p-12 LM Design Document 2

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CIED 7602 P-12 LM Design Document

Instructor:  April Davis

Course Area and Level:  Math – 6th grade

Course Title:  Discovering Volume

Georgia Standard of Excellence:

MGSE6.G.2 Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths by packing it with
unit cubes of the appropriate unit fraction edge lengths (1/2 u), and show that the volume is the same as
would be found by multiplying the edge lengths of the prism. Apply the formulas V = (length) x (width) x
(height) and V= (area of base) x (height) to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with fractional edge
lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.

Time Flexibility:  This unit will be taught over the course of one week after teacher has introduced unit. 
There will be two days working with a partner and answering discussion questions.  One day for
individual work on online activities and taking a quiz.   Students will have two days for the culminating
activity of a group presentation.  At the end of the week the group presentation will be created online
using Flipgrid.

Group Composition:  Students will work in pairs on two of the tasks and individually to complete the
tasks.  One day students will work individually on individual assignments and quiz.  The culminating
activity will require students to work in groups of 3 or 4 depending on the class size.  Students will be
grouped to mix skill levels by teacher.
Learning Tasks:  2 Hands-on Activities – Students will work with a partner on a hands-on activity for
two days on Volume.  After each activity with their partner they will respond to a discussion question on
that activity online using Flipgrid.

Online Videos, Lessons, Practice – Students will choose a video and lesson from curated resources for
individual learning activities on Volume.  Students will then complete practice problems on the content
learned in the video and lesson.

Volume Quiz – Students will individually take a quiz on Volume.  Teacher will grade and give feedback
to students.  Students will be able to make corrections to missed questions to add points to their grade.

Group Presentation – Assigned groups of 3 or 4 students will create a group video presentation on
Volume using instructions and information from a video created by the teacher using Flipgrid.  Students
will be given a rubric and expectations for the presentation.

Instructor’s Role:  The syllabus, assignments and expectations will begin the week of the learning
module.  The teacher will become a facilitator after introducing the topic using a PowerPoint
presentation.  Other duties of the teacher will be monitoring students work daily, giving students feedback
on discussion questions and online learning activities.  The teacher will oversee and facilitate partner
learning activities in the classroom and make sure students stay on task each day to complete
assignments.  Teacher will provide additional resources if needed.

Learner Engagement:  Students are expected to complete discussion questions and create group
presentation online using Flipgrid.  Various other instructional methods will be used to engage and meet
the needs of all learners.  Students will have choices of learning activities online providing more
instruction to gain knowledge of the Volume concept.

External Resources: 
Flipgrid - https://info.flipgrid.com/ Discussion questions and
https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1337607594688118785 Online videos and activities
https://www.pinterest.com/kddadd/volume/ Online videos, lessons, and
Quality Feedback and Formative Evaluation:  The teacher will give feedback to the student’s
discussion question post daily and after online activities have been completed.  The results of the quiz
will be posted with a chance for the students to make any corrections to add points to their quiz.  The
group presentation will be graded, and feedback given to students. 

Time Management:  Students will be expected to turn in assignments daily due to the time frame of this
module.  Teacher will provide feedback daily and students are expected to make any corrections needed. 
Students need to let the teacher know if they are experiencing any problems meeting assignment
completion or issues turning in assignments.

Dimensions of Flexibility:
Multiple means of representation – this content module will be presented in a variety of ways.  The
module will include videos, online practice, interactives, discussions, and PowerPoint presentation.  The
links to all resources will be included within the course management system.

Multiple means of expression – students will have the ability to show information acquired in different
ways.  They will show what they have learned through discussion questions, online activities, quiz, and
group presentation.

Multiple means of engagement – students will be engaged the first part of the week with small tasks to
interact with their peers through hands-on activities and internet learning activities.  They will complete
discussion questions online after pair-partnered tasks and complete the group presentation online for the
culminating task.

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