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Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) Network Design and Engineering

City of Fort Morgan, Colorado

Brent Nation
Director of Utilities


P.O. BOX 100
(970) 370-6558
City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering

The City of Fort Morgan is accepting Proposals for Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) Network
Design and Engineering until 4:00 p.m. (our clock) on March 10, 2016 at City Hall located at
110 Main Street, Fort Morgan, Colorado 80701. If delivered, they are to be sent to 110 Main
Street, Fort Morgan, CO 80701. If mailed, the address is PO Box 100, Fort Morgan, CO

Proposals must be received at City Hall prior to 4:00 p.m. (our clock) on March 10, 2016

A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held on Monday, February 22, 2016 at 10:00
a.m. at City Hall located at 110 Main Street, Fort Morgan. All prospective respondents must
attend this pre-proposal meeting in order for the City to accept their proposal.

All questions regarding this Request for Proposals should go to Brent Nation, Director of
Utilities, in writing and can be e-mailed to The cut-off date
and time for questions is Monday, February 29, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. It is the responsibility of
the Respondent to contact Brent Nation at (970) 370-6558 to verify receipt of questions.

A copy of the RFP and associated documentation may be obtained as follows:

1. The City website at
2. City Hall located at 110 Main Street, Fort Morgan

RFP Design Services

City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering


All Proposals must be properly signed by an authorized representative of the company

with the legal capacity to bind the company to the contractual agreement. In addition,
the authorized representative’s signature of the Proposal assures the company’s
understanding of the City’s Procurement Policy. A copy of the policy is available upon
request at the City Clerk’s Office.
Proposals may be withdrawn up to the date and time set for closing upon written, faxed,
or e-mailed notice to the City. Proposals may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60)
days after the date of opening. Negligence upon part of the bidder in preparing their
Proposal shall not constitute a right to withdraw a Proposal subsequent to the submittal
deadline. A conditional or unqualified Proposal may be cause for rejection.
Only Proposals properly received will be accepted. Each Proposal and applicable
documentation as requested must be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed to:

City of Fort Morgan

Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering
Attn. Brent Nation

And bear the name of the Proposer and their address.

• If Proposal is to be delivered via private courier, such as FedEx, UPS,
etc., they are to be sent to: 110 Main Street, Fort Morgan, CO 80701.
• If Proposal is to be mailed via USPS, they are to be sent to: PO Box 100,
Fort Morgan, CO 80701.
The City of Fort Morgan reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, in whole or in
part, to make multiple awards, partial awards, award by types, or item by item,
whichever may be most advantageous to the City of Fort Morgan. Upon selection, the
City will issue a Notice of Award and a contract must be completed and signed by all
parties concerned within ten days of issuance of the Notice of Award. If this date is not
met, the City may elect to cancel the Notice of Award (if the delay is not the fault of the
City). The City reserves the right to incorporate standard contract provisions into any
contract as a result of a Proposal submitted in response to this Request for Proposal
This RFP is issued to serve as the basis for the selection process for the design and
engineering of a city-wide fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network to be provided on an as
needed basis for the City of Fort Morgan.

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City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering


Purpose: The City of Fort Morgan is requesting responses to the Request for Proposal
(RFP) for services to design and engineer a readily constructible city-wide fiber-to-the-
home (FTTH) network. This network will provide broadband services to residents and
businesses within the City limits and serviceable area.

Goals: The City of Fort Morgan expects the selected Respondent to design and
engineer a complete phased FTTH network leveraging existing fiber optic network,
conduit, and electrical distribution assets. The FTTH network will be providing internet
services, no voice or video services are anticipated. It is expected that the design will be
completed within 4 months of the award and construction will begin by early 2017.



1. Serviceable Addresses: City limit boundary and electric service locations will be
provided to the Respondent to use as base maps for the FTTH design process.
However, the Respondent will be responsible for identifying additional
serviceable locations, placing them into the system, and incorporating them into
the phased FTTH design.

2. Review and Consultation: The Respondent shall review and evaluate previous
studies and materials to include the Magellan study, the NECALG regional study,
and documents on existing infrastructure. The Respondent shall consult with City
Project lead to determine the preferred method of managing the fiber system.

3. Recommendation: The Respondent shall provide recommendations on

potential partnering companies to act as an ISP for providing end user internet
service on an Open Access Network model.

4. Equipment Engineering: The Respondent will be required to complete

equipment engineering necessary to provide gigabit service to each end user
including, but not limited to:
a. Material and equipment specifications.
b. Power requirements including backup and redundant systems.
c. Space requirements.
d. Equipment huts.
e. Environmental requirements for equipment.

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City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering

f. Fiber transmitters.
g. Fiber termination rack and equipment elevations including a cable
management system.
h. Installation drawings and diagrams.

5. Design and engineering should accommodate various equipment


6. Outside Plant Design: The Respondent shall complete a detailed design for all
outside plant including the following:
a. Design and construction plans for overhead and underground facilities.
These should be electronically drafted and available for hard-copy printing
to be used for construction documents.
i. Standards shall be developed in concert with City Staff and adhere
to City guidelines and appropriate safety codes.
ii. Includes placement considerations for underground areas, key
infrastructure equipment locations, fiber-optic link budgets, and
pole attachment locations.
b. Equipment and material specifications.
c. Recommendations for utility relocations or modifications.
d. Address system reliability and the potential for fiber redundancy.

