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STD-TSO J4-2-ENGL L596 MM YASL903 OLI2592 489 mb INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 34-2 Fist cation 1995-1215 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tear strength — Part 2: Small (Delft) test pieces Caourenouc wuicanise ou mermoptastique — Determination de 12 résistance au déchirement Partie 2: Petites éorouvettes (Sprouvettes de Dei) ‘This material is reproduced from ISO documents under International Organization tor Standardiation (180) Copyright Liconse number |HSMICC/996. Not for resale. No part of thage ISO documents may be reproduced in any form, electronic retieval system or otherwise, except 36 allowed in the copyright law of the countey of use, or with the prior Union consent of $0 (Case pestale 6, 1211 Genova 20, Switzerland, Fax 44 22 734 10 79), IMS oF the 180 Licensar's members. Roference numbar 150 34-2°199646) by Ue International Orguszation For Standardization copmriett Wed Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD-ISO 34-2-ENGL 1994 MM 4YB5L903 Ob92592 315 mm ISO 34-2:1996(E) Foreword |SO {the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide Federation of national standards bodies {ISO mamber bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interestod in 9 subject tor which a technical committee nas been established has the right to be Fepresented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. [SO collaborates closely with the Internationsl Electrotechnical Commission UWECI on all matters of eiectrotachnical standardization, Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committess are élrculated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Intomavinal Stendard requires approval by at least 75 % cf the memiver bodies casting avote. International Standard ISO 34-2 wes preperad by Technical Committee ISO/TC 48, Rubber and rubber products, Subcommittee SC 2, Physical and degradaticn tests, It cancels and replaces International Standard ISO 616:1969, of which it constitutes 2 technical revision 150 34 consists of the foliowing parts, under the general title Rubber, vuleanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tear strangt’. ~ Part 1: Trouser, angle and crescent test pieces — Part 2: Small (Delt) test pieces Annexes A, B and € of this part of ISO 34 are for information only. © 130 1996 Al fights reserved. Unless cthernise speci, ne part of ths publiestion may be Feprocuced or utilized in any form or ty any ars, elecoric o° mechanical, Ielcing ‘photocopying and mirofim, without permission in writing frm tre pusher International Organization for Stancerdstion (Case Postale 8+ CH-i211 Gorove 20 « Swtestand Printed in Swetaatend Copmrigt by the International Organization For Standardization Ye fun 28 1651-08 2008, STD.ISO 34-2-ENGL 299b WH YASLAO3 042593 25) a INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ©1SO 180 34-2:1998(E) Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tear strength — Part 2: Smail (Delft) test pieces 1 Scope ‘This part of ISO 34 specifies a method for the determination of the tear strength of smell test pieces (Delft test pices) of vuleanized or thermoplastic rubber. NOTE — The method does not necessary give results egreeing with those given by the method descrided in |S 34-1. itis used in preference to ISO 34-1 when the available material i imited, and may be particularly suitable for testing emall finished Products, 2 Normative references ‘The following standards contain provisions whieh, through reforonce in this text, eonetitute provicione of thie part of 180 34. At the time of publication, tha editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and panties to agreements based on this pert of [SO 34 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards inaicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid international Standards. 