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Journal of Environmental Management 190 (2017) 1e8

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Research article

Leaching and retention of dissolved metals in particulate loaded

pervious concrete columns
Timothy M. Vadas a, b, *, Malcolm Smith a, Hongwei Luan a
University of Connecticut, 261 Glenbrook Road, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Storrs, CT 06269, USA
University of Connecticut, 3107 Horsebarn Hill Road, Center for Environmental Science and Engineering, Storrs, CT 06269, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study examined metal leaching and retention in pervious concrete with or without embedded
Received 18 August 2016 particulate matter. Particulate matter was collected from an adjacent parking lot and from a nearby
Received in revised form parking garage as examples of weathered and un-weathered particulate matter. Particle size distribu-
17 December 2016
tions were similar, but metal content was 3e35-fold higher and organic matter content was 3-fold higher
Accepted 19 December 2016
Available online 23 December 2016
in the parking garage particulate matter compared to the parking lot particulate matter. Replicate col-
umns were established with either no particulate added as the control, or 20 g of parking lot or parking
garage particulate matter. Synthetic rainwater was passed through the columns at variable rainfall in-
Particulate matter
tensity or fixed intensity to assess leaching. Metals were leached at higher concentrations from the
Pervious parking garage particulate amended column, but from all columns less than 1% of the metal mass
Stormwater leached. Rainfall intensity did not have a large effect on leached metal concentrations, only varying
Urban runoff effluent by about 2-fold. Synthetic stormwater with elevated dissolved Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb concentrations
Heavy metals was passed through the same columns and metal removal efficiencies were on the order of 85e95%, 30
Retention e95%, 60e90%, and 95þ% for each metal, respectively. After loading the column with a year's worth of
Leaching stormwater metal exposure, removal efficiencies in the no particulate and parking lot particulate
amended columns decreased, while parking garage particulate amended columns performed similarly
with a small drop in Cu and Pb removal efficiencies. Generally, columns with no particulate and parking
lot particulate amendments performed similarly, suggesting the pervious concrete is responsible for the
majority of the initial metal retention. The parking garage particulate amended columns retained more
metals from stormwater, perhaps due to an increase in pH that promoted surface precipitation as hy-
droxides or carbonate species on the pervious concrete, or due to complexation in the higher concen-
trations of organic matter and iron oxides in the particulate matter. Overall, metal retention was aided by
the presence of organic matter in the particulate matter, but the pervious concrete itself was more
important than particulates for metal retention. A strategy to increase metal retention and removal from
the environment could involve amending pervious concrete with mixtures of well-defined sorbents to
enhance metal retention.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction increased runoff leading to receiving water body degradation

through higher peak flow, decreased base flow, erosion and
The built urban environment consists of a large portion of contaminant loading (Bunn and Arthington, 2002). Stormwater
impermeable surfaces, with transportation related land-uses ac- best management practices (BMPs) are increasingly implemented
counting for up to 70 percent (Legret et al., 2007). Creation of to mitigate surface water body degradation (Booth and Jackson,
impermeable surfaces results in decreased infiltration and 1997).
Pervious concrete is an example of a structural BMP that is
meant to provide short-term water storage, increase infiltration
* Corresponding author. University of Connecticut, 261 Glenbrook Road,
and reduce runoff. The major difference in pervious concrete
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Storrs, CT 06269, USA. compared to conventional concrete is the limitation of fines in the
E-mail addresses: (T.M. Vadas), malcolmsmith18@ mixture, leading to the development of a network of (M. Smith), (H. Luan).
0301-4797/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 T.M. Vadas et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 190 (2017) 1e8

