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Mysteries Beyond S1E2

Michael Nelson

2020/2021 michael nelson

Nature... Is inexorable and immutable; she never
transgressers the laws imposed upon her, or cares a whit;
whether her abstruce reasons and methods of operation are
understandble to men; Galeleo Galilei
Flythrough of the universe of our solar system and our
universe. fly out of the galaxy in a cinematic fashion and
run through to the beginning of the universe, and play it
forward of a massive explosion in space. fly through it to
black quickly.
The universe... a vast expanse of
vaccum and dust... But was it
always like this? a mysterious
expanse of the heavens? An
impossible paradox.. Could the
puzzle ever be solved? What is the
universe, where is the universe?
Could a star that collapsed
billions of years ago, have caused
the proper circumstances to create
what we are today?
Join me on my journey as we ask the
questions least answered... and can
the evidence we already have lead
us to a plausible conclusion? Are
we ready for the answers that lie

dramatic fast paced music

HOST (cont’d)
Welcome to Artemis Television
Studios, vancouver washington.
Tonight we are going to begin our
journey into the depths of what we
believe and what we really know
about the universe we live in, and
answering said questions, could
have profound effects on the near
future of our species as a whole
and lead a bust of advancement in
our technilogically based world.
cut to childhood scenes(stock footage)

HOST (cont’d)
around 20 years ago, I looked up at
the stars, just as any young boy
would do. Mezmerized of the beauty
and the sheer size of it all. I
immediately knew I wanted to go
there. For years, growing up. I
dreamnt of going to the stars. I
could not get it out of my head..
Studying it intently, I came up
with my own theories...

Library scenes during the above line sequence^

back to stage shot
HOST (cont’d)
July 21st, 1999, Lake Tahoe,
California... Myself and my family
along with friends were on
vacation when I experienced
something, that profoundly changed
my way of thinking.
HOST (cont’d)
I opened the window in my hotel
room and stared up at the night
sky. Suddenly, I noticed a star,
not so bright but noticably
changing colors. I watched it for
several minutes, then suddenly, it
was no longer there and a glimpse
of a ring surrounding it, then
dissapearing into nothing(dramatic)

HOST (cont’d)
I described what I saw to someone,
and was told "It was a dying star"
at that moment, I suddenly
realized. Like myself, the universe
was also, alive(dramatic)...

HOST (cont’d)
If it died, then it must have also
been born. When did it begin, and
where? Was it by chance, which

HOST (cont’d)
during the 90’s and 2000’s was
widely taught, that it was just a
random phenomenon... But was it
random, or expected.(dramatic)
HOST (cont’d)
Around 14 billion years ago,
scientists hypothesize that there
was an explosion of collossal
proportions in the vast emptiness
of space...

HOST (cont’d)
The Big Bang...
break; show big bang in simulation

HOST (cont’d)
These brand new computer
simulations, can show us things we
never even could have imagined
possible. Right from our Research
and Development division, a
research grade computer system was
constructed to learn more about how
our universe actually works. And
the discoveries were mind

break; show simulation of moon destroying earth

HOST (cont’d)
...if we are certain this universe
is so vast, where, if any, could
life on other terrestrial worlds
be? Are we alone in the universe?
HOST (cont’d) answer some of these
questions, we have to observe
imperical evidence of what we have
already seen. Could the clues be in
the evidence? Could we piece it
together? In order to begin our
journey, we have to go back to the
beginning. How did our solar system
become capable of supporting a life
sustaining planet, such as earth.

HOST (cont’d)
...13.4 billion years ago... a
galaxy was born, from the dense
regions of our early universe....

...over the course of several
billion years, our galaxy, the
milky way, grew into what it is
today, typically by merging, or
crashing into other, smaller
break;show two galaxies collide in the simulation software.

