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Part 2 Selection and use of resources and materials

UNIT 22 Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation.

Key point for TKT UNIT 22 – Know what resources of materials for what particular needs.

* Purposes on making use of reference resources.

1) Grammar form, structures and uses – Both learners and teachers need check grammar points.
There are resources suitable for learners or for teachers. Some books have practice exercises too.
2) Mechanics – Spelling, punctuation, pronunciation and use of lexical items with examples. [Paper
or electronic, monolingual or bilingual dictionaries. / Functional dictionaries such as those containing
idioms, illustrations, business terms. ESL term dictionary, etc.]
3) Teacher’s own understanding of language – books for language awareness [understanding of
how language works] improvement, books related to how to teach a language. They usually contain
tasks, tips and comments for teachers. [textbooks for TESOL, TKT book, etc]
4) Learners’ errors – There are reference materials that anticipate learners’ errors on particular
language problems. [books or articles about specific difficulties caused by interference from L1 or
about studies on differences between English and other languages and their influences on learning.]
5) New approaches, new activities – There are supplementary materials that provide ideas beyond
those included in textbooks. [new approach to teach grammar, vocabulary or skills. / free websites
where experienced teachers share ideas on varying in teaching.]
6) Teacher’s course book – Usually shows extra activities such as homework or activities for further
practice with answers. Also, it provides gives suggestions about how to run an activity in a particular
situation or about what different ways of planning lesson could be possible.
7) Colleague’s advice – Experiences teachers’ advice can help us to think about their plan or style.

* Tips on making use of materials

1) Further research – grammar books and dictionaries usually have examples and uses. The more
varied knowledge you have the better.
2) Be updated – Words and grammar slowly change over time. Checking the latest materials keep
us up to date.
3) High tech materials – Websites and electronic dictionaries provide extra features such as practice
activities, pronunciation, interactive tasks, collocation searches, etc. Make best use of them.
4) Colleagues – Learn from other teachers’ experiences. [Web forum about ESL is very useful.]

UNIT 23 Selection and use of coursebook materials.

Key point for TKT UNIT 23 – Know what materials to choose for what purpose.
/ Recognize what problems are in textbooks and respective solutions.

* Things to be considered when choosing what materials in the textbook to use.

1) Is it visually attractive? Are visuals useful?
2) Is it well organized and logical? Easy to use?
3) Is it culturally appropriate?
4) Is it suitable for learners’ age, needs and interest?
5) Is it at the right level? Is the presentation of language clear?
6) Does it give learners enough opportunities to use the language?
* Solutions to unsuitable textbooks:
1) Replace the textbook. Another book or resource from internet, or supplementary materials that
meet the same needs of learners.
2) Adapt the textbook to make it suitable for the learners.

Ways to adapt material:

Strategies Problems Possible solutions

Extending material Task/exercise is too short. Write extra itmes, following the same
Learners need more practice. pattern.
Shortening material Task/exercise is too long. Not necessary to use it all.
Learners don’t need so much practice. Give different part of task to different
Changing form of task Task not suitable for learners’ style. Change interaction patterns.
Change or pace needed. [Using matching sentences as a mingling
Repetitive exercise on textbooks. activity.][Run hangman for definition
Changing material level Tasks too easy or too difficult. Making material more challenging.
[Run comprehension questions before
Making it less challenging.
[Breaking up long listening material.]
Reordering material Tedious and same sequence of task. Reorder tasks while learners are asked to
cover up previous ones in order to
concentrate on the activity.
Using resources of all No enough material in a unit. Use appendix of the book. [grammar,
the book Extra review needed. structure explanation, examples, irregular
Future material preview needed. verb list, uses.]
Give whole book tasks. [searching
through the book for texts, pictures or
language examples.]

* While adapting task:,

- Don’t forget that the main source of the lesson is still the textbook.
- Don’t change tasks too often.
- When reordering, respect correlativity of tasks. Some tasks depend on the previous ones.
- Change order or adapt tasks to add variety. [See UNIT 20]
- Make materials more attractive and interesting by means of materials ‘off page’ [pictures, mime,
realia. Etc]

UNIT 24 Selection and use of supplementary materials and activities.

Key point for TKT UNIT 24 – Get familiar with the purposes of selecting certain supplementary

* Supplementary materials – types

1) For skills development – listening, reading, speaking, writing
2) For language system practice – grammar, vocabulary, phonology
3) For fluency development

* Where to find:
1) Teacher’s resource materials- some coursebook packages include supplementary materials that fit
the syllabus of the course.
2) Authentic sources – brochures, signs, magazines, manuals, ads, etc.
3) Video, CD, DVD – movies, songs.
4) Internet – forum, teachers’ testimonials, interactive activities, etc
5) Class library of graded readers.
6) Books of ideas for games and activities.

