Uopeople Written Assignment Unit 3 Theories That Affect Motivation Feb 11-17-2021

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Bus5113 written assignment unit 3 1

Written Assignment unit 3
theories that affect motivation
Feb 11-17-2021
Maslow – hierarchy of needs
McClelland – Need for achievement, affiliation and power
Adams' equity theory
Bus5113 written assignment unit 3 2


Motivation theory aims to find what determines a person to behave in the manner they do. Firms

are involved in motivation philosophy because motivated workers are more efficient,

contributing to greater economic productivity.

The first element of motivation is interpersonal, and it deals with an individual's desire, taste, and

ability to engage in an exercise. Therefore, individuals with healthy self-esteem and perceptions

of their capacities would most likely experience high self-motivation levels. Individuals who are

motivated by extrinsic motivations trust results rather than people who are guided by intrinsic

motives. Many individuals are inspired by a mixture of extrinsic and inherent motivating

influences. As a manager, you need to consider what the mix is. (Sands, 2021)

"The main content theories are

Maslow's needs hierarchy,

Alderfer's ERG theory,

McClelland's achievement motivation,

and Herzberg's two-factor theory.

Skinner's reinforcement theory,

Victor Vroom's expectancy theory, Adam's equity theory, and Locke's goal-setting theory are the

main process theories.

No single motivation theory explains all aspects of people's motives or lack of motives. Each

theoretical explanation can serve as the basis for the development of techniques for

motivating".(Motivation theories, 2011, para .1)

Bus5113 written assignment unit 3 3

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• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

The Abraham Maslow theory is one of the first hypotheses of inspiration. That is a triangle, or

pyramid. It falls into the inspiration school of thinking, reflecting on what motivates individuals.
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Maslow's hierarchy states that people have the same kinds of desires, except these needs have a

hierarchy. Hierarchy is important since it is a ladder of inspiration. If a person has been asked to

provide protection for them, they may neglect their true calling in life. (Carrier, 2020)

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Level 1: Physiological Needs

Any physiological requirements involve food, water, and shelter. Physiological requirements

involve the need for relaxation, food, and drink. To desire that has to be met before we will be.

(Carrier, 2020)
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Level 2: Safety Needs

The opportunity to provide protection needs outside the simple shelter and protection needs are

also significant. (Carrier, 2020)

Level 3: Social Belonging

Maslow introduced the desire for social identity to the hierarchy of needs. People start finding

friendship and group connections until they are getting simple needs fulfilled. (Carrier, 2020)

Level 4: Self-esteem

Maslow's model suggests that if people satisfy a desire for recognition, they rely on themselves.

This ego requires gratitude, affirmation, and appreciation. (Carrier, 2020)

Level 5: Self-Actualization

Maslow's hierarchy of needs states that after people have fulfilled their self-esteem, their greatest

need is self-actualization. It is analogous to Aristotle's definition of eudaimonia, which roughly

translates as leading the good life.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is used for psychological growth and self-reflection. Setting the

speaker amount has the additional advantage of improving satisfaction. (Carrier, 2020)
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• Adam's Equity Theory

According to the hypothesis, people equate their success with those of other people, the expense

of their acts, and the advantages they may receive. If people feel that their input-output ratio is

unequal, they may be willing to enhance their output.

Equity philosophy functions not only in the office but at colleges. If any individuals are wealthy,

others can experience pain too. That's why differences ought to be rendered fair.

If inequity persists, citizens feel.

• minimize his/her inputs, efforts, or quantity of jobs.

• try to improve outputs.

Adjust expectations of reference individual or results or inputs.

Adjust the comparison user.

Bus5113 written assignment unit 3 7

Exit the situation.

Equity is enshrined around the idea that everyone has similar interests, values, and personalities.

It is hard to define an entity that is widely accepted. Ensuring that others are appropriately served

is essential to successful leadership.

At work, employees bring inputs into the job, such as education, expertise, commitment,

resources, and they hope to get outputs, such as pay, compensation, advancement, verbal praise,

and exciting and demanding work, each in equal quantities. (Motivation theories, 2011)

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Bus5113 written assignment unit 3 8

McClelland's Learned Needs Theory

In the early 1960s, Maslow drew on McClelland to build three motivators. Human beings

develop motivators over time, which is why this hypothesis is often named the 'Learned Requires

Theory'. He informs us that we all have three drivers, which are different for each individual. A

desire or wish would be influential in our behavior.

