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Engineering and Process Economics 3 (1978) 141-149 141

0 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands


H.J. Fontein and J. Groot Wassink

Department of Chemical Engineeting, Twente University of Technology, Enschede (The Netherlands)


A new method to design heat exchangers The method is described by applying it

is proposed, which is based on the process to the economic optimization of a counter-
description by Kays and London and lends current exchanger, the extension to other
itself very well to optimization. flow configurations being selfexplanatory.


According to the process description of The problem to be solved is the optimal

heat exchangers by Kays and London [ 1 I the design of a heat exchanger for a specified
number of overall heat transfer units, NTU, duty, i.e. the two flows and their entrance
can be computed as a function of the effi- and exit temperatures are known.
ciency E, the ratio between the heat capacity Dodge [2] introduced the heat transfer
rates of both fluids, and the flow configura- effectiveness, which is defined as the ratio
tion. This description offers some advantages between the actual heat transfer rate and
over the traditional log mean temperature the maximum possible rate, as would be
approach, the most important ones being realized only in a counterflow exchanger of
the thermodynamic significance of E and infinite transfer area:
the greater ease of computation.
ch (th,in - th,out) Cc @c,out - tc,in)
From the NTU a value for the product of E= = (1)
the overall heat transfer coefficient and the cmin (th,in - tc,in) cmin @h,in - tc,in)

required exchanger surface is obtained. Both

Kays and London [ 11 found that it is pos-
depend on the lay-out of the exchanger and
sible to express E as a function of NTU,
on the process conditions in a rather com-
Y = CminlCmax and the flow arrangement;
plicated way. A suitable rearrangement of the
in the case of counterflow for instance:
pertinent equations and a judicious choice
of the design variables result in an acyclic 1 - exp (- NTU (1 - 7))
computational scheme, which because of ’ - 1 - yexp (- NTU (1 - 7))
its straightforwardness is well adapted to an
optimization program. or

To describe the dependence of ntu on the

hydrodynamic conditions and geometrical
1 -Y dimensions, equations are derived as follows.
Neglecting the potential and kinetic energy
One of the more common arrangements for terms reduces the Bernoulli equation to:
shell and tube construction is multipass cross
2 dp 2
counterflow; it is realized by baffling the flow
around the tubes. s- + s
1 p 1
The E-NTU relation for this arrangement
Introducing the Fanning equation and inte-
depends on the number of passes, the above
given counterflow relation being its limit if
this number tends to infinity [ 1 I. If the 2
AP f.f v2 . d” =f.L_ .1 “2
number of passes is higher than 3 the counter- _=
‘h h 2
flow relations can be used as an acceptable p 1
approximation. Eq. 1 can be written as:
ca QI ,in - in ,out) c2 tr2 ,out - t2 jn)
E= = (la) P
Eu zi ~ =f!-
cmin (t, ,in - t2 ,id cmin @I ,in - t, ,in)
‘hpV= f-h

where the indices 1 and 2 apply to the flow

Because C=PVA, cp.
through and around the tubes respectively.
Use of eq. la as compared to eq. 1 sim-
&C AC Yh
plifies the computer program because it now stzO1_ = ~ = ntu - = ntu --
VPCp c A L
is unnecessary to specify whether the hot or
the cold fluid flows through the tubes.
With the NTU, which is an overall figure, Combining with
two partial ntu’s correspond. Combining
jh = st Pr 2/3
the definitions
it is apparent that
NT- = ~ = __
Cmin Cmin L ntu ntu
- =_=_ P,2/3
‘h St ih
and, from eq. 4
akA k
ntUk = __ kf 0321

Eu = f !? p,2/3
with the overall heat transfer equation ih

1 1 1 2dw 111 u,
Relations 4 and 5 apply to both flows in the
-=-++---+ +- +- heat exchanger.
u,A, a,A, Oz ~ww(A+p) A, A,
For the flow through the tubes the follow-
the following relation is obtained: ing equations hold:

4rh,, = d, - 2d, (6)



AC,, = n -(do
- 2d,)Z L/s D
and thus:

4% ~C,RP_,~.~L, D
Re, = B=
n n (d, - 2d,) V$ (7) d, A,ntu,Pr,2/3

If the flow is turbulent

Elimination of respectively B and Re, from
the above expression for Re, and B results
jh,, = 0.027 Re, -Oi2 (8)
in the two following equations:
Re, = _+ )5’3 . (n%)5’3.

f, = 0.05 Re,-0.2 (9) ( *1 (l-x)L,

For the flow around the tubes, which is

assumed to be baffled, acyclicity of the . p*, 10/9 (11)
computational structure requires a rearrange-
ment of the equations:
v2 ‘:“’ “‘) 213 . (8y3 .
B 1
= ~
*4rh,l =-
L, 2 2
AC., l Yl

