Medication Disposal Practices - Increasing Patient and Clinician Education On Safe Methods

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Journal of International Medical Research

2018, Vol. 46(3) 927–939
Medication disposal practices: ! The Author(s) 2018
Reprints and permissions:
Increasing patient and
DOI: 10.1177/0300060517738681
clinician education

on safe methods

Gustavo Kinrys1,2, Alexandra K. Gold3,

John J. Worthington1,2 and
Andrew A. Nierenberg1,2

Recent research suggests that the nation’s water supply is contaminated with trace pharmaceuticals
that exert a negative environmental and public health impact. Incorrect medication disposal meth-
ods (e.g. flushing medications down the toilet or drain) are a significant factor contributing to the
presence of medication compounds in the aquatic environment. In this commentary, we provide a
summary of the existing data on pharmaceuticals in the nation’s water as well as the role of
improper medication disposal methods on water contamination. We discuss statistics on improper
medication disposal practices among patients and clinicians as well as recent advances in proper
medication disposal methods as a solution to this problem. Currently, many patients and clinicians
are not aware of proper medication disposal practices. We summarize the importance of patient
and clinician education in advancing environmental-safe medication disposal methods.

Medication disposal, medication take-back programs, environmental pollution, patient education,
clinician education
Date received: 16 May 2017; accepted: 3 October 2017

Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General
Introduction: Medications in the Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
United States water supply 3
Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Boston
In January of 2014, a study published by University, Boston, MA, USA
Environmental Pollution revived public Corresponding author:
Gustavo Kinrys, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts
attention on a problem that has been General Hospital, 50 Staniford Street, Suite 580, Boston,
researched for decades – namely, pharma- MA 02114, USA.
ceuticals in the water supply.1 A study that Email:

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928 Journal of International Medical Research 46(3)

measured the concentration of 56 active drinking water quality.4,6 These guidelines

pharmaceutical ingredients across 50 large were no longer sufficient by the late 1960s
wastewater treatment plants found that when man-made chemicals began to enter
hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic that treats water sources through discharges from
high blood pressure, was in every sample.2 industrial sources and underground tanks
Other high blood pressure medications (e.g. (e.g. disposal and storage tanks), among
metoprolol and atenolol) and the mood sta- other contamination mediums.4 This ulti-
bilizer carbamazepine were found in more mately led to the passage of the Safe
than 90% of the samples.2 With media out- Drinking Water Act (SDWA) in 1974.4
lets citing the study as the most extensive The SDWA and its subsequent amend-
study of water coming out of wastewater ments have served as the primary means
treatment plants,1 these results garnered from which drinking water regulations are
global attention. Since the study’s publica- created to promote optimal drinking water
tion, environmental lawyers have been call- treatment and delivery.7,8 However, though
ing for increased tests on water supplies the number of water systems applying treat-
with the aim of determining the public ment to their water sources has increased
health impact of these pharmaceuticals. since the passage of this act, water treat-
Concern exists that even trace quantities ment still does not effectively prevent indi-
could lead to detrimental health impacts viduals from exposure to harmful toxins
for humans such as antibiotic resistance
and chemicals in their drinking water.
and abnormal hormonal effects among
Data collected supports that millions of
teenagers.1,3 Pharmaceutical residues may
Americans drink water that is contaminated
also interfere with the reproduction and
with trace concentrations of pharmaceuti-
growth of aquatic life.3
cals. As more tests are conducted by state
Drinking water treatment has a long and
and federal agencies, a wide range of phar-
intricate history. For ancient civilizations,
maceuticals (e.g. anticonvulsants, mood
water treatment centered on aesthetics
stabilizers, hormones, and antibiotics)
(e.g. taste, odor, and appearance).4 By
4000 BC, methods were noted to improve have been discovered in the drinking water
the taste and smell of drinking water. supplies of at least 46 million Americans.9
Particles in water sources were seen as prob- For many years, research studies have
lematic only in that they interfered with the found traces of active pharmaceutical ingre-
water’s appearance and taste.4 It was not dients (APIs), medicines, and synthetic hor-
until the mid to late 1800s that scientists mones in surface waters.10,11 Research
first realized the potential hazardous indicates that pharmaceuticals also enter
impact of such particles on human underground aquifers that supply 40% of
health.4 Louis Pasteur’s ‘germ theory’ of the water supply in the US.3 In one exper-
disease, developed in the late 1880s, estab- iment conducted across 24 states that exam-
lished that microbes could spread disease ined water from aquifers located near
through water.4,5 sources of contamination (e.g. landfills,
Throughout the late nineteenth and early animal feed lots), small amounts of hor-
twentieth centuries, concern increased over mones and antibiotics were discovered,
the possibility that water particles could among other medications.3 An examination
carry pathogens. It was not until 1914, how- by the US Geological Survey and the New
ever, that federal regulation of drinking York State Department of the water supply
water commenced with the US Public in upstate New York determined trace con-
Health Service establishing guidelines for centrations of heart medicine, estrogen,
Kinrys et al. 929