interconnected void spaces as the concrete cures (Schwartz, 2010). metal contaminants. Pervious concrete columns were established
These void spaces allow the pervious concrete to act as a coarse ex-situ with either no particulates added or with weathered or un-
filtration media to improve water quality, effectively reducing net weathered roadway particulate matter added. The particulate
export of particulates typically by greater than 80% (Kuang et al., matter was characterized for particle size distribution, organic
2007; Legret et al., 2007; Sansalone et al., 2008, 2012; Tota- matter content and initial metal concentrations. Both synthetic
Maharaj and Scholz, 2010). rainwater and stormwater with elevated metals were separately
While particulate removal has been well established and re- passed through the pervious concrete columns at specified rainfall
ductions in total suspended solids (TSS) levels in runoff have been intensities and water quality parameters were measured in the
observed, effectiveness for dissolved contaminant removal is a effluent to assess the impact of particulate loading on leaching or
concern with respect to water quality standards in receiving water removal of dissolved metals.
bodies. Only a few studies have examined dissolved water quality
treatment by pervious concrete (Bean et al., 2007b; Collins et al., 2. Materials and methods
2010; Haselbach et al., 2014) and shown reductions in total nutri-
ents, sediment bound Zn and dissolved Cu and Zn. Field studies 2.1. Pervious concrete column and particulate sample collection
examining permeable friction courses (Eck et al., 2012) or perme-
able paver systems (Brattebo and Booth, 2003; Fassman and A demonstration pervious concrete plot was installed on the
Blackbourn, 2010) have observed variable effects of pervious University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) campus in 2008,
pavements on dissolved water quality, either minimal change or up retrofitted within an existing asphalt parking lot. The plot remained
to 70% removal of dissolved Cu, Zn, or Pb. Researchers examining covered, which kept particulates from building up in the matrix,
dissolved nitrogen species removal in permeable pavements have until a few weeks before ten 9.4 cm diameter cores were cut from
found aerobic conversion of ammonia to nitrate, with little overall the pavement using an electric powered core drill with a diamond
net removal (Collins et al., 2010). While general observations have bit. Cores were cut in length to approximately 11.4 cm with a ma-
been made on water quality improvements with respect to dis- sonry blade in a miter saw. In addition, parking lot particulate
solved contaminants in field scale pervious pavement systems, the material was collected with a fine brush and stainless steel scoop
direct impact of the pervious concrete layer has not been investi- from both the adjacent asphalt parking lot and from the basement
gated thoroughly. of a parking garage located on campus. These particulate samples
Pervious concrete is similar to other types of permeable pave- were expected to differ mainly in characteristics such as metal
ments (i.e. plastic grids, porous asphalt, or interlocking pavers) in content and organic matter accumulation since the parking lot
that it has pore space that needs to be cleaned out periodically, but material is continuously exposed to rainfall and the parking garage
unique in that the calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate con- material is not.
tent of concrete can result in an increase in stormwater pH (Setunge
et al., 2009). The capture of particulates in pervious concrete is a 2.2. Particle size analysis
function of pore space, particle size distribution and sediment
loading (Myers et al., 2011; Sansalone et al., 2012). This can result in Approximately 200 g of each particulate sample was succes-
