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Write your name here Edexcel Certificate Centre Number Candidate Number Edexcel _ International GCSE Chemistry Unit: KCHO/4CHO Science (Double Award) KSC0/4SCO Paper: 1C ‘You must have: Calculator Ruler Instructions © Use black ink or bal-point pen. © Fillin the boxes at the top of this page with your name, ‘entre number and candidate number. © Answerall questions. ‘© Answver the questions in the spaces provided = there may be more space than you need. © Show all the steps in any calculations and state the units. Information . © The total mark for this paper is 120. @ The marks for each question are shown in brackets use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Advice Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. Keep an eye on the time. ‘Write your answers neatly and in good English. Try to answer every question. Check your answers iF you have time at the end. Monday 14 January 2013 - Morning ReHGe acHO/IC Time: 2 hours KSCO/IC_4SCO/IC Total Marks | Turn over > nm paisoen MMIII AIM gezsy Scanned with CamScanner THE PERIODIC TABLE Group [21] aghele xie|s 2heee nade cefelaof safele-f gale hail M x | ena Key OTA Pat 8 3 Ton 28 Scanned with CamScanner BLANK PAGE i re Scanned with CamScanner Answer ALL questions. 1 This question is about the element beryllium. beryllium. (a) Use wor from the bax to complete the sentences about bery tach word may be used once mare than ance oF not ata electrons, negative neutral neutrons nucleus positive protons shells An atom of berylium has a central that contains particles | called and Around these patties there are onbiting in ‘An stom of berylium hs no charge because it contains equal numbers | o and | | The particles withthe lowest massin an atom of berylium are called (©) Berytum forms. compound wth the formula Be(OH), (1 How many cferent elements are there in Be(OH),2 AW Whats the total numberof 3toms inthe formula Be(OH) 2 | |; | | : S (Total for Question 1 = Smatks) AON ava Scanned with CamScanner 2. The halogens are elements in Group 7 of the Periodic Table. (a) Puta cross Bin the box to indicate your answer. () Chlorine gas is mw GA brown CB colourless OC green OD violet (ii) At room temperature, the physical state of bromine is, DA solid OB tiquid OC gas GD aqueous solution (b) Which is the most reactive element in Group 7? Moone CS). (6) Chlorine reacts with hydrogen to form a colourless gas that dissolves in water to form an acid. (i) What is the name of the colourless gas? WySroqu~, (ii) What is the name of the acid? a) Bar rydrordate..060, . . (ii) What is the formula that is used to represent both the colourless gas and the acid? a ey, (Total for Question 2= 6 Turn over » Scanned with CamScanner \ VAN VA ee | 3. Astudent found this information about hydrogen. Y\ James Dewar Henry Cavendish Jacques Charles launched the first liquefied hydrogen Initial colour Final colour (©) To show that the liquid produ: Carried out a chemical test ant (The chemical test involved a anhydrous copper) sulfate _ Tn State the colour change observed, ity Buy SN iced by burning ida physical test, (il) Complete the word equation for this reaction, iron + sulfuric acid >. UyOv~ Sulfoke 4 4800 on (©) Balance the equation forthe complete combustion of hydrogen. cme ac ined get hydrogen-filled forthe first time, | veered enon | | hydrogen burned. | | balloon reacted with dilute acids. 1671 i 1783 1898 Year {@) (i) The student repeated Boyle's experiment using iron and dilute sulfuric acid, State two observations that he could have made. | 1 Rosny 2 —Ywrrolwr =. HO idding a few drops of the liquid to a sample of hydrogen was pure water, a student ——___ Scanned with CamScanner \ ce (i) Place a cross Blin one box to show the formula of the compound formed in this chemical test. a OA cuoH), OB uso, Oc cus0,H,0 1D CuSO,SH,O Vi) (ii) The physical test involved measuring a property of the liquid. State a suitable physical property and give the value for pure water. ial Physical property ootluro) ow. area en Value is Lou... _ é ‘ aa (2) (0. Suggest what property of hydrogen makes it suitable for filing balloons. ov Comriliy See ees ee (i) Helium is now used instead of hydrogen to fill balloons. state the property of helium that makes it more suitable than hydrogen for filling balloons. o including state symbols, to show the process that occurs when (e) Write an equation, hydrogen is liquefied. a Mugg tO) SS (Total for Question 3 000 0 : Turn over » Scanned with CamScanner ‘4 Water is needed for iron to rust. {a) () State one other substance needed for ron to rust. a i {iy When iron rusts, brown compound forms that can be represented by the formula Fe,0, State the name of this compound. Yee onde, . (0) Three students decided to investigate the rusting of some iron nails, They measured the mass of each nail before placing it in some water. After rusting had occurred, the