The Eye of The Tiger: 1 Peter 5:8

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The Eye Of The Tiger

Scripture: 1 Peter 5:8

Summary: This is a Youth Day/Teen Day sermon (but good

for adults as well) which talks about how Satan is a roaring
lion seeking whom he may devour and uses a real-life
illustration of actor Roy Horn, who was bitten by his beloved
tiger in Los Vegas.

A teenager is…

--a whiz who can operate the latest computer without a lesson but can't make a bed

--a student who will spend 12 minutes studying for her history exam and 12 hours for her driver's

Teenagers are like CATS:

** Neither teenagers nor cats turn their heads when you call them by name.

** No matter what you do for them, it is not enough.

** You rarely see a cat walking outside of the house with an adult

human being, and it can be safely said that no teenager in his or her

right mind wants to be seen in public with his or her parents.

** Even if you tell jokes as well as Jay Leno, neither your cat nor

your teen will ever crack a smile.

** Cats and teenagers can lie on the living-room sofa for hours on

end without moving, barely breathing.

** Cats have nine lives. Teenagers carry on as if they did.

** Cats and teenagers yawn in exactly the same manner

** Cats and teenagers do not improve anyone's furniture.

Let's read today's texts...

•1 Peter 5:8 (KJV) "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"

•Proverbs 23:31-32 (KJV) "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his color in
the cup, when it moved itself aright. (32) At the last it bitten like a serpent, and stringed like an

Over the last few weeks and years, we've been shocked by the news of people who have been
attacked and/or killed by either animals that were trained, or by professionals who knew how to
be around dangerous animals, but who were suddenly and shockingly attacked

On Labor Day weekend, we were all shocked to hear about how Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter,
that we've all seen on TV as he got so close to all those crocodiles, and we would all just sit there
on edge, just knowing he was going to get hurt, and he never did

But we were all shocked to hear how that while filming undersea life, a stingray for no reason,
jabbed him right in the heart, and he died almost instantly

And then, over the summer, you may remember the story of Haley Hilderbrand, a 17-year-old
young lady, who decided that for her senior picture, that she would go down to a place where
they had several trained dangerous animals, and pose with a tiger

But while she was posing, there with the tiger's trainer, for some unknown reason, it attacked,
and killed her

And then, three years ago, the country was horrified by the news that animal trainer and
magician, Roy Horn, of the popular show “Siegfried, and Roy” in the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, on
October 3 (which was Roy's 59th birthday) was suddenly, and unexpectedly attacked by one of his
trained tigers during the show, right in front of a live audience

It's almost unbelievable that these people, who…

--were with long-time trained animals

--knew how to be with these dangerous animals

--mesmerized us with their daring in front of these animals

Now, for whatever reasons, were suddenly and horribly attacked

Now, today is youth Sunday, and what I want to do is talk to you about THE EYE OF THE TIGER

And what I want to do, is for us to go back to October 3, 2003, and look at some reasons why Roy
Horn was attacked and see if there's anything that we can learn

Because, you must understand, that according to our text this morning, the Bible says…

1 Peter 5:8 (KJV) "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"

In other words, as…

--a young person

--a teen-ager

--a pastor

--senior saint

We all are literally, in THE EYE OF THE TIGER

And so, for a few moments, I want us to go back to the Mirage Hotel back to the night of October
3, 2003, and see if there's anything that we can learn from the attack on Roy Horn, and see if we
can gain the advantage over the TIGER

You see, first of all, when we go back to that night, we find out that…


When Roy Horn’s tiger attacked, no one expected it – including Roy Horn himself

From all accounts on that night, it was just another show, that they had done over 5,750 times
before, but for some unknown reason, going through the same old same old, when they were
least expecting, Roy Horn got caught IN THE EYE OF THE TIGER!!

And so that tells us that if we're going to survive the EYE OF THE TIGER, if we're going to have
success and victory in your Christian life, then one of the first things we've got to do is always be
on the lookout



Why? Because it's not when we're…

--in a youth group meeting

--we're in the altar

--on a spiritual high

That we're most vulnerable – IT WHEN WE LEAST EXPECT IT!

Another translation of this passage is this: DON'T BE CLUELESS!!!

It amazes me how clueless people are in this day and age!

Every day in America…

- 1,000 unwed teenage girls become mothers.

- 1,106 teenage girls get abortions.

- 4,219 teenagers contract sexually transmitted diseases.

- 500 adolescents begin using drugs.

- 1,000 adolescents begin drinking alcohol.

- 135,000 kids bring guns or other weapons to school.

- 2,200 teens drop out of high school.