antibiotics, a tranquilizer, anti-convulsants, also demonstrate a trajectory towards

and a mood stabilizer.3 reduced methods of improper disposal
Medications flushed down the toilet or in (e.g. unsafe practices such as flushing med-
drains are one means through which chem- ications down the toilet or sink, discarding
icals pass through the sewer system and medications in the garbage). A survey of
enter our streams, lakes, and rivers.12 500 callers to the Pittsburgh Poison
Indeed, pharmaceutical traces have been Center, the state Boards of Pharmacy, the
shown to withstand standard water treat- Food and Drug Administration, the
ment methods.13 Excretion is one route Environmental Protection Agency, and
through which APIs are believed to enter community and hospital pharmacies on
wastewater systems as only a small amount their disposal practices for expired medica-
of consumed medication is fully absorbed tions found that 35.4% flushed their medi-
by the body.2,14,15 In septic systems, phar- cations down the toilet or in the sink and
maceutical substances enter groundwater 1.4% brought their medications back to a
and, in sewage systems, compounds are pharmacy.18 A survey of 301 individuals at
directed to treatment facilities that are not an outpatient pharmacy about their medi-
capable of fully degrading pharmaceutical cation disposal practices and their beliefs
compounds. Together, these factors con- about medication disposal found that over
50% of the sample reported flushing their
tribute to wastewater that contains pharma-
medications down the toilet.19 A study that
ceutical residues.15,16 Bottled water and
attempted to survey 586 urology surgery
home filtration systems do not necessarily
patients on their disposal of prescribed nar-
prevent exposure to these residues. Both
cotics post-surgery found that among the
bottlers and home filtration system compa-
275 survey respondents, less than 1% of
nies often do not treat or test for pharma-
patients with remaining, unused medica-
ceuticals in the manufacture of their
tions returned the medications to a pharma-
products.3 cy.20 A web-based survey of medication
One possible solution to the environmen- disposal practices and beliefs that was deliv-
tal impact of medications in the water ered to 138 hospice home care nurses found
supply lies in the existence, instruction, that 55% of the nurses reported disposing
and implementation of proper medication of medications via the sewerage system
disposal methods. on an ‘always’ or ‘often’ basis.21 Of note,
the nurses expressed concern about the
Proper medication disposal: environmental impact of discarding medi-
an environmental solution cations to sewerage.21 Recently, a survey
conducted on medication disposal practices
Research suggests that disposal of medica- of Medicare members found that 11% of
tions in the sink or toilet may significantly medications were discarded through medi-
lead to the presence of pharmaceuticals in cation take-back programs and 9% of med-
the aquatic environment.15,17 Thus, over the ications were flushed down the toilet.22
years, several surveys have been conducted Environmentally unsafe disposal practi-
to supply further insight into medication ces are also common outside of the US. A
disposal practices within the US. survey conducted among Serbian house-
Overall, findings from these surveys holds (n ¼ 383 families) on their methods
suggest that a proportion of Americans of storing and discarding of expired medica-
continue to employ incorrect methods of tions found that 82.8% of survey respond-
medication disposal. However, these data ents employed an incorrect medication
930 Journal of International Medical Research 46(3)

disposal method (e.g. disposing of expired on 9 October 2014 effectively implemented