removal of particulate attached metals, but the removal of dis- sively sieved through 4 mm, 2 mm, 1 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.25 mm,
solved metals is a function of sorption or precipitation reactions 0.125 mm, and 0.063 mm brass sieves to calculate a particle size
within the pervious concrete pavement. The capture of particulates distribution by mass. Nested sieves were mechanically shaken for
within pervious concrete therefore generates both a filling of the 10 min and the separated samples were weighed on an analytical
pores that may affect hydraulic conductivity and new surfaces that balance. Sub-samples for each size fraction were taken for
may interact with dissolved metals. Dissolved metals often parti- extractable metals by EPA Method 3050b and a whole sample was
tion to suspended solids in runoff and researchers generally determined for extractable metals and loss on ignition organic
observe a decrease in dissolved metals with increasing total sus- matter analysis (Nelson and Sommers, 1996).
pended solids (TSS) concentrations (Sansalone and Buchberger,
1997; Stone and Marsalek, 1996). Depending on the characteris- 2.3. Column experimental setup
tics of the TSS, partitioning to the solid phase may occur due to
common mechanisms such as cation exchange, carbonate precipi- Nine pervious concrete columns were wrapped in two layers of
tation, or sorption to Fe/Mn oxides and organic matter (Stone and parafilm, inserted into a 20.3 cm length of 10.2 cm outer diameter
Marsalek, 1996). Given the multitude of partitioning processes, it polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe (Fig. 1). Each pervious concrete col-
is reasonable to assume that as particulates accumulate in the umn was supported at the bottom by three PVC wedges tapped into
pervious concrete matrix, partitioning of metals between dissolved place evenly around the edges. The column was sealed at the top
and solid phases will be affected in water passing through the with a bead of silicone placed around the top edge of the column,
pervious concrete. In addition, the increase in pH or alkalinity of set 2.54 cm down from the top rim of the PVC pipe. These condi-
water passing through pervious concrete may alter metal removal tions ensured that flow passed only through the pervious concrete
processes, e.g. increased metal hydroxide precipitation. However, it matrix and no preferential flow occurred along the side of the
is currently unknown whether this particulate matter will act pri- column. Depending on the treatment, either 20 g of particulate
marily as a source of dissolved metals or as a sink and whether the sample or no particulate sample, as a control, were added to 3
pervious concrete material itself or the particulate matter collected replicate columns. Pervious concrete surfaces have widely varying
within the pervious concrete are more important for removal of particulate loads and since this study was meant to compare dif-
contaminants. We hypothesize that given the wide variety of metal ferences in metal leaching or retention with or without particulate
partitioning mechanisms in the particulate matter, it has more matter, the columns were loaded to fill the surface pores without
control over the fate of dissolved contaminants than the pervious significantly reducing infiltration rates. Synthetic rainwater or
concrete material itself. stormwater was delivered to each column using a peristaltic pump.
The objective of this study was to examine the impact of par- An acrylic disk with eight through holes (one in the center, and
ticulate matter captured within the pervious concrete matrix and seven evenly spread around the center, halfway to the perimeter of
the pervious concrete itself on the leaching or removal of dissolved the disk) was placed on top of the pervious concrete column. An
T.M. Vadas et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 190 (2017) 1e8 3