- 6 teens commit suicide.

Why? Because somebody somewhere is CLUELESS

And yet we live in the INFORMATION AGE, and despite all the information out there, we're still…
--smoking (knowing that it will kill us)

--doing drugs (despite all the terrible things it does)

--living in an age of sexual sins (despite AIDS, diseases, etc.)

We're still CLUELESS and if you're going to survive in the EYE OF THE TIGER, you'd better not get
caught unaware

You see, FEAR is very important

I know that we're not supposed to FEAR THE DEVIL

That's not what I mean

But let me explain it to you this way

They tell me that when a snake is placed in a tank with a mouse, that immediately that mouse,
when it senses no escape, begins to tremble

But the snake doesn't attack then

It waits, until finally the mouse looses all sense of danger – may be I’m OK, and its at that
moment, when the mouse's muscles are relaxed that the viper lunges for the prey

And the moment that the TIGER KNOWS YOU'RE NOT AFRAID, he attacks

And I don't care how much you…


--attend youth group

--have good intentions

There's still some things we need to be afraid of…

--the computer

--being alone with the opposite sex



--cheating in

Because when we least expect it, that's when we find ourselves a victim of THE TIGER!!

Folks, I fear…

--certain rated movies

--certain music styles

--getting alone with the opposite sex

Why? Because I don't want to get caught IN THE EYE OF THE TIGER!

And when we’re most comfortable, and carefree, and not paying attention, that we’re most
vulnerable in THE EYE OF THE TIGER!

Not only did the tiger attack when least expected, but secondly…


In other words, when they are training with those tigers in the cage, several will be close by, but
not so on the stage

On the stage, the handlers are very far away, and only Roy and the Tiger himself was on the
stage at that particular moment

And that's the way it is – if the devil can ever get you ISOLATED, then you will be IN THE EYE OF

You see, I’m not a hunter, but it’s in the wild jungle that the tigers and lions attack, not herds, but
the isolated deer, or zebra

And the Bible says that as the children of Israel were moving forward, that some in the hinder
parts were captured

Deuteronomy 25:17-18 17Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come
forth out of Egypt; 18How he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even all that
were feeble behind thee, when thou were faint and weary; and he feared not God.

In other words, those, for whatever reason, who were lagging behind, we the most vulnerable

And that's why we need don't need to lag behind in…


--the Word of God

--coming to church

Why? Because it's when we're ISOLATED that we find ourselves in THE EYE OF THE TIGER!

We still need…


--Christian friends

--a church


In the movie, "The Ghosts and the Darkness", Val Kilmer plays the true story of a British man who
had to deal with deadly lion attacks on British workers in Africa as they were building a bridge

Over 100 people were killed by lions

And one of the things they did to prevent this was build a huge fire and everyone would sleep at
night as close to the fire as possible
Why? Because the LION HATES THE FIRE!!

And we need the fire!

Let me tell you that we need others…

A. There is STRENGTH in numbers

Alone, I couldn’t move this piano – but with two or three, it can easily be moved

B. There is SAFETY in numbers

You remember the story of the Good Samaritan how that on the Jericho Road, he fell among
thieves and the priests passed him by and left him wounded and half dead

And you remember how that a good Samaritan came by

But one of the things that we miss about that story is that he was travelling ALONE!!

And the journey is too dangerous to travel alone!

We need…

--our parents

--our pastors

--our church

--our friends who are on fire for the Lord!!

There is safety in numbers!

C. There is POWER in numbers

The Bible says…

Deuteronomy 32:30 30How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight,
except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up?

But when we’re all alone and when we’re isolated, it’s then that we are in THE EYE OF THE TIGER

Not only did the Tiger attack

--when least expected

--when Ray Horn was isolated and alone

But thirdly…


That was also the problem with Steve Irwin

Haven't you always heard, if you get too close to the fire, you're going to get burned
Let me tell you how I drive in the mountains – It’s not how close I can get and be OK, it’s how far
I can stay away and be safe!

I’m reminded of the cartoon – I want to say “Tom and Jerry” and how the cat would taunt the dog
but it couldn’t pass the line

And so, the next scene was that the dog had erased the line and redrew it closer than it was, so
that he could reach the taunting cat

And sure, enough the next time the cat came, he got pounded

And I believe the devil and his crowd has moved some lines back

--in TV

--in Movies

--in Dress

--in attitudes

And we wonder why so many are getting bit, IT'S BECAUSE WE'RE TOO CLOSE!!

And when we get close – WE’RE IN THE EYE OF THE TIGER!