nails were removed and their masses were measured. ‘The table shows their results. suden | Mass ofnailbefore | Mass of nail after = __tusting ing rusting ing | (0) Suggest one problem in measuring the mass ofa nail after rusting. o WA Osh WOK A) Student A thought that the results showed that his nail had rusted most. Suggest why he thought this. (0 Student B thought thatthe results showed that her nail had tusted most. Suggest why she thought this. de WAMULOQY ino-eOne 6 Vo 0 oi a AO Scanned with CamScanner {iv) How do the pasa abel nai of Student € show that he must have made an error in his (©) Most methods used to prevent ron objects from rusting use a physical barrier. This involves covering the iron object with another ‘substance to keep out the water. Complete the table by choosing words from the box to suggest the substance that should be used to prevent each named iron object from rusting. (2) ‘Substance used to prevent rusting Iron object bicycle chain railway bridge | Youn {@) Some iron objects are coated with zinc to prevent rusting The zinc initially acts soMphysical barrier, but an extra advantage of using zinc is that it continues to prevent rusting even ifthe layer of zinc Is damaged. state the name of this type of rust prevention and explain how it works. eo Lowsi\' 0d (QwGalya)_LOEA, (Total for Question 4 = 11 marks) eee \ > Turn over > Scanned with CamScanner The table shows the displayed formulae of three unsaturated van \ -——__—_—— 4 Compound B Compound ¢ (2) Exp Msteovy %, \ypsopun Ooms cowaui9 ePouucdy | ‘the meaning ofthe term hydrocarbon, (©) Explain the meaning of the term unsaturated. HOOK (CO-C) DoW) gerd | (© Compounds a, B and ¢ belong to the same homologous Series. One characteristic of ‘hecompounds ina homologous senas isthat they have the same generq formula, | (0 State the name of this ‘homologous series Scanned with CamScanner (4) Compound C has several isomers, | (i) What is the name of compound ¢? Jot -unn a | (il) What is the molecular formuta of compound €? cura a) (ii) Explain the meaning of the term isomers, | LOMPRWOL nin dover omeloon Roomuho . louk (OM oak LEAMIGON_Jomnalo. (iv) Draw the displayed formula of an isomer of compound C. a) (e) Bromine water can be used to distinguish compound A from ethane. (i) Complete the sentence to show the colour change when compound A is bubbled through bromine water. m Bromine water changes from orange to... OWLS (i) Complete the chemical equation for the reaction between compound A and bromine water. GH, + Br, > Mua. otal for Question 5 = 14 marks) (000000 0 0 neta Scanned with CamScanner 6 The reactivity of metals can be studied using displacement reactions. In these reactions, ‘one metal is added to a solution of a salt of a different metal. Wa displacement reaction occurs, there is a temperature rise A student used the following method in a series of experiments, * Pour some metal salt solution intoa polystyrene cup supported i and record the temperature of the solution, a glass beaker ‘* Add a known mass of a metal and stir, * Record the maximum temperature of the mixture, (@) Suggest three variables that should be kept the same for the student's experiments tobea fair test, 1 Some volumy ef dhe, Wowie a 2 “ome canealiotion of dhe. Lowa 3 Some ormoK vail (b) The student used a thermometer to measure the temperature rise. The diagrams show the thermometer readings before and after adding the metal. (3) | cl [20 ec |E 25 1s 20 before adding metal after adding metal Use the diagrams to complete the table. | Temperature after adding the metal in°C ‘Temperature before adding the metal in °C | c | Temperature change in i iio Scanned with CamScanner iments. She used five — inallher exper yer({I) sulfate solution . ote se 0 raw the identity ofthe metal labelled iff : sre student id each experiment tice. TE table shows her results. ea eel °C Average | Temperature sein temperature rise met | Runt Run2 in’c 105 155 13.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35 | 45 40 0.0 0.0 00 8.0 I 9.0 85 () Which of the metals gave the least reliable temperature rise? Explain your choice. Metal TAgesivhy Ure) Explanation... \AOS. Hae Lal dilfouncy, un Yo WED. KomDnoknts,. (id) Identify the most reactive of the metals used. Explain plain how the results show that itis the most reactive, Mera. YOQreniyor (re) Sronaion Sent dermpeno Kun, vu, (Gi) Why i there no temperature rise when silver is added (© copperill) sulfate s: ‘ll olution Yoroure Gio, § Nor. Solon Wrour Pw. MOOD Scanned with CamScanner |. (iv) Why do the rosy ©8St reactives as gg a sumone Scanned with CamScanner 7 Most metals are extracted in a blast furnace or by electrolysis, (a) (i) The chemical equations for two rea e ictions that occur during the extraction of aluminium are A AP + 3e > AL 8B C+0,> 00, For each of these reactions, complete the table to show whether the underlined species is being oxidised