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`The effect of early pregnancy to teenagers

Castillo, Anie Rose V.


 focus, purpose of literature review

 restate your research question and have a brief
 explanation
 emphasize the timeliness of the topic
 problem
 highlight a gap in literature
 discuss the scope of the time period
Literature Review

A.F et al., (2013)

McCaw-Binns et al., (1995)

Maliki, (2012)

O’Connell & Rogers, (1984)

Goldenberg & Klerman, (1995)

Marsiglio & Mott, (1986)

Newby et al., (2012)

Irct201705146582N, (2017)

Elster, (1984)

Rogers et al., (1996)

Anonymous., (2013)

Scholl et al.,(1991)

Gibbs et al., (2012)

Smith, (1996)

de Genna et al., (2011)

Paranjothy et al., (2009)


A.F, O., SHITU, F. A., & A.R, Y. (2013). the A.F, O., SHITU, F. A., & A.R, Y. (2013). the Cause and Effect of
Teenage Pregnancy : Case of Kontagora Local Government Area in Niger State , Northern Part of
Nigeria. International Open Journal of Educational Research, 1(7).Cause and Effect of Teenag.
International Open Journal of Educational Research, 1(7).
Anonymous. (2013). 10th International Congress on Adolescent Health. In Turkish Archives of Pediatrics
(Vol. 48).
de Genna, N. M., Larkby, C., & Cornelius, M. D. (2011). Pubertal Timing and Early Sexual Intercourse in
the Offspring of Teenage Mothers. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(10).
Elster, A. B. (1984). The effect of maternal age, parity, and prenatal care on perinatal outcome in
adolescent mothers. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 149(8).
Gibbs, C. M., Wendt, A., Peters, S., & Hogue, C. J. (2012). The impact of early age at first childbirth on
maternal and infant health. In Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology (Vol. 26, Issue SUPPL. 1).
Goldenberg, R. L., & Klerman, L. V. (1995). Adolescent Pregnancy — Another Look. New England Journal
of Medicine, 332(17).
Irct201705146582N. (2017). The effect of counselling on pregnancy outcomes in pregnant teenage
women. Http://Www.Who.Int/Trialsearch/Trial2.Aspx?TrialID=IRCT201705146582N26.
Maliki, A. E. (2012). The effect of teenage pregnancy on adolescents in amassoma community of
Southern Ijaw local Government Area of Bayelsa State. Asian Social Science, 8(1).
Marsiglio, W., & Mott, F. L. (1986). The impact of sex education on sexual activity, contraceptive use and
premarital pregnancy among American teenagers. Family Planning Perspectives, 18(4).
McCaw-Binns, A., La Grenade, J., & Ashley, D. (1995). Under-users of antenatal care: A comparison of
non-attenders and late attenders for antenatal care, with early attenders. Social Science and
Medicine, 40(7).
Newby, K., Wallace, L. M., Dunn, O., & Brown, K. E. (2012). A survey of English teenagers sexual
experience and preferences for school-based sex education. Sex Education, 12(2).
O’Connell, M., & Rogers, C. C. (1984). Out-of-wedlock births, premarital pregnancies and their effect on
family formation and dissolution. Family Planning Perspectives, 16(4).
Paranjothy, S., Broughton, H., Adappa, R., & Fone, D. (2009). Teenage pregnancy: Who suffers? In
Archives of Disease in Childhood (Vol. 94, Issue 3).
Rogers, M. M., Peoples-Sheps, M. D., & Suchindran, C. (1996). Impact of a social support program on
teenage prenatal care use and pregnancy outcomes. Journal of Adolescent Health, 19(2).
Scholl, T. O., Hediger, M. L., Khoo, C. S., Healey, M. F., & Rawson, N. L. (1991). Maternal weight gain, diet
and infant birth weight: correlations during adolescent pregnancy. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
Smith, C. (1996). The link between childhood maltreatment and teenage pregnancy. Social Work
Research, 20(3).

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