The tiger struck when…

--least expected

--the victim was isolated

--too close

The forth thing we see is…


When that tiger turned on its trainer, it grabbed him right in the neck

That tiger knew exactly by instinct where to go for the kill

And that’s exactly what Satan is all about – He’s playing for keeps

The Bible says that…

John 10:10 (KJV) "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…"

Let me tell you how all this got started

You see, when that little tiger was born, it was cute

And sin, at first looks cute, and it feels good

And for a while, it will let you

--pet it
--enjoy it

--show affection

But always remember: A TIGER IS STILL A TIGER!

2 Corinthians 11:14 14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

He may look like an angel of light

He may be…





Given the right moment – IT WILL ATTACK

And there are some things you just can't tame…

--being by yourself with the opposite sex

--just being a "social drinker"

--the Internet (you need accountability)

If you…

--play with it

--pet it

--think it’s OK

--feel like everybody is doing it

You’ll find yourself in THE EYE OF THE TIGER!!!


Fortunately, for Roy Horn, he survived the attack

He's in a wheelchair, and uses a walker

He, however, is optimistic

Illusionist ROY HORN has vowed to return to the Las Vegas, Nevada, stage, despite being mauled
by a tiger on it. The entertainer was in critical condition for several weeks after the 2003 attack at
The Mirage hotel, and was said to have suffered a stroke and partial paralysis. But the German-
born star is recuperating well and pledged to a 100-strong crowd outside the venue on Tuesday
night (03OCT06) that he'd be back. The 62-year-old insisted, "I will do a show again. Keep
watching. "Life is good; I'm not done yet." Horn and his showbiz partner SIEGFRIED
FISCHBACHER were being inducted into the Las Vegas Walk of Stars.
And I want you to know, if you've been attacked by the TIGER, and you're not dead, there's still
hope for you!

 The Church as A Hospital

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Summary: The church is a hospital for the broken, the

hurting and the lost.
II Corinthians 5


The church is very precious to the Lord today. I talk with pastors & lay people today & they are
having more & more problems in the church. One day folks will stand before the Lord & they will
be held accountable for the way they have treated the church. It’s harder & harder today on

I’ve thought a lot this week about the church. I can remember when we lived in Florida traveling
to Arkansas. Traveling on I-75, then to I-10, then to 49 from Mobile up to Jackson, then taking I-
20 all the way to Shreveport & get on Hwy 71. We used to travel all hours of the night. Very few
places were open 24 hours except maybe a truck stop or two.

As we would travel every now & then we would see a blue sign with a white "H" on it. This let us
know that there was a hospital nearby. If we were in trouble, sick or whatever, this sign let us
know that a hospital was near & we could get help.

Today when I see a church with a cross on it or a church sign on the side of the road, I am quickly
reminded that this is a place I can get help also.

But you know, not every church you see is a place where we can get help. Sometimes churches
are no more than a Country-Club, unable to help folks. The only way a church can help today? Is
for God to work thru the church.

II Corinthians 5: verses 17-21

RECONCILE: The restore.

RESTORE: To bring back to a former condition.

God has called THE CHURCH into The Ministry of Reconciliation. This is not a ministry for certain
denominations, but a ministry that God is calling THE CHURCH into

Man because of SIN is in a fallen condition. Unless things change, man will eventually die & then
go to a burning hell.RE-READ VERSE 17

Jesus Christ died on the cross so that man could be reconciled back to God. Man was created to
LOVE GOD, to have a RELATIONSHIP with God. Without this RELATIONSHIP, man is LOST.

So, God calls the CHURCH to be in the RECONCILIATION BUSINESS!! Folks may say today Well,
that just isn’t my calling It is the calling of THE CHURCH!!
The church is a Hospital for the SICK THE WOUNDED.THE BROKEN, THE


(A good friend of mine was Preaching years ago: talking about receiving a gift from a friend or
family from the store: it usually doesn’t fit; it is the wrong color or it doesn’t work. Today it is so
easy to just head to the store & take it to the SERVICE desk. Pitch it up on the desk & say here it
does not work, it is broke, or I don¡¦t like it, you need to fix it.)

What about with people? He said wouldn’t it be easy if there was a great big SERVICE desk that
you could take people today & say here, they don’t work, they are broke, they don’t fit in, here
take them back, FIX THEM!!

There is a place like this, it is called the church!! God is going to use the church to reconcile those
that are broke, those that don’t work. The church has got to be OPEN FOR BUSINESS Are we open
for business?

We pastored a small church a few years ago the I could see that there was a great opportunity to
be a HOSPITAL FOR GOD. I started praying for God to send us broken people, hurting people, lost
people, people that others just threw away. I believe that God did just that.

