Административная контрольная работа 2 класс

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Итоговая административная контрольная работа по английскому языку во 2


1. Напиши существительное во множественном числе:

1. nose- __________
2. bird - __________
3. box-_____________
4. glass-____________
5. horse- ______________

2. Вставь am, is, are

1. My cat _______ black.
2. I ______ happy!
3. Mary and Anna _____ sisters.
4. We ____ in the kitchen.
5. How old _____ you?

3. Вставь can или can’t

1. A fish _____ dance.
2. A bird ________ sing.
3. A mouse _____ swim.
4. A kangaroo _______ jump.
5. A horse ________ run.

4. Поставь слова в правильном порядке.

1. can/She/like/sing/a bird. ____________________________________________
2. ice-cream/like/I/don’t.______________________________________________
3. your/What/favourite/is/food? _______________________________________
4. bear/Teddy/in/box/the/is. __________________________________________
5. old/How/you/are?_________________________________________________

5. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.

Hello! My name is Jane. I’m 9 years old. I have got a cat. His name is Max. He is 3. He can run and jump.
He is black and white. Max likes fish and milk. Look! He is on the bed! He’s nice!

1. How old is Jane? _____________

2. What colours is Max? _______________
3. Where is Max? ______________________
4. Can Max jump? _____________________

28-25 – «5»
24-20 – «4»
19-14 – «3»
<14 – «2»

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