2.4. Metals analysis

Dissolved metals were analyzed on an Agilent 7700x ICP-MS

with a He collision/reaction cell. Analytical standards were pre-
pared from 1000 mg/L stock solutions from VHG Labs (Manchester,
NH, USA) for metals. Calibration verification standards were pre-
pared from Spex CertiPrep verified standards (Metuchen, NJ, USA).
Quality control samples and spike recoveries were within 10% or
better for ICP-MS measured elements. Minimum detection limits
were 0.1 mg/L for Cu, Zn, and Cd and 0.01 mg/L for Pb. Statistical
comparisons between samples were made based on a student's t-
test with a 95% confidence interval.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Characteristics of particulate matter

The particulate samples used in this study were initially char-

acterized for particle size distribution, metal content, and organic
Fig. 1. Diagram of pervious concrete experimental setup. A pervious concrete column
matter content. Particle size distribution based on mass (Fig.2) was
was placed within a 10.2 cm pvc pipe, wrapped in parafilm, and sealed at the top edges
with silicone. Water was delivered using a peristaltic pump with eight simultaneous similar for both the parking lot and parking garage particulate
lines placed into a 0.64 cm acrylic disk with evenly spaced holes laid over the pervious matter. Small differences were observed between the samples, for
concrete column. example, approximately 69% of the particulate matter was finer
than 500 mm for the parking garage material, whereas only 62% was
for the parking lot material. The parking garage particulate matter
eight channel minipuls 2 pump (Rainin Gilson) delivered water had a higher percentage of the finest particulate fraction, 4% less
through each hole using tygon pump tubing. With this setup, water than 63 mm, whereas the parking lot material only had 1% less than
could be evenly spread across the surface of the column while 63 mm. This is important because the finer fractions are more likely
delivering water at a set rainfall intensity which varied from 0.3 to to pass through the pervious concrete. Given the similar particle
10.2 cm/h depending on the experiment. size distributions overall, these geographically co-located particu-
Synthetic rainwater was prepared using ACS grade chemicals late sources were chosen as additives to the pervious concrete
(Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA, USA) containing 96 mM NaCl, columns assuming that the major difference was chemical due to
10 mM K2SO4, 5 mM CaCl2$2H2O, 6 mM MgCl2$6H2O, 15 mM NH4NO3, the decreased weathering of the parking garage material.
0.1 mM KH2PO4 and pH adjusted to 6.5 following Jones and Edwards The particulate matter used in this study is similar to those
(1993). Synthetic stormwater was prepared containing 80 mg/L Pb, assessed at other sites across the United States in terms of particle
80 mg/L Cu, 20 mg/L Cd, 600 mg/L Zn, 7 mg/L NO3-N, 2 mg/L NH4-N, size distribution and chemical characteristics (Kuang et al., 2007;
0.6 mg/L PO4-P, and 120 mg/L CaCl2 with chloride salts used for Legret and Colandini, 1999; Sansalone et al., 1998; Shaheen, 1975;
metals, calcium and ammonium, and sodium salts for nitrate and Zafra et al., 2008). In particular, Legret and Colandini (1999)
phosphate following Davis et al. (2001). The pH was adjusted to 7 observed that the particles captured within a pervious concrete
for stormwater with either NaOH or HCl. field site were about 80% less than 2 mm in size, which is similar to
A treatment consisted of pumping 150 mL of solution through the 80e85% less than 2 mm in the particulate matter used in this
the column at a fixed flow rate, mimicking common rainfall in- study. At smaller particle sizes, other studies of urban roadways
tensities in the northeast U.S. In the first batch of experiments, have found wide ranges of particulate matter in certain size ranges,
treatments were applied at varying intensity (10.2, 5.8, 3.8, 2.8, 2.3, e.g. a range of about 3e40% of the total mass in the less than 63 mm
1.3, 0.9, and 0.3 cm/h) reflecting average 2 yr storm intensities for size fraction (Kuang et al., 2007; Zafra et al., 2008). However, these
10 min up to 24 h storms, or at a fixed intensity of 2.3 cm/h.
Stormwater treatments were added at a fixed intensity of 2.3 cm/h
to the columns previously exposed to rainwater. The same columns
were loaded with additional metals by pumping an addition
400 mL of synthetic stormwater with a 20-fold increase in metal
concentration through each column. This was meant to represent
about one year’s worth of runoff metal exposure. Final experiments
then pumped synthetic stormwater at a fixed intensity of 2.3 cm/h
to metal loaded columns to examine treatment ability after long-
term metal exposure. Effluent from each column was collected
below in a polypropylene beaker and pH was measured with an
electrode. Each sample was filtered through a 0.45 mm nitrocellu-
lose filter and filtrate was directly collected into polypropylene
tubes for analysis of dissolved metals. Metals samples were acidi-
fied to 1% HNO3 and all samples were stored at 4  C until analysis.
Filters were dried at 70  C until a constant weight was reached and
weighed for total suspended solids. However, after minimal par-
ticulate flushing (<0.1 g) during initial wetting of the columns, total Fig. 2. Particle size distribution by mass of parking lot and parking garage roadway
material used in pervious concrete column experiments. Lines are drawn to guide the
suspended solids were below detection and are not reported.
eye. Trends may not be linear between points.
4 T.M. Vadas et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 190 (2017) 1e8

