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Relativity Resilience Growth Fund I

Relativity Resilience Growth Fund I - "R2GF I"

About Relativity IA
Relativity IA is an alternative investment management R2GF I is a growth private equity fund investing in mid market businesses across
platform and is a TRUST Group partnership. economic themes underpinned by megatrends with commitment to Sustainable
The team brings significant private equity experience and Responsible Investing.
across the deal lifecycle:
Investment Objective
• leading 15+ transactions across sectors, in mid
market growth stage companies Long term capital appreciation by partnering with sustainable businesses creating
economic value while contributing to healthy ecosystems and strong communities.
• by adopting sustainability integration (including
ESG factors) Investment Rationale
• and delivering critical portfolio level interventions
• India presents a significant multi-thematic mid-market investment

resulting in superior risk adjusted financial opportunity due to its unique positioning in terms of a large and favourable
demography, increasing digitisation, transition to a low carbon economy, and
The senior members also have substantial
rising consumerism aided by reforms, evolution and disruptions across sectors,
experience of working together as a team.
and business models.
The advisory board possesses deep cross-sectoral
experience with demonstrated track record in • Megatrends are persistent and irreversible with a broad based impact
leadership positions. and includes some of society’s biggest challenges and opportunities. The
About TRUST Group megatrends of demographic shift, climate change and increasing use of
TRUST Group is one of India’s full service finance technology, create material issues that have an impact on economic growth
house with existing assets under management and on demand of different products and services, driving the transition and
across asset classes.
transformation to emerging business models.
The company has received several awards and
recognition, including being awarded 'Best Bond Strategy
Adviser - Domestic' by The Asset Country Awards The fund has a commitment to Sustainable and Responsible Investing (SRI)
in 2018 and India Bond House of the Year 2017 by
IFR Asia.
focused investment thesis, targeted at providing growth capital to mid-market
opportunities in India-plus. The Fund will target businesses that are relevant to
Group synergies
investing themes, derived from persistent and long term megatrends. The Fund will
The deep experience of the Group across
integrate traditional analysis factors such as financial strength and growth drivers,
investment banking, capital market services, asset
management & advisory and wealth management with material non-financial factors such as environment, social, and governance
provides the Fund with synergies across sourcing for (ESG) along with the disruptive transformations, to fully understand the long term
opportunities, value addition to portfolio companies competitive advantage. We partner with purpose driven entrepreneurs building
and liquidity in the investments.
resilient businesses with a culture of people centricity and impact orientation,
Megatrends are global, sustained and creating sustained value in the long term.
macro economic forces of development Investment Approach
that impacts business, economy,
society, cultures and personal lives An equitable and enduring economy is characterized by businesses that create
thereby defining our future world and its economic value, are future ready and contribute to a thriving community.
increasing pace of change. 1
Thematic investing: Our distinctive approach of thematic investing allows us to
identify the sectors where demand for goods and services is evolving, under the
Megatrends materially impact businesses
influence of secular megatrends, with potential to create sustained value.
Long-term outlook with active partnership: We believe in partnering for the
Demographic long term. The Fund will be an active growth investor, investing in significant minority
positions and adding value by partnering with companies to mitigate material risks
(including ESG) and capitalize on the opportunities created by the megatrends.
Climate Increasing Sustainability integration: We use integration of sustainability factors as a key
change use of
technology vector for both risk mitigation and value creation. The Fund will analyse businesses
with full commitment towards achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals and
These trends create material impact across risk measure the same qualitatively and quantitatively including relevant Impact metrics
management, growth and return profile of businesses across national and international benchmarks.
resulting in business models to either evolve, emerge
or get disrupted.
- Frost & Sullivan Private and confidential - restricted circulation only
Relativity Resilience Growth Fund I
Understanding sustainability provides Fund facts: The indicative terms of investments are as follows
deeper insights for risk management,
growth prospects and return General Partner (GP) Relativity Investment Advisors, LLP
maximization. 2 Target capital raise US$100million (plus US$50million Green Shoe Option)
GP commitment 2.5-3.0% of Limited Partners’ Commitment
Building blocks of a Sustainable Business
Investment Style Private Equity Investing in the Mid-market Segment
Moving towards being Building resiliency
commercially successful, for future disruptions and Sector focus Focused on long term investment themes of Access and
strong financial metrics - capturing value from the
leadership attributes opportunities created - Efficiency & Optimization derived from mega trends.
and growth potential 1 2 Future Ready
Geography India (plus opportunistic deals in the South Asia region
Addressing and 3 4
2 Operates in
incorporating ESG factors economic sectors with capped under 20.0% of the Fund commitment)
and material impacts of long term relevance to
externalities megatrends Investments 8-12 Targeted
Investment Period 5 years from First Close
Tenure 10 years with two one year extensions
What makes us relevant?
• One of India’s first SRI Funds
Fees and Carry* 2.0% per annum during the commitment period with a 20.0%
carry (subject to 10.0% preferred return hurdle with catch up)
• Platform leverage: Team and platform brings
together leadership capital to catalyze a high Regulation Securities and Exchange Board of India
potential, thematic fund
Note: *- includes standard reimbursement by the Fund towards organizational expenses
• Depth and breadth: Team with deep
experience across sectors and strong Investment Focus
investment processes with an institutional The Fund targets opportunities with a “picks and shovels” approach across thematic
DNA to deliver long term value creation in the
sectors through equity and equity-linked investments in businesses that satisfy and
thematic sectors
exceed the megatrend and leadership attributes, among other investment criteria. These
• "An Idea whose time has come": Ecosystem
opportunities are present across thematic sectors and business models and are included
ready - alignment of technology, right quality
of capital, increased public consciousness in the following long-term themes:
and continued structural reforms enabling • Access: Providing incremental, innovative, cost effective and quality access to
the development of an attractive investment
fundamental and critical ecosystem and solutions while addressing evolving consumer
• Efficiency & Optimization: Involved in increasing productivity, enhancing resource
Focus areas utilization and enabling a transition to a low carbon economy through driving adoption
• Resource Efficiency & Decarbonization of efficiency & optimization oriented solutions.
• Food Systems
The Fund’s commitment to SRI, directly influence investment decisions by increasing
• Financial Inclusion
allocation to the leaders that meet a large amount of our criteria both qualitatively and
• Evolving Consumer Priorities
quantitatively and visible innovators and adaptors that show clear evidence of material
improvement in reporting sustainability attributes in performance, particularly if the
companies are exposed to multiple elements in a positive way.
- McKinsey & Company
For more details visit our website -

