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ca) M-eCH/ 6/8 (N]/ODD/SEM-1/PSM-102/2019-20 if Which of the following is/are the effects of coro fh) Interference decreases b) Power loss decreases co) Charging current increases 4) All of these jx) Consider a tong, two wire line composed of solid / round conductors. The radius of both conductors is 0.25 cm and distance between their centres is 100 em. If this distance is doubled, then the inductance per unit length b) doubled 9) increase but does not doubled 4) decrease but does not halves. 1) Which of the following statement is not true foF line parameters R, L, Gand Cof transmission Tine 2 Ly) Wn) LC pe and RG~ se b) Ge 1/Rwhere Gis conductance of line c) Both R and G depend on the conductivity of conductor forming the line d) Allof these. 4 9-MT-238(N) 3 | Tum over 9-20 2H/BE/PS (N)/oDD/SEM-! /PSM-102/201 ji Modern HVDC systems are all 7 a) 3-pulse converters b) 6-pulse converters 0) 12-pulse converters a) iyy HVDC systems are mainly used for 7 a) _ interconnection of two asynchronous links b) bulk power transmission over long distances 24-pulse converters. by overhead lines c) underwater or submarine cable transmission _ a) all of these. v) In 12-pulse connections, transformers are connected a) Delta/Delta ( both ) b) Star / Star ( both ) ©) Star / Delta ( both ) /A) One star / Star and other Star / Delta. jP ¥ the ignition delay angle is 5° and the overlap © angle is 12", the extinction delay angle will be ir byaie pe d) none of these. During commutation in a converter 8) voltage is exchanged *) DC voltage is blocked #4) none of these. **-MT-238(N) _pecH/BE/PS (N)/ODD/SEM-1/PSM-102/2019-20 cs/M. ~~ — pe ANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF ‘TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAL Paper Code : PSM-102 puID : 10313 ( To be mentioned in the main answer script ) HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 MAUL. ‘The figures in the margin indicate full marks Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable GROUP -A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) i 1, Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following 10x1=10 me Sp HVDC transmission commercially began in the year ey a) 1950 b) 1954 | <) 1970 4) 1935. Ina bipolar system \e a) both conductor are positive } ze b) both conductor are negative ) one conductor is positive and the other negative 4) one conductor is positive or negative and other is at ground potential. 4 4-MT-238(N) [Tum over SIM. Teeh/BE/PS/Odd/SEM-1/PSM-102/2018-19 “the radius of both conductors x) Consi c2S cm and distance between theit cena ts 100 cm, If this distance ts doubled, them the ‘a Tong, two wire line composed of solid round conductors inductance per unit length. W Halves: (b) Doubled \of Increase but does not doubled (@) Decrease but does not halves Gai) Which following statement are not true for line parameters R, Lo G and C of transmission line we andRG=08 Ay Le (b) G =UR where G is conductance of line (e) Both R and G depend on the conductivity of conductor forming, the line (@ Allof the above tai) Ona power system network the loads neeasing represents the value of impedance (@) decrease (b) increase (d) None of the above Group-B (Short Answer Type Questions) ‘Answer any three of the following. 2. Derive an expression for the inductance of a double circuit three phase line whose conductors are situated: at the comers of a regular hexagon. What is meant by the term transposition? Mention its advantages and drawbacks. 