4rh,z = doAx
713 (12)
. p,,-1019

where A, depends on the tube configuration.

s-d To compute Eu, the following equation is

Ac,z s 2 _ DB = 2 (1 - -:) DB
S used

and consequently f, = Cf Re,-O.l* (13)

4~24, Ax From the tube configuration two equations

Re, =
2(1-+) DB v2 can be derived. For triangular pitch for in-
Because of
2 x J3
A, = -1 (14)
jh,* = CnRe, -“.4 (10)

and I31 :
eliminating Eu, from eq. 4 and 5 leads to:
D = D (d,, X, n) (15)
d, A, ntu z Prs213
L, = The coefficients C, and Cf in the eq. 10
4 Cn Re,-0.4 and 13 also depend on the tube configura-
tion [l]:
From the geometry of the exchanger it fol-
lows that:

Cf = Cf (xl (17) are dependent on the design variables; ihey

can be estimated from the throughputs
It is obvious that: and the pressure losses, which follow imme-
diately from the Eu numbers (eq. 4).
A, = nn(d, -2d,) L, (18)
To optimize the objective function two
optimization procedures were tried: the
and :
complex method of Nelder and Mead [ 9 I
A, = rind,,,,, (19) and a steepest descent method [ 101. Both
methods require continuous variables. Tubes
The wall thickness of the tubes depends on being commercially available at discrete
the tube diameter and the pressures of the values of diameter and wall thickness only,
two fluids: the diameter was not included among the
design variables; to find the optimal dia-
d, = d, Cd,, P) (20)
meter the program is run for different tube
diameters. The optimal wall thickness is
The set of eq. 3 through 20 has 4 degrees the smallest standard thickness that is com-
of freedom. To choose suitable design vari- patible with eq. 20. The matter is further
ables the algorithm proposed by Lee et al. 141 discussed under the heading “results”. Two
was used. The following two sets result in of the design variables are bound by con-
acyclic computational schemes: straints. Too small a value of ntu, results in
I: (0, ntu,, X, d,) a negative value of ntu, (eq. 3); if X < 1 the
first term at the right hand side of eq. 11 is
II: (L, , ri, X, d,) undefined. An upper boundary on X had
to be introduced because literature data on
the dependency of C,, and Cf on X are avail-
The scheme using set I is illustrated in Fig. 1. able only for X < 1.65 [ 1 I .
The last boundary is handled with a qua-
THE OPTIMIZATION dratic loss penalty function [ 11 I ; if any of
the first 2 boundaries happens to be violated
no design is possible and an arbitrarily chosen
To find the economically optimal design high value is assigned to the objective func-
an objective function relating the costs to tion.
the design variables has to be constructed. To avoid practical difficulties the ratio /3
Two kinds of costs are considered: depre- between tube length and baffle distance
ciation on investment and operating costs. should be an integer. Both are dependent
To estimate the investment a number variables; introduction of this constraint
of methods has been proposed [ 5-81. The would result in discontinuities in the ob-
first three methods relate the investment to jective function. Therefore, the mathe-
the heat transfer area only; the procedure matically optimal design has to be adapted.
given by Palen [ 81 is a logical supplement This can be done in several ways, the easiest
to the above design procedure because one being as follows.
according to it investment is calculated A new baffle distance is computed by
from the dimensions of the component rounding off p to the nearest integer value.
parts of the exchanger and the manufact- This leads to new values for Re, , Eu, , NTU
uring costs. and E.
Among the operating costs only the costs As a consequence the adapted heat ex-
of pumping the fluids through the exchanger changer does not satisfy the original specifica-




, ntul #do ,dw

do,D ,X ntu

Legenda :
13 I equation

- dependent variable

-w- design variable


Fig. 1. Computational scheme in heat exchanger design.

tions. The deviations will be smaller at higher To change the specifications eq. 1a are used;
values of 0; if this value should prove to be inspection of these shows that several ways
too small another type of flow pattern are open, the easiest one perhaps being re-
should be chosen anyway because the phys- computing both exit temperatures.
ical model would not apply.
Another consequence is that the costs of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the final design are no longer mathematically
optimal. Extensive experience, however, has
taught that the optima are rather flat and the An algol program comprising the above
differences in the costs negligible. features was implemented on a DEC-I 0 com-

puter. For relations that are given in graphical estimates of the true minimum, which is
[ 16, 171 or in tabular form [ 151 virial equa- further borne out by the decrease of the
tions were derived from the data by means gradient of the objective function (Table
of the least squares method. As an illustra- 3) and by the fact that use of the set II
tion, the results obtained for a heat exchanger decision variables leads to virtually the
in which two streams of air are treated at same results.
atmospheric pressure are discussed.
Table 1 gives the input data. The invest- TABLE 3

