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Famous Entrepreneur Scavenger Hunt (Answer Key)

1. Steve Jobs

1. What was the name of the company Steve Jobs cofounded?

• Apple
2. What year was his company founded?
• 1976
3. Where did Steve Jobs attend college and when did he graduate?
• He attended Reed College but dropped out after one semester.

2. Walt Disney
1. Who cofounded Disney Productions with Walt Disney?
• Roy Disney (his brother)
2. When Disney returned from France in 1919, he moved back to Kansas
City to pursue a career as a __________________________________.
• Newspaper Artist
3. What year did Disney Theme Park open?
• 1955

3. Pierre Omidyar
1. Pierre is the founder and chairman of what successful company?
2. Where did Pierre attend college? What year did Pierre graduate?
What is Pierre’s degree in?
• Pierre graduated from Tufts University in 1988 with a degree in
3. Which two successful companies did Pierre work for before founding
his company?
• Macintosh and Apple
4. By the end of 1998, how much money did Pierre’s company generate
in revenue?
• $750 million
4. Oprah Winfrey
1. What was the name of the hit TV chat show Oprah hosted after
moving to Baltimore?
• People are Talking
2. What college did Oprah attend?
• Tennessee State University
3. What year was the Oprah Winfrey Show launched as a nationally
syndicated program?
• 1986
4. What is the name of Oprah’s production company? What is the name
of Oprah’s television network?
• Harpo Productions. Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN)
5. Ray Croc
1. What was Ray’s job/career before founding his company?
• Sales Manager for Tulip Cup Company
2. What is the name of the company Ray founded?
• McDonalds
3. Who was Ray’s inspiration for establishing the company?
• McDonald brothers
4. Where was the first business/company opened? What year?
• Chicago in 1955
5. By 1963, how many stores had been opened?
• 500

6. Madam CJ Walker
1. What product did Madame CJ Walker invent in 1905?
• A line of African American hair care products.
2. As profits continued to grow, in 1908 Walker opened
_________________________________________in Pittsburgh.
• a factory and a beauty school
3. Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company had become wildly
successful, with profits that were the modern-day _________________.
• equivalent of several million dollars
7. Mark Zuckerberg
1. Where did Mark attend college?
• Harvard University.
2. When did Mark graduate from college?
• He dropped out his sophomore year.
3. What company did Mark cofound?
• Facebook
4. What is the name of the movie based on the establishment of Mark’s
• The Social Network
5. How much money did Accel Partners invest in Mark’s company in
• $12.7 million
6. In 2010, what was Mark’s estimated net worth?
• $6.9 billion
8. Jeff Bezos
1. Where did Jeff attend college?
• Princeton University
2. What year did Jeff graduate from college and in what area?
• He graduated summa cum laude in 1986 with a degree in
computer science and electrical engineering.
3. What company did Jeff establish? What year?
• Amazon. 1995.
4. In two months, what was the amount Jeff’s company reached per week?
• $20,000 per week
9. Bill Gates
1. What was the name of the computer program that Bill Gates and his
partner developed when he was 15 years old?
• "Traf-o-Data," a computer program that monitored traffic
2. How much was Bill and his partner paid for their efforts?
• $20,000
3. What was Bill’s SAT Score out of 1600?
• 1590
4. What company did Bill cofound?
• Microsoft
5. What year did Bill place himself as head of his company? How much did
the company gross at that time? How old was he at that time?
• Bill placed himself as the head of Microsoft, which grossed $2.5
million in 1978. Gates was only 23.
10. Henry Ford
1. What company did Henry establish? What year?
• Ford Motor Company. 1903.
2. What product did Henry Ford create in 1908?
• Henry Ford created the Ford Model T car in 1908.
3. What famous inventor/entrepreneur did Henry present his product
plans to?
• Thomas Edison

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