...a simulation of two collossal
clusters colliding together to
develop and grow even more
expansive galaxy. during the
merging process, gravity grows very
strong, to exponential levels...
break; show as gravity increases, increasing the speed by
which it gobbles up the smaller cluster.(drop gravity sim as
"cooldown timelapse"(display on screen) and drop gravity
back to zero, then zoom out to show the bigger cluster
HOST (cont’d)
as time goes by, the merging of the
two bodies goes through a cooldown
period, of where gravitational
forces begin to regulate, setting
in motoin new orbits and a massive
amount of colliding material,
generating new stars, and planets
within. A beautiful phenomenon,
with such a dark past...
HOST (cont’d)
But what about the dark regions of
the universe, the places we cannot
see, or hope to ever go...
break; show blackholes

HOST (cont’d)
Blackholes... The theoretical
phenomenon that is now, only very
recently being mapped in a
technically complicated way at the
LIGO Laboratories at
Massachussettes Institute of
break; show blackhole special sequence.

HOST (cont’d)
But what are these mysterious
masses of theoretical science, and
what role do they play in the grand
scheme OF how our universe came to

break; show someone talking about how many believe they

don’t even exist.
HOST (cont’d)
but theres a problem with that, the
math says that they do exist, so
how can both be wrong. or are
they?(dramatic) maybe they both
could be right...

But to better explain, we must
explore the theoretical mathematics
of quantum mechanics.(dramatic)
breel:show cat in box

most are familiar with the
experiment of the cat in the box, a
deadly poison is left exposed and,
if the cat touches it, the cat will
likely perish. On one half of the
paradox, the cat is alive and well,
on the other side, it was killed by
the poison. Now this is when things
get weird...(dramatic)

HOST (cont’d)
Like our other argument, one side
of the argument, they exist, they
have to exist.. The math says it
does, and the other saying, they

HOST (cont’d)
can’t simply exist, cause if they
did, then general relativity would
be wrong...(dramatic)

HOST (cont’d)
If general relativity can’t give us
a difinitive answer, what about the
dark arts of the physics world,
quantum mechanics...(dramatic)
HOST (cont’d)
Quantum Mechanics is the study of
very small particles. Particles
that make up everything in our
universe, the stuff that atoms are
made of. But at this level, things
can get a little hairy...(dramatic)

break;show quantum mechanics explanation video interivew

HOST (cont’d)
so how does this tie into where our
journey left off? Well, recently we
have been able to measure a
phenomenon in space that we are not
totally convinced are black holes,
but according to a handful of
scientists, it makes sense that
they are...(dramatic)

break;show video of scientist talking about detecting xrays

from black hole sites.
HOST (cont’d)
these detectable pockets of xray
radiation are believed to be the
remnents of their creation, and

HOST (cont’d)
so, if we can measure them, then
they must exist, at least, that’s
the common belief...

HOST (cont’d)
What implications can us living
inside the most reclusive mass in
the known universe have for us and
our understanding of the way we see
things around us.(dramatic)
break; show scientist talking about us living in a black
So, utilizing theoretical science,
we can take what we believe to
understand about black holes, and
imagine what lies beneath the
crushing darkness...

break;show video of blackhole animation

...and compare our understanding
with how we think the universe
works, and the correlations between
the two...(dramatic hit)
break; show scientist comparing black hole science with
universe science.
HOST (cont’d)
in order to bring to light more
evidence that could help us answer
these questions, we have to go to
the forefront of theoretical

A star burning bright for hundreds
of thousands of years, suddenly
collapses in a matter of seconds.
Compressing its mass, and energy
into astronomically small sizes,
smaller than atoms. It keeps
crushing it further and further
down, as the core falls down into
the depths of the side effect of
massive and powerful gravity
pushing and pulling on the core,
breathing almost, and radiation,
lots of it. Particularly, XRAY
radiation, a by-product of its
development. It collapses into the

HOST (cont’d)
center of the event horizon until
it cannot be crushed anymore. A
reaction occurs deep inside the
phenomenon, and explodes in a
catacysmic event, the big
But wait! If even some scientists,
say this is plausable, and even
makes sense. Then why isn’t it
considered common belief, we do
live in much more progressive

HOST (cont’d)
...they say there may not be enough
imperical evidence to support this
claim, no matter how much sense it
might make...

