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Caingat, Chastine Dane A.

Section 1C- BS BIOLOGY

Topic 4: The human person flourishing in terms of science and technology

2. Explain the concepts of human flourishing and importance for the “common good” and
present examples; and

- According to Aristotle, there is an end of all of the actions that we perform which we desire
for my own opinion, human flourishing is all about us who desire to feel the happiness
we deserve as the pursuit of becoming a better person. The importance of their common good
and present examples is to feel the absence of sadness and pain, to make happiness as our
predominance. Sacrificing one self interest to provide for the basic human need of everyone to
make a community a whole flourish society. It is the habit of making right decisions and taking
the rights actions to avoid repenting. Human of today are expected to become “man of the
world”, we are the ones who are expected to spread happiness and common good.

3. Enumerate the different principles of human flourishing and discuss how it affects the life
of every human being.

 Dignity of human person

 Common good
 Preferential option for the poor
 Subsidiarity
 Universal purpose of goods
 Stewardship of creation
 Promotion of peace
 Participation
 Global solidarity
- It affects the life of every human being in a good way, it makes an individual to
become independent in their own. It makes us experience the good life we deserve
as a human by being able to achieved something through our own efforts and the
capacity to initiate to conduct that will enhance or inhibit flourishing. It’ll serve as za
good way to live a good life.

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