180 34.1:1994, Rubber, vulcanzed and thermoplastic — Determination of tear strength — Part t: Trouser, angle and crescent test pieces, |$0.471:1995, Rubber — Temperatures, humidities and times for conditioning and testing. ISO 3383-1985, Rubber — Genera! directions for achieving elevated or subnormal temperatures for test purposes. (80 4648-1991, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoptastic — Determination of dimensions of test pieces and products for test purposes. ISO 9893:1993, Fubber and plastics test equipment — Tensile, flexural and compression types (constant sate of traverse) — Descripuon. ISO/TR 9272:1986, Rubber and rubber products — Determination of precision for test mathod standards 3 Principle The force required to tear across the width of a small test piace containing a sit in the centre is measured. [The slit is mace and the test piece cut out in a single cutting operation) by the International Organization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD-TSO 3U-2-ENGL 299 MM YASLADI OLAST4 1A mT 1S0 34-2:1996(E) 2180 4 Apparatus 4.1 Tensile-testing machine, complying with the requirements of ISO 5893, capable of measuring force with an accuracy cotrasponding to grade B es defined in ISO 5893, end with @ rate of traverse cf the moving grip of 800 mm/min + 50 mmvmin. ‘The capacity of the test machine shall be such that the force required to tear the test piece will be not loss than 15 % oF more than 85 % of that capacity NOTE — inertia (pendulum) type dynamometers tend to give results which differ because of frictional and inertial effects. An Inertoless ttor sxampie electranic or optical transducer type) dynamometer gives results which ate Iree from tess affects and is therefore to be preferred. 4.2. Die, for cutting out the test pioce. The construction of the die and the knife which cuts the slit are show in figures Vand 2. 4.3 Micrometer gauge, complying with the requirements of ISO 4648 and having a circuler foot eppreximately 8mm in diameter which exerts a pressure of 22 kPe +5 kPa) 4.4 Travelling microscope, giving at least x 10 magnification, fittad with a greticule graduated at 0,01 mm intervals. 5 Test pieces 5.1. Shape and dimensions ‘The tast pieces shell be rectangular and shall conform to the dimensians shown in figure 3. The test pieces shall be cut from @ sheet by punching with the die (4.2), using a single blow of a mallet or (preferably) a single stroke of & press, The rubber may be wetted with water of a soap soluticn, and shall be supported on 6 sheet of slightly yielding material (for example feather, rubber beking 07 cardboard) on a fiat rigid surface, ‘The tear sttenath is particularly susceptible to grain effects in vulcanized rubber, Normally, all test pioces are Prepared with the grain at right angles to their length, but, in cases where grain effects are significant and are to be evaluated, two sets of test pieces shall be cut from the sheet, one at right angles to the grain end the other parallel 10 the grain. ‘The thickness d of the test pioces shall be 2,0 mm £0,2 mm. 5.2 Measurement of dimensions 5.2.1 Measurement of thickness ¢ Measure the thickness of the test piece by method A1 of ISO 4648:1991, Teke at least three gauge readings in the ‘egion of the slit If an even number of readings is taken, use the everage of the two median values as the result. If an odd number of readings is taken, use the median valuo. No reading shal daviate by more then 2 % from the value used. When the test results are to be used for comparative purposes, the thickness of any test piace shall ‘rot vary by more than 10 % from the mean thickness of ell the test pieces, 11 RRA = 1 kNéme Copmrieht by the International Orgaization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD-ISO 34-2-ENGL 1556 MM 452903 0692595 O24 a 180 34-2:1996(E) 2180 Dimensicns in mlimteoe Eesha AA show (Gecond netbod) o Figure 1 — Die for Delft test pieces Copmrieht by the International Organization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD.ISO 34-2-ENGL 199 MM 4851903 Ob9259% ThO mm 1S0 34-2:1996(E) e180 Deensions in mites oe | | | Iv Enlarged deta of cutting Enlarged ets of smatt ‘e6ge Yor rest piece blade for cutting st Figure 2— Details of Delt test piece die cutting edges ‘SU fo be synmeteica witn ime wish — A ® Figure 3 ~ Test pleco by the International Organization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD-ISO 34-2-ENGL 1556 MM 4ASL503 0692597 977 Iso ISO 34-2:1996(E) 6.2.2. Measurement of the total width outside the slit This total width outside the slit ig comesponds to the rubber to be tom. Two methods of measurement can be used. The first method is theoretically more exact, but is difficult to use in practice. The second method, which is in common use, is simpler but can give different results. Unless otherwise specified, use the second method Resuks obtained using test pieces measured by different methods shall not be compared First method: Measurement by travelling