are particulate matter fractions generated during runoff events and 2016; Yong et al., 2013), and there is typically additional sub-
are not necessarily the same distribution as will fall on a pervious grade material and/or soil that will filter particles, dissolved con-
pavement which may receive a higher percentage of larger particles taminants are the primary concern for downstream waterbodies. In
from surface deposition (e.g. from vehicle tires or windblown). systems where over- or underdrains are installed (Schwartz, 2010),
Regardless, the size distributions are more variable at the smaller dissolved contaminants are even more relevant. In addition to
size fractions which are the most important due to their potential dissolved contaminant transport through pervious concrete, the
to pass through the pavement and likelihood of having more metals retention of particles in a pervious concrete pavement represent a
bound to them. Sansalone et al. (2012) suggest greater than 80% potential source or sink of metals.
filtration of 300 mm particles and at least 50% filtration of smaller
particles occur in permeable pavements. In our effluent samples, 3.2. Rainwater exposure
not enough effluent particulate matter was present for a particle
size analysis, but upon inspection under the microscope, the largest Initial treatments with rainwater were meant to mimic pervious
observed particle sizes were approximately 400 mm, with most concrete pavements that treat direct rainfall only. In this manner,
much smaller. The high retention in our study is likely in part due to we assess the potential for leaching of metals from the concrete or
the loading conditions (i.e. all at once) and pore structure of the particulate matter added to the pervious concrete. In general,
pervious concrete. Depending on the particulate matter charac- metals were leached from the columns treated with parking garage
teristics at a site and the pore structure of the permeable pavement, particulate matter to a greater extent than columns without par-
the filtration effects differ and researchers have found that filtration ticulate matter or with parking lot particulate matter (Fig. 3). The
efficiency increases with time (Sansalone et al., 2012). largest difference was observed in Cu leaching, with concentrations
With respect to chemical characteristics, the parking garage leached at 10.2 cm/h rainfall that were about 8-fold higher than no
material was more heavily contaminated with trace metals than the particulate and 2-fold higher than parking lot particulate amended
parking lot material (Table 1). The combination of more braking and columns. Other leaching metal concentrations were typically 2e4
tight radius turning in the parking garage likely contributed to fold higher in parking garage particulate amended columns. This
more vehicle metal sources to the particulate. The difference in Pb general trend of more metals leached from the parking garage
concentration was the highest, with about 35-times more Pb in the particulate matter was expected since it had higher initial con-
parking garage material, while Cr, Cu, Zn and Ni were at least 10- centrations of all contaminant metals in the solid phase (Table 1).
fold higher, and Cd about 3-fold higher. Total metal concentra- As for comparing the no particulate and parking lot particulate
tions in the particulate matter were within the lower range amended columns, effluent concentrations were often similar with
observed by others in roadside particulate material (Jartun et al., the exception of Ni and Cd for which the no particulate columns
2008; Sansalone and Buchberger, 1997). The parking garage ma- leached more on average. However, for Ni leaching, just one of the 3
terial had higher concentrations of Fe, by about twice as much, and columns had higher effluent concentrations, leading to the higher
3 times as much organic matter as the parking lot material. The average and large error bars for the no particulate columns.
higher iron content likely contributed to the higher Cr content of The rainfall intensity influenced the leached metal concentra-
the parking garage particulate as Cr forms strong surface complexes tions in some cases, though most often in the columns with par-
with iron oxides. The higher heavy metal concentrations in the ticulate matter added (Fig. 3). There were downward trends in
parking garage particulate are likely in part due to the higher metal concentrations leached as intensity decreased for almost all
organic matter content (McBride, 1994) and the higher concentra- metals, with the exception of Cr in parking lot particulate amended
tions of Ca and Mg in the parking lot material likely competing for columns, and for Cu and Ni in parking garage particulate amended
cation exchange and ligand sites (Tuccillo, 2006). columns. The only leached metal concentrations that seemed to be
Given the high retention of particulates in the pervious concrete influenced by intensity in the no particulate columns was Zn. Most
cores, greater than 99%, particulate based transport of metals was differences observed with rainfall intensity were not very large
not a major factor in this case. However, some smaller particles did however, typically varying less than 2-fold across the range of
initially pass through the columns. Depending on the storm event, rainfall intensities examined, and with relatively large error bars on
researchers have found differences in metal content by particle most samples, none were significantly different (p > 0.05). There is
size. High percent metal fractions (about 60e80%) have been not a substantial amount of research on the effect of rainfall in-
observed in the >75 mm fraction of particulate matter transported tensity on leaching or runoff concentrations of dissolved metals.
in low intensity storms with either high or low runoff volumes Kayhanian et al. (2003) found that dissolved Cu and Zn concen-
(Sansalone et al., 2010), but in high intensity storms, the trations decreased with higher maximum rainfall intensity which is
largest > 75 mm fraction was only about 40% Pb and the other the opposite of our case. Crabtree et al. (2006) also found that metal
metals were typically less than 25%. Assuming the pervious con- concentrations in runoff decreased with increasing rainfall in-
crete is used as a replacement for a parking lot, it is more likely to tensity, but with the exception of one site that had a porous asphalt
receive all size fractions of particulate matter, and not just runoff surface. The reason porous asphalt (Crabtree et al., 2006) and
transported material as described in Sansalone et al. (2010). How- pervious concrete in our case may have promoted the opposite
ever, given that we observed very low particulate transport through trend in many cases is unclear, but could be due to kinetics of
the columns, pervious pavements have been shown to be effective desorption or dissolution from the particulate matter or pervious
filters for TSS (Bean et al., 2007a; Drake et al., 2013; Jiang et al., concrete as water infiltrates quickly.
2015; Roseen et al., 2012; Sansalone et al., 2012; Winston et al., In the second scenario of exposure with rainwater, we tested

Table 1
Initial elemental concentrations in roadway particulate matter used in pervious concrete column experiments. Values are averages ± standard deviation of 3 samples.

