Kotak Strategy June 13 2019

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Macro JUNE 13, 2019
BSE-30: 39,741

A balance sheet has two sides. An expert committee will soon give its
recommendation on the economic capital framework of the RBI, including an opinion
on any transfer of ‘excess’ reserves of the RBI to the government. We are not clear how
the RBI can transfer a portion of its reserves (excess or otherwise is a separate
discussion) (1) without ‘transferring’ a portion of its assets (foreign currency assets,
government securities) to the government; or (2) by paying dividends without selling a
portion of its assets to realize ‘cash’ to give to the government.


 RBI’s total reserves

stood at `10.5 tn as
Transferring ‘reserves’ entails transferring something from the asset side too of June 30, 2018

Exhibit 1 shows the key line items of the balance sheet of the RBI and Exhibit 2 shows the key  Notes issued of
line items of the P&L of the RBI, its annual profits and transfers to the government for the past `19.1 tn as of
few years. As can be seen, the assets side of the balance sheet of the RBI largely comprises June 30, 2018
foreign currency assets (`27.8 tn including gold coin and bullion of `1.44 tn) and government
bonds (`6.3 tn) out of a total balance sheet size of `36.2 tn as of end-June 2018.  RBI’s domestic
investments at
Giving bonds back to government seems odd; selling domestic bonds is not an option currently
`6.3 tn and foreign
We are not clear as to how the RBI can transfer a portion of investment in government bonds investments at
to the government as the government will end up owning its own bonds (‘treasury’ bonds will `26.4 tn as of
take a new meaning in this case) in such a scenario. Even if this were feasible under the Fiscal June 30, 2018
Responsibility and Budget Management Act (FRBM), the government would have to cancel the
bonds, which would result in lower public debt without any cash inflow to the government, or
sell the bonds to raise cash. The latter seems like a roundabout way of deficit monetization, in
our view, which is not possible under the FRBM. We rule out the RBI selling a portion of its
investments in Indian government bonds in order to give cash (dividends) to the government as
it is conducting OMO bond purchases currently.

Transferring FC reserves or selling foreign bonds possible, but have other implications

The RBI can indeed transfer a portion of its foreign currency reserves to the government. The
question is what the government will do in such a scenario. It can continue to sit on the
reserves, which will not address its requirement for cash. The government can sell the foreign
currency assets received from the RBI but that will result in lower foreign currency reserves of Sanjeev Prasad
India. Similarly, the RBI can sell a portion of its investments in foreign government bonds and Mumbai: +91-22-4336-0830
gold to give cash (dividends) to the government. However, this will result in a commensurate
decline in the RBI’s foreign currency reserves. Suvodeep Rakshit
Mumbai: +91-22-4336-0898
Borrowing or printing currency to fund the government’s deficit is not an option
Anindya Bhowmik
The option of the RBI raising its liabilities (notes issued) to ‘transfer’ reserves to the government anindya.bhowmik@kotak.com
Mumbai: +91-22-4336-0897
is ruled out under the FRBM Act, 2003, which prohibits the RBI from subscribing to primary
issuances of government securities from April 1, 2006. Nonetheless, the RBI has been recently
conducting large-scale purchases of government bonds from the secondary market through its
OMO program, which helps the government’s case in terms of lower yields, if not for fiscal
management. The RBI can issue new currency to back purchases of foreign currency assets only.

Kotak Institutional Equities Research

Mumbai: +91-22-4336-0000

India Strategy

Exhibit 1: Domestic and foreign investments account for 90% of RBI assets
RBI balance sheet, June year-ends, 2017-18 (Rs bn)

2017 2018
Foreign investments 23,687 26,351
Domestic investments 7,558 6,297
Gold coin and bullion 1,317 1,440
Notes, rupee coin and small coin 6.2 9.4
Investment in subsidiaries 34 34
Loans and advances 173 1,639
- Central government 26 554
- State governments 24 15
- Scheduled commercial banks 80 1,007
- O thers 43 62
Other assets 267 406
- Accrued income 232 233
- O thers 34 173
Total Assets 33,041 36,176
Capital 0.1 0.1
Reserve fund 65 65
Other reserves 2.3 2.3
Notes issued 15,063 19,120
Deposits 8,963 6,526
- Central government 948 1.0
- State governments 0.4 0.4
- Scheduled commercial banks 4,730 4,744
- O ther banks 312 327
Scheduled state co-operative banks 36 35
O ther scheduled co-operative banks 84 84
Non-scheduled state co-operative banks 15 19
O ther banks 176 188
- O thers 2,974 1,454
- Reverse repo deposits 2,748 1,187
Other liabilities and provisions 8,947 10,463
- Contingency fund 2,282 2,321
- Currency and gold revaluation account 5,299 6,916
- Asset development fund 228 228
- Investment revaluation account - foreign — —
- Investment revaluation account - rupee 571 133
- Gratuity and superannuation fund — 33
- Surplus transferable to GO I 307 500
- Miscellaneous 260 332
Total liabilities 33,041 36,176

Source: RBI Annual Report, Kotak Institutional Equities


Strategy India

Exhibit 2: RBI is transferring the bulk of its income to the government

RBI income-expenditure statement, June year-ends, 2012-18 (Rs bn)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
1. Foreign sources:
Interest, discount, exchange 198 207 198 257 287 186 274
2. Domestic sources 334 536 448 535 522 432 509
Interest 323 523 435 521 505 415 485
O ther earnings 10 13 13 14 16 17 24
3. Total income (gross) (1+2) 532 744 646 793 809 618 783
Less transfer to:
Contingency reserve 247 262 — — — — —
Asset development reserve 23 25 — — — — —
4. Total transfers 270 288 — — — — —
Total income (net) (3-4) 262 456 646 793 809 618 783
5. Total expenditure 101 125 119 134 150 312 283
Printing cost 27 29 32 38 34 80 49
Agency charges 34 28 33 30 48 41 39
Employee cost 30 59 43 41 45 46 38
Provisions — — — 10 10 132 142
O thers 11 10 11 15 13 13 14
Net disposable income 160 330 527 659 659 307 500
Transfer of surplus to government 160 330 527 659 659 307 500

(a) Transfers to CF + ADF were classified as provisions from 2015 onwards.
(b) Rs10 bn of provisions to NHB and BRBNMPL in 2015 and 2016, respectively.

Source: RBI Annual Report, Kotak Institutional Equities



"Each of the analysts named below hereby certifies that, with respect to each subject company and its securities for which
the analyst is responsible in this report, (1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect his or her personal views
about the subject companies and securities, and (2) no part of his or her compensation was, is, or will be, directly or
indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report: Sanjeev Prasad, Suvodeep Rakshit and
Anindya Bhowmik."

Kotak Institutional Equities Research coverage universe

Distribution of ratings/investment banking relationships
Percentage of companies covered by Kotak Institutional
Equities, within the specified category.

Percentage of companies within each category for
which Kotak Institutional Equities and or its affiliates has
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previous 12 months.
40% * The above categories are defined as follows: Buy = We
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20% the next 12 months; Sell = We expect this stock to deliver
less than -5% returns over the next 12 months. O ur
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4.4% 3.4% These ratings are used illustratively to comply with
0.5% 0.0% applicable regulations. As of 31/03/2019 Kotak
Institutional Equities Investment Research had
investment ratings on 204 equity securities.

Source: Kotak Institutional Equities As of March 31, 2019

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