This presentation is in relation to Relativity Resilience Growth Fund I’ (“Fund”) which is a scheme of Relativity Resilience Trust (“Trust”), a Category II alternative investment fund registered with SEBI bearing registration number
IN/AIF2/19-20/0744. Relativity Investment Advisors LLP (“Manager”) acts as the investment manager to the Fund and the Trust. This presentation is confidential and is intended only for the personal use of the prospective
investors to whom it is addressed or delivered and must not be reproduced or redistributed or disclosed in any form to any other person or duplicated or used for any purpose other than the purpose for which it is meant without
the prior written consent of the Manager. This presentation is neither a general offer or solicitation to invest in the Fund. This presentation does not purport to be all-inclusive nor does it contain all of the information which a
prospective investor may desire. An offering on a private placement basis will be made pursuant to a private placement memorandum and other definitive fund documents, which will be furnished to eligible prospective investors
on a confidential basis at their request for their consideration of such offering. The information contained herein is qualified in its entirety by Fund’s private placement memorandum and the other fund documents. The Manager
(including its affiliates) and any of its partners, officers, employees and other personnel will not accept any liability, loss, damage of any nature, including but not limited to direct, indirect, punitive, special, exemplary, consequential,
as also any loss of profit in any way arising from the use of this presentation in any manner whatsoever.The contents of this presentation are provisional and may be subject to change without notice. In the preparation of the
material contained in this presentation, the Manager has used information that is publicly available and certain research reports including information developed in-house. The Manager shall not be liable for relevance, accuracy
or completeness of the information contained herein or for complying with laws/licensing requirement as otherwise applicable with respect to the recipient of this presentation and disclaim any and all liability as to the information
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or assumptions.This presentation cannot be copied, reproduced, in whole or in part or otherwise distributed without prior written approval of the Manager. Prospective investors should make an independent assessment, and
consult their own counsel, business advisor and tax advisor as to legal, business and tax related matters concerning this presentation and the other related documents before investing in the Fund. The information contained in
this presentation has been prepared by Manager for general guidance and does not constitute a professional advice and no person should act upon any information contained herein without obtaining specific professional advice.
The information in this presentation has not been evaluated from the specific legal-regulatory requirement of any particular jurisdiction. The Trust and the Manager is not registered/licensed with or approved by any regulatory or
governmental authority of any other jurisdiction except as applicable in India. Neither the Manager nor its partners, officers, employees, and agents and other personnel would be held responsible for any reliance placed on the
content of this presentation or for any decision based on it. Each prospective investor, by accepting delivery of this presentation agrees to the foregoing.

Private and confidential - restricted circulation only

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