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THE ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE VOL. IV. PART IL. MACRINUS TO PUPIENUS BY HAROLD MATTINGLY, M.A. assueray-XREPED IN TIE DEPARMONET OF CONS AND MEDALS, BRITS MUSECM EDWARD A. SYDENHAM, M.A. AND C. H, V. SUTHERLAND, M.A. WITH INTRODUCTIONS TO THE REIGNS AND 13 PLATES LONDON SPINK & SON, L™ 87, mas some, 8:1 1938 PREFACE In the period covered by the second part of volume IV we notice the gradual displacement of senatorial in favour of military administra~ tion. Macrinus was the first emperor of non-senatorial rank, and his brief reign illustrates the army's claim to make or unmake emperors at will, Severus Alexander has been credited, on somewhat doubtful cevidence, with aiming at the restoration of senatorial government. But in the elevation of Maximinus, a semi-barbarian who had risen from the ranks, the army pressed its claims to the extent of appointing ‘an emperor without even waiting for the Senate’s consent. ‘The joint rule of Balbinus and Pupienus marked the Senate’s last attempt to reassert its authority, and by its failure further emphasised its weakness ‘While the monetary system continued to be similar in its main features to that of the last period (Vol. IV, 1) one major change was effected, The ‘ Antoninianus" (the double-denarius), that had been introduced by Caracalla, was still struck, even if not in great quantities, by Macrinus, but it was abandoned early in the reign of Elagabalus, and not restored by Severus Alexander or Maximin f, Antoniniani of ‘Alexander are excessively rare; for Maximin they are quite unknown. They are first struck again in. mass by Balbinus and Pupienus, It seems reasonably certain that the double-denarius and denarius were not s0 exactly adjusted to one another as to secle down easily into one ‘stable system, and that, in actual fact, they did not thus settle down.* ‘The restoration of the denarius to sole honour was probably intended and understood as 2 concession to conservatism in finance. ‘The reissue of the Antoninianus in mass by the Senatorial emperors, Balbinus and Pupienus, must have been dictated by financial necessity —the necessity to have money, and to have it quickly. ‘That is really almost the only motive that they can have shared with Catacala, ‘Our short period, then, over most of its length, shows a restoration of the denarius to its traditional place in the system. Can it be to this * restoration ’ that the legends RESTITVTOR MON. and MON, RESTITVTA of Severus Alexander refer? ‘The idea is attractive, inasmuch as that emperor may reasonably count as the restorer of the denarius, But the legends and types considered Cp. CH. V, Sutherland, Coinage ond Currency in Roman Britain, pp. 39 vi PREFACE together suggest a wider context, whilst, curiously enough, on the cother hand, they are restricted to one’ single denomination, the dupondius. “The suggestion of Dr. Pink® that all that is intended is a reference to the reissue of the dupondius after a suspension of a few ‘years hardly contains the whole truth; the facts probably are as he States them, but the reisue of the dupondius after & shore intermission could hardly claim such prominent recognition, with such a reverse type as emperor in military costume, unless the measure has some importance above what iat onee obvious. May we suppose that when. the double (radiate) silver piece was abolished, it was decided to abolish the double (radiate) aes piece too—perhaps because Elagabalus had made the whole symbolism of the Sun-god obnoxious? But that after afew years the perfectly innocent aet radiate was restored, while the silver radiate, obnoxious on other grounds, was still omitted ? ‘And that on the occasion of this restoration, homage was paid t0 the emperor as restorer of the coinage, through which :s paymaster he supplied the needs of his troops? ‘This is essentially the suggestion of Dr. Pink worked out into the actual circumstances of the ‘The gold piece continues to be struck more or less at the standard ‘of 50 to the pound, with a tendency to fall slightly. Maximin’s aurei ate to-day excesively rare and can never have been issued in mass. “This absence of gold coins, contrasted with the relative plenty on both sides of him (Alexander’and Gordian 111), ean only depend on deliberate poliey, not actual dearth of metal. Maximin, we know, amassed money from all sources by taxation and confiscation; “he ‘evidently made 2 point of keeping his gold at least in his own hands. ‘There is one other point that deserves attention: it concerns not the ‘money-system, but the organisation of the mint. Scholars generally have always Hee inclined to suppose thatthe work ofthe mint way divided overa number ofoficinae. Much has been discovered in detail about these offcinae in the reigns from Aurelian onwards, but evi dence of them on silvers found even earlier forthe frsttime at Rome near the end of the reign of Philip I, when six oficnae shared the work ‘The recent great hoard from Dorchester with its masses of Antoni niani of Gordian ITT and Philip I has made it posble to consider the application ofa similar system of offcinae to the silver coinage of these reigns, and it has become probable that the mint actually did strike Antoniniani at a normal rate of one type every six months in each of sixofficinae, Some such pattern probably applies to the coinage of our period as well; the number of offcinae need not necesarily have been six, the average length of an issue need not have been exactly six "In NoZy 1935 Pet A PREFACE vii ‘months, but ic is likely that some system like the one we have sug- ‘gested will ultimately be found to apply. Finally, in this same context, we may take notice of some sugges- tions that come to us from our friends, Drs. Pink and Elmer, in. Vienna" They claim that there is an essential form of the Roman coinage, which is actually simple and easy to grasp, but that it is ‘complicated in our modern books, party by the accidental accretion of forgeries and misdescribed coins, partly by isues of inconsiderable size that intrude on the main work of the mint, “They hold out the hope of presenting the Romarcoinage in thissimplified forminasingle volume. To such a work by our colleagues we would extend at once in advance hearty welcome and would say that we are certain that it has its own, proper place beside our own work. But, at the same time, we wish to make clear our own conviction, that any such ¢ simplification ' of the work of a huge mint will tend to be misleading, and that the student ‘who really wants to know his coins for himself will always need beside this shorter guide the fuller statement that we have tried to give. in conclusion, we again tender our sincere thanks to all the Direo- tors of Public Collections and private collectors who have made our ‘work possibles and particularly to the Keeper of Coins and Medals in the British Museum for allowing casts to be made for the illustration of the work. Hanoup Marrinaty. Epwaxp A, SyDENHaM. C. HL V. Sornetanp. a WZ, 1935) BP. 4 F LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AM: Gold AM : Gold Medallion ‘Au: Aureus Q + Quinarius RR : Silver RM: Silver Medallion ‘Ant: Antoninianus D- : Denarius Q + Quinarius Acs Or + Orichaleum S : Sestertius Dp. : Dupondius B: Copper P.B : Petit bronze Rarities © : Commons $ + Scarce sR : Rare; R4R§ denote increasing degrees of rarity. AS.F.N.: Annuaire de la Société Frangaise de Numismatique. ‘Atti e Mem, dell Ist. It: Atti e Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano i Numismatica B.M.: British Museum. BLNS.: Bollettino di Numismatica e Sfragistica. BLEMefr.: Blier fir Minzfreunde. C.: Cohen, Monnaies frappées sous I'Empire Romain (and Ed.) Cologne: ‘Der Kelner Minzschatzfund vom Jahre 1909. (W. Reusch.) x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Des.ILS.: H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectas. GnM.Ri Gnecchi, { Medaglioni romani M. and S.: Mattingly and Sydenham, Roman Imperial Coinage. Mic d. Bay. Num. Ges: Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Numise amatischen Gesellschaft. N.C. (Num. Chron.): Numismatic Chronicle, NZ: Numismatische Zeitschrift ‘Num. Cire.: Numismatic Circular RBN.: Revue Belge de Numismatique Rass, Num.: Ressegna Numismatica. R.D.: Le'Trésor Numismatiquede Réka-Dévnia (N. Mouchmov), 1934. Riles Rivista italiana di Numismatica, ZEN: Zeitscheife fir Numismatik. Collections and Sale Catalogues are referred to in fall SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference shoul be made to the general bibliographies of our ealer volume. “The following deerve special notice Cones, 11. —Descriptonhiorique des monosies rape sous Expire roman vale IV and ¥ (2 etn), Par 884 ‘Movcuntoy, N--A--Le-fwor numamatigae de Réka-Dévniy Sofas 1936 Ons Sin Crantss-—The Decline aad Fall ofthe Denaros inthe hid century AD. Nim. Chr, 1926, 37 ances, H.M. D.—Hiory oft Roman Word from A.D. 138-337, London, 938 ‘iy Kant.—Der Aufbau der machen Moneprigeag ¥.2 1933 pp: 17 cope pp. 50 3.1934 Dp. 3 especialy pp. 11 3 1995p. 0 FRevscu, WianriarBe Kilner Monschatstnd vom Jahwe 1909, Lelprigs sogs (and Nachtapy Boner Jorbucte, 140-10). Jun Maass, ere ‘Mowar, Rosexr—Le tte d Augusta confré 4 Maca 8 Sosemias et & Mamée par Septime Sérée,etcy RAN 1998) pe 1B Sevinos Avexmoee act, Juan —' Sacerdos Urbis” in Mélanges Cumont, 1936, pp- 252 Gtrovat, Giowsnnt-—Quiaaro daro di Alesandro Serer Rass. Mam 19336 pr 3 ‘worrran, Orr0—Alerander Severus Bintang siner undatierion Mincen, Vienna 1899. Joun Maneaza Basmers.oz, M. vox.—tolia Mamias Aug, Bl fi Mefr 1935 fe 402 FE ‘Macpowatd, Sim Gronct.