7. Meetings and Staff Coordination: Respondent shall provide an overall project

schedule including key milestones at project start up and electronic meeting
minutes within two days of each meeting.
a. Minimum required City staff meetings:
i. Kickoff meeting.
ii. 25% completed design meeting.
iii. 50% completed design meeting including plans and construction
cost estimate.
iv. 75% completed design meeting including plans and construction
cost estimate.
v. Final submittal meeting including plans and construction cost
b. Additional meetings and associated cost must be clearly indicated.
Schedule shall include a project calendar for each task which includes a
City review period for each stage of the design documents review.

8. Cost: The Respondent shall provide a comparison of construction costs in-

house through the Electric Utility Department, contracted out, and/or a hybrid

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City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering

9. Budget and Financing: The Respondent shall provide a recommended method

of financing the construction and maintenance of the system.

10. Construction Documents: All construction documents for a fully constructible

project shall be provided in electronic and printable format. To include:
a. Bill of materials.
b. Detailed design plans (e.g., staking sheets).
c. Construction specifications.
d. Make-ready documents.
e. Permitting requirements.
f. A recommended phased construction approach with associated time-line.

11. Assistance in developing RFB for construction contractors: Respondent will

assist in creating the construction RFB documents including but not limited to a
bid schedule with unit price breakout, construction plans, and bill of materials per
the City’s procurement regulations. During the construction bid period,
Respondent shall be in attendance at the mandatory pre-construction meeting to
answer questions as needed. Answers to questions will be issued via addenda
by the City.

12. Construction Management Services: During the construction period the

Respondent will provide the following services:
a. Coordinating, scheduling, and attending pre-construction meetings.
b. Site visits (as deemed necessary).
c. Field/Change order review.
d. Construction contractor invoice review and approval assistance.
e. Substantial completion/punch list inspection.
f. Final acceptance testing/inspection guidelines and oversight.

Any clarifications or re-design necessary due to incomplete or inaccurate work

done by the Respondent shall be completed at no additional charge to the City.


In preparation of the Proposal, Respondent must declare among their team, any
business entity or individual who is, or is associated with in any way, likely to create a
conflict of interest or a perception of conflict of interest. Furthermore, by submitting a
Proposal, the Respondent is declaring that its submittal is in good faith and will disclose
to the best of its knowledge whether there are any circumstances whereby any member
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City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering

of Council or any officer or employee of the City would gain any pecuniary interest,
direct or indirect and that it has not and will not participate in any collusive scheme with
any entity or person in developing this RFP.

If the Respondent considers that a particular relationship or association does not create
a conflict of interest and will not create a perception of conflict of interest, but is
concerned that the City could arrive at a different conclusion, the Respondent should
fully disclose the circumstances to the City at the earliest possible date, and request
that the City provide an advance interpretation as to whether the relationship or
association will be likely to create a conflict of interest or a perception of conflict of

Failure to comply with this provision may result in disqualification of the Proposal from
the RFP process or, if the City becomes aware of a breach of this provision after the
detailed Proposal has been requested, disqualification from the further processes.


Information provided to a Respondent by the City, or acquired by a Respondent by way

of further enquiries or through investigation, is confidential. Such information shall not
be used or disclosed in any way without the prior written authorization of the City. The
Respondent shall not make any statement of fact or opinion regarding any aspect of the
RFP and any subsequent proposal to the media or any member of the public without
the prior written authorization of the City.

Respondents are advised that the City is subject to freedom of information laws, such
as the Colorado Open Records Act and that the Respondent will be expected to comply
with the obligations imposed upon the City.

To the extent permitted, the City shall treat all submissions as confidential. However,
the Respondent is advised that any information contained in any submission may be
released if required by City policy or procedures, by other authorities having jurisdiction,
or by law.

All Proposals submitted to the City will be kept in confidence with the City
administrators for the sole purposes of evaluating and developing the best possible
strategic option for the City. Submitted Proposals will become the property of the City.
The City will have the right to make copies of all Proposals for its internal review
process and to provide such copies to its staff, legal, technical and financial advisors
and representatives.

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City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering

All information will become and remain the property of the City; none will be returned. If
the application contains any proprietary or trade secret information, said information
must be indicated as such.


The Respondent(s) and proposal(s) chosen by the City (hereinafter identified as the
“Contractor”) shall be required to maintain, and keep in full force and effect, a policy or
policies of Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with minimum limits of One
Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for each occurrence, combined single limit, against any
personal injury, death, loss or damage resulting from the wrongful or negligent acts by
the Contractor.

The Contractor shall agree to maintain in force at all times during the performance of
work under the agreement worker’s compensation insurance as required by law.

The Contractor shall require each of its sub-consultants or sub-contractors to maintain

insurance coverage which meets all of the requirements of the agreement.