microscope Varistions occur in the length of the elit and in tho total width of tho tot piece whon the same die is used to prepare test pieces from rubber of different harcnesses. Moreover, the slit may not be uniform throughout its depth, But may be wider at one surface. Take one test piece which has been cut out with the dia, therefore, anc Use it to measura the width to be forn by cutting the test piece through with a sharp razor blade in the plane of the silt and measuring the cut surfaces fwwidth on either side of the slit) with a traveling microscope. The ends of the siit are curved 28 ehown in figure 4, and an attempt shall be made to allow for this curvature when measuring the ‘weith on either side of the skit, as follows: Take as the with on the left-hand side by, which is the distance from the line AB 10 an imaginary line A’B" which is situated so that the total area S; + 5) = $5. Similarly, on the righthand side, imegine a tine C°D’ situated so that the total atea S'y + “2 = $3 and by is the width, The total width #9 outside the sft Iie. the rubber to be torn is then by + ba, Dimensions in eiieatees byte. ros (first meted Figure 4 — Section through slit in Delft test piece 9.2.22 Second (simpler) method: Measurement from the dimensions of the die used te cut the test piece Calculate 3 from the dimensions of the die (se figure 1), using the following equation: by= Wow where Wis the measured cistence between the cutting edges of the die, Wie the meaeured width of the blade for autting the ali 5.3 Number At lesst three and prefersbly six pieces shall be tested. by the International Organization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD.TSO 34-2-ENGL 299b MM 4851903 Ob92598 833 mm ISO 34-2:1996(E} 2180 5.4 Time interval between vulcanization and testing The time between vulcenization and testing shall be in accordance with ISO 471, 6 Temperature of test The test is normelly cartied out at 2 standard laboratory temperature of 23 °C 2°C or 27°C +2 °C, as specified in Isoani, If the test is 10 be carried out at a temperature other than & standard laboratory temperature, condition the test piace, immediately prior to testing, for a period sufficient to reach substantial temperature equilibrium at the test temperature. Keap this period as short as possible in order to avoid ageing the rubber (see ISO 3383), Use the sere temperature throughout any ane test, as well as any series of tests intended to be comparable. 7 Procedure Mount the test piece in the testing machine so that the frae length between the points of contact of the grips on the test piece is 30 mm, je. so that each grip is 16 mm from the sift, Stretch the test piace in the machine. Do not interrupt the stretching before the test piece has tom completely through. Note the maximum ferce reached during tearing, 8 Expression of results ‘The tearing force depends on the thickness of the test piece and the width of the rubber torn, and the result is therefore expressed as the force necessary to teat a test piece of standard width and thickness. This value. the tear strength Fa, in newton, is given by the equation 8 isthe product of the nominal values of bs {4 mm) and d {2 nmi; F isthe force, in newtons, required to tear the test piece; ‘b3_ is the actual width, in milimetres, of the rubber tom in the test piece (see 5.2); dis the actual thickness, in mitimatres, of the tost piecs. Arrange the results in order of increasing velue end take as the result the average of the two median values if the number of test pieces is even, or the median valuo if the number of test pigces is odd. Ff only three test pieces are tested, give the ind'vidual results. 9 Precision 9.4. General ‘The calculations to determine the repeatability and reproducibility were performed in accordance with SOTA 9272, Consuit this for procision concepts and nomenclature. Annex A gives guidance on the use of repeatability end reproducibility results, Copmrieht by the International Organization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD-ISO 3H-2-ENGL LAS MM 4852903 0692599 777 e1so ISO 34-2:1996(E) 92 recision details 9.2.1 An interlaboratory tost programme (ITP) was organized in 1989 by the Laboratoire de Recherches ot de Contréle du Caoutchoue et das Plastiques (LACCP) Tast pieces prepared by LRCCP from cured sheets of three compounds A, B and C {the same as were used for the ITP for ISO 24-1) were sent out to all artecipating