4, State the advantage and disadvantages of 1 ha Sonverter over 6 pulses. ‘a ransformer secondary line voltage to a 3-phase bridge rectifier is 45 KV, Calculate the DC 1) 0°, (b) 15° and (c) 30°, output with p= 15%, when o %. ) Write the purpose of smoothing reactors in HVDC system, \ 8-19 sont Peoht6BIPS/0AUSEM-1/PSM-102/201 Gy) HYDE: (a) interconnection of two async! ystems are mainly used for Jhronous links. (b) bulk power tra (© underwater or submarine cable transmission yh All of the above () In 12-pulse connections, transformers are connected (a) Delta/Delta (both) (b) Star/Star (both) (©) Star/Delta (both) \@) One Star/Star and other Star/Delta mnsmission over long distances by overhead lines, (vi) Ifthe ignition delay angle is 5° and the overlap angle is 12°, the extinction delay angle will be @ 17° awh 7° © e (@) None of the above (vii) During commutation in a converter (@) voltage is exchanged. (Y) current is transferred from one valve to other. (©) DC voltage is blocked. (d) None of the above (vili) The relation between V,, and peak value of phase voltage on the secondary side of AC system is, Wn @) 2% No WF (©) 3 Um @) D sae Yn Gx) Which of the following is/are the effects of corona? (@) Interference decreases (b) Power loss decreases Nf Charging current increases @) Allof the above CSIM.TeeW/EKIPS/OMUSEM-VPSM-122O18-19 a rf JAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIV! NOLOGY, WEST BENGAL « PSM-102 1 TRANSMISSION SYS SITY OF cle Pap MIGH VOLT Time Altotted: 3 Hours Pull Marks; 10 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. | Candidates are required 10 give their answers in their own words 4s far as practicable. op I (Mlle Choke Type Questions) | | Chock ho crit saravn ry OT fied | (@_ HVDC transmission commercially began inthe year i d 180") alamd of suena onstage By 1954 al WE we = (c) 1970 (@ 1935 (ii) Ina bipolar system (a) both conductor are positive. (b) both conductor are negative. ‘G6 one conductor is positive and the other negative. (a) one conductor is positive or negative and other is at ground potential (iii) Modern HVDC systems are all (a) 3-pulse converters (b) 6-pulse converters J) 12-pulse converters (@) 24-pulse converters , 9002 ps/ODD/SEM-1/PSM-102/2017-18 cS/M.TECH/EE/' xii) In a power system network, the increase of load represents a) the value of impedance decreases b) the value of impedance increases OY the value of impedance remains constant d) none of these. GROUP -B ( Short Answer Type Questions ) ‘answer any three of the following. 3x5=15 for the inductance of a double 4 4] whose conductors are situated YS Derive an expression circuit three phase line at the comers of a regular hexagon. C & HVDC transmission WS 3. é) Compare HVA yristor. 3+2 b) Mention the properties of HVDC thy the expression, of averagy suinbialaag of a Does source inductance has any Deduc' 6 pulse converter. effect on the output voltage ? 5, What is meant by the term transposition > Mentian its advantages & disadvantages: gv as Gs Discuss the generation of audio to noise due to corona. MT-95073 5 CS/M.TECH/EE/PS/ODD/SEM-1/PSM-102/2017-18 exe x) (fa) All of these, 1) Consider a tong, two wire line composed of solid round conductors, The radius of both conductors is 0.25 cm and distance between their centers is 100 cm. If this distance is doubled, then the inductance per unit length is a) Halves b) Doubled re d) Decrease but does not halves. ise but does not doubled HVDC transmission commercially began in the year a) 1950 yb) 1954 ©) 1970 d) 1935. Which statement is not true for line parameters R, L, G & C of transmission line ? LC = pe & RG = os. where G is conductance of line ©) Both R & G depend on the conductivity of conductor forming the line. cs/M xii) Ina F repres 8/M-TECH/ BE/PS/ODD/SEM-1/PSM-102/2017-18 ¥) If the ignition delay angle is 5* and the overlap angle is 12°, the extinction delay angle will be a) 17° NA ) 6 d) none of these. vi) During commutation in a converter a) voltage is exchanged et current is transferred from one valve to other c) DC voltage is blocked d) none of these. vii) The relation between Vgo and peak value of phase voltage on the secondary side of AC system 1S, Veo = a) 3¥, wit a ace a) g%m viii) Which of the following is/are the effects of corona ? a) Interference decreases b) Power loss