000 (95% CI, was increased in the 2 weeks follow- dren compared with nonvaccinated
1.10-1.91) for children vaccinated at 18 ing MMR vaccination and thereafter the children. No previous studies have cal-
354 JAMA, July 21, 2004—Vol 292, No. 3 (Reprinted) ©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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culated the risk difference according to brile seizures was collected prospec- The information on vaccination was
age at vaccination, but 2 studies found tively and independent of parental recall. reported to the National Board of Health
that approximately 0.33 febrile sei- We expect the data quality of the MMR on a weekly basis but without infor-
zures were attributable to 1000 doses vaccination to be high because the gen- mation on the exact day of vaccina-
of MMR vaccine overall.6,7 eral practitioners are reimbursed only af- tion. We chose Wednesday as the day
As expected, we found the highest risk ter reporting immunization data to the of vaccination. Because children in Den-
difference in children with a personal National Board of Health. mark are vaccinated Monday thru Fri-
history of febrile seizures. The under-
lying risk of febrile seizures in these chil- Figure 2. Adjusted Rate Ratios of Febrile Seizures Within 2 Weeks Following MMR
dren is high; approximately one third Vaccination for Children With Specific Characteristics vs Nonvaccinated Children With the
will have at least 1 episode of recurrent Same Characteristics
febrile seizures before they reach 5 years Rate Ratio P Value for
of age.25 In this very high-risk group, we Strata (95% Confidence Interval)∗ Interaction
found 19 additional febrile seizures All Children 2.75 (2.55-2.97)
within 2 weeks of the vaccination per Siblings With Febrile Seizures
1000 children compared with nonvac- No Siblings 2.68 (2.41-3.00)
No Siblings With Febrile Seizures 2.78 (2.51-3.07)
cinated children aged 15 to 17 months. 1 Sibling With Febrile Seizures 2.84 (2.23-3.60) .68†
The Advisory Committee on Immuni- ≥2 Siblings With Febrile Seizures 3.08 (1.49-6.34)
zation Practices has suggested that the Siblings With Epilepsy
benefits of administering MMR vac- No Siblings 2.68 (2.40-2.99)
No Siblings With Epilepsy 2.73 (2.48-3.01) .09
cine to children with a personal or fam- ≥1 Siblings With Epilepsy 3.95 (2.63-5.94)
ily history of convulsions substantially Sex
outweigh the risks, and these children Boy 2.74 (2.48-3.02)
Girl 2.78 (2.50-3.09)
should be vaccinated following the rec-
ommendations for children who have no Birth Order
1 2.69 (2.42-2.98)
contraindications.26,27 2 2.65 (2.36-2.99)
We found no increased rate of epi- 3 3.21 (2.67-3.85)
≥4 2.47 (1.75-3.48)
lepsy among children who had febrile
Gestational Age, wk
seizures after MMR vaccination com- <37 3.11 (2.33-4.16)
pared with children who had febrile sei- 37-41 2.93 (2.67-3.22) .84†
zures of a different etiology. The rate ≥42 2.97 (2.26-3.90)

of recurrent febrile seizures was slightly Birth Weight, g

<2500 2.93 (2.21-3.89)
increased, possibly because the MMR 2500-2999 2.66 (2.20-3.21)
vaccination introduced an extra fe- 3000-3499 2.88 (2.56-3.25) .90†
3500-3999 2.73 (2.40-3.10)
brile episode during the window of ≥4000 2.82 (2.35-3.38)
highest susceptibility and the total num-
Socioeconomic Status
ber of febrile episodes is a well known Manager (Very High) 2.84 (2.26-3.57)
risk factor for recurrence.28 We know Wage Earner (High Level) 3.02 (2.60-3.51)
Wage Earner (Medium Level) 2.64 (2.23-3.13)
of only 1 study6 evaluating the clinical Wage Earner (Standard Level) 2.90 (2.54-3.30)
outcome of children with febrile sei- Wage Earner (Other) 2.35 (1.93-2.86)
Unemployed, Pensioner, Student 2.61 (2.20-3.10)
zures following MMR vaccination. No
increased rate of subsequent seizures Mother’s Educational Level
Primary Education 2.75 (2.41-3.14)
was found in 41 children with febrile Secondary Education 2.69 (2.17-3.34)
seizures following MMR vaccination Vocational Training 2.73 (2.45-3.06) .95
College 2.93 (2.46-3.48)
compared with 521 children who had Postgraduate Education 2.59 (1.93-3.48)
febrile seizures in the absence of vac-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
cination.6 However, the statistical power Rate Ratio (95% Confidence Interval)
of this study was limited, in particular
when evaluating the rate of subse- MMR indicates measles, mumps, and rubella. Vertical dashed line represents the overall rate ratio (RR) for
febrile seizures within the 2 weeks following MMR vaccination compared with nonvaccinated children. Point
quent epilepsy. estimates are given with error bars representing 95% confidence intervals.
The strengths of our study include its *The RRs are adjusted for age and calendar period. The analyses including siblings were additionally adjusted
size and population-based nature. The for the total number of siblings. Children with missing values were excluded when the effect of the variable
concerned was evaluated.
follow-up was virtually complete, which †Test for interaction was performed by a test for trend. When evaluating the possible effect modification by
eliminates bias due to nonresponse. In- siblings with febrile seizures or by siblings with epilepsy, children without siblings were not included in the test
for interaction.
formation on MMR vaccinations and fe-
©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, July 21, 2004—Vol 292, No. 3 355