—On atibation of ens thet in am. Chron g34, A Hoard of Roman denarii from Seotlandy p. 18 Maxnionus fy ere Vorttan, Orte.—On onder of ies sey Die rimiachen Monsen det Kalsers Gordianus I, ety in W.2 1894, pp. 384 H Goroiwe Fano I Sauer, A. Yo.—Die Namen der biden ern Gordian, Z./.¥, 1880 (9), pp. 139 5 Tinian ae Stammwvater der Gordiane, ZF. 1883 (10) pp. 163. CONTENTS PREFACE — snes LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY CATALOGUE OF COINS WITH NOTES — ‘Macrinus and Diadumenian Elagabalos ‘Joli Paola ‘Aquila Severs ‘Annia Favtion Solis Sosemias Julia Mas Severus Aleeander Sallutia Barbia Orbis Jolis Mase. Maximinus T Pauling, Diva. Maximus, Cacar Gordian 1 Gordian 11 Bulbinws. Papin. Gordian 11, Cesar INDEXES — 1. Emperors and their relates Mints UL, Types IV. Legends Vi. Genel Key to plates Plates THE ROMAN IMPERIAL COINAGE MACRINUS AND DIADUMENIAN* ‘The murder of Caracalla created a political crisis not unlike chat of A.D. 68. Widespread relief at the removal of a hated tyrant, the lack of any direct heir to the throne and, finally, the adoption by the army of a superannuated general as emperor, mark both nus, a praetorian praefect of unimpeachable character with litle genius for government and even less for military affairs, was faced at the outset of his brief reign with the profligate’ legacy of heavy bills and a light purse. His attempts at retrenchment and reform, praise- ‘worthy enough in themselves, only caused irritations, while his remis- sion of fiscal burdens imposed by Caracalla and his recall of Roman. citizens under sentence of hanishment utterly failed to satisfy the Senate and Roman people of to inspire them with confidence. In military matters he was equally unforeunate; and his only campaign, ‘against the Parthian Artabanus, ended ingloriously. In the end ‘Macrinus, together with his nine-year-old son, Diadumenian, fell a victim to the caprice of the very party that had raised him to power. “Although the reign of Macrinus contributed little to the glory of Imperial Rome, in contrast with the venomous tyranny of Caracalla and the degrading buffoonery of Elagabalus, it must rank as an inter- lude of sane, if not brilliant, tatesmanship. Cf Pink in 8.2. 1955 pp. 50. He amigas the whole evinage to the mie of ‘Rowe. His tables gine» ery car idea ofthe structare of this coinage, but should {noted that be sometine pontlatespces not actually known to ext. B Chronslogy A.D. 217. Apr. 11. ‘TR... M, Opelius Macrinus proclaimed COS* emperor by the legions of Syria, four ays after the murder of Caracalla, Diadumenian becomes Caesar. Marinus assumes the name Severus and confers on Diadumenian that of Antoninus, Autumn Artabanus, king of Parthia, invades ‘Mesopotamia. Macrinus loses two battles near Nisibis Dec. "TR.P.II. Macrinus reduces the duty on in- hherited estates (imposed by Cara- ‘alla from 10 percent. to 5 percent. 218, Jan. 1. COSI. . 218. Spring Peace concluded with Artabanuss Macrinus undertakes to pay an ine demnity of 15,000,000 drachmac. a8, Apr 6 Elagalus prolimed emperor a * E 4 Diadumenian rie to the rank of ‘Augustus. Donative to troops of 1,000 drachmae to each legionary, with promises of farther benef, Largesse given to the populace. June 8 Defeat of Macrinus by the army of Elagabalus, Flight of Macrinus. EndofJune(or -Macrinus and Diadumenian mur early July) dered in Cappadocia. Types—The coins of Macrinus, which are very rare in gold and scarce in other metals, present few types of interest. Conventional personifications, such’ as Felictas, Providentia, Salus, Securitas, Annona and Acquitas and references to the fidelity of the army and to Jupiter as the emperor's protector occupy the main part of the coinage. The only current events alluded to are (a) the Parthian campaign, with types of Victory and legends, VICTORIA PAR- ‘THICA and VICT . PART, and Macrinus in quadriga crowned by Victory. But as the truce with Artahanus was anything but a credit to Roman arms, these victorious types must have been issued in anticipation of a victory that never happened of else a¢ a sort of * This fet consulship can have only mean the conferment ofthe‘ ormamenta ‘consularia" (CE. Echbel, Dar. Num, Ve, VIE pp. 439 4.) ‘TyPES — MINTAGE 3 popular blind to the true state of affairs (8) Lileralitas. ‘The coins with this type are undated but their allusion is pretty certainly to the donatives given to the army and populace on April 24th, 218, means of which Macrinus strove to. gain support against his rival Elagabalus, who had been proclaimed emperor on April r6th, “The silver and bronze coins of Diadumenian are somewhat rarer than those of his father, and his gold rank among the greatest rarities of the imperial series, Apart from the portraiture of the youthful Caesar they possess no special interest. ‘Until recently it was believed that all Diadumenian’s coins were struck during the time that he held the rank of Caesar, the only reverse types being Princepsinventutis and Spes publica. But the very rare denarius with his laureate head and titles ‘imperator’ and Augustus’ (No, 118), now ia the British Museum, opens wpa newand interesting phase of Diadumenian’s coinage. “This issue must be limited +o. period of only a few weeks from the end of April to the beginning of June 218 Denar of debased metal are not uncommon in this period. These are frequently described by Cohen as “ deniers défourrés ou P.B." Butas they do notin any sense belong to the bronze coinage, and only differ from ordinary denarii in respect of their inferior meta, they are not here noted as a separate class. Mintage —"The existence ofan imperial mint in the East, probably at Antioch, under Septimius Severus, Caracalla and again under Elagabalus, makes it inherently probable chat during the intervening reign of Macrinus the sime mint was in operation concurrently with {hat of Rome. “This is horne out by the style of the coins, more particularly in respect oftheir treatment of the emperor's portrait. ‘Thus we find (1)'a carefully executed portrait with clear-cut features and closely Cropped beard pointed at the chin—evidenely that of a man not much past middle age (PL. 5, no. 12); (2) a coarser portrait with rugged Features and long beard, generally hanging in ringles, suggestive of a much older man (Pl 5,10. 8). ‘There is also an intermediate portrait (2) with rugged features similar to (2), but with the beard fll and rounded (Pl. 5, no. 10). “There is litle question tha the younger portrait (1) is characteristic of the Roman mint; and this it further corroborated by the neat fxecution ofthe coins. At Rome Macrinus was personaly unknown, vany rate during the ater part of his life so that, whatever portraits Of him, whether statues or busts, existed in the capital atthe time fof his elevation to the princpate had doubeless been made some years 4 MacriNus: previously. In the East, where Macrinus spent the whole of his reign, a contemporary portrait was naturally adopted on the coins, and the elderly rendering (2) may be regarded as a lifelike portrait ‘of Macrinus as emperor. ‘The coins, moreover, are as a rule less finely executed and the style of portrait unmistakably recalls thae of Pescennius Niger, both of which points indicate eastern mintage. With regard to coins with portrait (3) the mintage is less cert Possibly they belong to Rome, in which case their issue would natut~ ally be subsequent to those with portrait (1). ‘As it is not always possible to make a clear-cut distinction between. styles (2) and (3), it will be found more convenient in the Corpus to escribe both the elderly portraits of Macrinus 2s (2) ‘The coins of Diadumenian also exhibit two fairly marked differ- ‘ences of style. ‘Those with the coarser portrait, generally similar to that of Elagabalus, belong most probably to the mint of Antioch. ‘As the mint-attribution of coins of Macrinus and Diadumenian depends almost solely on differences inthe style of portraiture, without any corresponding differences in the form of obverse legend, we decm it advisable not to distinguish between eastern and western issues in the Corpus. DUPONDII AND ASSES These denominations are normally distinguished in this period (A.D. 217-238) by their obverse types. ‘That is to say, on dupondii the emperor’s head is radiate and on asses it is either laureate or bare Dupondli with laureate heads, such as occur from Nero to Hadrian, are apparently unknown. ‘There is, however, no corresponding device by which the two denominations may be distinguished in the case of the Caesars, Diadumenian and Maximus, oF the empresses and ladies related to the imperial house. “The Caesars are invariably bare-headed and the royal ladies are portrayed either with or without diadem on ddupondi and asses alike. ‘The erescent below the bust is a means of distinguishing certain dupondii of Julia Mamaea, but does not appear on any of Julia Paula, Aquila Severs, Soaemias, Maesa or Orbiana ‘The weight of the coins, moreover, gives litte indication of their denominational values, since asses are not infrequently heavier than ‘dupondii. ‘The composition of the metal is, therefore, the only certain {guides and in the case of heavily patinated specimens this can only be determined by removing a portion of the surface. In ehe Corpus the ‘wo denominations are only distinguished when actual examples have been available for study. MACRINUS, MINT OF ROME, etc. GOLD AND SILVER (Dated). ‘Obverse legend—IMP .C.M .OPEL.SEV.MACRINVS AVG. Head—Portrac (1), Younger features with cropped beard. (2), Older fearures with long beard. (@) Laurente x, draped. (6) Laureates corned {@) Laureate + draped and coiraued. {@) Radin 1, draped. (©) Radine coined (Radiat ry draped and cuir TR.P. (A.D. 217, April to December) wo.