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Name : Evita

Class : English Letters 2A

NIM : 183211034

How to Be a Member of Tentacle

Joining an organization is a pride for new students, yet you need some advice from
your seniors who have experience in organization. These are several steps to join as a Tentacle
member. The first step is you must fill in the recruitment registration form for new members.
You can get forms from your seniors who have become Tentacle member, or you can also come
to the Tentacle room located behind the library. The form usually contains biodata for
prospective registrants as well as columns for photo passages, but do not worry if you do not
have a photo pass because you may not fill in the column for the photo passages. Second, submit
the registration forms that has been filled in to the Tentacle room, and do not forget to bring
registration fee worth thirty-five thousand rupiahs. The next step is selection phase by the
committee, so registrant participants will wait for the results for about one week to two weeks
until the announcement will be announced on Tentacle’s social media. Then after passing the
selection, there will be an association to introduce the Tentacle. All selected participants will be
asked to attend the association in the tentacle room, so that the seniors will give direction for
training and inauguration to become new members, and then a group will be formed to attend the
training. Finally, after participating in training, participants will officially become Tentacle

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