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‘metatiurey—| 2p2pr00 +1 exons futher to des dea wh al heehee Properties of etal incon hoe ee the formation of alloys by unt ather maior nonmetal ane meat wth “tase heaves of meta enact, chemical metallurgy can be grouped into categories miners "tacts mirometgy THERMODYNAMICS Thermodynamics is a branch of psa science vihich deals with the relationships among, all forms of energy - heat, chemical mechanical or electrical energy and the macroscortpronerties fof material systems. (temperate, Pressure, intemal energy, entropy). * The subject is applicable to dal ie fanstior ‘occurrences and it is easy [0 Compare the predictions of thermodynamics wi" "eal orld” behaviour + ‘Thermodynamic approach is macroscopic and Its conclusions are not based on any particular ‘mode! forthe behavior and model of ‘mleroscopic particles. FIRST LAW ‘This law isa statement of conservation of energy and it states that: In a closed system undergong a change of stote, eneray can be distributed in different forms but the total ‘energy i constant. TWN on hat the total emery of the iver cannot chang, though te ean be ‘wanyhoaved one fr eraNot inven AQ | AtnrHOUng #8 {v9 uo wae Ann ong A bal wert weray U the quay ata the ‘i tah + Yom ot thermodynamic procenter * Canton lume /uochare process aU sdaqv > Caatont ressore/ bars process al sda > Consent temperoture/ thermal acess dq = -dw a a ae the wa ot era va wii ya dan, dit dq dw ~~ hh in aan wo hh wt nena an A Wha ran ie rca a ter ange between the system and igo. he frat tae of with “enthalpy ths, at ecompany heres ‘This implies that the total energy of the Luniverse cannot change, though it can be ‘transformed from one form t another Tee out of many formsofeneray ate involved vie Internal energy U, the quanty of est @ and the moun of work ay = dq4-dw ar a ‘we matemries roth stam and cantante su tt of enced within theme bowdare. 1 the stom on the seounngs ten 26 1+ The meebo decrete 4 in the internal ery of rt a proses card vaugh 2/12/2020 / + TWpes of thermodynamic processes 2 yeat exchange between the system and dU = dqe eieresoas0. * Constant pressure wobarke process : dil day * fea 2PM nk wit “enhanc * Constontemperature/tothermal process scot hat Secompony crema dq=-dw sin ty he study of eat changes that occur dang cert reactions tea neces, = ;with thermal effects Include heat + Thang meth anon + Meontantvaune, c.(#2). eansant ores, os. | 2/32/2020, ht een mean {wom aly epic neomparacy th Renee, tse een en tes th nH whe ey ae ‘Sloe he tnt frei ge Pv =nRT * Considering an isobaric process for Emole of an ideal gas, R dq, = dq, + RAT Hence, Cy + Foran afabatc process, the work done by anes! Bsisgiven as pv" iabaticindes. Iisa factor that can be used in determining the Speed of sound in a gas and other adlabaic processes: well as the heat engine appiation. [At constant pressure and temperature, the heat ‘Change azzalated with a chemical reaction fs fequal to the difference between the total heat ‘content of the products and that of the reactants. “This quanthy is called the heat of reaction; Bye, dnd itis expressed thus: Wherey = isan BH progucts ~ TBH reoctots 7 [cespect ofthis equation, BH s postive if the enthalpy ofthe products exceeds that of the reactants ‘The temperature of the surrounding is decreased as the system absorbs heat, THs Feaction fs termed endothermic, When the converse happens, evolution of heat Is accomplished az aH, becomes negative (exothermic reaction}. Totten * The heat of formation of a compound is the change in enthalpy that results when one mole Cf the compound is formed from its constituent elements, + Knowledge of standard enthalpies of formation makes It possible for the calculation of standard ‘enthalpy of reaction. Tables of thermodynamic data show the AH values for elements and ‘compounds at 1atm. and 25°C (298k). * BY convention, the standard enthalpy of formation of any element in its most stable stave * Graphite for instance, is a more stable aitropic form of ear hence, a 20 * Suppose known, hon than diamond