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Based on what I have learned in the topic skeletal system, it helps our body to move, for body protection
and motion. Our human skeletal is consists of all of the bones, joints, cartilages, tendons and ligaments
in the body. There are many functions of skeletal system, one is for the support; it forms the internal
framework that supports and anchors all soft organs, second is for protection of soft body organs, third is
for the movement of our body, fourth is for the storage or storehouse of minerals and lastly is for blood
cell formation. We cannot say that it is part consider as skeletal without the presence of the bone. Our
Bone is the main basis for the word skeletal system, because without it we’re like jell-o’s that are
scattered in public. We have this bone matrix which approximately 35% organic and 65% inorganic. The
organic is the collagen that provides flexible strength and proteoglycans and the inorganic which is the
hydroxyapatite(calcium flexible strength) which provides weight bearing strength. And we also have
bone cells such as osteoblast, osteocytes, osteoclast and bone lining cells. Their functions are these: Our
osteoblast produce bone matrix and become osteocytes. Our osteocytes are located in the lacunae and are
connected to one other through canaliculi and our osteoclasts break down bone. Bone can be classified
according to the amount of bone matrix relative to the amount of space present within the bone, 1.) the
cancellous bone or also we called it as a sponge bone because it extent huge amount of space in our bone
and 2.) is the compact bone that dense with few spaces only. Inside these two bones it composes also od
two marrow which is the red and yellow bone marrow. Our bone has four types; long bone that act as
levers that pulled by contraction of muscles, short bones that about as wide as they are long, it is the bone
in our wrist and ankles, flat bones that is in our internal part like the skull, all the ribs, the breastbone and
the shoulder blades and last but not the least is the irregular bone, though it does not fit into the other
three categories. Our long bone are composed of diaphysis (composed of compact bonne that surrounds
the medullary cavity) and epiphysis (the expanded ends of long bones). Our epiphysis is composed of
epiphyseal line which it separated diaphysis and epiphysis and the epiphyseal plate which is the site of
bone growth in length. We also have bone membranes; the periosteum which is the double layer of
protective membrane covering the outer surface of bone, the endosteum which covers the internal
surfaces of bone. Now let’s proceed to the remodeling of the bone, which is for the normal bone growth,
maintenance and repair to occur. Remodeling converts woven bone to lamellar bone and allows bone to
change shape, adjust the stress, repair itself and regulate body calcium levels. Example given is the
remodeling of the long bone, the epiphyseal growth, the growth in cartilage is surrounding the epiphysis,
cartilage is replaced by bone and the bone remodeled, next is the growth in length which the cartilage
grow in epiphyseal plate and the bone will remodeled and resorption. Moving on, lets discuss the bone
development that are composed of two ossification; the intramembranous and endochondral. For the
endochondral ossification there are two centers; the primary and the secondary. but in this summary I
will only discuss how endochondral works. the endochondral ossification process: 1. A cartilage model is
produced by chondroblasts. The cartilage model is surrounded by perichondrium except where joints will
form. 2. The perichondrium of the diaphysis becomes the periosteum and a bone collar is produced.
Internally, the chondrocytes hypertrophy and calcified cartilage are formed. 3. The primary ossification
center forms as blood vessels and osteoblasts invade the calcified cartilage. It forms the cancellous bone
or spongy bone. 4. A medullary cavity began to form in the center if diaphysis, the secondary ossification
center form in the long bone’s epiphyses. And lastly the original cartilage model is almost completely
ossified and the unossified cartilage becomes the epiphyseal plate and articular cartilage. this is my
summarization in our recent topic and somehow what I’ve understand while discussing through online.

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