medications in the garbage), whereas only the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal
4.4% of respondents used a correct medi- Act of 2010.29 Under this regulation, phar-
cation disposal method (e.g. bringing macies and healthcare facilities have the
expired medications to a pharmacy).23 Of option to register as designated collection
note, though a large percentage of survey sites for any unwanted medications.30
respondents used improper medication dis- As of February 2016, options for proper
posal methods, 66.3% of survey respond- medication disposal have been established
ents were aware that throwing medications in multiple community locations and phar-
in the garbage could have a detrimental macies across the US with 882 DEA regis-
impact on the environment.23 Similarly, a trants labeled as designated collectors.30
2016 survey of individuals living in China Over the last few years, published studies
found that the majority of survey respond- have suggested public interest in these pro-
ents disposed of pharmaceuticals in the grams as well as the potential of these
garbage.24 programs to reduce nonmedical use of
What factors have influenced improve- prescription medications and the environ-
ments in medication disposal practices? mental impact of improper medication dis-
The Secure and Responsible Drug posal.31–33 A survey was conducted to
Disposal Act of 201025 allowed for an determine the level of interest patients
amendment of the Controlled Substances had for participating in a community
Act (CSA),26 which regulates distribution, pharmacy-based medication take-back pro-
importation, manufacture, possession, and gram for disposal of unused, unwanted, or
use of controlled substances. The rise in expired (UUE) medications. Of the 62
nonmedical prescription medication use survey respondents, 61% reported interest
in the US, especially among teenagers, as in participating in a medication take-back
well as unintentional overdose mortalities program, while 57% reported having
involving prescription opioids, motivated no UUE medications at home.32 Of note,
the adoption of this amendment, among the authors suggest that awareness of
other factors.27 Under this amendment, environmental-safe methods of medication
the Drug Enforcement Administration disposal remains limited.32 More recently,
(DEA) was given authority to create regu- a study examined prescription opioids
lations and propose new options for proper returned for disposal to a Wisconsin medi-
medication disposal. These regulations cation take-back program.31 The study
include medication take-back programs, found that, among returned opioid pre-
medication mail-back programs, and collec- scriptions, more than 60% of the dispensed
tion receptacles for medication disposal. amount was unused, suggesting that medi-
Prior to the passage of this amendment, cation take-back programs could be effec-
the CSA did not supply a means for tive in eliminating unused medications from
patients to discard controlled substances the home environment.31 Another study
(e.g. unused prescription medications); reported the success of a medication take-
pharmacies and medical facilities were back program in North Carolina that
legally not allowed to accept controlled sub- hosted more than 1395 take-back events
stances for disposal. As a result, many indi- between 2010 and 2014.33 During this time
viduals employed incorrect medication frame, there was a 597% and 35.8%
disposal methods, such as discarding medi- increase in the number of participating
cations in the garbage or flushing them law enforcement agencies and counties,
down the toilet.28 The DEA’s Final Rule respectively.33 Similar success was reported
Kinrys et al. 931

for prescription medication take-back 92% of patients reported receiving no

efforts based in eleven Maine cities during instruction on disposal practices for extra,
six DEA national medication take-back unused medications.20 Researchers cite the
events from 2011 to 2013.34 Controlled pre- important role of the pharmacist as educa-
scription medications comprised 9.1% of tors for patients on proper medication dis-
returned medications, over-the-counter posal practices,32,37,38 with many noting
(OTC) medications comprised 31.4% of that lack of awareness of medication take-
returned medications, and non-controlled back programs provides pharmacists with
prescription medications comprised 56.4% the opportunity to inform themselves
of returned medications.34 The effectiveness and the general public on medication dis-
of an UUE collection campaign event in posal practices.32,37 Indeed, pharmacist-
New Jersey was reported; the campaign or clinician-delivered patient instruction
event reached 60% of its intended audience on proper medication disposal could fur-
and campaign exposure was associated with ther reduce the widespread environmental
bringing UUE medication to a collection and public health ramifications created by
site for proper disposal, having conversa- unsafe disposal practices.32,39 However,
tions with other individuals about medica- some researchers note a barrier to this
tion disposal, and instructing children on instruction – specifically, many pharmacists
the dangers of prescription drug abuse.35 and clinicians may not possess knowledge
on proper medication disposal. A survey
of 142 pharmacists in California exploring
Instruction on proper medication
their awareness of proper medication dis-
disposal: A key factor posal practices as well as their intention to
As a result of the 2014 DEA ruling, resour- provide education on these practices found
ces for medication disposal have increased that, while most pharmacists indicated a
in recent years. However, data from several positive intention to provide education,
research studies suggest that instruction on they supplied this education on an infre-
proper disposal methods warrants further quent basis (e.g. once a month or less).38
emphasis and attention. A 2006 survey of Further, only a small percentage of the
patients at an outpatient pharmacy found sampled pharmacists correctly selected
that under 20% of the sample had received appropriate recommendations for disposing
instruction about medication disposal by of controlled (10.1%) and non-controlled
their clinician.19 Of note, prior instruction (15.9%) substances.38 A survey on medica-
on proper medication disposal was highly tion disposal practices among hospice care
associated with returning medications to a nurses found that only 16% of the surveyed
pharmacy and was the factor most strongly sample reported learning about safe medi-
associated with returning medications to a cation disposal practices in their nursing
clinician.19 Ten years later, instruction on training programs.21 Future initiatives on
proper medication disposal remains an medication disposal education may benefit
area for improvement.32,36–38 For instance, from informing not only patients but also
a survey of 300 adult cancer outpatients clinicians and pharmacists. It may also be
assessing patterns of storage, use and dis- necessary to implement improved education
posal of opioids found that 74% of the programs on proper medication disposal in
sample was not informed on proper means nursing and medical education programs.
for disposing of opioids.36 A survey study Table 1 summarizes key findings across
of 586 urology surgery patients found that studies exploring medication disposal
Table 1 Summary of articles exploring medication disposal practices and medication take-back programs in the United States.