[ar| | Obvese Revere Notes IMp.C.M.OPEL,) SEV.MACRINVS “AVG " D fPoruaic()—b. |FIDES MIL.P.M.TR.P. [Lawrence Fides sig, Goat bolding’ two} Coll. Ch standards 2 standard on each] C30. ie R D phe IPONTIF.MAX.TR.P.P.P opie, i [holding ‘thunderbolt snd] gt, 1933), i seepte | loc ome oy Fieotg. front bead ror |B f floc onl bang nan] C6 Snel in ech aed D meee Fac ne by bol | ag, ences and “come coe 7 © 1. Cohen's dexeripton ig inaccurate: SEV. omited from obs. legend. 3. Similar but without PP, Vienna ‘An astern in column + refers to footnote. 6 MACRINUS -—. owe 4 | > toss NOTA PvaLr.n.tR.. bewsence et ae ince Ga Legere rene capies ee rere ine beer sh «| | > kya. elas ag. 1, holdinghe re Co oor pel ema _. _ ee Lee ci ei cx foo | .... - wel tact ok : Hoses au we} | > fos Sas sated yg _—. | |. Hex mao] koe Securit ate, holdiagl C65 CS spaeenapcc Salt IC he i al oboe » Bless TR.P.COS. wy} P.M.TR. P.COS.P.P cas — tied eagle ss] fo foe PONTE MAS RP cos awrence Papen lee Sl Molding Thunderbttdl pega S $ elas} for be —.. a ee (4934), no. eee wae Variant of rev. Macrnus to «of Jupiter, RD» p, 122. ‘Obverse ot desrite. Cohen says Securitas holds spear. But sept, clesely. AD. 217-218 7 sol | a | one swe | oe a) > be ppymenaxtancostes ETRE tise ‘ ula] foe Ae , se om Ma Sint Sia al |» fone tevnat Hse stfaol BSE | «ree on ghee were wf] > foes em, eee sfao] BBE rire. ua wf | 2 bop ses cama BY PRBS. | eset pcan anette, ai Gt eat mis uf | jose [TERNS 1 gpcn. Sn lg nie exh TR.PALCOS (Desener 217) sla) fe p.oTR:P.l.COS. Pig STR SOS EI doe ate | i masa ears, a vf |» fare toe ea Care wf | > foswe | a sere, san bien Gobtnhaderatall ee sone RAE, mie of | > fos fone grax. ter. ubeliite ESTE ee ol Ploeg |r| fomme | "ERinm emt nntinfa nt og rim Bo, Wace ' I(x929), 909: 8 MacnINUS volar | | — obvene Revere Nove ve] |v faa. FONTIE.MAX.TR.P. tJoas, Rie Be Annoaa se) (se Sash S| ponte wfas] fore. o "Palstn gly holding) tiae "Cat hg’ caduceus and "corm (ons) ce "ey sss x] |v oame » | Tinchane Coit Cin fadin, nfac| — foee pF sg front bead or NT {° for on helmet, holding stan pe 234, i fended hy se} | D [ayeces ° ‘lcas B] | > foe. Scouts” wg. 1, eet close baling Scpte ieming on conn“ x] | > foe. wr Mcrinue now quad {C8 wily alin ped eps, cownel it, wand in r TR.P.l1.COS.lI (A.D. 218, January to June) wv) | Dp’ PONTIF. MAX. TR. PII Jap COS.IPLP. Supine ste, Ip despery one Lae] Molding thunderbolt andl oe rs st fa we Annons sated 1. GaGa 139). faite Ca.(oi0) es ao] | D [ayaeen » sles 2la| 7 fac on Pelican ig. fs no.) flinch Ct 8} (coro, oe afar} kre » feeancat "9 al [ok ae .» less S| fa ft ae » Fidesig" no. 39). Cle 98 RAN ony raw Si Cohen's description is indefinite, no. 217-218 — unpanto 5 sola] a | ob owe | om wl] [ewe Poneto ta eaten Oe NE Bakaly Se la? Ps 1 sevice og ACT «lf» ~ eke cats di fan) fe ine ‘holding branch (butnosceptre),| Pl. 1, 4 accris r ol fo jon Nepeamrentn gies SOSue cin aa ee aceati ale] fore, sey,c05.1 vir rate gs 44 SPE RRA hat A in mec oF onpateD J) faleorbve. EQWTAS AVG, sents va Sotnt Cat.(x931) sala} fome —— larmona ave. sna lntts ANNONA AVG. re sty caste Pe mm F 55 D |) be » Si 8 D [3 », ‘SB.N Bla > ke feucras “reyronvet EUGTAS TEEN SETH beet a|aof fos 2 mf oe (1935) 90. ae 6 6 6s] | Ane 6 Aw 65 | Au ee D & D o D 6) | An wy | 3 nau n ” D [Ao 15] Av 6 D nr) | Ane 65. Ava Obvere ke) be Keb. ka. ko det ks» lo « ka. [2 « Kee Ks) dora & koa koa or bye. koabe kd be. koe. koe ky (or by, ko de. MACRINUS | Reverse IFELICITAS TEMPORVM| Falicius sg. 1, holding long caduceus and cornucopie. ¢| i Felicias sg. by, boldn adept and cornucopia. 8 sv Felicias sg. 1 holding tlre caduceus and sept. 2 cover 1 arm, holding chonder bole and sept, ® vy Jupiter, similry bef lo “stinds) small gure of Macros R IFIDES MILITVM Fide «gc. Jopiter tg. Ly drapery Notet fs. Roen berg Caty Pers Gis iLawrence Gall {Cas ement Cat (1924) Front (a8 20 3). a 7 Ric 7 ClLavzence Cal ” chBMy Cas n- Fides seg, (sno. 8), CfC26; Spink, Cay; BM. IDES PVBLICA Fite weft BX. 1. no. 8) OVI" CONSERVATORICa:; An Tupitr, nud, stg. Iy holding] Classica, ‘hunderbole and sceptre. AY) Cat X11 Clas Cat, XIT (936), (elo ey and 9 7 SEV omitad from obr. legend in descriptions of Coh. 38533533 ant with obv. legend reading MCRINVS fs noted in the rau UNDATED n vols] & | Obvene Revere Notes | | D |aaerm. — LIBERALITAS AV Gear Tiberaltan stg. y_ blding| shscue and corsucopie. rao] fore yp Macsious and Dindome [Cas sha eat. ion pstorm| Pl 1, @ Tehinds oer tgs in font eral og. 1 etien telow plo. & wo) | D faa IPROVIDENTIA DEORVM{C108; Pronentin stg. by boing! Lavrence rand over be abd coos) Col cope. ‘S| Ba 3, 10 a| | oh.» RESTITVTOR RBIS. Macrae stg. ly s2esicig Cher epody band om sop ® tslaa] koe. ISALVS PVBLICASclfB.Ms CF tented Ly on chair with bigh] Ct Bek, eding snake coikd round aor and placing ber] Sind on bed of oaks sao] larre ” x ul | > fae. : | 5) | D [dade cl as} | fan oy Salus sat Ly om hai vit hgh bac, fod ae Tid ound shar sad lding| rin band <| | | > ine ee Close | | Aw lode : RCs BM Bui, wy] | > ko oy Similar, but sstwithowdBaldwi, bck wolae} fare. lsecvarTas TEMPORVM|C.r2: Security (4 0.24) al Ip kas Chpink. 12. MACRINUS Revere Notes . SECVRITAS TEMPORVMIB.M Securit tg 1 (es 0, 24). Canter Cat, 19. Lewrence ef 93 Securitas seated ly holding) C.137 sept and. supporting be ‘bead with |. handy Before ber Tighted sas F: 3 . 5. ou : 9s : 6 D |. VICTORIA PARTHICALCi34 Victory walking rs tling swoeth ad pele ” D jan. > Rloass PL, 13 gsfaa} fo. a» Vitory fying Ly holdinglNote from adem with both hands; on| ML. P. ‘ch side shield on Bae, RY Tinchants Rer- Pl Tinchant Cal. IRREGULAR AND UNCERTAIN COINS oot A iae IADYENTVI AVGFELICIS. Wasco 10. Emperor on hone 1] (1933), Pilg es Bsr 96. This and the ewo following coins belong tothe early part of A.D. a8. (Cho nos. 49 and 50.) 99. If genuine this is a hybrid with reverse of Septimius Severo. But ite avthentcigy i extremely doubtfl. Probably a modern 43 DIADUMENIAN (Caesar) GOLD AND SILVER Obverselegends—(x) M.OPEL .DIADVMENIANYS CAES. (2) M.OPEL.ANT.DIADVMENIAN.CAES. Head— (0 Had acer bse de (8) Hind bre or crag and uid (©) Hond snd bow dpe (8) Head racine bom dep and crac Revere FFIDES MILITVM Fides sig\C.1 1, holding’ standard in each] nds a standard on exch sie | IPRINC. IVVENTYTIS{C.2 front, head] Vierorde wer p | on: rot D b. sounted by eagle 3d wreath s 00. Posily a hybrid. See Macrinus, no. 68. os, Variant of rey, head Ly RDy p. t23- 14 DIADUMENIAN ‘Siilary but with hand srafC.24 wrath | Pha, 17 vr Diadumenian standinglC.ré font, head holding san dard and expt. | Similar, bot on ty stan BM ef ra Rf Cay #1, 20 IPRINCIPI_ IVVENTVTIS\c.8 Diadumenian stg. 1 @ no| 126). ®. ISPES Spee ac. Rca9 ISPES PVBLICA Spes watkC22 Ting Ly holding, Aawer” and sabing her ski Fs * Vober Cat 0. 1964. 7 s|cai; Ath ‘molesn Cal » Wane Cat. Gaza) Lawrence al Rea DIADUMENIAN (AUGUSTUS) D_|IMP.C.M.OPEL|FELICITAS TEMPORVM ANT-DIADV1 Felciaestg 1, holding coraa| PL. 2, 1 | MENIAN-AVG,| copise and iong eaduous. | 115. Coben quotes tht quinarivs from “Ancien catalogue.” So far the coin ‘ba ot been identified and possibly the rev legend incom ‘14, Obvere legend incorectly given as M.OPEL, ANT. DIADVMENI- ANVS CAES. ly Cohen Note—A denaris in the BM. with rev. PIETAS AVG. emblems fale. A plted denarige inthe BML. with re. LVN LVCIFERA (Loos () ia bige 1) i'a hybrid with rev. of Jolia Doma. Posbly an ancient forgery ‘A denaria with rev. Salas wed Ice noted inthe Trau Catalogue (May 22nd, 1933) lot 2406. Head r, lu, bus ar 15 MACRINUS MINT OF ROME AES (Dated) Portrait—(1) Younger features with cropped beard. (2) Older features with long or full beard. (a) Laureates, draped (@) Laureate Fy cuirased (@) Laureate ry draped and evirased. (@) Radia r, draped. (6) Raditer eviraned. (@) Radiste ry draped and calraned. TR.P (A.D. 217, April to December) faye. vv Falicts Seg, Ly holdigg/Tinchant Ing exduevsnd cormseopise| Coll, ce ‘s} Cito as fio slear Ia) be. Fides stg from bead £775 78 oaog snarl nee had foot on belt. lav. Sn need, fedigl ze lake 20, An As ofthis type (abv. (1) b) poly exists But the reference as been lot "a1. Cohen omits SEV. from obv. legend. ta4s_ Cohen quotes a msertiv ofthis pe from Vaillant, wth obv. MP.CAES M.OPEL.SEVIMACRINVS AVG.COS, (C75). Thin eading i erainly 16 MACRINUS Noor] = | obvene Revere Notes ns] 8 kare. KALVS PvBL-P-M-TR:P| Be Scie aniad ls hldng| Cantons scopite in I hand and feeding] Cat(1ga0) Ssaake cle round aie. | 9s. 16] 5 kab. OTA PVBL.P.M.TR.P—|crs3 S.C. Jupiter sg. 1, holding! Chunderbole and scrptes be] fore hiny Macriaus stg. 7 s7|pe} koe oy Flat gy elinglCagt { clues and sapee. at}pe] — knae vig bing wa did incr nad sna] Vievorde coach ae S| Gos). a lo seme (1928), fe se[pe] foe Sass (ono Clan Rect for tt an| [as foo. » slerss Bs ‘ Sect ated olin Se sigue and sporting | en with hae before vl lpn sas val | as . Sleass TRP.COS ia] 8] fee PONT. MAX.TR.P.COS,C55 Peg. jr ss|Dp] tate, les mols] fabe ron niax. TRP.COSfes Con Pe S.C Jane a (2), 1 Hg). ae BM mle] |e > Annona seed Ly holding 38 tio cormenerand otoucnpae| Sher ft sodas wath co us| s ke b. : - S]Ratto Cat. sas) toe AD. 217 17 Nofor] a | obrese Revere ots ny] ka)». IPONTIF.MAX.TR.P.COSc.66 P.PLS.C. Felcias ag. (ead 0. 8 uo] 8 ko. SIhunesucat ge) ser. ur| s ka) Fides stg. front (@s nofC.6ry hy. 