McClelland's philosophy varies from Maslow's and Alderfer's, which concentrate on generating

or developing needs. Our society and life experiences affect this motivator. The three motivators


• achievement: to show one's competency or superiority.

• affiliation: Need for relation, association, affection, and belonging.

• Power is a desire for the influence of your job.

Achievement motivation person's desire for achievement, knowledge of abilities, or power is

correlated with various acts. Individuals can minimize risk of failure by taking risks. The high

need for success ensures humans try to excel in challenging roles. People in high demand.

Individuals love getting daily reviews. (Motivation theories, 2011)

1. Affiliation motivation

High-need-for-affiliation individuals get help from others they know well. During a tense

scenario, people require more affiliation. In these conditions, citizens find comfort in one

another. (Motivation theories, 2011)

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1. Authority/power motivation

The compulsion to monitor one's job or the work of others. Most individuals appear to have a

mixture of these traits. Men with a strong desire for control sometimes exhibit signs of violence,

consume more, behave in a sexually exploitative fashion, and engage in professional sports.

Women with high demands for control display more socially appropriate and responsible actions.

(Motivation theories, 2011)

Compare and contrast their influences on human motivation in the contemporary work setting, ,

Theory Key features Advantage Limitation

Maslow – • Believed all • Maslow's theory Specific problems find

hierarchy of People are broken was intuitive; it it impossible to

needs into five groups. was simple to evaluate the hypothesis.

• The conclusion understand and

Maslow focused his
must be valid at all apply.
hypothesis on clinical
stages. • • There is a link
practice, not on studies
• • After the need is with personal
with broad samples.
fulfilled, it no (ontogenetic)
(McGuinness, 2020)
longer has the human growth.

same motivational (McGuinness,

impact. 2020)
Bus5113 written assignment unit 3 10

McClelland – Everyone has one of Tasks are assigned according to May not answer the essential

Need for three primary need. needs.

achievement, motivating: the needs for No Excuse, No Remorse. One Gets Stereotype
affiliation achievement, affiliation, Satisfied Employees Hard to find matching roles.
and power power.

Adams' • •Equal • If all the fundamental • • If workers believe

equity theory compensation for factors (salaries, their employer is the

the role efficiency, etc.) remain same, make different

• • If pay considered the same, it is a rational salaries will lead

to be unequal and consistent method them to search for

employee can quit of paying salaries. better positions.

• Reviews the agent's • • •There is a limit of

compensation, which who is the same

adds continuity and person, even though

honesty to it. their abilities set is

the same, and their

effect discrepancy.

• Employees may not

like workers are

given a paycheck

who have moved

around from boss to

Bus5113 written assignment unit 3 11

supervisor; whether

the employees are

not respected or are

professional staff,

there will be


• choose one theory that best applies to your own personal and developmental journey.

Maslow is an appropriate concept that it had a hierarchical triangle. This proves that specific

fundamental needs have to be fulfilled before one can "climb" the hierarchy.


Having staff bought into targets would help them achieve their objectives. You should include

the team in developing priorities and targets. Meet with your viewers and make sure they are

pleased with your presentation. Complex tasks will confuse people or groups. Enable the

workers to split tasks down into more specific elements to succeed on the road to having targets.

No matter what motivation theories you have used, you need to think about the employees and

their need to successfully motivate them to achieve the organization's goal and vision.

Bus5113 written assignment unit 3 12

Carrier, J. (Ed.). (2020, October 26). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: A Simple Summary. The
World of Work Project. https://worldofwork.io/2019/02/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs/.
(Carrier, 2020)

Sands, L. (2021, February 4). What are motivation theories? HR Software Online.

(Sands, 2021)

3.3 Motivation theories. (2011). https://regi.tankonyvtar.hu/hu/tartalom/tamop412A/2011-


3.2.2: Motivational Theories. De La Salle College - VCE Unit 3 & 4 Business Management
notes: Units 3 & 4. https://businessmanagementlearning.wordpress.com/home/unit-3-managing-

McGuinness, B. (2020). What are the disadvantages and advantages of the Maslow
hierarchy? Quora. https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-disadvantages-and-advantages-of-the-

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