laboratories. Detzils of these compounds are outlined in annex B In each laboratory, the following operations were carried out on each of the two testing days a week apart tickness measurement, meesurement of the total width cutside the sli (methods 1 and 2) and, finally, tear strength measurement. For each set of measurements, two types of test piace were used: direction 1 test pieces, cut with the mill grain at $0” to the direction of elongation: direction 2 test piaces, cut with the mill grain parallel to the direction af elongetion, Five laboratories parliciosted in the testing of test piaces whose width outside the slit was measured using method 1, seven in the testing of test pieces whose width outside the slit was measured using method 2 9.2.2 The precision determined is a type 1 precision; ne mixing or curing of the test compounds was dene in the, participating laboratories. 9.3 Precision results Tho precision results for all tests are given in table 1. See annex A for guidance on using precision results. For ‘comments see annex C. The symbols used in table 1 are as follows: = repeatability, measurement units (A = repeatabiity, as percentage of material average R= ceproduchility, measurement units [R) = reproducibility, as percentage of material everage: Pocled (rh and iR) values are catculsted on the basis of pooled r and R and overell material average values. 10 Test report ‘The test repert shall include the following particulars: a) a reference to this part of SO 34; ) all details necessary for idontification of the sample tested; ) the method of measurement of the total width outside the sii; 4d) the tear strongth, calculated in eccordance with clause @: fe) the temperature of test; ) the direction of the grain in the test piece: 9) the date of vulcanization, if known, and the date of testing, by the International Organization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD.ISO 3U-2-ENGL 1994 MM 4851903 Ob92600 21 mm ISO 34-2:19961E) Tse ‘Table 1— Precision results for “Detft” tear strength (Ni ‘Meterial ‘Average Within-laboratory Betwoen-laboratory ce | eft Width outside sit measured using method 1 Direction 1 (mill grein perpendicular} Comaound A 387 437 9 129 36,1 Compound B 32,0 582 176 We 49 Compound c 123.8 369 20.0 628 482 Pooled values 682 28 348 ana 566 Direction 2 fill orain paral Compound & 35,8 168 487 9,96 2A Compound & 314 2.09 127 6.96 22 Compound & 132,1 258 19.5 445 337 Pooled values 638 158 2a 249 363 Width outside slit measured using method 2 Direction 1 (mill graln perpendicular) ‘Compound A 409 473 na 17.2 ‘Compound 8 374 2387 623 190 Compound ¢ 157.0 335 285 on7. Pooled values 784 238 02 322 Direction 2 (mil grain parallel Compound & 404 7a 167 123 Compound 8 32 3.69 994 179 Compound © 1639 24,0 148 206 Fooled vawuos, 225 145 278 50,2 by the International Organization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD-ISO 34-2-ENGL 199L MM 4852503 Ob92601 158 Ml e1so ISO 34.2:1996(E) Annex A (informative) Guidance for using precision results A.1 The goneral procedure for using precision results is as follows, with the symbol [xj —.19| designating @ positive difference in any two measurement values (Le, without regard to sian. A.2_ Enter the appropriate precision table (for whatever test parameter is being considered) at an average value (of the measured paremeie!) nezrest to the “test” deta average under considerztion, This line will give the ‘applicable, r, irl, Ror (R) for use in the decision process, A.3 With these r and (7, values, the following general repeatability statements may be used to make decisions. A.3.1 For an absolute difference: The difference |x - x2| between two test (valLe} averages, found on nominally identical meterial samples under normal and correct operation of the test procedure, will exceed the tabuleted repeatzbilty ron avorago not more than once in twenty cases A32 Fora percentage differance between two tast (value) averages: The percentage difference bss el /(-+ 22}/2 x10 between two test values, found on nominally :dentical materiel samples under normal and correct operation of the test procedure, will excead the tabulated repeatability r on average not more than once in twenty cases. A.4 With these R and (R) values, the following general reproducibility stetements may be used to make decisions. A.4.1 For an absolute difference: The absolute difference [1 —xp| between two independently measured test {value} averages, found