or reduced. In each case, explain your choice. @) Explanation of choice (ii) Reaction A takes place at the negative electrode during the extraction of aluminium, Write an ionic half-equation for the reaction at the positive electrode. Yo. — a le (iii) Reaction B gives a waste product during the extraction of aluminium. What effect does this reaction have on the positive electrodes? a Werkdodar rovrwy %, Aeerepse we roe: (iv) Reaction B is also important in the extraction of iron in a blast furnace. Name the raw material that reacts with oxygen and state why the reaction is important. Raw material... LWW | importance of reaction UW Own. ontlonnwy, LeoiGious yg gg oe Scanned with CamScanner (b) Galena (PbS) and cerussite (PLCO,) are two ores of lead. A mining company is considering which of these two ores to use for the extraction of lead. The equations for the reactions occurring are Process using galena: 2PbS + 30, — 2PbO + 250, 2PbO + C > 2Pb + CO, Process using cerussite: PbCO, — PbO + CO, 2PbO + C — 2Pb + CO, (i) Both processes form carbon dioxide, which the mining company hopes to sell, Complete the table to show two uses of carbon dioxide and a property on which each use depends, = Use Property | a } 7 | Wreny doiedus | GoW uA Woks. po - _Seeogyittonthe | We dumovon ois (i) One disadvantage of using galena is that the sulfur dioxide produced can cause acid rain, Write a chemical equation to show the formation of an acidic solution from sulfur dioxide and state one effect of acid rain. Equation .. +o. 7 40, effect Uc oMaade,. dtu romosin Whe ANA 0 Scanned with CamScanner — | | (c) The company uses a sample of cerussite containing 500 g of PCO, Calculate the maximum mass of lead that can be obtained from this sample of cerussite. TAL (HOLD) + Let AMP) 2 87 em Vp)» GH 91 -FH Mass of lead = (Total for Question 7=17 marks) __ 1 (3) AL 9 9 Turn over > Scanned with CamScanner @ The equation for a reaction that occurs in the manufacture of nitric acid is ANH,(9) + 50g) = aNO(g) + 6H,0Ig) AH=-900 ki/mol (2) (State the meanings of the symbols = and AH, = Fnenilote Deoarton aH Lantloodpy AnoonQe- {i What does the negative sign of AH indicate about the reaction? Wook Qwe oulk ‘®) Complete the energy level diagram for tis reaction, Energy (9) Typical conditions u: of 10 atmospheres. Peace the effects of changing the conditions as shown in the table. Choose from the words increased, decreased or unchanged Complete the table, | Change Effect on rate of reaction ———$} aise increase in temperature | | adetion of catalyst 00081000 1 Scanned with CamScanner ‘ed for this reaction are a temperature of 900 °C and a pressure Effect on yield of Products dArweoned Oreroiod | Eovoned vwedhonged. 7 ee (d) A manufacturer considers Using a pressure of 5 atm instead of 10 atm, () Predict and ex plain the effect on the rate of reaction of, changing the pressure toS atm. @) Effect on rate of reaction Duenrosog_ 4 Explanation Te, re UniOtion Gute dior (il) Predict and explain the effect on the position of equilibrium of changing the pressure to 5 atm. . AN Oe CaAk Effect on position of equilibrium Sad, in, tig eat ea Qa Explanation... TARY J AQ jalance thé that represents the last stage in the manufa ic acid, Balance the equatio I in the manufacture of nitric acid, e) VINO, nanny + Bot, > HNO, (Total for Question 8 = 15 mar — Turn over » Scanned with CamScanner ound il mn ut bromine ana some of com? presente Ob o6 WH 0 Vo wh wy wo “ee empirical formula = NOB Ou (Total for a go gg hiner» Scanned with CamScanner 10 A teacher discussed with her students: whe are related to the size of their molecules. iether the boiling points of organic compounds The students suggested measuring the boiling points of some organic compounds using this apparatus. | thermometer | | | organic liquid | | t Bunsen burner (a) The teacher said that their suggested method was too dangerous, | She recommended using the apparatus shown below instead. | loose-fitting cover organic liquid hot plate suggest one reason why this apparatus is better than the students' suggestion. 0. D2 8 — 25 Turn over > Scanned with CamScanner _— (b) The students used the apparatus recommended by the teacher to measure the boiling points of five alcohols. Their results are shown in the table, E |. 157 176 | 102 16 (i) Plot a graph of the data in the table on the grid, Draw a straight line of best fit through the points, 180 160 140 Bolling point in °c 120 100 60 40 60 80 100 120 Relative formula mass ung Scanned with CamScanner r oO ” (i) Describe the relationship shown by your graph. a) Yorarg youd ys. oo (ii) Use your graph to predict the boiling point of the alcohol that has a relative formula mass of 74. a) wl Oe (iv) Which of the alcohols A, B, C, D or Eis the least volatile? m v& (Total for Question 10 = 7 marks) (TOTAL FOR PAPER = 120 MARKS) Scanned with CamScanner

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