'S| Vievorde ce | (ony 957 ms b 1. Salus sat L, om throngs swith high back, ding sae] led round ala. 3 us| 8 kayo. > Seeurias stg. Ly ladC63 tose tding rpc and) PLB, 8 Teaning on column. us| 8 ae. * 5 us] | as feo » s. TR.P.lI,COS (December 217) 45/8 ro [P.M.TR.P.Il,COS.P.P. S.C C49 ‘Anions wg, balding’ corn tare and comnveopans a be feet, modive containing cor on. 3 ta] | as be : Sleso 8/8] foe vy Macsinos” seated 1 onf52 inca dng too thon sep ws] kobe PONTE: MAX.TR. P. tl Vierords (COS.P.P. S.C. Felstal Cat selina), 8 Gah tory. sof s] foe. » sheer Cat, tin (933), ase] | as fps. vy Secorias ay. GBA 3.43) 5 vas. Dein stn, om MS BM, TSE Onde BME specinen the rors legend adit and may poly read S7RCPLILCOS.ALP.P. no. 43) vy 18 MACRINUS Noor] = | Obvese Revere Notes ra] | as fae. PONTIE. MAX. TR. P. I {BM ‘COS. P.P.S.C. Niacin in qoadriga i, holding seepe and branch, crowned by Vie tory who stand: behind him. 3] | As fe & 7 Rlciani cet (sen me TR.P.I.COS.II (January 10 June) aa] | AS [abe PONTIF. MAX. TR. P. I.\C-9 9 COS.ILP-P. S.C. Topic #8, 8 gL (as 90. 9) ruin.) 3 ae] | as (Ge " se in] s fa) be. Fides tg front (as no/B-M, Cop 13). ‘ 158 /Dp} ne Securitas stg. L (alC.200 0.49) As [aye Sle s ia. > Macrinas'in quadrign 1C-r05 Gino 159) Ri wr |Dp} fee : Rlkeger, Cat. Gon) los Alcs re] | As [tb (sometimes : C07 see with aes). ‘Binen Ca. (926, zat FL. 5,0. 163] _ | as lade - Rc.ro6 ra |S Ka) bs. IVICT. PART. M.TR.P. I] COS.MLP.P.S.C. Viewory Cx39 seated om curate, about Invcibe shield. which rest oo er hanes end tsi and arms. Hus RIC 40s atta Cat (929), 604 and Bement Cee (920) 165 |Dp we A.D. 217-218 — unpaTeD 19 UNDATED | No]Or) | Obvene Revere Notes 1s kab IAEQVITAS AVG.S.Cc.5.6 ‘Aguitas stg 1, belding sal od coraucopiae 5 sea |p * . sien 19) 8 ioe IANNONA’AVG.S.C.Cio ‘Annona seated ly holding) PL. 6, 1 fomcears and cornteopiae; her fet, modiue eostaning comes, | 70 | Dp . : Ice il | as fae. : Sfe.t1; Can- | Tent Cat | (929) 95° im|s lo) b, © (ometimes FELICITAS TEMPORVMC.16) of, ‘with agi). S.C, Felicia sg Ly boing] Stiavelli Tag” caduceus and” corne| Cat (2908) copiae. | 6s. Eegecct. Lily, 90 173 |Dp af . slcae tal | as [ee | } sien us| | at [abe 7 S]Cars Ash Coil 176] | As [.-D¢with ei. : sfeata’ cat. (1920), Ea an] s b > Felice stg. 1 holdingN-Z,(0921), lore caduceus and sept. Fe) p. 167. aa} | as fom 7 S|arsClasica xv, po. 1756 ae] s kare. IFIDES MILITYM.S.C. FidesC.24 ‘tg. fone, bead r holding two] ‘Sandan; x foot on helmet. 8 we | 8 key. ” Sllawrence all wr] | Ae faye. : seas | 5 Kb. Fides sig” front head LT rau Cate holding standard ineich hand] (1935) standard on each side. S} 239% ay] 8 (sy b (with ae, » sicat 20 MACRINUS Noor] = | obrene Revene Notes ats] | ae [tos IFIDES MILITYM.S.C. Fide|C.a9 stg. front, ead ‘ly holding] stand ia ‘it “and fundard on each side, ris | 5 lon be. OVI CONSERVATORICanconi S.C. Jupiter stg L, holding] Cat. handerbale and seeps; cloak (e920), over arm, S| 96t- C34 6] 8 ks), » sist ce Ce [Dp] fad : slest i 5,12 wa] | as (ayo. : » siCas tg | § (a). Joni sg. Ly hldinglC 59 thunderbolt sod sort, cloak ‘oer both arms; omy smal figure of Macrinus ug. 0 [Dp f 7 RiCao we] | as feb : Sato Cae. (an), 360 wa} | As |. . sheourgey Cat. Gon, 2. 1934] 5 . a(ort), — |LIBERALITAS AVG. S.C cq ‘betas tg oling absevs and comucopise. so] we UIBERALITAS AVEvsTifCas 3.C, Macrinus and Diado-| inenian ated Lon plat] Form; behind them, ofcee tg ‘a row Titers st. 1 shisen moontin x sss] 8 kyr. PROVIBENT! DESavte.s09, 10 Provident ag. 1 iolag wand rer eae ad cornveopiae. s w6 [Dp] feet » 5| s97| 8 ka. ISALVS PVBLICA.S.CC.te7 Salo seated Ty fading snake coiled round afar | 193. Description of obvere ancertin ia C. UNDATED a1 Ne. Notet is] 8 ISALVS PVBLICA.S.C.|R.N, 1932, Salar seated Ly feding sakel p. 234 called sound alan. 199 | Dp » sfene 209 sleus zor | 8 Securitas stg. ye Soocd, ellng sapere roving elbow of columa. 5, soi] 8 205 | Dp 205 | 8 206 | Dp 208*| Dp 209] 8 ‘which rests on ber koe being het shield and armas IRREGULAR and UNCERTAIN COINS Ss} PONTIF. MAX. TR. P...JC.69 Macrinwsaddresing sali 208. Coben's description is incomplete 210. Coben's deerption, quoted from Vaillant, is incomplete and the authen~ ticy ofthe orignal open to question. ‘The adicuta type snot known on the sensorial coinage of Macrinus and oaly occurs on a bronze medallion (Ct). A fein of medal sie from the Evans collection tas aby. legend IMP . CAES.. M-OPEL. SEV. MACRINVS AVG. P.M. TR.P.P.P., and. bos! last, cuir, with rr, FID. EXERCIT (lex) Macrinus tanding Ivon platform ‘dvwaing thre soldiers who hold standards; in field, 5... The ob. legend it Jrregolar Sd the coin has ben considerably tooled. (See Evans Cat Ocober ged, 1934s lot 1590) 22 DIADUMENIAN (Caesar) AES Obverse legends—(1) M OPEL DIADVMENIANVS CAES. (2) M-OPEL.ANT.DIADVMENIAN. CAES. (3) M:OPEL:ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CABS. (4) Head bare x bore deape, (b) Head bare bust draped and cuirsed Notes Obvene IPRINC. IVVENTVTISIc7 S.C, Diadumeniansg.trone| Pl. 8, 18 ad's, holding sandaed ang seepre on x two sands Re ” Rica’ PI 6,14 RBM. 1 Dintuelian stelle ig tate et en ee Oe : hegges Cat, yeti, toss > rls PL 5,16 enced » Reference BM, ISPES.S.C. Spes walking LJCano elding ower and ring be sin K ISPES PVBLICA S.C.Cas ‘Same type 7 5,15, nao [Dp| As 7 Rica 213. Variant. with oby. legend M.AVRL.ANTONINVS DIADY- MENIANVS C. (ic) quoted by Coben (cr C.2) 218, Doubsful. Description incomplete @)- 23 ELAGABALUS* (M. Aurelius Antoninus Pius Felix) ‘The reign of Elagabalus is practically devoid of political interest. No event of importance is chronicled, no measures of national value were undertaken. Serious statesmanship and the machinery of govern- ‘ment seem to have been suspended while the Roman world looked on, shamed and disgusted, at the exhibition of lust, cruelty and fanatical madness instigated by the priest-emperor. From the moment of his entry into Rome, surrounded by the exotic pageantry of a foreign religion, Elagabalus showed himself entirely out of sympathy with Roman ideals. Ancient traditions were ruthlessly defied, and every violation of good taste was flaunted shame- lessly in public. Pallas, the protectress of the City from time im- memorial, was prostituted to an oriental fetish. The sanctity of the Vestals was wantonly assaulted. Under the mask of pseudo-religious fervour the most degraded passions raged unchecked and ‘ moral depravity became the passport to administrative preferment.’ Roman society was not only disgusted but bewildered; and the «Scriptores Historiae Augustae “t by retailing the fulsome details of this three years’ orgy make out a sufficiently strong case for the unqualified condemnation of Elagabalus. Yet it must be allowed that their con- demnation rests largely on the fact that to the Roman mind Elagabalus was utterly unintelligible. Oriental mysticism is very rarely apprecia- ted or even grasped by the Western mind and, in the distorted form presented by Elagabalus, appeared nothing less than an outrage to sane reason. The amazing phenomenon of a Roman emperor so obsessed by fanatical zeal that he could subordinate the obligations of his imperial office to the claims of a foreign deity and invest the most bestial sensuality with a quasireligious character, presents a * See Pink ia NZ, 1954 pps #1. Pink notes thatthe horn on obverse belongs mainly to A-D. 224; the tar on revere, A.D, s20-222, isa sign of the new sole religion. Pink attributes ceain class of WR, with obv. IMP. ANTONINVS, AVG" to Nicomedi, eaty A.D- 219 "Pash, Har of the Rama World from AD. 4} Aelioe Lampridivs, Seripres Mist. dug xi 8 to 337) Methven, 19355. 104. 24 ELAGABALUS problem for the student of religious psychology rather than for the historian or numismatist. We merely mention it here because it is the solitary feature of interest in the reign. “The most noteworthy and pethaps the only really sane act of the reign was the appointment of Severus Alexander to the rank of Caesar (July 10th, A.D. 221). This appears to have been engineered in the first place by the Senate,* although the credit of it has been given to Julia Maesa, who was far-sighted enough to sense disaster to the Severan dynasty in the extravagances of Elagabalus.t So, in order to safeguard her own position as well as that of the emperor, she prevailed ‘on Elagabalus to adopt her other grandson, Alexander, the son of Julia Mamaea, The appointment was unquestionably popular, particularly with the army, and, for the time being, staved off any revolutionary outbreak that might quite reasonably have been feared. It was not ong, however, before Elagabalus discovered in the popularity of his young cousin a source of danger to himself. Accordingly he planned to deprive him of his position, first by constitutional methods and then by assassination. His schemes were, however, frustrated by the watch~ fulness of Maesa and Mamaea. Types.—The coinage of Elagabalus corresponds with the general characteristics of his reign. ‘Th make but slight allusion to matters of historical or political interest but, as might be expected, are of a purely conventional character except so far as they refer to the cult of the oriental Elagabalus. Its recorded that the emperor was officially designated “ Priest of the Unconquered Sun-god Elagabalus ” and that this title took pre- cedence of all other imperial titles (Dess. ILS, 473, 4753 and cf. Parker, op. cit., p. 103). However, it stands to the credit of the officials of the imperial mint that it was not permitted to intrude itself into the obverse legends on the coins, which retain their traditional form, IMP. CAES. M. AVR. ANTONINVS PIVS FELIX AVG. (Varied or abbreviated. See table of obverse legends.) On the reverse we find references to the priestly office of the emperor, e.g. INVICTVS SACERDOS, SVMMVS SACERDOS and SACERD. DEI SOLIS ELAGAB. In each case the type is that of the emperor standing in the act of sacrifice. ly refer to the cult of Blagabalus CONSERVATOR AVG. ‘The sacred black stone conveyed from ‘Emesa to the Palatine in Rome is shown enthroned on a triumphal SHA ey yt + Parker, History of the Roman World, p. 104. Dio LXXIX, 19. ‘TYPES 25 quadriga moving at walking pace. The conduct of the stone through the streets of Rome was the central feature of Elagabalus’ entry into the city, He himself, we are told, walked backwards before the car, surrendering to the sacred stone the place of honour that properly belonged to himself. 