in two laboratories using normal and correct tes: procedures on nominally iderital meterial samples, will exceed the tabulated reproducibility & not mote than once in twenty cases. A.A2 Fora percentage difference betwean two test (value) averages: The percentage difference: Dss— 2a) / (1+ 20}/2 [x100 between two independently measured test (value} averages, found in two laboratories using narmal and correct, teat procedures on nominelly identical material samples, wil exceed the tabulated repraducibility (R) not more than ‘once in twenty cases. by the International Organization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD-ISO 34-2-ENGL 3994 MM 4453503 O692b02 094 mm 1S0 34-2:1996(6) 9180 Annex B {informative) Formulations for compounds A, B and C used in ITP Values in pars by mess 8 Natural rubber 32 = SBR 1500 66 100 Carbon black, “Type N B50 65 = Type N 339 = 36 Type N 234 = 88 ‘Aromatic oi 16 — Stearic acid 1 1 Aatiozonant 3 - Tine oxide 2 a Sultur 32 1.75 ‘Accelerator 20 1 Hydrocarbon resin = — 10 by the International Organization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD-ISO 34-2-ENGL L496 MM 4851903 CeI2b03 120 Ml e1so ISO 34-2:1996(E) Annex C {informative} . Comments on preci in results The velues of rand 2 in table 1 are roughly proportional to the magnitude of the “Delft” tear strength; tho values of (9 and (Ri however, which are equivalent t0 2 coefficient of variation, do not change appreciably, while the tear ‘strangth incrsasas by a factor of approximetely four. There eppoars to be no consistent difference in the Influence Cf the twe methods for measuring the width outside the slit. .¢. methed 1 and method 2, except with parallel mill ‘rain testing. Here the reproducibility f} i almost two times higher far method 2. Parallel grain test pieces appear to bs more pracise (.. give @ tower r and RI for method 1, in both within-laboratory and betweendaboratory testing. For method 2, there appasrs to be a similar advantage with paralel-grain test pieces for within-laboratory testing ie. lower rand jr), but the opposite is found for between isboratory testing, Method 2 gives higher average tear values than method 1. The grain girection has no significant influence on the magnitude of the tear strength. Table C.1 ists the results obtained in a previous ITP conducted in 1887 for ISO 34-1. The ISO 34-2 ITP mada use of ‘the same three compound formulations as the ISO 34-1 programme, Thus @ comparison of tha precision of the two 'SO test methods is possile. This is done in table C.1 Expressed on a relative basis since the measurement units aro aifferent in the two test methods, the precision obtained with the Delft test piece is, everul, better than that obtained with the trouser test piace. This superiorly ‘cen ke seen for bath (rand {R} with only some minor exceptions. This 's pernaps not surovising sinos the Delt test lace is effectively 2 tensile test piece with a very large “law Table C.1 — Comparison af 1S0 34-1 and ISO 24-2 toar etrongthe Material 180 34-1 180342 Average a ! le Average oh l ie Trouser test piece (rill grain perpendicular) Compound A 368 247 0 367 19 381 Compound B 261 25 308 320 176 349 Compound ¢ 228 38,0 607 1298 20.0 482, ‘Trouser test piace {mill grain paralelh Compound sar ory eS 388 457 za Compound & 838 36.0 35.0 314 127 22 Compound & 213 225 48.5 132.1 198 337 Die B (angle) test piece with notch (mill grain perpendicular ‘Compaune A 132 29.4 a7 367 719 36.1 Compound 8 147 408 408 32.0 176 349 Compound C 62. 496 03 1298 30.0 48.2 Die C (crascent) test piece with notch (mil grain perpendiculan Compound A 29.9 228 103.7 mF 119 36.1 Compound B at 161 946 32.0 178 349 Compound 124.9 235 36.0 1238 30.0. 43,2 NOTES 1 For both sots of tests $0341 and S032), the comperison is made on a common mit grain ass ‘either Perpencicular ot parallel, 2_The resuits tor 180 34-2 were cbtainad using tas! pieces in which the wiath outside the slit was measured by method 1 " by the International Organization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, STD-TSO 34-2-ENGL 2896 MM 4653903 Ob92b04 67 Mm 180 34-2:1996(E} SNE NnEEEEnnermemmmeenneennee Ics 23.060 Deseriptors: ruboe', vulcanized rubber, theoplestcnulner, toate, mechanical tests, tea tests, determination, var skenath Face based on 11 pages —— eee, tbe lolernaoual Orgatization For Standardization Ned Jun 28 16:51:08 2008, 8 \s0

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