Handling Guest Check in

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Reception  : Good morning, welcome to Edotel Hotel Denpasar, how may help you?

Guest        : Good morning, I need a room right now.

Reception  : Do you have a reservation before, Madam?

Guest        : No, I don’t have.

Reception  : May I know what type of room do you want to get, for how long you will stay in our


Guest         : I want to reserve one suite room for 5 nights, it’s from 9th September until

14thNovember 2014.

Reception   : And for how many person ?

Guest         : For 2 person.

Reception  : Wait a moment please , I would like to check the room available on that period.

Guest         : Yes, please


Reception  : Thank you for your waiting Madam, you’re very lucky because, one suite room still

available on that period.     

                   May I explain to you about room and hotel facilities, Madam?

Guest        : Yes, please

Reception  : The room facilities in our hotel such as private balcony, living room, kitchenette,

refrigerator with mini bar, wardrobe, television, Telephone with telephone attention, air

conditioner and safety deposit box. Bath room complete with shower, bath tub and wash basin

complete hot and cold running water. And the hotel facilities such as restaurant and bar, coffee
shop, meeting room, tailor, laundry, saloon and beauty, sport area and parking area. The room

rate is Rp.450.000,- nett include breakfast. Well Madam, would you like to take this room?

Guest         : Yes, I take this room.

Reception   : Well Madam, please fill this registration card, and this is your pen.

Guest         : Ok, Thank you.

*(Reception fills the guest card and breakfast coupon)*

Guest            : I’ve finished filling the registration card.

Reception  : Thank you, may I check your registration card, please?

Guest            : Yes, of course.

Reception  : Well Mrs.Mayun, may I know how will you settle your account?

Guest            : I’ll pay by credit card, May I know what kind of credit card that you accept in

your hotel?

Reception  : In our hotel accept 3 kind of credit card such as: AMEX (American express), BANK

AMER, and DC (Diner club). May I know what type of credit card do you have?

Guest            : I’ll pay by AMEX.

Reception  : May I borrow your credit card please, because I will take your deposit 100% the

room rate for one  night, so that’s Rp. 450.000,00.

Guest             : Ok, this is my credit card.

Reception  : Thank you Mrs. Mayun, please enter your pin here sir.

Guest            : oh ok

Reception  :thank you sir, this is your credit card and your slip credit card. Please you can check

again your deposit.

Guest            : Yes, that’s alright.

Reception  : Well, Mrs. Mayun, may I repeat your guest card?

Guest            : Yes, please.

Reception  : This is your guest card Mrs. Mayun, your room number is Jempiring 1, the room

rate is Rp. 450.000,00 nett included breakfast and you stay until  14th November 2014, is that

correct, Madam?

Guest            : Yes, that’s correct.

Reception  : Please keep this card during  you stay in this hotel Mrs. Mayun.

Well Mrs. Mayun Our hotel have some information such as, at the F.O cashier, we have safety

deposit box, if you have valuable things please, you keep in there. Because in our hotel not

responsibility for the lost valuable thing.

*(show the room key )*

Reception  : This is your room key, if you would like going to outside hotel, please keep your

room key in the receptionist desk because, if you lost your room key our hotel will be charge you

Rp 25.000,00.

*(show the breakfast coupon)*

Reception  : This is you breakfast coupon. If you would like to have a breakfast, please come to

Bogasari restaurant. It’s open from 06.00 A.M until 10.00 A.M, and don’t forget to bring your

breakfast coupon at the cashier. And if you have some letter and facsimile, please, you can come

at receptionist desk. And we’ll be help you and the last information are for the check out time at

12.00 P.M at noon. Well, Mrs. Mayun that all clear for you?

Guest : No, thank you.

Reception  : You’re welcome Mrs. Mayun , Wait a moment please Mrs. Mayun, I’ll call the bell

boy because our bell boy will be escort you to your room. 
                (Calling the bell boy) bell boy please!

Bell boy       : Yes, I am.

Reception  : Please you escort Mrs. Mayun  to the room Jempiring 2 Well, Mrs. Mayun if you

need more information or something else please you dial extension number 0 from room

telephone or you can come to the reception desk, thank you for your coming, I hope you will

always happy and satisfied to stay with us, and have a nice day.

Guest        : Thank you so much for your kindness service. 

Reception   : You're welcome. It's our pleasure.

Bellboy      : “Good morning Mrs.Mayun, I would like to escort you to your room. And now

please follow me going to your room” 

Guest         : “Yes” ( Bellboy is escorting the Guest to her room)  


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