* Why use them:

1) To replace unsuitable materials in the coursebook.
2) To fill gaps in the coursebook.
3) To meet learners’ particular needs and interests.
4) To give learners extra language or skills practice.
5) To add variety to teaching.

* Features of each supplementary materials.

Possible advantages Possible disadvantages

Class library of readers Encourages extensive reading and Language sometimes too simple.
habits of reading itself. May not be challenging.
Gives learners confidence.
Skills practice books Focus on individual skills. May not fit coursebook.
Teacher’s resource New ideas for lessons. May not suit lesson aims.
Websites Variety of lesson plans, teaching Not easy to find the right material.
materials, other resources. Sometimes not accurate.
Video Provides visual (and sometimes real) Equipment not always available.
context. Language may not be graded.
Source of cultural information of target
Shows body language.
Language practice Extra practice, varied practice. Repetitive exercises.
books Lets learners work alone. Little or no context.
Electronic materials Motivation, interest generator. Teacher’s control on learners may be
Familiar technology for learners. difficult.
Little or no human feedback.
Games Enjoyment, mood and pace variation, May not be suitable for some age group
motivation. of learners.
Language practice.

* How to select them:

1) Check availability in the school – Compare it with learners’ need when preparing scheme of work.
2) Check aim suitability – Sometimes, materials have no clear aims. Think how they complement or
replace items on coursebook.
3) Use some authentic materials – Some make tasks more challenging and varies mood.
4) Check for all skills – Skill development materials usually include more than one skill.
5) Check level-appropriacy – Some extra coursebook materials already come in different levels.
Check if they match with the learners’ real level.
* How to use them:
1) Extra instructions: Learners may not be used to the supplementary material style. Give
instructions for procedures and check concept.
2) Adapt levels: Teacher can vary level of difficulty making supplementary materials more or less
challenging according to the learners’ level.
3) Clear purpose: Games or extra fluency activities usually brings up interest and fun, but they
should have clear purpose. Adult learners may want to be aware of it.

UNIT 25 Selection and use of teaching aids

Key point for TKT UNIT 25 – Recognize why and how to use teaching aids. /
How they match to the aims.

* Types of aids- characteristics and uses:

Aids Characteristics Uses/Purposes

Black/white board No preparation necessary. / Erasable. Visual synthesis of the lesson.
Drawing, diagrams, tables, word maps Shows graphically rules, structures or concepts.
possible. Lets learners copy.
Learners can use it too.
Visible to whole class.
OHP / Beam projector Colorful. / Printable from electronic files. Displays result of group work. / Presentation.
Content material reusable. Visual synthesis of the lesson.
Varies classroom mood.
Cassette recorder / Record – play / Reusable. Listening dialogue or any audible material.
player Recording learners’ voice and listening it again
for improvement.
Listening comprehension – skim and scan
Video recorder / player Shows audiovisual context. Viewing without sound and guess the dialogue.
A lot of authentic materials available. Pausing and predicting the language.
Listening comprehension with help of visual.
Computer Interactive. Resolving online/interactive practice tasks.
Playable audiovisual materials. Reading comprehension with authentic material.
Possible access to internet. Writing in word processor.
Possible printing learners’ work. Speaking, recording and listening.
Chatting. / Writing message.
Language laboratory Quite environment helps concentration. Pronunciation practice.
Possible recording and listening. Extensive listening.
Interactive tasks. Monitoring and giving feedback individually.
Speaking activities.
Realia Interest / variation in class mood. To bring up a topic in lead-in.
3D – Learners see and touch. To teach vocabulary.
Reusable. As prompt for a speaking activity.
Flashcard Draws attention. To bring up a topic in lead-in.
Could be colorful / real pictures. To teach vocabulary.
Reusable. To practice grammar structures.
Flexible. – you can use all or just some. As prompt for a speaking activity / drill
Puppets Motivation / draws attention. To bring up a topic in lead-in.
Suitable for children. To create dialogue.
Reusable and very flexible use. To practice oral fluency / accuracy.
Charts Visible to whole class. To present lexical set, diagrams, pictures, tables,
Saves time. (No need to write on board.) phonemes, forms, etc.
The teacher Totally flexible. Gestures, facial expressions, mime to elicit or
correct learners’ errors.

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