HOST (cont’d)
...but are they just looking in the
wrong spot, or does the evidence we
already have discovered, mean

HOST (cont’d)
...if we take a step back, and work
outside of the box, then maybe we
can discover all new evidence, or
discover a different interpretation
of what we already know...

...will we have to change the very
way we think? maybe(long dramatic)

At the center of the galaxy, we
have observed a phenomenon that

HOST (cont’d)
could be our physical proof we

...lets go to the center of our
galaxy.. At the center, there is a
massive star that is having its
matter ripped off of its very
surface, spiraling into a dark
mass. One that we cannot see, but
maybe measure the rate of decay of
the star, and get a better idea of
what might be going on...
HOST (cont’d) holes have a unique
property to them that IS widely
believed across all scientific
bodies conducting research on this
subject matter.. as it consumes
matter, it emits thermal energy.
Over the course of the life of the
black hole, once it has gobbled up
all of the matter outside its
center, and there is no more matter
to eat. The dark mass begins to
fade, and over time, completely
fade out of existence
HOST (cont’d)
But if we do live in a black hole,
what would happen to us, if our
home dies.. in its entirety...
break;show interview of scientist talking about the end of
the universe.
HOST (cont’d)
...once our earth, sun, solar
system, even our own galaxy and
universe, come to an end. Matter
itself, has ceased to exist in the
empty void of where we used to call
home. Billions upon billions of
years from now...

HOST (cont’d)
What if we can hypothesize, that
during the course of our black hole
no longer able to consume matter,
our own universe, as we can observe
and study it, begins to decay...
but havn’t we already seen evidence
of that, and in fact DO believe,
our universe will end...(dramatic)
HOST (cont’d)
As the thermal radiation begins to
subside, we can hypothetically
observe the end of time as we know

HOST (cont’d)
...but if we are to be doomed, and
eventually even the universe, to
die. What happens to some of the
concepts we have learned to know
and love? What is it’s purpose? Is
there a rhime to reason? There may

HOST (cont’d)
...there may even be proof that
death, is in fact, not the end...

HOST (cont’d)
...but in order to understand the
paradoxyl nature of our existence,
we may find some evidence in
ourselves.. of our true nature, and

HOST (cont’d)
In quantum mechanics, say an
object, like a planet, falls into
the difinitive grasp of our dark
friend, it’s "information", like
it’s size, shape, elemental makeup,
everything about it and what it is,
is transcended into the database of
the blackhole...

HOST (cont’d)
...but what does this mean to us,
for us and how does it link us
together? When a person dies, it is
widely believed that the energy, or
"information" is imprinted into the
heavens, somewhere or some way in a
alternate state of existence. But,
if this is true, what is done with
this energy? As scientists agree,
energy cannot be created nor
destroyed. So, it must have to go
somewhere, right?

HOST (cont’d)
Combining with what we have
discovered thusfar, and linking
another piece of the puzzle,
however so small and seemingly
unimportant in the link, however
over centuries, individuals have
reported experiencing phenomenon
that they themselves, cannot
HOST (cont’d)
When a person dies, and their
information, their experiences,
their consciousness, is imprinted
into the vast expanse of the
universe. What happens to this
information once it becomes one
with the largest database ever

HOST (cont’d)
...could it be restored into a new
lifeform, more specifically, the
same lifeform the energy was
imprinted into before, with its
information retained, like species,
sex, even genetic code, as it has
been found, our experiences while
living, dictate our genetic makeup
through a process theorized as
evolution, and even memories
themselves being stored, and
reportedly being called upon at
random times, or for more specific
purposes and intervals perhaps?.
Some claim to vividly remember the
memories of past times, past lives.
Where could those memories be
stored, is the universe retaining
this information for a specific,
and intended purpose? If it were
imprinted, then can it be somehow
HOST (cont’d)
From the moment of birth, a clean
slate is formed. But is it such a
clean slate? What about the genetic
code, and could our genetics, our
very makeup of who we are as a
species, house information from
previous experiences, from previous
lives? If information is stored in
the greatest created database of
all time, could it be recovered by
the creation of new life? If so,
then do we really die? Or are we
recycled? Could we be consciously
aware of our experiences of being
transcended and downloaded into the