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Table 1. Cumulative Incidence and Risk Difference of Febrile Seizures Within 14 Days for Vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Children at 15 to 17
No. of Febrile Seizures Within 14 Days per 1000 Children

Cumulative Incidence

Characteristic Nonvaccinated Vaccinated Risk Difference (95% CI)

All children 0.90 2.46 1.56 (1.44-1.68)
Children with personal history of febrile seizures 11.50 30.97 19.47 (16.05-23.55)
Siblings of children with history of febrile seizures 2.62 6.60 3.97 (2.90-5.40)
Siblings of children with history of epilepsy 1.59 4.97 3.38 (1.90-5.92)
Children with birth weight ⬍2500 g 1.24 2.93 1.69 (1.18-2.41)
Children with gestational age at birth ⬍37 weeks 1.36 3.19 1.83 (1.27-2.62)
Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.

Table 2. Adjusted Rate Ratios of Recurrent Febrile Seizures and Subsequent Epilepsy*
Recurrent Febrile Seizures Subsequent Epilepsy
Vaccination Status No. of Rate Ratio Rate Ratio
at Time of First No. of Recurrent Person-Years (95% Confidence No. of Person-Years (95% Confidence
Febrile Seizure Children Febrile Seizures at Risk Interval)† Epilepsy at Risk Interval)†
None 10 541 2753 23 560 1.00 251 41 310 1.00
Within 14 days 973 236 2212 1.19 (1.01-1.41) 9 3825 0.70 (0.33-1.50)
⬎14 days prior 6472 918 12 675 1.10 (0.96-1.26) 95 21 938 0.92 (0.59-1.43)
Abbreviation: MMR, measles, mumps, and rubella.
*Among 17 986 Danish children who had febrile seizures between 1991 and 1999. Children were categorized according to vaccination status at time of first febrile seizure.
†Rate ratios are adjusted for age, calendar period, age at first febrile seizure, and current vaccination status.

day, we have misclassified some vacci- (predictive value of a positive registra- change in the estimate of interest. How-
nations by up to 2 days. Previous studies tion, 92.8%; 95% CI, 88.8%-95.7%). We ever, the strongest argument against se-
have shown that the attenuated vi- believe it is unlikely that MMR vacci- rious confounding is that the risk of fe-
ruses in the MMR vaccine cause fever nation status influences the threshold brile seizures was almost the same for
in approximately 10% of nonimmune for hospitalization or the coding of fe- nonvaccinated and vaccinated chil-
vaccinees between 5 and 12 days after brile seizures. Any misclassification of dren outside the time frame of 2 weeks
immunization.1,29 Thus, the rate of fe- febrile seizures is likely to be nondif- following vaccination.
brile seizures is probably not elevated ferential and will therefore bias the RR MMR vaccination is an effective
during the first 4 days following vac- toward 1.0.21 In fact, we found that the health intervention. The 3 diseases and
cination. RR of febrile seizures following MMR their neurological sequelae are rarely
We have previously validated the vaccination was virtually the same dur- observed today in countries with high
quality of febrile seizure registration in ing the period 1991 to 1994 (2.68; 95% vaccination coverage.31,32 Our study
the NHR in a cohort of 6624 children CI, 2.38-3.02) compared with the pe- showed that the transient increased rate
born between 1991 and 1992 and fol- riod 1995 to 1998 (2.79; 95% CI, of febrile seizures was restricted to 2
lowed up until age 10 years.30 We col- 2.55-3.05), although outpatients were weeks following vaccination, the risk
lected information about febrile sei- included in the latter period only. difference was small even in children
zures in the cohort using a parental The Danish national vaccination pro- at high risk of febrile seizures, and the
questionnaire. All potential febrile sei- gram recommends that children be vac- long-term rate of epilepsy was not in-
zures were confirmed by diagnostic tele- cinated with MMR at age 15 months creased in children who had febrile sei-
phone interview or review of medical and provides vaccinations free of zures following MMR vaccination com-
records. We found that 323 children charge. Overall, vaccination coverage pared with children who had febrile
(4.9%) in the cohort fulfilled the cri- was found to be 82%, which increased seizures of a different etiology.
teria for febrile seizures and 231 of those during the study period. The effect of
were registered in the NHR (complete- vaccination may be confounded by vari-
Author Contributions: Dr Melbye had access to all of
ness, 71.5%; 95% CI, 66.3%-76.4%). ables related both to avoidance of vac- the data in the study and takes full responsibility for
Among the 249 children registered with cination and to the outcome of inter- the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data
febrile seizures in the NHR, we con- est. We adjusted our results for several Study concept and design: Vestergaard, Hviid, Madsen,
firmed the diagnosis in 231 children potential confounders but found little Wohlfahrt, Melbye, Olsen.

356 JAMA, July 21, 2004—Vol 292, No. 3 (Reprinted) ©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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