'A variant of the quadriga type in which four ceremonial parasols are shown surrounding the sacred stone, occurs with the legend SANCT.DEO SOLT ELAGABAL. “The sacred black stone, represented as a conical object, appears as the main type on a rare denarius with the legend, COS.ITLP.P. ‘The type of Sol, either standing or running, with his right hand raised and holding in his left either a whip, globe or thunderbolt, is not altogether new to the imperial coinage but possibly assumes a fresh significance under Elagabalus. Usually the type is accompanied by the titular date of the emperor, but on certain issues of Elagabalus it occurs with descriptive legends, e.g. SOLI PROPVGNATORI or CONSERVATOR AVG. The thunderbolt as an attribute of Sol (Soli propugnatori) adds a touch of novelty by suggesting that the functions of Jupiter are now performed by the “ unconquered sun.” Solar pantheism largely permeated oriental religion and, from the Hellenised East, was gradually introduced into Rome. Its more mystic conception of the sun as the symbol of the Divine Light sur- vived in Mithraism but tended to become confused in local solar cults, such as those of the Baalim of Syria or the sun-god (Elagabalus) of Emesa, and as it advanced westwards the cult became even more materialistic. “The popularity in Rome, during the second and third centuries, of, solar cults and of oriental religions generally is probably due to the fact that they inculcated an ethical code which contrasted sharply with the emptiness of the older Roman mythology. Although Elagabalus, through his licentiousness and extravagant religiosity, presented solar pantheism in its most distorted aspect, it is by no means necessary to regard these blemishes as inseparable from the cult itself. As revived subsequently by Aurelian and Constantine the ““ unconquered sun ” undoubtedly represented the better side of oriental religion. “The rest of the coin-types of Elagabalus, including those of his wives, Julia Paula, Aquilia Severa and Annia Faustina, his mother Julia Soaemias and his grandmother, Julia Maesa, call for little notice Since they are standard types such as occur more or less con- stantly on the coinage of the first half of the third century. ‘The only types that have any bearing on contemporary history relate to the victory of Elagabalus over Macrinus. Of these, the type of the emperor in triumphal quadriga occurs on issues of A.D. 218, 26 ELAGABALUS that is to say, before Elagabalus made his spectacular entry into Rome. Hence there is no question that they refer to the victory over Macrinus, ‘The type is repeated on issues of each year throughout the reign. ‘The other victorious type, a running Victory holding wreath and palm, is accompanied by the legend VICTOR(ia) ANTONINI AVG, in which we may detect a covert slur on Macrinus and his son as dynastic interlopers. Thus their defeat was regarded as the triumph and restoration of the Antonine family to which Elagabalus claimed to belong. A characteristic detail in the portraiture of Elagabalus is the horn sometimes placed over the forehead and pointing outwards. A horn, asa divine adjunct, occurs not infrequently in the idealistic portraiture of the regal Greek period, and usually denotes some attribute supposed to be derived from a deity, such for example as the Ammon horn added to the idealised head of Lysimachus. In the portraiture of Elagabalus the horn seems to have a somewhat different significance, and may not inaptly be compared with the horn introduced by Michael Angelo in his famous representation of Moses. The artist evidently drew his inspiration from the account given in Exodus of the light that radiated from the face of Moses after his converse with God. Similarly, here the horn is used symbolically as representing the solar rays emanating from the head of Elagabalus. Mintage-—Under the Severi a considerable coinage, mainly silver, can certainly be assigned to eastern mints, of which the most important was Antioch in Syria. (See vol. IV, pt. 1, p. 56 £) We have pointed out (p. 3 f) the probability that the same mints were in operation under Macrinus, although the coins do not show sufficiently marked characteristics to warrant our giving them a separate place in the Corpus. Under Elagabalus, however, certain coins show characteristi of style as well as a preference for particular types and legends that mark them out definitely as eastern issues. These we have assigned generally to Antioch; for although there is good reason to believe that other Syrian mints were striking money in this period, our evidence is scarcely sufficient to justify particular attributions. It is probable, too, that an issue of A.D. 219 belongs to Nicomedia. ‘The Syrian coins of Elagabalus are, as a rule, more carelessly executed than those of the Roman mint. The portraits incline to coarseness and the hair is often crudely indicated. ‘The lettering is uneven and generally rather large. The following obverse legends ‘appear to be confined to eastern issues, ANTONINVS PIVS FEL. AVG (6), ANTONINVS PIVS FELIX AVG (7) and IMP. CAES. M. AVR. ANTONINVS P. F. AVG. (9). MINTAGE — CHRONOLOGY 27 “Most reverse types are common to both western and eastern coin- ages but Aeternitas, Bonus Eventus, Felicitas Temp. (ship type), Spei Perpetuae and Vota Publica belong mainly, if not exclusively, to the east. OF the royal ladies, Julia Paula, Aquilia Severa, Soaemias and ‘Maesa, certain issues were probably struck in Syria. But the difficulty of distinguishing them from the Roman issues, except in a few indivi~ dual cases, precludes a separate classification of them in the Corpus. Chronslogy ai8|TR.P. [COS | April r6th. Elagabalus proclaimed Augustus by the troops at Emesa. June Sth. Defeat and fight of Macrinus Elagabalue enters Antioch. July. Murder of Macrinus. . Elagabalus winters at Niconiedia. Elagabalus enters Rome.* aig|TRPAT | | 220/ TRU [COSI RPA] COSTE | July seth. Elagabalus confers the title Caesar on. ‘Sev. Alexander. 222|TRP.V [COSA | March ith. Murder of Blagabalus and Julia ‘Sosemias- Authorities differ regarding the exact date; probably the spring, see Parker, op. cits p. 1033 but others give July or September. See Goyau, Chroncagie, p. 270". 28 ELAGABALUS Obverse legends—1. IMP .CAES .ANTONINVS .AVG . 2. IMP.CAES.M.AVR.ANTONINVS AVG. . IMP-ANTONINYS AVG. . IMP.CAES .M AVR ANTONINYS PIVS AVG. IMP.ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. ANTONINYS PIVS FEL.AVG . 7. ANTONINVS PIVS FELIX AVG. 8. IMP.C.M AVR .ANTONINVS P.F.AVG . g. IMP.CAES M .AVR ANTONINVS P.F.AVG. ouee (@) Head 1, laureate (b) Head r, laureate, bust draped. (c) Head 1, laureate, bust cuirassed, (@) Head laureate, bust draped and cuirassed, (¢) Head r., radiate, bust draped. () Head 1, radiate, bust draped and cuirased. MINT OF ROME GOLD AND SILVER (Dated) TR.P. (A.D. 218) No.| Av] ‘| PL 8,2 4 [Ae PONTIF.MAX.TR.P, SanCaz3 5 [Au | | 6| |p jew. 7 dire : Df ba D. 219 29 TR.P.II. (A.D. 219) No. | R Obvene Reverse Notes of Au s- bred, LIB. AVG. I Gn ex) Po M.jC.r43 Rx TRE.ILCOSALP.P (around) | mon Cat Blagabalus seated I. on plat] 19135, 0 form, holding parazoniums| 416 J. E. before him, Liberatas sty} May Col. folding abseus and. cornu] 1909, 227. copiaes citizen mounting steps] PL. 2, 5 of platform. k otf Au LIB: AVG. 11.COS. I. P. P.\c.7s Simi, but with prefect on| latform. RA rf Av fs. bed. IP.M.TR.P. Il. COS.I1.P.P|C.1375 Roma seated [, holding Vie-Ponton tory and spear; by her side) d’Amé- shield. R| court Sale, Aprilsth, 1887, | lot 447. wf | Ane beet » 3 D hb ” ¢ my | Ant fie & e ¢ ry] | > [eb e s 6 D ib ° Gl ” D (sbi 5b vv Sob, rad. stg. Iy raising x] hind and boiding whip. | | | Ant beet vn, Fortuna seated L, holding\C.r49, «48 rudder on globe and cornu, copiae; under seat, wheel. C. 9 D fb 5 cla. 20 D feb 5 shes a D ib Pax walking 1 holding(C.c43 oljve-branch and seeptre. C| a] | Am bet Providentia sig. Ly legC.t46, 145 cfowed, holding rod and eorau-| Pl. 8, 4 copie and leaning on columns at her feet, globe. ¢ 3 D bb » leas 34 D fb. m Elagabalus stg. Ly sacsifC-x50 ficing av altar; on L, horn; on| 15 star. 5 9. Examples of this type, with obv. 5. d. struck in silver appear to be modern copies. ro. Incomplete description from Vaillant. Obverse omitted. 12, On some specimens a smal globe appears in the exergues cf. specimen in B.M. ts. Possibly of the mint of Antioch. 26 264| a 8 204 3 3 3 4 35 36 ELAGABALUS [A] R Obverse Revere Notes Au ne de IPONTIF. MAX. TR. PII.) COS.1.P.Pe Koma seated i Geno. 1 Av b. b, a. Rleases Poyde Cat, 1894, 3- Au ls. d. » Emperor, crowned by[Hirsch Vietory, in quadriga,1. —R*| April gthy 1910, lot a5. 29 TR.P.Ill. (A.D. 220) D fsb. P.M. TR. P. Ill. COS, IIL P. PIC. Jopiter seated 1, holding Vie- tory and sceptres at his feet eagle. c| D |. abd Sol, rad, advancing [Baldwins raising 1. hand and holding) C.rs4, 153+ whips in field, star. C] Bl. 8, 6 D |. vy, Box sig boldng branch{C161 and cornucopiae Av ls. Be » Woman seated hel fet, globe; in field, sar. 2” Elgabalossgenending| his x. hand. Au Js. bs ss de agate ue seated ‘on curule chair, holding globe ‘and sceptre; in field, star. Ry iss t66 Au Is. 4 » Similar, without star. RAC.167 Au 5. bs ed. ® Elagabilus in slow quad-{C. riga 1, holding branch and] B. sceptre; with or without star in field RY D feb >» Elagabalus in slow quad-| riga, holding branch and eagle-| tipped sceptre; behind him Victory. Ri 29. 