att atm. and 25°C. for graphite = 0 an that for diamond 1 enthalpy of formation of CO, i to be ie enthalpy of reaction when carbon {graphite reacts with oxygen in their standard slates: Cement + On, 9 Org on + Since equation containing C6 the product + Detain the sandeep foeton of ‘nto be obtained, (C) can be reversed ad te aes Maa Oh enthalpy becomes 7421 + ties ae woe, + Adding (a,b) 20d (), ied ing ais tsa 5 ck (2) 201 98:29 -STLOW teeta "em + WNSGtet Orgy Orgy 293-54 fescion st Serpe Geen hon” ne ‘nls eter te 1) Hey +Cprpnat 2H eee + Noowing that J t= f GT and eterating, has 2s Dig 8g 8 0 us fears i, = iteration conta + Wa chemia reaction say_A48-9CH DIO be considered, series of equation of these forms can be writen GaP Ha My= SGT Mas? Gh Mg y= JG + Ha AIL (111) Cy) / alt= att,+ f act ‘ame ene uot eran ys 28 Fe te a ha in ca fs, ai tlyy= 0+ 28,84(75)= 21633, y= 243600 + 33.5875)» 23930151 ht ig (H+ NO, = 208) * Alert, 6, «CP AN0) (CoH «1/2 G0) = ~995K+ ges AH O10) hg) #372 Bf) “2a1b20) ‘Mpg = 241820 (9.9505) 243K /mat Exercise Calculate the estapy ofthe reaction a 238K and 1200 2044, On Fra, + 0g: a4Qgg+-11.4himol C= 27.6 10.0057 mote + €04(a): Aa oor a2 M107 otk + Ol) Gy 346 + 0001T-7.85 008 atk + Spontaneous processes + They occur Ineverstiy everstby in restraining forces Leno input ence of ‘outside the sytem is requineg, Sea HO + Examples include: fee eman vaporization of igus rasta + Processes that ate. spontan ion ofa ga ‘rection ae non ~ spomtancen ‘rection nthe other rey enplyed emake ie rea IS + ea tows trom ato 3 at bo be ee ow on pn et in a enn tr cs Specie Tate de eo n + Isitrue that al spontaneous processes are exothermic? + What makes a process spontaneous? D0 ese a fll > © sbontaneeus once When asec nei ttn pce aj apontious tan as Se pes A change nas oreaneae ms AoW bore a agenesis he apie a ae uate, sous bee whch us ae eactions that produce ogo, slide or liquids, of Eoilhovesninrene scree mate be noted hat chanes 2712/2020 i. eet) “hac ees bersnots te rece lr ENS «where and nave. the stlbiomec wes etts othe balanced exuaton The eae eciow shows the standard molt nivlpies of some substances «fate Elements and compounds Rave non revo entropy valve seve ent the spontant of rstingation rConatetng the folowing e220 ‘ael} 3034) —> 2200) a Fit, prec heer the 35 foe etn wt be peste oF Nes by then caeulate AS° forthe whole felon, oS) ~ Besse) 5 (0x87 402273} 942080) season * Mtraudtononbironarcost " “ + Heer ate mean futon ee st what vac as Siete ent ten come ™ - Felons hetween Ay, and Tc > som aa rebe eressed usngte pression the eiopyof tha sareurdngnereses + Fora costar pease roe, he Pest cha 1 niltotheantaiy change othe tem lye + Taetor, the change etopy of te surounigs 5 proprtana tothe change Inert of Ue i eth or 85. into the equation, Us. ~ Alle 4 TAS. 50 ston Ges a eterno portaney for con” eres tes sal Ne Psiam per fy and Sy ws rng ation ToS ya vily = THe <0 Bu lg +The nope sgn is ued nace H me proces it eather Ally, BeSOneS negate an dar fee eneey of eatin 20° the ange fr eaction when itocars se yaa conditions. Ths I EVEN esos pees)» Ems eatans) rage at 25°C fer the cndation (uti) of 2a otal athe eacton 4xAGje0) 3x06 2 xicyrene| #20 01%-7472 6 mot #1494 44y/mot 2/12/2020 O10) moo} ote sere 3 ena at stig ngs * Silay an increase np i inten eect ans a8 increasing the yaugnt oe te indard concentrations, °F Ayton fe on ‘Sesesete ee Mca eM ee he Ay scart ne reaction quotir {2 constant adc regesets the + Foravenon han, neonates wet ae teeters ian nein re Jaseare Been ee Rotman ‘regi, 86 = aa wre Kh eg Exercise conser te oowing reactions: Io XG" 1/2Oig + COy Ate HASH! esse83. 4,G° (ks/mot O2) é g 7 joo 1600~—-2000~=~«*«800 ‘0800 500 a formation, Where: M-meling pont of te element B- boling point of sae Cieunscibed Mmeking point er oxies Circus T= “Transition point for oxide. Peo. mmtg ATInp! Wimolo, Standard Free Energies of formation of oxides (46? 10 & «0 wo ato > Ceo Watonio ieee ee sone tf Temoetsue('c) | oreo, ao 1 WALD ano nae wwe 9 aH Wom ge 98 0 wo"

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