The Contractor understands and agrees that if it does not keep the aforementioned
insurance in full force and effect, City may either immediately terminate the agreement
or, if insurance is available at a reasonable costs, City may take out the necessary
insurance and pay, at Contractor’s expense, the premium thereon.


The City shall be the sole and exclusive judge of quality and compliance with Proposal
specifications in any of the matters pertaining to this RFP. The City reserves the right
to award the contract in any manner it deems to be in the best interest of the City.

All Proposal information will be evaluated according to the criteria listed herein, and the
firms selected will be chosen on their apparent ability to best meet the overall
expectations of the City of Fort Morgan.

By submitting an RFP submission and participating in the process as outlined in this

document, Respondent expressly agree that no contract of any kind is formed under, or
arises from, this RFP and that no legal obligations will arise. The City will have no
obligation to enter into negotiations, or to contract, with a Respondent, even though one

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City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering

or all of the Respondents are determined to be responsible and qualified, and the
proposals are determined to be responsive.

If the City proceeds to request a more detailed Proposal from Respondents, who are
determined to be qualified under the RFP process, the City will have no obligation to
award a Contract where:
(a) One submission is received; or
(b) In the judgment of the City, the interests of the City would best be served by not
entering into a Contract.
The City of Fort Morgan reserves the right to reject in whole or in part any or all
proposals. The City reserves the right to cancel or modify this solicitation at any time.
Interested parties are advised to monitor the website for any updated information
released after initial distribution of this RFP.

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City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering

A. Proposal:
The Respondent shall submit three (3) paper copies and an electronic copy of their
All Proposals shall be limited to the following prescribed information:
1. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL: Clearly indicate the single contact (principal-in-
charge), mailing address, email address, telephone and facsimile numbers.

i. Indicate unique features of the organization and the project team that makes
the team uniquely suited to undertake these types of projects.

ii. Signify commitment to comply with all insurance requirements.

2. KEY PERSONNEL: Identify the individuals from the firm who will be involved in
projects and their responsibilities. Provide brief biographical data of the primary
participant(s), resumes can be included.


i. Describe how projects will be organized, both internal by the Respondent and
how coordination with the project stakeholders will be undertaken.

ii. Describe the Respondent’s management approach and philosophy to the

project. Describe how the Respondent will accomplish the work in a thorough,
effective, and timely manner.

iii. Provide a projected timeline with: an estimate of how many hours it would
take the Respondent to provide a comprehensive study for the City and a
breakdown of those hours related to the Respondent’s approach and
management of the study.

4. PROJECT EXPERIENCE: Describe the Respondent’s experience in similar

projects. Provide:

i. Examples of previous similar projects that involved services which have

similar size and work elements to those identified in this request for proposal.

5. PROPOSED COST: Completed and signed Bid Summary / Fee Proposal for the
scope and services described herein. Respondent’s may also consider, develop
and propose value-added concepts, programs, and components (such as cost-
avoidance and efficiency measures, useful additional services and capabilities not
mentioned in the solicitation, and value maximization) that would further enhance

Bid Summary / Fee Proposal – Page 1

City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering

the quality and value of the proposed acquisition related to this solicitation. This
may be described as Optional Costs/Scope on the Bid Summary/Fee Proposal.

6. BILLING RATES AND EXPENSES: Provide current billing rate sheet(s) and a list
of possible reimbursable expenses.

i. BILLING RATES: Any billing rate shall include a complete list of

classifications and hourly billing rates for all of the Respondent’s personnel.
The hourly rate schedule shall equal payroll cost times a markup for
overhead and profit.

ii. ADDITIONAL REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES: An expense list shall be

submitted for any additional or unforeseen services that may be required.
The Respondent shall include the cost of travel, meals, mileage,
miscellaneous printing and producing up to five (5) sets of documents for any

(Remainder of page intentionally left blank)

Bid Summary / Fee Proposal – Page 2

City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering

I. Base Bid: (Costs shall be inclusive of all management, operators, tools, supplies,
equipment, material, transportation, coordination, reviews, applicable reimbursements and
labor necessary to ensure timely performance of the required services unless otherwise

Item FTTH Network Design and Engineering Estimated Approximate

Cost hours
1. Serviceable Addresses

2. Review and Consultation

3. Recommendation

4. Equipment Engineering

5. Design and Engineering should accommodate

various equipment manufacturers

6. Outside Plant Design

7. Meetings and Staff Coordination

8. Cost

9. Budget and Financing

10. Construction Documents

11. Construction Management should be an order

of magnitude since it will be hard to determine
until bids are received from contractors.


II. Optional Costs / Scope:

(Options listed may be utilized if funding is available, provide on separate sheet if required)
Item Description Option Cost
1. Implementation


Bid Summary / Fee Proposal – Page 3

City of Fort Morgan
City of Fort Morgan
Fiber-to-the-Home Network Design and Engineering

SIGNED: ______________________________ TITLE: ______________________________

PRINTED NAME: ____________________________________________________________

FIRM: _____________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________

CITY: ______________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: ________________

DATE: _____________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: ___________________________

EMAIL: _________________________________________

Bid Summary / Fee Proposal – Page 4

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