3. 3a Tncompletely described by Cohen} obv. omitted. Uncertain; reverse imperfectly described. Description of obverse omitted. A.D, 220-221 3t TR.P.tIll (A.D. 121) No.| A | R Obverse Reverse Notes 4 |p.M.TR.P.II.COS.ILP.P/Cx8e J Sol stg. front, head turned holding whip; in field, star. | | Dd ia » cles: 39 | Av sd. » Similar, but head twrned|C.183 R wo} | D fear. ‘»_ Sol rad. half draped, with| Finchant flying cloak, advancing’ lo] Coll raising r. hand and holding] C.c84 | whip; in fel, star. | a D hb A Sfeass 2 D pap. » Providentia sg. 1, holéLawrence ing rod over globe and cornu copiae; infield, star (normally) 4 p |.» » cl da [Aw I. d. » Victory fiying 1, holding} adem with both hands small shield on either side; i] field, star. R 4s D |paba 5 Cleagss BM; Curg4. a6} | Dd |s. bd (horned). | 4, Blagabalus stg. 1y sari|C.1965 ficing over lighted altar, hold-[B ald win. ing patera in t., branch] (Cf (egpres 2) in, in ld, star. C} C.208). FL. 2, 9 a7 @ [so Rlca97 6 D |g. b (homed) ay Similar, But with a stanC-206 dard on either side, 9 D |s. & (homed) 1» Similar, but with both|C.205 standards on Cl PL. 8, 8 D_|s. b (horned) > Similar, bot with one(C.207 standard, Gi st D |s. b Gomed). | "5, Similar, but Elagabalus|C.204, | holds a club; standard on each side. ¢ 46. Coben gives date as TR. P, IIL, COS. Illl in error. The object (branch, of cypress or club) held by Elagabalus is not always easy to distinguish. Some ‘coins of this type may belong to the mint of Antioch. 32 ELAGABALUS TR.P.V (A.D. 222) No] AT] R Obverse Reverse Notes 54] D js. b. lP.M.TR.P.V.COS.III.P.P.|C.213, Elagabalue sacrificing 1. over lighted altar, holding patera and clubs in field, star. S| sl | d |v». vy Simian, but Elagsbalus|Lawrence olds branch cat Se] An] Is. bred (horned).| | Elagabalus in dow quad (C275 sa Ly olding branch and] BM. reper ss] | D |s.b homes. | » ic. UNDATED 56 D fs. a, b. |ABVNDANTIA AVG.lAshmolean ‘Abundantia (or Annona) stg Coll; Cut ty emptying cormucopies field, star sr [Aw Is. ed. JKDVENTVs avavstilcs.s Elagabalus on horse 1, rais PL 2, 10 ing t. hand and holding spear. Ri se} | Disa 5 RBM. 9 D fb ANNONA’ AvGvsTilc.;s ‘Annona stg. 1, holding two] ‘orn-ears and rudder placed on| Babe at hr side mods wit | | Dd hb CONCORDIA MILIT ‘andards between «wo well s. 6: Au sed ICONSERVATOR AVG||cus, 18 Slow quadriga L, on which if Bl. 2, 12 ‘the conical stone of Emesa sur mounted by eagles in fel] 6 D |e 4 63 D [sb ny Sol rad. walking 1 rais|C-19 i; hand and holding whip in field, star. SI 452. See similar issues of the mint of Antioch (n03. 177-179, 181). 538 The specimen in the B.M, is doubtful. So far the type has not been verified from other collections. Go. Irregular issue (2). See also mint of Antioch. A.D. 222 — UNDATED 33 No.| A] R Obverse Revense Notes 64 [au Ik. a. ICONSERVATOR Imhof, TAVGSTI. Slow quadtiga L| 1907, no. (es no. 61). Rye ésjam) 5. & » RIG necehi Med. R, PLT 6 | Au hed. FIDES EXERCITVS FidesC.29 ‘ested 1, holding eagle ang| standard; before her, a stan, dard. R| 6 | | Ase feet : IMs C28 6“ D (nbd. e ClC.305 BM. 69 | Au by > (C33 34 zo | Ant fe > S[Tinchane Coll 5C.31 Bi. 2, IL n D |. ba. e Clawrence Coll 5C.32 rl | Amt beet IFIDES MILITVM Fides stg.|B.M5 C.39 head turned 1 holding sta dard and vexilium: cl B D |5. bd. 5 CIBMs C38 BA Dib Fides stg holding o|Ca40 standard ineach hand, between two standards, c 8 D hb. wm Blagabalus lau, in miliiC.4¢ tary dress, walking and carry} ing wansverse spear; infront, a soldi carrying standard andl shields behind him, a soldier carrying astandard, 76 | Av jb. d. A RYC25 Vierorde, 892. ” D |s.b. Legionary eagle between|C.43 I two standards. ¢, * D |s6 vr Similar, but with one of{C.4s two shields at the foot of each] standard. ¢ n D fb FIDES PVBLICA FidesC4s sanding 1, holding com-ean] and basket of fruit. cl to D [5.0 FORTVNA AVG. Fortuns|C46 sanding holding rude] placed on ‘globe and cornu opine. cl 34 ELAGABALUS R Obverse Reverse Notes af | D bd IFORTVNA REDVX For-|C.47 ‘ona, wearing modi, seated 1 holding patera and cornu fb. aca 83 D ion. FORTVNAE REDVCICs Type a5 no. 86 sa] | D 5. . Z Glashmolesn Coll 85 @ far RCs 85 Dio IHILARITAS AVG. HilartayC. 6 ‘tg. L, holding wreath andl lon placid. on cd side, 86+] Aw Js. bd Gomed), |INVICTYS SACERDOS(C 555 AVG. Elagabalus stg. L,| Ponton [sacrificing ove tripod, holding] d’Amé~ patera and branch’ (down-| court, 456. wards); on ground x, # horn] | in fle, star Ri 871] | DJs. b Quomnedy » Clogs ae} | D fsa, b Casually |, Blagabalus stg. Ly sacri Ciba, 62 horned). | fing over. tripod, holding] PL. 2, 18 patera and club (upsrards); be hind ipods bll ving down] in field, sa %| | D bbe JOVI CONSERVATORICS, Bm. | Jupiter, nude, stg. Ly with } mantle behind, holding’ thun4 derbole and Sceptre; at his fet] eagles on r4 two standards. C| go} | Ant [se » CIRM C66 3 D i bd. » Similar, Bot on x, oneTinchant standard C] Coll 6.68 81. See also mint of Antioch. A variant is noted with Fortuna holding rudder instead of patera. R.D. p. 123. 83a. Variant without globe, Cologne, ps 25. 85. See also mint of Antioch. 86. Sometimes a ray of the star is elongated so as to resemble the tal of a comet (cf. C60). 87. Variant with cornucopiae instead of club. 4..F.N., 1886, p. 112. 88. See also mint of Antioch, UNDATED 35 no] a7 | R | obvene Revere Notes w| | OVI VICTOR! Biagabalul eo sg. holding thunderbolt and] spear; at his ft, eagle: on 7 tho standards os| | am bee LAETITIA PVBL . LactitialR. 1, x92, wg by holding ext and bse Forder placed on globe. 5 oe] | Ame beet : é 95 Db. ba D ¢ 6 D ipa : eles ot] | Df LIBERALITAS AVGIC73 | Literalitas stg. 1, holding! becus eal coruenpie, ow} | > kb LiBERATITAS AVG". 1 joss ame type. é vw] | > bw ae G wel | Die 7 cl P25 or Q fsb a Rica ten D ipe > Similar, But cornucopiaelC.79 reason a bate ¢ 13 D |b. LIBERALITAS AVG . Il Joss “Liberate ng. (8 n0. 97) i eld, sar. ¢| ra] | D LIBERALITAS AVG . IIll_[Lawrence Similar. sf Colt "CE Cas. wesav] fg a. LIBERTAS AVG. Libenas{og5 wg. ly holding pileue and] Hirsch fceptre” Sometimes with sarin] Cat, 1914, ald Ry no. 1520" 106 D |b. (without stay). ———CIC-90 D ieha, 2 Gn ld tar) ClC325, Tin- chantCall 108 D |s. b (bearded), » chess t09 @ fro. > GGometimes with ta). [Cts Vawe ter) Cats bu. Bi. 2, 16 me @ |p. Bostt, tau, de. » RCo nm D |g. b (bearded) |p Liters fg. 1, holdinglCo7 | plleosand corautopize. G| 92. Incomplete description quoted from Vaillant. Doubtful. 97. Deseription incomplete. 98. See also dated coins of TR. P. II. (nos. 9 and 10)- 104. Coben's description is incomplete. 36 ELAGABALUS ofr] R Obverse Revere Notes a Died LIBERTAS AVG. Type afc.os No. 11 (in field, ste). a5 D sb. Libertas stg. Ly king comnueopiae and see S| ag] | Ane fs & KIBERTAS AVG VsTifcio: Libertas seated 1, holding| pileus and soeptre, s us D fe. s SIR. 11, 1908, | P. 398 16 Df.’ Libertas stg. Ly holding(C.102 plus and scepte; in fed, sta ny D |s.6. : awrence Cal ns @ jo : RAR ty 1908, P.398 asd | D fyb. (without star) S}Ashmoiean Coll. tig [Av Ih. a. MARS VICTOR Mars, nudeC.108 ‘with Rowing cloak, advancing] 1, holding spear and trophy. a r2o| | Ant [ue f » Sleauess BM: at) | D |. bd » Che.r05, 110 ta] | Ant bef 5 Slug, 25 BI. 8, 15 33 D haba » s|Mum. Chr. 1898, p65. Tinchane Call, Lawrence Call. 34 pd {.e. INOBILITAS Woman stg.JC.219 holding spear and Viewory. ns D |b IPAX AVGVSTI Pax walking|C.120 I, holding olive-branch and] seeptre. ¢ us| | Ant het PIETAS AVG. Picts st. LBM. sacrificing over a lighted altar and holding incense-bor in 1 hand. s| 7 Dia | 3 Slog gs, Yasiane with IMP. CAES.M. AVG. ANTONINYS AVG. RD, 124, Hl No.f AT] Obverse a8 D fs bd. 1239 Ant 3. 6 330. Ds. bd. 304] D Is. b (usually horned). 332 Q fsb. 133, Q Is. b. 1334] Q |s. Head 1 1538] Q Js. Head Ly dr. fers D sb, us D fsb. 136 | Au fp. be 137 Ant |r ef 138 Ant 2. ef 39 D |r. bd. s40 | Df. bd. m4 D fs. b. 142 D hb 143*| Au i. by d. 44 D hb 151 See also mint of Antioch. 143. Aurel of this type were also struck at Antioch. UNDATED crossed, al » (eo | fed, sar globe, parasols, dentia sti land comucopiae. i» Peovidentia. stg. Reverse IPROVID. DEORYM, Provi ly lig lobe Ly le holding rod” and| ISACERD.DEI ELAGAB. fy sacrificing over holding patera and club} (upright); usually in field, star o sy (orth star) 4 Githoue star). ). comucopiae and leaning on| columns at her fet, globe. c| SOLts Elagabalus stg lighted Ri Re R 2. Elagabalus sacrificing 1, | holding patera and club; SALVS"ANTONINI AVG. Salus stg. tm feeding a snake| ‘which she holds in her arms, R. ¢ » Similar butreads SALV@ SkNCT.DEO soLi ELAGABAL. Slow quadriga 1 beating the conical stone of Emesa on which isan eagle; the | stone is surrounded by four | Ry IBM. Cogs [c-244, 245, iene PL 2, 18 (C247 ae [aSFN 1886, pears. Icisa9 Casa (C257 PL 2, 17 {C-259, 260 Ic-254, ass. ‘|e36x; BM. 7 Cleass, 258 ISALVS AVGVSTI Salus st. 1, feeding snake coiled round akar and holding redder on| Ici264 lLawrence Coll C.2655 PL 2, 29 266 38 ELAGABALUS No] | R Obverse Reverse Notes ras) | D fs. bed. ISECVRITAS SAECVLIIC.2715 Securitas seated r. supporting] Lawrence her head with +r. hand and! Col holding sceptze ia 5 1461 | D |s. b (horned). ISVMMVS SACERDOS(C.z76 AVG. Elagabalusstg.t.,sacri-| Pl. 2, 20 ficing over tripod, "holding| pera and branch; in feld, sar. ¢. tay D_|s. b (uorned). » Same type, but Elagabalus(C.277. ® s us| | Am bet JTEMPORVM FELICITAS), 1908, Felicitas sig. L, holding cadu+ p. 399 czus and cornucopiae. 