RE-READ verse 20

We are Ambassadors for Christ.

AMBASSADOR: An official representative of another country. You & I as the church are Official
Representatives for Christ.

People out there in this world are going to CRY OUT TO GOD for help, to cry out in need. The
church is going to have to BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS

(I was thinking this week about the lady that stopped in our church as she was traveling thru our
community She came into our service, came to the altar crying, hurting. Afterwards she explained
to us that she was miserable & hurting & cried out to God & He told her to stop at our church,
which was on her way home. She was reluctant because she did not know anyone in our
community. She kind of wrestled with God but finally she stooped in. God told her to stop at our
church & there she received help.)

God doesn’t look at the size of the church He looks at the AVAILABILITY of the church, the
WILLINGNESS of the church. Sometimes we in the smaller church think we are not significant
(being important) in this world. I was thinking about a church we pastored back in the 90’s there
were so many opportunities for God to work thru the church. How much easier it would be if &
when we cry out to God that He just sends thousands & thousands of angels down to take care of
the situation. Instead, He uses something so very precious to Him. HIS CHURCH!! HIS PEOPLE!!

I thought about the Fire Department that I was a member & a chaplain on. I thought about the
big fire trucks you see in Little Rock. I see the big fancy trucks in Memphis. What a comfort it is to
see one of these babies near your neighborhood thinking how nice it is knowing this piece of
equipment is nearby just in case Then I thought about the volunteer rural Fire Department that
was in Frog level, I remember when the forestry dept gave them an old gasoline truck they
converted into a fire truck. How proud everyone felt & how safe we felt knowing this was now in
our community!!

Then I thought what if a horrible fire broke out in town & the big city called on the pumper there
in Frog level It might even be embarrassing to get into town & compare equipment. WOW look at
that big fire truck & all of the latest technology Even the fire fighters (I remember in the fire
department I was a chaplain on we didn’t have new turn outs or new helmets) But we might
compare our equipment with theirs & we might even begin to think that we are even insignificant.
This week we were in Little Rock, we drove past Immanuel Baptist church. Went down 430 got on
40 headed back to Cabot & drove past the 2 big churches on 40. Then later on that night I was
heading home & drove past our little church & thought wow. What part do we play in this battle?

No finances, No fellowship hall, No van, No classrooms. How can we impact the world? Just like
the small Fire Dept, we were called to the fire, not to compare equipment, not to feel insignificant,
BUT WE WERE CALLED TO FIGHT THE FIRE. To do our part. We are to do what we are supposed
to do!!

There are folks in this world that will cry out to God & we must be ready to answer God’s call.
(Just like Israel, they were in bondage in Egypt they called out to God, He heard their cry)

And in turn God called out to Moses. This world is FULL of people with HIGH POWERED problems
today. Folks & families are going thru things we have no idea what they are going thru. THE
ANSWER? Jesus Christ. The majority of the world their problems could & would be solved if they
would turn to Jesus Christ.

Several weeks ago, I preached that two things have got to happen:

1. They must TURN FROM Sin. (Saw a church sign this week in Blytheville: Sin is a short word
that carries a long sentence) Folks have got to Turn from Sin. Then

2. They must TURN TO GOD.

The answer today is Jesus Christ. The church is a place we come to learn, a place we come to
Praise & Worship God. But it is also a place where God equips us to go out into the Highways and
the hedges.

I saw a Country Club one time a few years ago and saw a sign in the front that read: Members
and Qualified Guests only. I made my way up by another community building where I saw a sign
out in the front of it that read: Members and Qualified Guests only.

I am ashamed to say today that I believe there are signs in the front of churches today, they may
be invisible but they are nevertheless there: Members and Qualified Guests Only.


You see our church was open for business as a hospital. A place where there are people that are
part of something that is OPEN FOR BUSINESS.

We get discouraged because we don’t have a lot of the resources a lot of the bigger churches
have. God is ALL THE RESOURCE we need.

This morning He does not look at our financial situation, or the number of folks we have or the
size of our building or our location. He looks at WHAT WE ARE WILLING TO DO. HE LOOKS AT

God will use this church & it will GROW. We don’t have to look around & worry about what is
going on around us. We are to just be about the Fathers business.


The past 6 years at our ministry I have prayed every day for 3 things:

1. God send us lost folks, sinners, folks that don’t know Jesus as their Saviour,

2. God send us broken, hurting folks, folks other churches have thrown out and
3. God send us laborers. I have learned when #1 & #2 requests are answered. They make the
best laborers

The church is a hospital. The question today? Are you open for business?

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