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This question paper consists of 30 questions. All the questions are compulsory and
carry equal weightage. The hand-written detailed solution of each question should
be sent in PDF format.
Format for answers:
 Question number- Answer Option (For example- Q1- A)
 Solution-step wise

1) If the eight-digit number 5668x25y is divisible by 48, find the least value of x + y.
(A) 10 (B) 9 (C) 8 (D) 7
2) The LCM of two numbers is 196 and the HCF is 7. If the difference of the two
numbers is 21, find the larger of the two numbers.
(A) 28 (B) 35 (C) 42 (D) 49
3) Find the index of the greatest power (IGP) of 24 contained in 360!.
(A) 108 (B) 118 (C) 128 (D) 178
4) Find the smallest of the three numbers in arithmetic progression, if the product
of the first and the third numbers is 252 and the sum of the three numbers is 48.
(A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 14 (D) 16

6) The average age of a board of 10 advisors of a company is the same as it was 3

years ago, on account of the replacement of one of the older advisors by a
younger man. How much younger is the new man than the director whom he
(A) 24 years (B) 40 years (C) 52 years (D) None of these
8) Two alloys A and B contain copper and zinc in the ratio 4 : 9 and 5 : 6
respectively. If equal weights of the two are melted together to form a third
alloy, find the ratio of the weights of copper and zinc in the third alloy named C.
(A) 109 : 167 (B) 113 : 164 (C) 109 : 177 (D) 107 : 158
9) The ratio of alcohol and water in three mixtures of alcohol and water is 3 : 2, 4 :
1 and 7 : 3. If equal quantities of the mixtures are drawn and mixed, the
concentration of alcohol in the resulting mixture will be_____.
(A) 65% (B) 70% (C) 75% (D) 80%
10) A report consists of 20 sheets each of 55 lines and each such line consists of 65
characters. This report is reduced onto sheets each of 65 lines such that each
line consists of 70 characters. The percentage reduction in number of sheets is
closest to:
(a) 20% (b) 5% (c) 30% (d) 35%
11) The number of votes not cast for the PNC Party increased by 25% in the National
General Election over those not cast for it in the previous Assembly Polls, and
the PNC Party lost by a majority twice as large as that by which it had won the
Assembly Polls. If a total 2,60,000 people voted each time, how many voted for
the PNC Party in the previous Assembly Polls?
(a) 1,10,000 (b) 1,50,000 (c) 1,40,000 (d) 1,20,000
12) A man bought 100 mangoes at a certain price, with the intention of selling each
at a profit of 25%. But 20 mangoes got spoilt. If he sold the rest at the intended
price, what was his profit or loss percentage?
(A) 0% (B) 6.66% profit (C) 6.25% loss (D) 12.5% profit
13) A dealer bought 50 television sets at `10000 each. For every set purchased from
him, he gave one set free. The loss made by him is equal to the selling price of
15 sets. What is the selling price of each set, that is bought?
(A) `10000 (B) `15000 (C) `12500 (D) `20000
14) A man invests `1395 in a 3% stock at `93. After holding the stock for a month, he
sells `1000 worth of stock at `95 and the remaining at `80. What is the overall
profit or loss in the above purchase and sale transaction?(in `)
(A) 75 loss (B) 15 loss (C) 22 profit (D) 45 loss
15) Prashant borrows a sum at compound interest and it amounts to `1,38,240 at
the end of three years and to `1,99,065.60 at the end of five years. What is the
sum borrowed?
(A) `76,000 (B) `80,000 (C) `90,000 (D) `96,000
16) A sum was lent for a year, another sum was lent for 2 years and another sum
was lent for 3 years. Each sum was lent at 5% p.a compound interest. If each
sum amounted to the same value, the ratio of the first, second and third sums is
(A) 400 : 420 : 441 (B) 20 : 21 : 22 (C) 22 : 21 : 20 (D) 441 : 420 : 400
17) The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in a school is 7:3. If an
additional 15 girls were to join the class, the ratio of the number of boys to the
number of girls would become 2:3. What is the initial number of girls in the class?
(A) 4 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 6
18) If 3x − 4y + 2z = 0 and 4x − 2y − z = 0, find x : z : y.
(A) 8 : 10 : 11 (B) 8 : 11 : 40 (C) 11 : 40 : 8 (D) 8 : 40 : 11
19) Anwar would have to incur `600, `900 and `1200 as the expenses if he got a job
done by A, B and C respectively. The daily wages of A, B and C are `100, `60 and
`40 respectively. Find the cost to Anwar of getting the job done by all three of
them (in `).
(A) 600 (B) 800 (C) 750 (D) 900
20) Pipe A can fill a cistern in 18 minutes. Pipe B can fill the cistern in 24 minutes.
Pipe C can empty the cistern in 36 minutes. At 10 a.m., pipe A is opened. At 10 :
10 a.m, pipe C is opened. At 10 : 15 a.m, pipe B is opened. The time at which the
cistern would be full is approximately
(A) 10 : 40 (B) 10 : 36 a.m. (C) 10 : 27 a.m. (D) 10 : 20 a.m.