Primary article
Authors Sample focus Key findings

Kuspis et al. 500 callers to poison control Medication disposal Among 500 callers:
(1996)18 center, 100 community/ practices – 35.4% reported flushing medications down sink or toilet
hospital pharmacies, US – 7.2% reported not disposing of unused medications
FDA, US EPA, and state – 1.4% reported returning medications to pharmacy
Boards of Pharmacy Among 100 pharmacies:
– 5% reported providing consistent guidelines for consumers on
medication disposal practices
Seehusen and 301 patients at an outpatient Medication disposal – 54.2% of patients reported having unused/expired medications
Edwards pharmacy practices in their household
(2006)19 – 53.8% of patients reported flushing unused medications down
a toilet, more than 35% thought that this was an appropriate
means of medication disposal
– 19.7% of patients reported receiving education on proper
medication disposal from a clinician
Bates et al. (2011)20 275 patients undergoing sur- Medication disposal – 92.2% of patients (213/231) reported receiving no instruction
gery in a urology program practices on proper disposal of leftover pain medications from a clini-
cian or pharmacist
– 90.8% of patients (149/164) with leftover pain medication kept
the medication, 6.1% (10/164) threw the medication in the
garbage, 2.4% (4/164) flushed medication down the toilet, and
0.6% (1/164) returned medication to a pharmacy
McCullagh et al. 138 hospice home care Medication disposal – 64% reported disposing of unused or expired medications by
(2012)21 nurses practices mixing them with noxious substances
– 37% reported disposing of unused or expired medications by
flushing them down the toilet on a ‘always’ or ‘often’ basis
– 18% reported disposing of unused or expired medications by
rinsing them down a sink on a ‘always’ or ‘often’ basis
Journal of International Medical Research 46(3)
Table 1 Continued
Primary article
Authors Sample focus Key findings
Kinrys et al.

Maeng et al. 721 Medicare Advantage Medication disposal – 25.2% had unused medications in their household that they did
(2016)22 members with Part D pre- practices not intend to use again
scription medication – 55% of unused medications remained in cabinets
coverage – 14% of unused medications were thrown out in the garbage
– 11% of medications were disposed of through medication
take-back programs
Reddy et al. 300 adult cancer outpatients Medication disposal – 74% not aware of correct opioid disposal procedures
(2014)36 practices – 53% did not regularly dispose of opioids
– 46% had unused opioids in their household
Tai et al. (2016)38 142 community-based Medication disposal – 38% did not recall receiving medication disposal education in
pharmacists practices pharmacy school
– 67.9% supplied medication disposal recommendations once a
month or less frequently
– More than 80% indicated that they believed patients and
health care professionals would want to receive education on
proper medication disposal
– Over 70% intended to include education on medication dis-
posal as a part of patient consultations
Lystlund et al. 62 patients (prior to com- Medication take- – 24.2% aware of medication take-back programs as an option
(2014)32 mencing participation in an back programs for medication disposal
Oklahoma medication – 61.3% willing to participate in a mail-back program for their
take-back program) unused, unwanted, or expired (UUE) medications
– 30.6% not willing to pay to be a part of a UUE mail-back
– Current medication disposal practices: discarding in garbage
(53.2%), flushing down toilet (29.0%), storing at home (17.7%)
Welham et al. 761 households participating Medication take- – Opioid prescriptions returned for disposal had more than 60%
(2015)31 in a Wisconsin medication back programs of the dispensed amount unused
take-back event