5 tag] | Ant [s. ef i Sleaso, a8 159 Db bd ” leas; BM. rst | Au ty by VICTOR.ANTONINI[C.292 ‘AVG. Victory running +,| O'Hagan holding wreath and palm. | Cat. aly 908), no. 152 Aat fre. is ¢| 153 D ich, ” ¢| 154 [Au bd R 5 Ant fy ef » ¢ 1 156 D i. bd. i. c 137 Q hb. 5 RIC.ag0 wal | Dob » (without palm). S|Ashmolean Call. 158 D fi. b. VICTORIA AVG. Victory|C.299 flying 1, holding” diadem in both hands; on each side, al ‘mall shield} in feld, star. "Gl 159 Did ” Gle.302 160 D [sb a eC jor 160 D |s. bd. ‘5 CIC. 3005 Tinchant Call. 145. The donarius with legend SECVRIT.IMPERI (sce Cohen, 270) is ‘wrongly attributed to Elagabalus and belongs to Caracalla, See Laffranchi, Bol. Num., Milans 1910, p. 72. 146. See also mint of Antioch. UNDATED — IRREGULAR ISSUES 39 No] AT] Obverse Revere Notes 1624 D |s.b. VICTORIA AVG. Vietory{C.304 ‘walking L, holding wreath and palm. cl] 163 D bb. Victory walking rete. CIC.305 IRREGULAR ISSUES 163 D |..NINVS PIVSAEQVITATI AVGGJRD4p. 126 FEL.AG. b. | Acute st. Ly holding saa and cornucopiac. 1639) Q Js ted Lae, (COS Mereary sg. 1fDe Quel, Tholding purse and caduceus| 1457. Basbarous syle.) | 1634 D i 4 SIV ANTONININI PI FIL|s aren, Bust r sad., cuir, r. hand| r92s. raised. Ry 630] Au IMP. CAES. M |VICTOR. ANTONINVS|4rsClassica, AVR - SE. AN.| AVG. Victory advancing «| XVI July TOWNTNVS holding wrath and palm] 3rd, 1933). AVG. 2 (Wausual style and fabric.) RY lot 195s HYBRID 164 Djs. b.(Blagabalus) [VENVS CAELESTIS Venus/B.M. ‘stg. 1, holding apple and! ["Denier sep ined, (Reve door) “Aguilia Severa.] 644] D fad FECVNDITAS seated L, hold {De Queen, ing branch and seeptre; child) 1459. fon each side, [Cf Maesa| 20. 250.) 162, Variant with IMP, ANTONINVS PIVS FELIX AVG ‘Also AR Med., obv. 2. 2, and rev. VICTORIA AVGVSTI. 45. P- 100. 40 ELAGABALUS MINT OF ANTIOCH DATED ISSUES A.D, 218-219 nol a7] | omvere Revere Noes ws} | > ba ICONS. I1.P.P. Roma sated Ts fling Vist and se Br her ste she ws} | > ka CONSVL I Acquitas sg. 1 Teli sand) co 167 > ka GONSVLU.P.P. Sametype|c-as G ws} | > bw y Cleas; tan ‘ene Col wy] | > fa vv Roma sated (as no 163)|Cia4 z v7 [Au a ny Elagatalus in slow ga holding. branch and srepew’srmousied by cape ‘a int] Au Irais . P. COS. II. P. P [cass Tlagaalus in goadvige Co preceding type fe TRPall, (A.D. 219) tal | D fab P,M.TR. Pt. COS. IBM. BoP. Rime‘ aed Lal PL, 8 ee ml] | > fa PONE: MAX. TR. P. tl C37 COS.iI" Mars walking 1 Soli) te -banh and trophy wn] | > ba PEN Go ex TRIB. PW Kcare COS. IIs P,P. Spe waking Tr holding fower and’ rating skin a wn fas 4 HR: POT. II.Cos.t1.P.P.|cate Tagua in slow qoadtiga holding Branch and scp furmountel by eagle | yt. Coben’s description is incomplete, by. legend omitted. MINT OF ANTIOCH 41 No.| AT] Obverse Reverse Notes 175 D ba. [TR P.l.P.P. COS. INCats ays] Au lp. a. LiRIS. PL 1. COS.U.P. P|vamiomai Same type. RY bai Kowliny, 1 19305. 8. A.D, 220-2214 176 D COS. III. P. P. Conical stone|C.26 ‘adorned with stars and eagle Bl TR.Pullll (A.D. 221)t wr D Js. byd (horned). P.M. TR. P- Ill. COS. Ill JC.1965 P_P. Elagabalusstg.1,sacri-| BM. ficing at lighted altar, holding| patera in r club (or eypres Branch) in 1 in fel, star Cl 18 D_|s. b (horned). ‘> Similar, but with standard|C.204, con each side. G 179 D_ |s. b (horned), »__ Similar, but with onestan-|C.207 dara, c| rH04| Au ls. © (horned). P.M. TR. P. Ill. COS. II.|CF. Cu Elagabalus in quadriga (as no. 174). In field, sar. 176. Coben's description is incomplete. 177. See also mint of Rome (aos. 24, 46 fy 52)- Certain variants of this ty appear to be of Eastern mintage. 180. Cohen’s description, which is inaccurate, corrected from notes by M. ‘Tinchant. +f Denar of types 27 and 28 appear to have been struck at Antioch 42 ELAGABALUS TR.P.V (A.D. 222) No.| AT] Obverse Revere Notes 18 D Is. ». IPM. TR.P.V. COS. IIL JC.2r3, =P. Elagabalusstg. 1, sacri ficing at lighted altar, bolding| patera in r., club in Ly in fel star, s| 182 [Aw Is. b,¢ (horned). |) Elagabalus in quadrigalC.ary 3 no. 170). RA 183 D_|s. b (horned). 5 RiCars 184 D fsb. 185 D [s.b. 186 D i. ba. 187 D (sad. 187 D fab. 8 D iad, 181, See also mint of Rome. UNDATED ISSUES lighted altar. cornucopiae. JADVENTVS AVG. Elagaba lus on horse r, raising r. hand, I |AETERNITAS AVG. Acter- nitas stg. 1. holding patera and| seep; bide he, lighted IBONVS EVENTVS Bonu Eventus, nude, stg. 1, holding| patera and cormears; on 1. s| CONCORDIA MILIT Tw standards between two verilla IFELICITAS AVG. Felicitad "ey olding caduceus an s: s| \c-r43 BM., 1908, Be 3985 FFELICITAS TEMP. snip wits sail and seven rowers and pilot} fon stern, standard and acrosto-| lium; at prow, a furled sil. S| 187. A variant with ANTONINVS FEL. AVG . a; R.D. p. 123. See also mint of Rome. MINT OF ANTIOCH 43 No.| A’ | Obverse Reverse Nowes x8 p |e. IFORTVNAREDVX Fortuna)B.M. (ef ‘wearing modias seated L, hold| C47) ing patera and cornucopiae) beneath seat, whe c 190 D |. abd. HILARITAS AVG. Hilaritas ‘tg. 1, holding wreath ang| | ig pls chi standing either side. | |p |p aveony. |NVIETVS SACERDOS| ANG, Elagabalusszcifcingl at lighted altar, holding pater and club; behind altar, « bul lying downs in field, star. C: 1p: | Au I. bed. RECTOR ORBIS BlagsbalosWeber Cat stgul, drapery over I. shoulder) (1909); flobe and revened/4.SFN., 2886, | 33975 BM. 193 [Av ls. Head taor, dr.) i RiMontage coir Cat (856), 530: B. 1st] | D |s. b (bored). SACERD.DEI SOLIS|C.240 ELAGAB. “Type ano. i91) but without bull c ws | Df. bd. SANCT.DEO SOLilc.s63; ELAGABAL. Slow quadriga] B.M ry beating the conical stone of] Pl. 8, 2 Emesa on which is an cal] surrounded by four parasols] rs 196 D bead 5 RIC.2695 BM. 196s] Au ,. Head 1, laur, dr.} 7 Evans ‘cuir. (Giuner6th, 1922), let roy. 191 D IANTONINYS| bi RC.267 FEL. PIVS AVG.| a. 91. See also mint of Rome. Certain issues of this type appear to belong to Antioch. 194. A. specimen in BM, with barbarous reverse reads (SA)CERP. PEI SOLIS ELAGAB . 195. Sec also mint of Rome. No. 143. 44 ELAGABALUS No. AT] R Obverse 198 | Au 6. a. SOLI PROPVGNATORIIC.272 ‘Sol rad. walking r with flow ing cloak, holding thunderbol and raising hand. Ry 199 D ihed ISPEI PERPETVAE Spes walk-|C.273 ing iy oling: Hower ane raising skic. ro) | D ova SPESBONA. same ype. K[De Quelen ray. x00 | D 5. b(homed). — ISVMMVS SACERDOS)baldwin, ‘AVG. Elagabalus standing L| secrifcing over tripod, holding| patera in r, and club (down wards) in Lin eld, star. 5. 201 D bad JTEMPORVM FEL. FelicitalC.279, 278 Sg; Ja holding pera and) PL 8, 4 caduceus 202 D bea VOTAPVBLICA Elagatatifse6 1g. mercing over lighed 203 > ha a Sle, 1908, | P. 399. HYBRID 204 D pb, VENVS VICTRIX Venus stg/B.M. 1, holding apple and leanin on column. (Plated) ELAGABALUS and AQUILIA SEVERA 2054) Au IMP. M. AVR JIVL. AQVIL. SEV. AVG JC. (EI. ANTONIN(| Bost of Aquila Severs. Ri} and Aq). PIVS AVG. «. 200. Possibly other isues of the SVMMVS SACERDOS type (se nos. 146, 147) belong to the mint of Antioch. 205. Quoted from Vaillant reverse legends are irregular. Very doubtful authenticity. Both obverse and ELAGABALUS — JULIA PAULA 45 ELAGABALUS and ANNIA FAUSTINA. No.| AV] Obrerse Reverse Notes 2064] Au Is. b. IANNIA FAVSTINAIC (El AVGVSTA. Bust of Annial and An.) Faustina r, de, diad.; behind, sar. RA ELAGABALUS and JULIA SOAEMIAS. 2074 D fn IVLIA_SOAEMIAS AVG.|C.: (El. Head of Elagabalus} Bust of Soaerias. Band Soae,), bake ELAGABALUS and JULIA MAESA 208 D fsb. IIVLIA MAESA AVG. Bust(C.r (EL. of Macsa r. Rand Mae). JULIA PAULA 09 AR |IVLIA PAVLAIAEQVITAS PVBLICA ThejC.r Mat. AVGVSTA Bes three -Monewe stg. 1, ese INNS Hate holding selesandcormscopine| Saved and fasenad| On the ground, thee pis aa a a IVEIA PAVLAICONCORDIA —ConcordilC4 IVE Bests, de] sented, holding pates and Sornucopiay in telly tar. a{ |p : sian, but, GoncordalC.s olds patra only in eld oa ‘| ato [Au an Q » » Ric7 206, Regarded as suspect by Mionnet. 207. Incompletely described in Cohen. Details of obv. supplied from a cast in the Lawrence collection, 46 JULIA PAULA No] AT] Obvere. Reverse Notes a3 @ |IVLIA PAVLAICONCORDIA Similar, buqVierordt, AVG. Bust r.] Concordia holds patera only] 1923, de, diad. in field, star. BY 2003. PL 3, 9 a4 D | » Bostrydr. | Elagabalus and Julia{C.ra | Phula sg. with clasped hinds} Bl. 8, 7 ' 5] ais jaw » [CONCORDIA AETERNA(C.15 i Blagabalus and Julia Paulaste| | ‘with clasped hands; between | them Conard ng a6] | D » CONCORDIA AVGG. Con-C.16 cordia seated L, holding pater snd double cornucopiae- | D 5 IFELICIT. TEMPOR. Fetici|c.x7 tas stg. Ly holding eaduce td cornucopie | > 5 FORTVN: FELIC. Fortunfcss vee, bling be and D > WNO'ESNsERVATRIXCas Jono nip holding patra and i dexptey at er feta peacock | ara} 219 no} | > [VSTITIAjosttin ened L[C.20 raking x hand; he let sting on sept, | D o PIETAS Pietas sig. 1, raising r|R.Jt, 291% hand and holding inemse-box] pl’ z D » IPVDICITIA Podicita seatedRJty 19015 1, drawing veil over face and| p. 142. olding sm D 5 PVDICITIA AVG. sand s.r, yee. 3] v886, pi D > MENVS GENETRIX Venus: seed 1s fling gabe snd P, 8 D »— WERVS victeix samc: Fe ‘ ay 217. Probably of the mint of Antioch. ari. Variant with FORTVNA . . . Fortuna holding rudder instead of globe, AS.EN 1886, p. 114. Probably of the mint of Antioch, ©. Probably of the mint of Antioch, Variant with PIETAS AVG. Pietas raising both hands, by lighted shar. ‘Schulman, 1908, lot 293 222, Also of the mint of Antioch. AQUILIA SEVERA — ANNIA FAUSTINA 47 No.fA’ | R Obvene Reverse Notes a D |IYLIA PAVLAWESTA Vesta sig. Ly holding!Ratto Cat. ANG. “Bost paliadiom and septs. RY AQUIL! (Second wife of Elagabalus) as D |IVLIA_AQVILIAICONCORDIA Concordia\C.2 SEVERA AVG,| stg. 1, holding patera and) PI. 3, 10 Bost x4 dr.s hair] double cornucopise; on 1.) ‘waved and fastened| lighted altar; in feld, 1 star. . i ae | D » yy Similar; boton rstar, RIC.25 Are Gasca Cate XV, aris =z| | » vv Similar, but without sar] Cuasi Cay Rl ise, nee ty. at| | » yy Elagabalus and AquilalC.s sige facing ech oter, wi | cident in aag D » TTIA Laetitia stg. front,|B.M. iad ly holding. wreath an udder resting on globe. ae] | D 5 WENVS'CAELESTIS. VenulCf, C.x0 Seton ale ad er erin Bld, ar FO sours), eae D 5 ESTA. Vesta stg. ly holding|C.aa Mica and eps al ANNIA FAUSTINA (Phied wife of Elagabalus) ay D JANNIA FAVS-CONCORDIA — ElagabalusC.x TINAAVG. Busy and Annia Faustina stg.