Sample OM (mass %) Mg (mg/g) Ca (mg/g) Fe (mg/g) Cr (mg/g) Cu (mg/g) Zn (mg/g) Ni (mg/g) Cd (mg/g) Pb (mg/g)

Parking lot 2.5 ± 0.09 76 ± 9.8 200 ± 28 6.5 ± 1.2 4.5 ± 2.1 6.6 ± 5.6 23 ± 7.5 3.0 ± 0.02 0.13 ± 0.02 4.4 ± 1.6
Parking garage 7.6 ± 0.47 21 ± 0.46 68 ± 2.1 16 ± 0.51 100 ± 2.9 110 ± 3.0 300 ± 7.4 35 ± 0.83 0.34 ± 0.01 160 ± 3.7
T.M. Vadas et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 190 (2017) 1e8 5

Fig. 3. Average (±1 SD) effluent metal concentrations from pervious concrete columns amended with either parking lot or parking garage particulate matter and exposed to varying
intensity of rainwater.

whether there would be a difference in metal leaching over time by increased in all cases from the initial rainwater value of 6.5,
assessing the concentration after every 100 mL of rainwater passed increasing to an average of 9.2 ± 0.6 in the no particulate columns,
through the column. In all cases, there was a decrease in leached 8.4 ± 0.7 in the parking lot particulate amended columns, and
concentration with increasing volume (Fig. 4). Initial concentra- 9.0 ± 0.6 in the parking garage particulate amended columns. These
tions leached were similar to the same rainfall intensity in the are similar to pH values of DI water passed through a clean column,
variable intensity experiment (Fig. 3) for Cu, Zn and Pb, with the which would increase pH to between 9 and 10. Even if the partic-
exception of Cd, Cr and Ni, for which concentrations were below the ulate matter contributed some buffering capacity in the top layers,
detection limit. With subsequent volumes, leached concentrations interactions as the water passed through the remainder of the
decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in the case of Pb, in some in- pervious concrete likely led to the increases in pH. Since pH was not
stances by almost two orders of magnitude, e.g. going from 2 mg/L to significantly different between columns, other interactions likely
0.03 mg/L in the case of Pb leaching for no particulate columns. promoted leaching, including ion exchange (e.g. the Ca in the
Other cases were not as dramatic and leached Zn concentrations rainwater exchanged with divalent contaminant metals), and
did not vary much with dosage in the no particulate column. perhaps some dissolution of organic matter from the un-weathered
Overall, this type of trend is consistent with the idea of a first flush, parking garage particulate promoted leaching, particularly of Cu
where a large percentage of the metal pollutants are in the earlier which is known to strongly interact with organic matter. Regard-
volumes of the runoff (Davis and McCuen, 2006), and suggesting less, the mass of metal leached from the columns during both the
that the earlier volumes of rainwater exposure capture the more variation in intensity and fixed intensity doses, when subtracting
easily leached metals. the contribution from the no particulate pervious concrete column,
A variety of reasons could exist as to why the metals leached was often less than 1% of the metal mass in the particulate, sug-
from the different materials. The lower pH of the rainwater might gesting the particulates retain their previously associated metals
have promoted release of metals since metal solubility generally well. Based on concentrations of metals in the effluent, some of the
increases as pH decreases. However, the pH of the effluent Cu and Cd concentrations are above the acute toxicity aquatic life
6 T.M. Vadas et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 190 (2017) 1e8