Rich and seemingly boundless as the creative arts seem to be, each is filtered
through the narrow biological channels of human cognition. Our sensory world, what
we can learn unaided about reality external to our bodies, is pitifully small. Our
vision is limited to a tiny segment of the electromagnetic spectrum, where wave
frequencies in their fullness range from gamma radiation at the upper end,
downward to the ultralow frequency used in some specialized forms of
communication. We see only a tiny bit in the middle of the whole, which we refer to
as the “visual spectrum.” Our optical apparatus divides this accessible piece into the
fuzzy divisions we call colors. Just beyond blue in frequency is ultraviolet, which
insects can see but we cannot. Of the sound frequencies all around us we hear only a
few. Bats orient with the echoes of ultrasound, at a frequency too high for our ears,
and elephants communicate with grumbling at frequencies too low.

Tropical mormyrid fishes use electric pulses to orient and communicate in opaque
murky water, having evolved to high efficiency a sensory modality entirely lacking in
humans. Also, unfelt by us is Earth’s magnetic field, which is used by some kinds of
migratory birds for orientation. Nor can we see the polarization of sunlight from
patches of the sky that honeybees employ on cloudy days to guide them from their
hives to flower beds and back.

Our greatest weakness, however, is our pitifully small sense of taste and smell. Over
99 percent of all living species, from microorganisms to animals, rely on chemical
senses to find their way through the environment. They have also perfected the
capacity to communicate with one another with special chemicals called
pheromones. In contrast, human beings, along with monkeys, apes, and birds, are
among the rare life forms that are primarily audiovisual, and correspondingly weak
in taste and smell. We are idiots compared with rattlesnakes and bloodhounds. Our
poor ability to smell and taste is reflected in the small size of our chemosensory
vocabularies, forcing us for the most part to fall back on similes and other forms of
metaphor. A wine has a delicate bouquet, we say, its taste is full and somewhat
fruity. A scent is like that of a rose, or pine, or rain newly fallen on the earth.

We are forced to stumble through our chemically challenged lives in a chemosensory

biosphere, relying on sound and vision that evolved primarily for life in the trees.
Only through science and technology has humanity penetrated the immense sensory
worlds in the rest of the biosphere. With instrumentation, we are able to translate
the sensory worlds of the rest of life into our own. And in the process, we have
learned to see almost to the end of the universe, and estimated the time of its
beginning. We will never orient by feeling Earth’s magnetic field, or sing in
pheromone, but we can bring all such information existing into our own little
sensory realm.

21) The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the
following statements about the “visual spectrum”?
(A) Human vision is restricted to a minor part in the middle of the “visual
(B) It reveals the optical sensory realm of humans of its fullest glory.
(C) It hardly covers the entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
(D) The optical apparatus of humans divides the “visual spectrum” into a sense
of hardly distinguishable colours.
22) The author of the passage mentions which of the following as an advantage of
technology development?
(A) One can understand the true nature of the sensory world.
(B) One can gain insights into the nature of aesthetic judgment.
(C) One can understand the origins of the universe.
(D) One can overcome all existing sensory limitations.
23) In the context of the passage, the word “bouquet” most closely corresponds to
which of the following?
(A) The aroma of flowers
(B) The smell of flowers
(C) A nosegay
(D) The characteristic scent of a wine

24) Modern history abounds with violence fueled by apocalyptic myths, not always
explicitly religious in nature. The aim of the Jacobin terror in revolutionary
France was the creation of a modern state. If the violent suppression of the
peasant revolt in the Vendée is included, the casualties ran into the hundreds of
thousands. The myths that possessed these anarchists in their campaigns of
assassination were secular myths of social transformation. Lenin avowedly
followed the Jacobin example when he used the Cheka to create a modern state
in Russia. One of the factors that distinguished Nazism and fascism from
conventional tyrannies was the belief that a new society could be fashioned by
the systematic use of terror. Violent jihadism has more in common with these
modern totalitarian movements than is commonly supposed
A. Violent jihadism is justified on the secular myth of social transformation,
rather than the idea of religious apocalypse.
B. The myth of social transformation has underpinned many totalitarian
movements in modern history, and violent jihadism too exploits this.
C. Although it is believed that violence is fueled by religion, the reality is that it is
unleashed on the premise of the creation of a modern state.
D. Modern history illustrates that it is a myth that societies can be transformed
by the systematic use of terror.

25) 12, 21, 39, 75, 147, _____

(A) 273 (B) 291 (C) 283 (D) 263 (E) 306
26) In a certain code language if the word IMPORT is coded as KPUVCG, then what is
coded as MISCHIEF?

(28-30) These questions are based on the following information.

Eight Presidents A, B, C, D, U, V, W, and Y of eight countries
France, Russia, China, India, Brazil, Germany, USA, and
South Africa sit around a circular conference table,
facing the centre, not necessarily in the same order.

The following information is known about them.

(i) A sits opposite to the President of France, who is
second to the left of V.
(ii) The president of Brazil is two places away to the left
of B. B is not the President of China.
(iii) A is not the President of Brazil. C, the President of
Russia sits opposite the President of Brazil and is
not adjacent to A.
(iv) Neither W nor Y is the President of Brazil.
(v) D, the President of Germany, is adjacent to both the
Presidents of USA and India.
(vi) W is not the President of China and the President of
USA is opposite the President of China.

28) To which of the following countries is V the President?

(A) USA (B) China (C) Germany (D) South Africa
29) Who sits third to the right of Russia’s President?
(A) U (B) Y (C) B (D) A
30) Which among the following is ‘definitely true’?
(A) ‘C’ is second to the left of Brazil’s President.
(B) France’s President is opposite ‘Y’.
(C) W and A are opposite each other.
(D) None of these

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