decreases ~ (oY Charging current increases d) Allof these. MT-95073 a } CS/M.TECH/EE/PS/ODD/SEM-1/PSM-102/2017-18 ii) Modern HVDC systems are all a) 3-pulse converters b) 6 -pulse converters \9 12-pulse converters d) 24-pulse converters. iii) HVDC systems are mainly used for a) Interconnection of two asynchronous links b) Bulk power transmission over long distances by overhead lines c) Underwater or submarine cable transmission gf al of these. iv) In 12-pulse connections, transformers are connected a) Delta/Delta (both) b) Star/Star (both) ¢) Star/Delta (both) \dOne Star/Star and other Star/Delta, MT-95073, ne a yg-102/2019-20 1/8 (N}/ODD/SEM cayman) xi) Ona power aystem network the load 18 increasing represents the value of impedance a) decreases b) increases ©) remains constant @) none of these. GROUP -B ( Short Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following, 3 x S= 15 Derive an expression for the inductance of a double circuit th ¢ phase line whose conductors are situated at the corners of a regular hexagon. 3. What is meant by the term transposition ? Mention its advantages and drawbacks, 4. State the advantage and disadvantage of 12 pulse converter over 6 pulses. 5. A transformer secondary line voltage to a 3-phase bridge rectifier is 345 kV. Calculate the DC voltage output with 1 = 15°, when a= (a) 0°, (b) 15° and (c) 30° 6. Write the purpose of smoothing reactors in HVDC system, *#-MT-238(N) 4 #*-MT-238(N) CS/M.TECH/EE/PS (N)/ODD/SEM-1/PSM-102/2019-20 viii) Which of the following is/are the effects of corona ? a) Interference decreases b) Power loss decreases ¢) Charging current increases 4d) Allof these. ix) Consider a long, two wire line composed of solid round conductors. The radius of both conductors is 0-25 cm and distance between their centres 1S 100 em. If this distance is doubled, then the inductance per unit length a) halves b) doubled ¢) increase but does not doubled ) decrease but does not halves. x) Which of the following statement is not tru for line parameters R, L, Gand C of transmission line ? a) LC=pe and RG~ ce b) G= i/Rwhere Gis conductance of line «) Both R and G depend on the conductivity of conductor forming the line d) All of these {Turn over CS/M-TECH/EB/PS (N)/ODD/SEM-1/PSM-102/2019-20 ii) Modern HVDC systems are all a) 3-pulse converters b) 6-pulse converters °) 12 pulse converters 4d) 24-pulse converters iv) HVDC systems are mainly used for 4) _ interconnection of two asynchronous links b) bulk power transmission over long distances by overhead lines ¢) underwater or submarine cable transmission d) all of these. ¥) In 12-pulse connections, transformers are connected a) Delta/Delta ( both ) b) Star / Star ( both) ©) Star / Delta ( both ) d) One star / Star and other Star / Delta. vi) If the ignition delay angle is 5° and the overlap angle is 12°, the extinction delay angle will be a) aie b) 7° 9) 6 d) none of these. vii) During commutation in a converter a) voltage is exchanged b) current is transferred from one valve to other c) DC voltage is blocked d) none of these. * #-MT-238(N) S/M.TECH/EE/PS (N)/ODD/SEM-1/PSM-102/2019-20 sce Ses ST MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAL Paper Code : PSM-102 (0313 ( To be mentioned in the main answer script } HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Time Allotted : 3 Hours Pull Marks :70 The figures in the margin inclicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. | GROUP-A (Multiple Choice Type Questions } 1, Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10x 1=10 a i) HVDC transmission commercially began in the year a) 1950 b) 1954 <) 1970 4) 1938. ii) Ina bipolar system a) both conductor are positive b) both conductor are negative ¢) one conductor is positive and the other negative d) one conductor is positive or negative and other is at ground potential 4+ *-MT-238(N) {Turn over

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