ment costs obtained with the Palen model Gradients of the objective function
were multiplied by a factor 3 to allow for
inflation and installation; the depreciation 6F/6D 6F/6ntu, 6F/6X

rate was put at 10 years. To estimate the

Starting point 4.3 X lo5 1.8 X 10’ m-4.0 x lo6
pumping costs an energy price of 5 c/kWh Optimum 3.9 x lo-’ 7.7 x 10-z --1.6 X 10-r
was used.
Table 4 gives the finzl optimal design.
Comparing this table with Table 2 it can
Input data be seen that the relative difference between
the total costs of the final design and the
In tubes Around tubes
- mathematical optimum is only about 1%.
Gn (“C) 370 40 Table 5 illustrates the influence of energy
tout CC) 94 270 price on the optimal design. As might be
@ (m3 /set) 2.5 3

do (mm) 26.9 TABLE 4

dw (mm) 2.65
P (kg/m3) 0.596 Final optimal design
CP (J/“C kg) 1040 __~
lJ (m* /set) 0.000041 In tubes Around tubes
h (J/“C set m) 0.042
hW (J/“C set m) 60
tout c-0 90.54 272.88
U (J/“C set m2) 0.0003 0.0003
D Cm) 1.219
L (ml 4.943
B (ml 0.989
Table 2 gives the mathematical optima n 624
reached by the Nelder Mead and steepest X 1.636
descent methods after 2 17 and 95 func- 0.847
RTIJ 3.919
tions calls respectively; in both cases the
lJa (JPC set m*) 29.04 23.31
set I design variables were used. The small
ntu 6.09 9.61
difference between the two optimal values cz (J/‘C set m*) 45.14 68.58
strongly suggests that they are reliable Re 5723 4068
Eu 8.11 43.39
A (m’) 209 260
v (m/set) 10.9 6.4
AP (atm) 0.0029 0.0013
Mathematical optima
I) 0.0055
D ntu, X F Depreciation
~._~ _ 4301
Starting point 0.8 8.5 1.1 2.15 lo5 Pumping costs
(WYr) 940
Mathematical optimum Total $/yr) 5241
Nelder Mead 1.2191 6.0922 1.6358 5129.9466
Steepest Descent 1.2191 6.0926 1.6356 5129.9465 UReferring to inner tube surface.


Optimal designs for increasing energy prices

Energy price ($/kWh) 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08

Mathematical optimum
Total costs ($/yr) 4124 4947 5130 5286 5546
Pumping costs a 15.9 16.2 16.4 16.5 16.8

Final design
D (ml 1.113 1.172 1.219 1.259 1.325
L (ml 5.188 5.047 4.943 4.859 4.730
B (ml 1.038 1.009 0.989 1.215 1.183
n 517 514 623 667 741
X 1.633 1.635 1.636 1.637 1.638
Ub(JpCsecmZ) 32.38 30.47 29.04 26.25 24.70
A b (m’) 182 197 209 220 238
r1 (m/set) 13.2 11.9 10.9 10.2 9.2
vz (mlsec) 6.1 6.5 6.4 5.0 4.9
r) 0.0072 0.0061 0.0055 0.0041 0.0035
Depreciation ($/yr) 3963 4148 4301 4403 4616
Pumping costs ($/yr) 735 841 940 838 954
Total costs ($/yr) 4698 4989 5241 5242 5570

St % of total costs. bReferring to inner surface.

ber of baffles. This strategy could only have

expected, increasing the energy price in- been followed with some confidence if the
creases both the investment and the pump- optimal pitch ratio and heat exchanging
ing costs; rather surprisingly, however, surface had been as nearly constant as the
their ratio remains to all practical purposes shell diameter.
constant, as follows from the third row of As can be seen from Table 6, the optimal
this table. Again the differences and between designs for tube diameters less then 2 1.3
the total costs of the mathematical optima mm are too optimistic: in these cases the
and of the final designs are satisfactorily number of baffles is too low to warrant
small. the use of the approximate e-NTU relation.
Table 6 gives optimal designs for a num- The rigorous relation results in higher values
ber of standard tubes. From this table it of NTU and as a consequence in more ex-
appears that shell diameter hardly depends pensive designs. At a diameter of 2 1.3 mm
on tube diameter, that pitch ratio depends for instance the mathematical optimum
on tube diameter if constraints do not inter- changes to 5824 $/yr. The optimal value
fere; and that tube length and number of of the tube diameter therefore, is 26.9 mm.
tubes are strongly dependent. The two last According to Fraas and Ozisik [ 5 1 it has
effects, however, cancel each other to a consid- been found that if the ratio n of the pump-
erable degree because heat exchanger surface ing power requirement to the heat trans-
is rather less dependent on tube diameter. mitted through the heat exchanger has a
These results also answer the question value between 0.005 and 0.01, the overall
why tube diameter has not been introduced cost is usually fairly close to the minimum
as a continuous decision variable and the obtainable. All the minima we found confirm
optimal diameter rounded off to its nearest this statement, with the exception of the
standard values as has been done with num- minima at an energy price of 0.08 $/kWh.