Across the globe, there is a widely
accepted and "universal" belief
that there is some sort of supreme

HOST (cont’d)
being, that controls and maintains
our lives, and the world around us.
Could these beliefs, be
misunderstood remnent memory,
somehow imprinted into our
existence, into the minds of our

Our universe is such an amazing and
fascinating place to be, and our
purpose here, could be to
understand it better. To further
our growth as a species...
HOST (cont’d)
The solar system...
break; show solar system simulation
HOST (cont’d)
Is ours unique? or are there others
like it. Thousands upon thousands
of planet-harboring systems exist
in our galaxy alone(dramatic)...

HOST (cont’d)
In our search for the answers to
life, we have searched and mapped
other systems and found none
similar to ours, yet...(dramatic)
Could this be a clue in itself, and
if so, why is our system of planets
different than all others?

HOST (cont’d)
What if it wasn’t all that unique?
Some believe that it isn’t, and if
that is true, could these other
star systems house planets like
ours? An interesting concept to
explore further...

break:animation of solar system flythrough

HOST (cont’d)
In order to better understand this,
we must travel to the early days of
our solar system, and look for
clues that could help us better

4.6 billion years ago, our solar
system was just a cloud of dust and

(informative) the solar nebula started to
rotate, and very strong
gravitational forces pulling on it,
collapsed the materials in on

HOST (cont’d)
The birth of our sun...

break;animation of sun
HOST (cont’d)
...a molecular cloud formed that
would eventually become the
birthplace of our only

HOST (cont’d)
Over time, the cloud cooled and
formed clumps of matter together,
growing denser, and denser...
HOST (cont’d)
(informative) gravity grew stronger, the
mass grew bigger and bigger,
eventually collapsing under its own
weight and forming protostars...

HOST (cont’d)
As gravity continued to crush the
stellar masses, a star was born...

HOST (cont’d)
...a ring of material that would
become our planets much later on
would orbit around the newly born
star, like the rings on Saturn. The
building blocks to our planets...

HOST (cont’d)
As the nuclear process began to
jumpstart our star into massive
growth, a solar "wind" carried all
of the material outward into our
star system, keeping the material
that will become earth and other
planets eventually, safe from
falling into the star’s void...

HOST (cont’d)
There are three widely accepted
models that scientists have created
to try to explain the formation of
our solar system...

The core accreation model, the disk
instability model, and the pebble
accreation model...
Recently, in 2020, scientists from
the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory in Livermore,
California, has found evidence that
our solar system formed in less
than 200,000 years...
HOST (cont’d)
The timeframe of how long it took
for the solar system to develop
into a budding cluster of planets
wasn’t really known before...

HOST (cont’d)
The laboratory even found evidence
to hypothesize that, a long time
ago, there could actually have been
a planetary mass between Saturn and
Uranus that couldv’e lead to the
planetary lineup we know today...

HOST (cont’d)
Being pushed out of orbit, the mass
just floated away, pulling other
planetary and stellar masses with
it until eventually it moved so far
away it left the effects of gravity
as it passed through..
HOST (cont’d)
Our solar system is very "atypical"
and scientists have spent years,

HOST (cont’d)
even centuries attempting to answer
how and why our planets are in the
position they are in, and if it has
something to do with how we ended
up on our third rock from the
HOST (cont’d)
But could they have finally come
across a plausible answer?

