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The Darkest Night

“Selik! Is that you?”, Liam Atlas said when he heard his bedroom door knocking. It was over 2
a.m. The night was very quiet and outside the house there were only bats flying in the dark sky.
“Yes, sir” the voice came from outside the door. Selik Sharpan was Liam’s assistant detective.
They lived in one house together. “What’re you doing here?”, Liam said and opened the door. “I
got a letter sir. Somebody left it outside the main door”, Selik said and gave an envelope to
Liam. He put out the letter and read it carefully. Then, “This is from captain Bevin”, Liam said,
“He said that we must meet him tomorrow morning. He got a big case”. “OK, sir. I’ll ready for
tomorrow”, Selik said and went back to his room. Liam lay on the bed and thought about the
case. But soon, he fell asleep.
Next morning, they went to the Los Angeles police station. “Good morning, captain”, Liam said
when they got into captain’s room. “Morning. I’ve got a big secret case”, Captain said, “Some of
the people from Los Angeles are getting heroin from somewhere. We need to know where they
get from. I’m sure that they’re not getting them from within this area because Noah and Oliver
have already checked in Los Angeles. And they caught some people who use heroin. So…any
suspicious?”. Liam thought a few seconds. Then “Chicago. Most of the case with heroin are
happening there. So there can be 50%. We need to meet with the person who use it”, Liam
said. “OK”, Captain said. “How about Boston? There are happening the cases with heroin too”,
Selik said. “Ah…Right. There can be 40% and New York. There can be 10%. We’ll find from that
three place”, Liam said. “But hurry. I can give you only 8 months to find. Before that, heroin will
be used by all the people from here. OK?”, Captain said. “Yes, sir”. Then, they went to the
prisoner meeting room to meet the prisoner who have caught by Noah and Oliver.
“Your name’s David Thomas. Right?”, Liam said. “Yes, I am”, the prisoner (David Thomas) said.
“How did you get the heroin?”, Liam said. But David didn’t answer anything. “Hey. I asked how
do you get them?”, Liam said and put his pistol on the table. David looked at the gun and said,
“From Luke”. He looked like afraid of guns. Liam wrote the name on his note and asked,
“What’s his surname?”. “I don’t know”, David said. “Do you know where he lives?”, Liam asked.
“I don’t know”, David said. “Are you sure you don’t know it?”, Liam said. “Yes. I really don’t
know”, David said. Then they met another prisoner. His name’s Anthony Pubill. Liam asked him
as he had asked David. “I got from Nicolas”, Anthony said, “And I don’t know his surname”. “Do
you know where he lives?”, Liam asked. Anthony looked around him and said quietly, “Yeah…I
know. He lives in Chicago. He told us to come there if we want more. And please don’t tell
anyone I said about that. If he knows about that, he will kill me. His men are everywhere”. “You
are safe here”, Liam said and they went out from prisoner meeting room. “They get from
different people. So it can be either two group or one group”, Liam said to Selik, “We need to
go to Chicago tomorrow to find Nicolas. Then we can know is he telling truth or not?”. “OK, sir”,
Selik said. Then they went to the Los Angeles airport to buy flight tickets. They’re going to go to
Chicago next morning… … …
A man who was wearing a dark green coat was holding a gun and running in front of Liam. He
looked like looking for someone to kill. So… “Hey! Don’t move”, Liam shouted and put out his
gun. The man stopped running and looked at to Liam. The man was wearing a mask on his face.
The mask was face of Anubis. Suddenly, the man aimed to Liam with his gun. “Put down your
gun! I don’t say twice”, Liam shouted. But that man didn’t listen to him. He walked slowly to
Liam. His gun was still aimed to him. So Liam aimed to his head and shot. But he didn’t die. Now
the man reached near to Liam and aimed to his head. “Do you want to kill me? OK. Kill. But
your case will be bigger”, Liam said. The man didn’t say anything. And he took of his mask.
When Liam saw the man’s face, he couldn’t believe himself. “Im…Im…Impossible”, Liam said
quietly. He was very afraid of him now. Then the man let the bullet to get out the gun and
through Liam’s head. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”, Liam shouted loudly. “Sir! Sir! It’s just a
dream, Sir”, Selik’s voice came. He ran to Liam’s room when he heard Liam shouting. Now Liam
knew that it was just a bad dream. “A dream…But it was like reality”, Liam said tiredly. He
looked at the clock. It was 5 p.m. “You can go your room now Selik. And thanks for coming”,
Liam said. Then Selik went back to his room. Liam sat on his bed and thought about the dream.
Then he decided not to tell anyone about his dream.
The sun light came out from the East. And many kinds of birds were flying happily in the sky.
That view was very beautiful and made the people to be pleasant. But Liam and Selik hadn’t
time to watch that. They were at the airport and waiting a time to get in the plane. “Sir, have
you booked the hotel to live in Chicago?”, Selik said. “Yes. “Hyatt Centric Chicago Magnificent
Mile”. That was the best hotel at Chicago”, Liam said. “I think you have been there for many
times, sir. Am I right?”, Selik said. Liam was laughing. “Yeah…My girlfriend lived there. So I went
there for many times”, Liam said. “Is she there now?”, Selik said. Liam didn’t say anything for a
few seconds. Then… “No…She’s dead”, Liam said. He looked really sad for her. “Oh. I’m sorry”,
Selik said. He was sorry for him. Liam put out the photo of his girlfriend and showed Selik. “Her
name is Emilia Caroline. She is a little shorter than you. (Liam was taller than Selik) We met at
the ‘Grand Hope’ park. And she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen”, Liam said. “You
right, sir. She’s a beautiful girl”, Selik said. “That day, I was following a murder case. When I and
murderer were shooting one to one, she came to me. Because she knew that the murderer has
a twin and second twin will kill me when I was shooting with first twin. I mean she knew about
the trick. But when she reached to me, the second twin was behind me and aimed with his gun.
So she shouted to me that he was behind me. When I was turned to him, he shot me. But that
guy didn’t know very well how to shot the gun. So the bullet didn’t hit me. Then I killed him
with my gun. But unfortunately, I forgot about first twin. When I turned to him, he has already
shot to Emilia. She was falling in the blood…I couldn’t shoot to him because he ran away. And
didn’t find him anymore”, Liam said. Selik saw a sadness on Liam’s face. But he didn’t cry. He
had a strong heart. He had lost many people who he loved. But he never cried. All of the
memories of Liam were very bad. His parents were died in the car accident when he was 9
years old. And he was lived with his uncle. But his uncle was murdered by someone. Then
Emilia. “That was really sad memory of you, sir. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t ask you about that”, Selik
said. “That’s not a problem, Selik. You should need to know about that”, Liam said. Next 5
minutes, they got into the plane and took their seat. Now there were any sad in their head.
Then the journey to Chicago was started… … …
The journey took 3 hours and 55 minutes. There were many people in the Chicago airport.
“Welcome Chicago”, Selik said happily. “Hey. This is not a vacation. We are here for a case”,
Liam said. “Sorry sir”, Selik said. Then they got into the car which was borrow them from
Chicago police station and went to the hotel. Chicago was smaller than Los Angeles. Twice the
size of Chicago was same with Los Angeles’s land area. So they could reach to the hotel in a few
hours. They rested for an hour and started their job. They went to Chicago police station.
“Welcome detective Atlas and detective Sharpan”,

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