Optimal designs for increasing tube diameters

Energy price ($/kWh) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

do (mm) 13.5 17.2 21.3 26.9 33.7
dw (mm) 2.35 2.35 2.65 2.65 3.25
Mathematical optimum
Total costs ($/yr) 5507 4977 4929 5130 5542
Pumping costs a 23.0 19.8 18.1 16.4 15.4
Final design
D (m) 1.281 1.247 1.259 1.219 1.211
L (m) 1.762 2.621 3.467 4.943 6.562
B (m) 0.881 1.311 1.156 0.989 1.094
n 2838 1632 1068 623 402
X 1.659 1.650 1.650 1.636 1.594
CJ b (JpC set m*) 42.65 32.38 30.63 29.04 26.63
A b(m2) 138 168 186 209 225
v1 (mlsec) 14.5 12.5 11.6 10.9 10.7
yz (m/set) 6.8 4.7 5.2 6.4 6.1
r) 0.0080 0.0053 0.0050 0.0055 0.0052
Depreciation ($/yr) 4278 3981 4030 4301 4690
Pumping costs ($/yr) 1358 897 854 940 883
Total costs ($/yr) 5636 4878 4884 5241 5574
‘In % of total costs. b Referring to inner surface.

u overall heat transfer coefficient (J/“C set m* )
V linear velocity (m/set)
Latin characters W frictional resistance energy (J/kg)
X pitch ratio

A heat exchanging surface (m*)

Greek characters
AC cross sectional area (m*)
AX factor defined in text
B baffle distance (m) partial heat transfer coefficient (J/“C set m2)
C capacity flow (J/“C set) ratio defined in text
Cf, Cn factors in Colburn equations ratio of capacity flows
CP heat capacity (J/oC kg) heat transfer effectiveness
d diameter or thickness (m) energy ratio defined in text
D shell diameter (m) thermal conductivity (JPC set m)
Eu Euler number kinematic viscosity (m* /set)
objective function ($/yr) density (kg/ma)
; friction factor volume flow (m3/sec)
ih Colburn factor
L length of flow path (m) Subscripts, not defined above
NTU number of overall transfer units
n number of tubes cold
ntu number of partial transfer units ii hot
Pr Prandtl number in in
P pressure (N/m* ) k index
Re Reynolds number out out
rh hydraulic radius (m) min minimum
St Stanton number max maximum
s centre-to-centre distance of tubes (m) W wall
c temperature CC) 1 inside tubes
u fouling factor (J/“C set ma) 2 outside tubes


1 Kays, W.M. and London, A.L., 1964. Compact Heat

Exchangers, McGraw-Hill, New York.
H.J. Fontein is a senior research worker in
2 Dodge, B.F., 1944. Chemical Engineering Thermo- the Chemical Engineering Department at the
dynamics, McGraw-Hill, New York. Twente University of Technology, where he
3 V.D.I., 1963. Warmeatlas, V.D.I.-Verlag, Dusseldorf.
specializes in the application of optimization
4 Lee, W., Christensen, J.H. and Rudd, D.F., 1966.
A.1.Ch.E. Journal, 12(6): 1104. methods to the design of chemical plants. A
5 Fraas, A.P. and Ozisik, M.N., 1965. Heat Exchanger chemical engineering graduate of the Delft
Design, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Technological University, he previously
6 Chilton, C.H. (Ed.), 1960. Cost Engineering in the
Process Industries, McGraw -Hill, New York. worked in industry for many years.
7 Guthrey, K.M., 1969. Chem. Eng., 24(3): 114. J. Groot Wassink is a professor of process
8 Palen, J.W., Cham, T.P. and Taborek, J., 1974. engineering in the same Department at
A.1.Ch.E. Symp. Series, 70 (138): 205.
9 Nelder, J.A. and Mead, R., 1965. Computer J., 7 : Twente. He holds two master’s degrees, in
308. chemical engineering from Delft and in
10 Fontein, H.J. and Groot Wassink, J., 1974. Verfahrens- philosophy from the catholic university of
technik, 8: 200.
11 Lootsma, F.A., 1970. Boundary Properties of Penalty
Nijmegen. He has many years industrial
Functions for Constrained Minimizations, Ph.D. Thesis, experience in chemical process design, pro-
Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands. duction and management.

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