Table 1 Continued
Primary article
Authors Sample focus Key findings

Fleming et al. 1395 events of a specific Medication take- – 69.6 million doses of unwanted medications collected over 6-
(2016)33 medication take-back pro- back programs year program duration
gram in North Carolina – 35.8% increase in counties participating in the program and
(Operation Medicine 597% increase in law enforcement agencies participating in
Drop) the program over a 4-year period
Stewart et al. 1049 participants in 11 cities Medication take- – 13 599 individual medications returned through national take-
(2015)34 of Maine during 6 DEA back programs back events
national take-back events – 553 019 collected units of medication corresponded to 69.7%
medication waste
– Medication return patterns: noncontrolled prescription
medications (56.4%), OTC medications (31.4%), controlled
prescription medications (9.1%)
Yanovitzky (2016)35 906 adults in New Jersey who Medication take- – 97% aware of news stories or advertisements about adoles-
participated in a statewide back programs cent prescription drug abuse
medication collection – 5% conducted internet search in the prior 30 days on safe
event/campaign (American disposal of unused medications
Medicine Chest Challenge) – Campaign reached over 60% of its target audience
FDA, Food and Drug Administration; EPA, Environmental Protection Agency; DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration; OTC, over-the-counter.
Journal of International Medical Research 46(3)
Kinrys et al. 935

practices and medication take-back pro- significantly curtailed.40 Reductions in

grams in the US.18–22,31–36,38 improper disposal practices will, in turn,
lead to a diminished presence of medications
Clinical relevance of proper medication in the water supply and, thus, reduced
disposal methods destruction to the environment.
Enhancing the widespread application of
correct medication disposal procedures Conclusion
will not only yield important environmental Data suggests that pharmaceuticals exist in
benefits but also has the potential to reduce the US water supply and that the presence
the US’s widespread problem with prescrip- of these compounds can partially be attrib-
tion or OTC drug abuse and misuse.40 uted to improper medication disposal prac-
Misuse of prescription and OTC medica- tices.2,9,15,17 In 2014, a DEA ruling created
tions is unfortunately quite widespread; options for proper medication disposal such
across several large samples, approximately as take-back programs, collection recep-
12–17% of American teenagers report inap- tacles, and mail-back programs.29 A 2010
propriate use or abuse of such medications
manuscript noted that the impact of medi-
(e.g. use of medications without a prescrip-
cation take-back programs remained to be
tion, excessive use of medications).40–42 In
determined.45 In the past few years, medi-
some cases, such misuse or abuse has been
cation disposal programs and events have
linked to the presence of unused medica-
been implemented and broadly utilized.33,34
tions left in household cabinets and to the
For disposal of hospital medications,
passing of unused medications to other
hospital-based pharmacies that accept
individuals as a means of disposal (an
unused medications should continue to be
action that can lead to drug abuse or
broadly implemented.46 Given their wide-
misuse by the medication recipient).40,43,44
Recently, we explored the role of unsafe spread presence, these programs have the
and/or lack of medication disposal practices potential to significantly reduce the negative
in the development of prescription and environmental impact caused by improper
OTC drug abuse and misuse in the US;40 medication disposal. Future efforts should
in our manuscript, we proposed a three- focus on the continued creation of medica-
part mechanism for reducing abuse of tion disposal programs across the US as
prescription and OTC medications that inte- well as on overcoming barriers to program
grates elimination of social stressors in the implementation. These barriers include the
environment, continued creation and expan- cost burden associated with take-back pro-
sion of medication take-back programs, and grams as well as potential difficulties in
increased education on proper medication obtaining appropriate collection recep-
disposal practices across patient, caregiver, tacles.47 Of note, one recent analysis sug-
and clinician communities. This model can gested that, relative to other sources of
also be applied toward reducing the environ- pharmaceutical excretion to the environ-
mental damage created by unsafe medica- ment, incorrect medication disposal meth-
tion disposal practices. By increasing and ods only minimally contribute to
improving education on medication dispos- environmental damage.48 Nonetheless,
al practices, enhancing existing medication enhancing safe medication disposal practi-
take-back programs, and creating new ces is an important way to help reduce any
medication-take back programs, incorrect environmental threat, regardless of the
medication disposal practices can be magnitude of this threat.48
936 Journal of International Medical Research 46(3)

