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1. Послушай и напиши имя или число (10 points).

e.g. What’s the boy’s name? Henry

1 How old is he? ________________________
2 What’s his friend’s name? ________________________
3 Which class are they in at school? ________________________
4 What’s his teacher’s name? Miss ____________________
5 Where is his school? _____________ Apple Street

1. Выпиши лишнее слово (5 points):

1. tall, funny, kind, clever
2. seventy, thirty, ninety, twelve
3. theatre, hospital, tree, garage
4. baker’s, mechanic, artist, doctor
5. eggs, tomatoes, flour, biscuits
2. Прочитай и выбери правильный вариант ответа (20 points):
1. There is ……..milk in the fridge.
a. many b. a lot of
2. An elephant is ……………than a dog.
a. big b. bigger
3. Cindy ……….her granny every Sunday.
a. visit b. visits
4. You ………….wear a uniform at school.
a. have to b. has to
5. How …………butter do we need?
a. much b. many
6. ……….play outside, please?
a. Must b. May
7. He ………… every Friday.
a. goes b. is going
8. There aren’t ………….bottles of water left.
a. much b. many
9. Look! The cat ………….
a. is running b. runs
10. ………usually buy clothes at Tesco’s?
a. Does you b. Do you
3. Выбери правильный вариант ответа (16 points)

4. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы (10 points)

60-55 – “5”
54-43 – “4”
42-31 – “3”
30-0 – “2”

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