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Lab 8

To draw simple part drawing of machine element in Auto-cad drafting and annotation
module exercise 1.

1. First of all, open the auto cad software.
2. Open the 2D wireframe to make the drawing.
3. Set all dimensions and units of drawing.
4. Make sure that all commands are working properly.
5. Check the dimensions of the drawing and draw a clear diagram on
paper for the sake of understanding.
6. Set the limits of page to make a specific area visible.
7. In this drawing we draw the above given 2D diagram.
8. First of all draw two circles of diameters 55 & 90 respectively.
9. Then draw four small circles of diameter 20 at an angle of 30
degree from the center of above drawn circles.
10. Two circles are drawn above & two are drawn below the above
drawn circles.
11. The angle between centers of these small circles is 60.
12. Then make arcs of radius 18 around the given small circles.
13. Make another arc of radius 17 between the given drawn arcs
14. Make a fillet of radius 14 joining the arcs with the large circle.
15. Now place the dimensions on the whole figure at the end of lab.
16. Check the dimensions of the whole figure with the help of
dimension commands.
17. All dimensions are in inches & foots (Engineering Units).
18. Take the screenshot of the picture & paste it in your lab manual.
Lab manual should be
checked by the lab teacher.
19. Close down your software & Shut down your PC carefully.


1. First of all, open the auto cad software.
2. Open the 2D wireframe to make the drawing.
3. Set all dimensions and units of drawing.
4. Make sure that all commands are working properly.
5. Check the dimensions of the drawing and draw a clear diagram
on paper for the sake of understanding.
6. Set the limits of page to make a specific area visible.
7. In this drawing we draw the above given 2D diagram.
8. First of all draw a rectangular base of dimensions 168*24.
9. Draw a circle of diameter 60, the center of which is located at
distance of 52 from the base.
10. Draw two vertical lines on both sides of circle at a distance of 50
from each side.
11. Make a fillet of radius 6 joining the lines & the rectangular base.
Draw another small
circle of diameter 40 whose center is located at 246 from the base.
12. Draw another small circle of diameter 24 whose center is at a
distance of 116 from the base & 130 from the center of circle drawn
13. Draw arcs of radius 26, 40, 54 above the circle of diameter 24, the
inner arc is made with the help of hidden line.
14. Draw two arcs of radius 14 joining the above drawn arcs with each
other on both sides.
15. Draw semicircular arcs of radius 76 from the center of small circle
on both sides. Draw two quarter arcs of radius 36 joining the above
arc with the base by making a fillet of radius 5 on both sides.
16. Draw arc of radius 94 joining the above drawn arcs with the top of the figure.
17. Trim all the extra items drawn in the figure with the help of trim command.
18. Draw hatch lines where required in the given shape with the help of hatch command.
19. Place dimensions on the whole figure at the end of the lab.
20. All the dimensions are in inches & foots (Engineering Units).
21. Check the dimensions of the whole figure with the help of dimension commands.
22. Take the screenshot of the picture & paste it in your lab manual. Lab manual should be
checked by the lab teacher.
23. Close down your software & Shut down your PC carefully.

1. First of all, open the auto cad software.
2. Open the 2D wireframe to make the drawing.
3. Set all dimensions and units of drawing.
4. Make sure that all commands are working properly.
5. Check the dimensions of the drawing and draw a clear diagram on paper for the sake of
6. Set the limits of page to make a specific area visible.
7. In this drawing we draw the above given 2D diagram.
8. First of all, draw two circles of diameter 36 & 58 respectively.
Inner circle is drawn with center line while the outer is drawn
9. Make circles of diameter 8 on inner circle (6 circles) through
offset command.
10. Draw two circles of diameter 15 & 22 at offset distance of 40
from base on both sides. The distance between centers of these
circles is 34 from the center of circle drawn at start.
11. Draw two circles of diameter 40 & 58 respectively, the center of
these circles lies at a distance of 73 from the bottom.
12. Make 8 circles of diameter 10 on inner circle (40 dia) through
polar array command.
13. Make an arc of radius 20 on left side drawn circle (15 dia) joining
both top & bottom circles.
14. On the right, draw a semicircular arc of radius 20, make a fillet of
radius 15 joining the top & bottom circles.
15. Place dimensions on the whole figure at the end of the lab.
16. All the dimensions are in inches & foots (Engineering Units).
17. Check the dimensions of the whole figure with the help of
dimension commands.
18. Take the screenshot of the picture & paste it in your lab manual. Lab manual should be
checked by the lab teacher.
19. Close down your software & Shut down your PC carefully.
1. First of all, open the auto cad software.
2. Open the 2D wireframe to make the drawing.
3. Set all dimensions and units of drawing.
4. Make sure that all commands are working properly.
5. Check the dimensions of the drawing and draw a clear diagram on
paper for the sake of understanding.
6. Set the limits of page to make a specific area visible.
7. In this drawing we draw the above given 2D diagram.
8. Draw four circles of diameter 10 at the top & bottom, the distance
between centers of these circles is 100.
9. Again, repeat the step 8 to draw circles of diameter 26.
10. Draw an arc of radius 32 joining both the top & bottom circles with each other.
11. In the draw circles of diameter 40 & radius 32, join these with the top & bottom drawn circles
with a vertical line & an arc of radius 15.
12. Make a rectangle in between these circles of
dimensions 20*4.
13. Draw hatch lines where required in the diagram.
14. Trim the extra figures drawn with the help of trim
15. Place dimensions on the whole figure at the end of the
16. All the dimensions are in inches & foots (Engineering
17. Check the dimensions of the whole figure with the
help of dimension commands.
18. Take the screenshot of the picture & paste it in your lab manual. Lab manual should be checked
by the lab teacher.
19. Close down your software & Shut down your PC carefully.

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