Currently, many clinicians and patients Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Medavante, Merck,

lack instruction in and awareness of Methylation Sciences, Naurex, NeuroRx,
proper medication disposal practices.21,36,38 Novartis, Otsuka, PamLabs, Parexel, Pfizer,
The upcoming challenge is to disseminate PGx Health, Ridge Diagnostics Shire,
widespread medication disposal education Schering-Plough, Somerset, Sunovion, Takeda
programs for both patients and caregivers Pharmaceuticals, Targacept, and Teva;
into the community. Targeted sessions with consulted through the MGH Clinical
a particular focus on the environmental Trials Network and Institute (CTNI) for Astra
effects of improper disposal may help elim- Zeneca, Brain Cells, Inc, Dianippon Sumitomo/
inate pharmaceuticals and medication com- Sepracor, Johnson and Johnson, Labopharm,
pounds from our water supply. Merck, Methylation Science, Novartis, PGx
Health, Shire, Schering-Plough, Targacept and
Declaration of Conflicting Interests Takeda/Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals. He receives
grant/research support from American
Dr Kinrys has received research support from
Foundation for Suicide Prevention, AHRQ,
Astra-Zeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company,
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation,
Cephalon, Elan Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly &
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cederroth, Cephalon,
Company, Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc.,
Cyberonics, Elan, Eli Lilly, Forest,
GlaxoSmithkline, Sanofi/Synthelabo, Sepracor
GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen Pharmaceutica,
Inc., Pfizer Inc, UCB Pharma, and Wyeth- Intra-Cellular Therapies, Lichtwer Pharma,
Ayerst Laboratories, Agency for Healthcare Marriott Foundation, Mylan, NIMH,
Research and Quality (AHRQ) Grant R01 PamLabs, PCORI, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals,
HS019371-01, and Takeda Pharmaceuticals. He Shire, Stanley Foundation, Takeda, and
has been an advisor or consultant for Astra- Wyeth-Ayerst. Honoraria include Belvoir
Zeneca, Cephalon, Eli Lilly & Company, Publishing, University of Texas Southwestern
Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc., GlaxoSmithkline, Dallas, Brandeis University, Bristol-Myers
Janssen Pharmaceutica, Pfizer Inc, Sepracor Squibb, Hillside Hospital, American Drug
Inc., UCB Pharma, and Wyeth-Ayerst Utilization Review, American Society for
Laboratories. Dr Kinrys has been a speaker for Clinical Psychopharmacology, Baystate
Astra-Zeneca, Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc., Medical Center, Columbia University, CRICO,
GlaxoSmithkline, Sepracor Inc., and Wyeth- Dartmouth Medical School, Health New
Ayerst Laboratories. England, Harold Grinspoon Charitable
Ms Gold has no conflicting interests to Foundation, IMEDEX, Israel Society for
report. Biological Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins
Dr Worthington has no conflicting interests University, MJ Consulting, New York State,
to report. Medscape, MBL Publishing, MGH Psychiatry
Dr Nierenberg is a consultant for the Abbott Academy, National Association of Continuing
Laboratories, Alkermes, American Psychiatric Education, Physicians Postgraduate Press,
Association, Appliance Computing Inc. SUNY Buffalo, University of Wisconsin,
(Mindsite), Basliea, Brain Cells, Inc., Brandeis University of Pisa, University of Michigan,
University, Bristol Myers Squibb, Clintara, University of Miami, University of Wisconsin
Corcept, Dey Pharmaceuticals, Dainippon at Madison, World Congress of Brain Behavior
Sumitomo (now Sunovion), Eli Lilly and and Emotion, APSARD, ISBD, SciMed, Slack
Company, EpiQ, L.P./Mylan Inc., Forest, Publishing and Wolters Klower Publishing
Genaissance, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline, ASCP, NCDEU, Rush Medical College, Yale
Hoffman LaRoche, Infomedic, Intra-Cellular University School of Medicine, NNDC, Nova
Therapies, Lundbeck, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Southeastern University, NAMI, Institute of
Kinrys et al. 937

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