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Chapter 2

Atomic structure of atom – proton, electron and neutron

Graph and diagram of heating and cooling of naphthalene
Calculations of number of protons and nucleons, and also neutrons
Isotopes – definition, similarities and differences in chemical properties (Definition 3-in-1)

Chapter 3

Empirical formula and molecular formula – definition and how to count

Empirical formula of MgO
Reaction between :
 H2 + CuO  Cu + H2O
 H2 + PbO  Pb + H2O

Chapter 4

Period table with alphabets

Chemical properties and reactions of Group 1, 2, 17, 18 and transition metals (4 properties)
Period 3 (going across the period, what will happen)

Chapter 5

Ionic bonds for :

 MgO
 MgCl2
 NaCl
 Using alphabets
Covalent bonds for :
 CCl4
 Cl2
 CO2
 Using alphabets
Differences between ionic substance and covalent substance

Chapter 6

Electrolysis of molten PbBr2

Electrolysis of concentrated NaCl
Voltaic cell :
 Mg and Cu
 Zn and Cu
Combination of electrolytic and voltaic cells
3 factors of electrolysis
Formation of electrochemical series (experiments)
Chapter 7

Titration experiment – what indicator

Strength of acids and bases (definitions)
Experiments using pH meter
Usage of acids and bases (in agriculture and medicine field)
3 formulas :
 Dilution M1V1 = M2V2
 Number of moles = MV
 Neutralisation MaVa = a
MbVb b
Chapter 8

Definition of salts
Preparation of soluble salts
 ZnCl2
Popular ones
 MgSO4
4 methods :
 Acid + alkali  salt + water (ANaK)
 Acid + metal  salt + hydrogen gas (MAZ)
 Acid + metal oxide  salt + water
 Acid + metal carbonate  salt + water + carbon dioxide gas
Preparation of insoluble salts :
 PbSO4
Popular ones
 AgCl
Confirmatory tests :
 Cations : Focus on Mg2+, Ca2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, Al3+
 Anions : Focus on sulphate SO42-, nitrates NO3- and chloride Cl-
Procedure Observation Confirmation
Nitrate salt and chloride salt

Chapter 9

Haber process - what are the factors

Contact factors and acid rain (SO2 + H2O cannot)
Formation of ammonium nitrate salt and compare ammonium fertilizer with sulphate fertilizer
Glass (composition and usage)

Chapter 1

4 factors affecting the rate of reaction (size, temperature, concentration, catalyst)

Experiment :
 Calcium carbonate + HCl (size of calcium carbonate or concentration of HCl)
 Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (catalyst)
 Zn with sulphuric acid (catalyst)
 Sodium thiosulphate + HCl (the “X” experiment)
Collision theory (for 4 factors)
 When writing the collision theory, must state the name of the reactants that collide
 Example, …….. the frequency of effective collision between Zn and H+ ions …………
Energy profile diagram
Activation energy

Chapter 2

Conversion between 5 carbon compounds

 Flow chart (alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, carboxylic acids, esters)
Oxidation of alcohols
Saturated and unsaturated fats
Natural rubber and vulcanised rubber (experiment)
Coagulation of latex (experiment)

Chapter 3

Definition of oxidation and reduction

U-shaped tube
 Iron (II) sulphate solution + bromine water
 Potassium iodide solution + bromine water
 Iron (II) sulphate solution + acidified potassium dichromate (VI) solution
Rusting (nail experiment)
Heating of carbon + metal oxide (Reactivity series)
 C + FeO √
 C + Al2O3 X
 C + ZnO √
 C + PbO √

Chapter 4

Usage of hot and cold pack

The 4 heat (precipitation, neutralisation, combustion, displacement)
 Calculation
 Experiment
 Sketch the graph (energy level diagram)
Chapter 5

Making of soap (saponification experiment and equation)

Effectiveness of soap and detergent in hard water and soft water
Differences between soap and detergent
Food additives (usage + effect)
Modern medicines (3 groups)
Traditional medicines (aloe vera, ginger, garlic)


1. Detergent is more effective than soaps

2. The position of metals in the ECS (voltage reading)
3. Relationship between pH value and concentration of acids and alkalis
4. Factors affecting the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (catalyst)
5. Size and rate of reaction
6. Rusting of iron nail (using Mg and Cu)
7. Precipitation of AgCl
8. Differences between alkanes and alkenes (hexane and hexane)
9. Reaction of Group 1 metals + water
10. Heat of combustion of alcohol
11. Electrolysis when using different electrodes
12. Role of water in acidic properties
13. End point of neutralisation (titration experiment)
14. Hardness of metal and alloy
15. Effect of concentration on rate of reaction (sodium thiosulphate + sulphuric acid)
16. Elasticity of natural and vulcanised rubber
17. Coagulation of latex
18. Heat of precipitation and calculation
19. 2 experiments to determine heat of neutralisation (using strong / weak for acid / alkali)
20. Electrical conductivity for ionic and covalent compound
21. Position of carbon in the reactivity series
22. Electrolysis of silver nitrate
23. Determine the empirical formula of a substance

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