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The Fifth meeting
The aim

 Usually to tell about the facts focusing on the places/buildings using the following words or phrases:
 Be situated/be located
 There + be
 It + be
 Points of the compass: West, East, North, South
 Left – right
 Front – back
 Near – far
 Middle – central
 In front – behind
 Corner
 Between
 Etc.
Examples – Places

 Example 1 – Root Bridge in West Sumatera

Root bridge lies in the pesisir Selatan Regency – West Sumatera in
Puluik-Puluik Bayang. The uniqueness of the bridge is that it is made of
the roots of two big Kubang trees that grew on both sides of the river.
Root Bridge is used by the villagers of Puluik-Puluik. Before the existence
of the bridge people had difficulty crossing the river because the
current was too strong and it is very dangerous to walk through. The real
bridge was constructed in 1916 by Pakiah Sokan. It became famous
since 1970, not only in Indonesia, but also around the world because it
is the only one of its type in the world.
Kang Guru Magazine, April 2004

 Example 2 – St Albans
The Famous Roman city of St Albans is 30 miles north of London and can easily be reached by train
or bus. The town, although small, is well worth a visit, and the following places area of particular interest
to the tourist. First, there are the Roman remains of Veralamuim and the Roman theatre, both situated in
beautiful natural surroundings near a lake. Second, and closely by, is the impressive, largely Norman
cathedral, the second longest in Britain, and housing the remains of the first Christian martyr, St Alban.
You can then stroll along old winding streets, like Fishpool and George Street, both lined with fine
examples of Tudor and Georgian houses, and not far away is the clock tower, built in 1645. Last, but not
least, no visitor should leave the city without dropping in to one of the numerous picturesque old pubs. So
when your feet are tired, have a rest and drink in The White Horse, or The Fighting Cock, or The Boot, all
delightful remainders of an earlier, more leisurely age.
Norman Coe et al., Writing skills.
Examples – Buildings

 Example 1 – The Prambanan Temple

The Prambanan Temple is situated between Klaten and
Yogyakarta. This temple is also called Loro Jonggrang. It is because
according to history this temple has a relation with the story of Loro
Jonggrang. There are three walls that support the temple. From the
top of the third floor we can see the three statues, Brahma, Siwa,
and Wisnu. Siwa is the largest among the three. Although it is one
hundred years old, the Prambanan Temple still looks beautiful. For
many years the Prambanan Temple is always visited by many
people, because it is an attractive building.
A student’s Composition

 Example 2 – The Lincoln Memorial: A Historical Monument

The Lincoln Memorial is an impressive monument erected to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, the
sixteenth president of the United States. The monument is one of the most loved by American people
because its beauty and historical significance. Situated in Washington, D.C., the Lincoln Memorial was
begun in 1914 and was completed in 1920. it was designed by Henry Bacon. The structure is rectangular
in shape and Greek Doric in style. The exterior is constructed of white Colorado marble. Around the
outside are thirty-six columns representing the states in the Unions at the time of Lincoln’s death. The
interior is divided into three sections by huge columns. In the side sections the texts of two of Lincoln’s
most famous speech are engraved on massive stone tablets. The central section is dominated by a
powerful, 19-foot-high statue of Lincoln. This statue, carved by Daniel Chester French, shows Lincoln
seated in an attitude of contemplation. On the wall behind the statue appears this inscription: “In this
temple as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union the memory of Abraham Lincoln is
enshrined forever.”
P. E. Matthews and Sahabat Tura,
Practice, Plan, and Write
HOW to write this paragraph


monitor evaluate

Prewriting and outlining
What should you do?
Choosing and narrowing a topic
Choose a topic that interest you
Choose a topic that fits the assignment
Generating ideas (e.g. reading various sources related to the
selected topic)

 Monitoring
 Writing a rough draft
 You can add and delete ideas at any time in the writing process.
 Just be sure that any new ideas are relev ant.

 Evaluating
 Polishing
 Rev ising
 Editing

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