HOST (cont’d)
They were able to conclude, that
very likely, the position and orbit
of Neptune,Uranus, and Saturn,
perhaps all of our planets, mightve
been influenced by the
gravitational forces of a missing
planet, passing through. Almost
like a key to "lock" the positions
of our planets into where we
observe them now. Could we conclude
that this "mysterious" mass,
couldve influenced the position of
the rest of the planets? Well, that
is what scientists are trying to
figure out today, and maybe couldve
finally come across the answer to a
centuries old mystery...
HOST (cont’d)
Modern technology has allowed us to
better observe our galaxy and the
evidence we have found, is
profoundly amazing in the fact that
the universe, seems to have a
self-regulating method of ensuring
the correct "parameters" are met
and set into motion. Could this
have occurred in other planetary
systems as well? Or are we unique.
It is believed that, even though,
we have not observed any other
system out in the cosmos, that

HOST (cont’d)
resembles ours, and we have yet to
find one exactly like it, could not
be all that unique
HOST (cont’d)
(informative question)
Could there be evidence, however
seemingly implausible, that other
planetary systems across our own
galaxy, could be younger or older
versions of where we call home, and
could that be why we havn’t found
one like ours yet, because it sits
in a different time of development
in its history?

Over five hundred planetary systems
already observed, with trillions of
planets, just in our galaxy alone.
With billions of other galaxies in
our known universe...

HOST (cont’d) that is a lot of planets. So
with all of those observed
celestial bodies, why havn’t we
been able to find another just like
It’s impossible to believe that we
are alone in the universe, so where
are they hiding?
HOST (cont’d)
Kepler 452b, located in the Milky
Way Galaxy, right here at home, is

HOST (cont’d)
the closest resemblence of earth we
have seen thusfar...

It’s sun, much like ours, is far
enough away to make it habitable,
and is believed to be a rocky
terrestrial mass, just like our own
These photo interpretations of
what the planet could look
like from studying it, shows a
very familiar place, even
scientists agree that the
surface, if you were on it,
would feel and look much like
it does on earth...
The planet, only a bit older than
our 4 billion years to 6 billion
years old. If we look at its
planetary system that it resides
in, and look for clues for
familiarities to ours?
There are many other examples of
this, where we have discovered
earth-like planets throughout our

HOST (cont’d)
We just don’t know enough about the
distant systems these planets call
home yet to make a determination as
to whether these planets, can in
fact support life, if they might

HOST (cont’d)
already have life on them, and
their representation to us and our
surrounding worlds.

HOST (cont’d)
...but we could expect answers soon
as astrophysicysts work around the
clock to become closer to
understanding what exactly is out
there, and why...(semi-dramatic)
HOST (cont’d)
Two billion years from now, it is
believd that our star, will go
supernova and fry every living
thing on this planet, even bring
down buildings as the gas expands
with high velocity and superheated
temperatures through our solar
system, destroying a multitude of
planets, but could it leave earth
and a couple other gas giants,
behind? Have there been
observations that could match these
scenarios?(dramatic question)

We have discussed theories
regarding the beginning of time,
asked new questions, made new
observations by looking at existing
evidence, and discovering new
pieces of the grand puzzle and
hypothesized a likely conclusion
from it all...
HOST (cont’d)
...are the answers we seek, staring
us right in the face?

run credits

HOST (cont’d)
Take a journey into the depths
beyond our understanding as we put
the evidence together to try to
diffinitively answer the questions
we work so hard to understand...
we encourage our viewers to give
their own opinions, findings and
even ideas regarding who we are,
and what is out there beyond our

HOST (cont’d)
I’m Michael Nelson, and this is
Mysteries Beyond... Goodnight.

HOST time on mysteries beyond...

...did ancient civilizations have
an intimate understanding of the
workings of how our world worked,
and could they have left evidence
of this behind? Did they leave it
behind on purpose, meant to be
found by modern man? If so, the
implications are astronomical...

HOST (cont’d)
When did life originate, how did we
get from lumps of rocks, to who we
are today and is there evidence of
possible life, right next door?

HOST (cont’d)
...come with us on the adventure 14
billion years in the making as we
explore the mysteries beyond...

close w/ARR screen

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