amended with parking garage particulate matter (Fig. 5). Removal

efficiencies were on the order of 85e95% for Cu, 30e95% for Zn,
60e90% for Cd, and 95þ% for Pb. Metal removal in the no partic-
ulate and parking lot particulate amended columns were very
similar, suggesting the pervious concrete was primarily responsible
for metal retention in both cases. The parking garage particulate
amended column was substantially more effective at removing Zn,
Cd and Pb, but not Cu. In general there was little difference as the
number of storm events increased, with only slightly decreasing
effluent Zn and Cd concentrations in the parking lot particulate
amended columns, though not statistically significant.
Following these initial stormwater exposures, the columns were
loaded with a stormwater solution with elevated (20-fold) metal
concentrations meant to expose the material to the mass present in
the average annual rainfall. What this mimics depends on how the
pervious concrete receives stormwater, i.e. this mimics only direct
rainfall volume. Regardless, following additional dosing of storm-
water, removal of metals was generally worse in the case of the no
particulate and parking lot particulate amended columns, and
again effluent metal concentrations were similar between the two
(Fig. 6). The parking garage particulate amended column still per-
formed well for all metals, exhibiting a minor decrease in effec-
tiveness for Cu and Pb. The Cu removal efficiency dropped to
80e90% and Pb removal dropped to 90e98%.
In all stormwater treatments, with or without particulates
loaded, some dissolved contaminant retention was observed. In
general, with the presence of particulate matter, contaminant
retention either remained the same or was enhanced. There is only
one laboratory study and few field studies on pervious concrete
pavement systems to compare against. Haselbach et al. (2014)
observed better than 80% removal of Cu and Zn in pervious con-
crete columns with 20 mg/L and 100 mg/L Cu and Zn, respectively,
exposure concentrations, which are similar to our results in no
particulate columns. Field studies involving several other perme-
able pavement systems, e.g. permeable block (Sansalone et al.,
2010), permeable friction courses (Newman et al., 2002), and
porous asphalt (Legret et al., 1996) have shown good removal of TSS
and total metals, but poor removal of nitrate and dissolved phos-
phorus. Most field studies did not distinguish between total and
dissolved metals, of which dissolved are the most relevant to
toxicity concerns in receiving water. In addition, the location of
effluent sampling varies in field studies, with some in the subgrade,
in the soil below the subgrade, or in a drainage pipe, and thus
represents the influence of multiple sorption site interactions.
Some researchers have found that dissolved Cu concentrations are
not significantly reduced until the runoff reaches the soil layer
(Kwiatkowski et al., 2007), but at this point if soils are burdened
with large metal loads, they cannot be removed from the system
Fig. 4. Average (±1 SD) effluent metal concentrations from pervious concrete columns
amended with either parking lot or parking garage particulate matter and exposed to 5 until the entire pavement cross-section is replaced.
doses of 100 mL rainwater. The incorporation of sorbents into pervious concrete could add
enhanced contaminant retention capabilities. Interestingly, the
column with no particulate showed nearly as much or more
criterion for surface waters (EPA, 2016), but would certainly be retention of metals as the parking lot particulate column, sug-
diluted below standards once it entered the stream if the effluent gesting the pervious concrete surface is more important for
was hydraulically connected. retention of metals in those two scenarios. Only with the parking
garage particulate matter was enhanced retention of Zn, Cd and Pb
observed. The pH of the stormwater as it moved through the
3.3. Stormwater exposure pervious concrete columns increased a little, up from 7.0 to at most
7.8 ± 0.1 in the parking garage particulate columns. This increase
In the stormwater exposure scenarios, we dosed each column relative to the no particulate or parking lot particulate amended
with a typical stormwater mixture containing the most common columns, which only increased pH to 7.2e7.4, could have poten-
metals of interest (Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd) to examine whether these tially contributed to enhanced surface precipitation of insoluble
metals were removed in the pervious concrete and particulate metal hydroxides or carbonate species in the parking garage par-
amended columns, or if leaching still occurred. In all cases, metals ticulate columns. The parking garage particulate also had higher
were removed to a large extent, and often more so in the columns organic matter content than the parking lot particulate which could
T.M. Vadas et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 190 (2017) 1e8 7

Fig. 5. Average (±1 SD) effluent metal concentrations from pervious concrete columns amended with either parking lot or parking garage particulate matter and exposed to
stormwater. Concentration scales are set to show maximum initial concentrations of each element. A * above a group indicates samples within a group were significantly different
(p < 0.05) from the other groups.

Fig. 6. Average (±1 SD) effluent metal concentrations from pervious concrete columns amended with either parking lot or parking garage particulate matter and exposed to
stormwater. Columns were exposed to 1 year's worth of metal contaminated stormwater prior to event 1. A * above a group indicates samples within a group were significantly
different (p < 0.05) from the other groups.

have contributed to enhanced retention of Zn, Cd and Pb, although tend to be relatively slow for Cu-organic complexes (Louis et al.,
enhanced retention of Cu would have been expected as well. Dif- 2009) whereas infiltration is relatively fast through a pervious
ferences in Cu retention could be due to exchange kinetics, which concrete material even with some particulate matter.
8 T.M. Vadas et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 190 (2017) 1e8

3.4. Conclusions pollutants from urban impervious surfaces studied by analysis of sediments
from stormwater traps. Sci. Total Environ. 396, 147e163.
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