| fy bair drawal facing exch othe, with clap back. hands; in fel, star. 48 JULIA soaEMTAS No.|A’] R Obverse Revere Notes 233, | R_|ANNIA EAVS|CONCORDIA Similar. R4Nordheim Med | TINA AVG. Bos Cat (Dee. 5 dey hair drawn| sed, back. 1925). no. 432. JULIA SOAEMIAS Obverse legends—(1) IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG. (2) IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVGVSTA. a D (1) Bust, de. ANNONA AVG. AnnonalC.2 (orAbundantia) stg. 1, holding! com-ears and cornucopize; 09 Tp modive | as Din» I'VNO Juno st. front, head holding patera and sceptre. a3s{Aul a) IIVNO' REGINA. Juno, veiled and diademed, stg. r, holding] Pl. 8, 11 seeptre and palladium. Ri 237 Diy» 5 cles Pl. 8, 12 sna) D et PIETAS AVG. Pictas sacri-|Gantz fing over altar and holding| Col. incense-box. 238 Di» PVDICITIA Puc 1 holding sap; her. han raised to her lips. 239 pio. SAECVLIFELICITAS Foley citas stg. 1, holding patera and} caduceus; on Ly lighted altar} ¢| ago | Au knw IVENVS CAELESTIS Venus|c.g diad., stg. 1, holding apple and] seep; in field, astar. RY aa D I Same type (with or with-|C.8 cout star). | FL 8, 18 242 Q 5 (vith star). Rica 243 D ” my Venus, diad., seated 1,|C-r4 holding apple and sceptres 2 her feet, a child. cl 253. Doubtful authenticity. 235. The BLM. specimen shows signs of plating on a brass (or orichaleum) core. Probably Syrian mintage. JULIA MAESA 49 No.|A'| R | Obverse Reverse Notes a4 Q [Boser, dr. IVENVS CAELESTIS Venus{C.15 diad,, seated hoiding apple and| scepties at her fet, a child. R| R a4s| | Ant [(s) Bost ry de on ” 246 DG) Bunce, de. VESTA Vora stg. holding pal Tadiam and spear. aa ply » vita sted Ly boling(C28 simpulum and sceptre.—S. 248 pila. q Sltang Cat, no, 3202. JULIA MAESA Obverse legend—IVLIA MAESA AVG. 249" D |IVLIA MAESAIFECVNDITAS AVC. Fejcs AVG. Bust r,) cunditas tg. 1, extending her] PL. 3, 16 hhand over a child, and holding cornucopise ¢ 2 @ » » Fecunditas seated Ly ex-{C.10 al tending her hand to a chil and holding comucopiae. _R? as D cS IFELICITAS PVBLICAIc.:5 Felictas seated 1, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. $. asa D ” FORTVNAE REDVClic.ty Fortuna (or Fecunditas) stg. holding. cornucopia; on eack| side, a child stg c| 253 [Au a IVNO Juno veiled stg. hold-|C.x5 ing patera and secptre. "RY PL 8, 14 254 D » » CIC16 255 [Au| [Bust ry diad. >. Similas,”but on 1, pes C19 cock. Re as] | D Fs Clca0,ax 357 D (Buse. INO CONSERVATRIXCa: Same type. as8 D [Bose ry dad a Rowe peacock. ICs 249. Variant with FECVNDITAS, Fecunditas seated 1, extending r. hand over child and holding sceptre; child stg. beside ber. Ball (February gth, 1932), lot 2000. 1256. Also of Eastern mintage. E 50 JULIA MAESA no] Av] R Obvene Reverse Notes 255] | D |IVLIA MAESAIIVNO REGI. Juno stg. 1,|C24 AVG. Bust r4] holding patera and sceptre; on| (Syrian dina 1, peacock. C| ming). 260 D 5 IWNO REGINA Same type]C.2s C} Gyrian mint) 260 D [Bust e. LAETITIA PVBL. LactitigC.26 wg. I holding wreath andl (probably rudder on globe. S| Syrian). 262 D D PAX ETERNA [sic} Pax atg]C.28 1, holding olive-branch and) (Syrian scepur. ‘S| mint). 263 D » PIETAS AVG. Pista ag. i.|Ca9 raising 1. hand over lighted altar, and holding incense box. ¢ 264] | Ane [Bust x, diad, on} D Slee crescent Pl. 8, 15 265 D [Bose r, diad 1» Pletas stg 1. raising both\C.s4 hands, on altar. ¢| 26 D_ Bose. (no diadem) 5 ClAshmolean Coll. 267 | Au Bose PVDICITIA Pudicitia seated|C.37 1, raising veil and holding) PL. 8, 17 seepur. Ry 268 D D » close 269 Q > |» Similar, bueraisingr,hand. R\C43 270 | Av [Buse r., de. ISAECVLI FELICITAS Feit [C4 cits stg. ly holding long| caduceus and sacrificing over Tightedakar; in field. star. R an dD] » » Cleas a7 di > 3 on ly star. C [Baldwin 273 a] > 3 on Listar. RICa6 PL. 8, 18 an Di» [TEMPORVM FEL. seated i, between two children Syrian holding flower and seeptze. | mint). as} | D| » VENVS VICTRIX Venus 1, holding helmet, transverse spear and shield. ¢ 276 pi. [VESTA Vesta veiled stg. hold-|C.53 ing palladium and seepte. C. IVNO REG. Juno holding eorn-ears instead of patera asg. Variant wi Cologne, p26. ‘275., A specimen, evidently of Eastern mintage, from the Stirling hoard shows ‘Venus holding either a statuette or child with outstretched arms. Shield rests on base. N.C 1934, p. 20- FLAGABALUS — A.D, 218 st IRREGULAR ISSUES—HYBRIDS No.] AT) Obverse Reverse Notes eal arr} D |IVLIA MAESAICONCORDIA AVGG Lawrence AVG, Busts, dr) Concordia seated 1 holding} Coll. patera and double cornucopiae}| [plated]. a784| D 5 IFIDES MILITVM Fides seated). 1, holding globe. Fides wear a curious and most unosval head-dres RY 279°) D et VIRTVS AVG. Virtus seated|Lawrence 1, holding branch and spear| Coll reversed RI (plated). ELAGABALUS AES DATED Obverse legend—(4) IMP .CAES.M.AVR ANTONINYS PIVS AVG. TR.P.COS (A.D. 218) Ailes ato | ly. by di P.M.TR.P.COS. P.P.S.C, Roma seated 1, holding Vie tory and sceptres by her side] a shield. ¢| 28x [Dp lef zD Clciani Cat. (1927), 348. 28 As |e. bea cles, Lawrence Coll. a83| 8 l. ». Salus seated Ly feeding|C.rg2 snake coiled round altar, C 277. Apparently a hybrid with reverse of Julia Paula a7k. Eastern mintage. ‘This representation of Fides is quite irtegular. 279. Hybrid with reverse of Sev. Alexander (no. 232) [Note-—For commemorative coins of Maesa se Severus Alesaider, pp. 101,127. 52 ELAGABALUS No.| Or] Obverse Revere Notes 28] 8 hed. PONTIF.MAX.TR.P.S.C,|C Roma seated I. (@ no. 280). Gi Bi Cle.z28 ats | Dp ls. ete 4S “Iea37 386 As |e TR.P. COS.I att] | As fed P.M. TR.P.COS.I.P. P.IC.77 S.C. Elagabalus seated 1, on platform, holding seeptre; be-| fore him, Liberalitas tg, hold ing abacus and coreucopin| citizen mounting steps of plat form. In ex, LIBERAL | AVG. Il. R ass| s le yy Similar, but in exergue|C.83 LIBERALITAS AVG. II. R TR.P.Il. COS.II (A.D. 219) 289] S | be [P.M.TR.P. II, COS. Il. P. P,jC.135; S.C. Sol rad, stg i, raising] BM. F hand and holding whip. C| a90| 8 ly. d. ‘» Blagabalus seated 1, onfC.76 platform, holding soeptrey be} forebim, Liberalitasstg.1, hold ing abacus and corucopiae} citizen mounting steps of plat form. In ex, LIBERAL,| AVG. II. | 291 As |e be | ” sim. PL. 6,4 292 As |e be PONTIF. MAX. TR. P.M Rte COS.1S.C. Roma seated} (1921), holding Vietory and sceptre| p. 18. ny her side, a shield, s| 287. Blagabalus’ second “Liberality "is recorded with TR.P. and alto TR.P. Il. For LIBERALITAS AVGVSTI II see undated coins No.| or | asis| |e 294 |Dp| be 295 | || As fe ls} be I Ash. 399 | Ash sof s} |e | sor |Dp] be ar [ | As be sos] | As fe gals] fs 305 |Dp woe] | as jo | | a ag7- Head lar Dut metal and wei A.D. 218-220 53 Obverse Reverse Notes a. PONTIF. MAX..TR. P.II.lc3¢ }COS.ILP.P.S.C. Sam | ope ¢ ‘. * Cleass be 5 cleassy Vautier cat. (922), 1339. b. >» Elagabalos in quadriga LjC.234 holding branch and. scepte| cromiad by Vieory Whe stands behind him. 4. 5 flew. PL. 6,7 ba. 5 Ricays, 236 TR.P.III.COS..l (A.D. 220) a |ADVENTVS AVG. TR. P.IC:3 IIS. C. Elagabalus on horse | ning». ane and holding 2 by de PoHEER. Pu. COS. til csy 156 2PLS.C.” Soi rad, strid’] PL 6, 8 ing 1, raising. hand. and| holding whip; in field, star. f 5 Glease b. 5 ele & Sol rad. stg ly ete 4 3) Blagabstoslaur, seated 1|C.168 of carule chair, holding globe and sceptre in feld, sar. R. of i 5 SjLawrence Cols Care. a. j sle.t69 b, vy Elagabalds sacrificing 1[Ashmolesn swith paters, holding baton (or] Col Club) sometimes in fel, sae s ight of dupondius. Genuine (?) St ELAGABALUS | No. Or] Obverse Revere | Notes 308] 8 lk bd. be, MTR. P-ll. COS.“ I e373, -Blagabalus in] Bement five quntiga Te hog] Ca branch and scepte; in Beld| (r928), sur. RY sar 309 | Dp bf 7 Ricars 3x0 As |e. 7 Rica bu as ie be (without Sar). Rica76 be As |b b (horned). 7 RiCay7 35] s ls. (horned). » Blagabalus in slow quad-|C.179 riga r, holding scepere. sat] S ha IPONTIF. MAX. TR. P. Ill Jc.238 COS. Ii.P.P.S.C. ‘Ei gabalus on Kors, 1, holding spear c ais|s La > Elagabalus seated I, hold{C.239 ing globe and sceptre. ” a6] 8 L. a "Elagabalusin quadriga,.1C.240 ing branch and seepte in field sar. | 307 As hea im Sametype, withoutstar, RIC.2¢¢ TR.P.Ill!.COS.IN (A.D. 221) 318 | 8 fe bed P.M. TR. P. lll. COS. II |c.286 B.P.S.C. Solrad, wit] fying cloak, walking L, raising z hand and holding. whips ia field, star. | 339 | Dp le. & 5 Clearss 320 As |e bed. 6 Clear ga] Ss I 1» Providentia stg. Ly hold-[C.191 ing rod over globe and corns, copiae; in Feld, sar. Cl gaz |Dp lye f 5 Elesgss Ashmolean Coll. a3| 8 ly. d (sometimes |» Blagabalus atg. 1, sacriC.198 hhorned). | fing over lighted altar, hold ing eyprest-branch in |. handy in field, star. R| 324 | Dp lf (uorned). b Rlc.r99 314. Cohen quotes 238-48 from Museo Tiepolo; the omission of MAX. is presumably an error. aa 3a 3 345 346 347 a8 349 350 350 3524] Dp ee As As ELAGABALUS UNDATED Obverse 4 4 (horned. ba. 4 (asually horned). Reverse |ADVENTVS AVGVSTII S.C. Elagabalus on hors l raising r. hand and holding| sceptre. R IAEQVITAS AVGYST,| (without S.C.) The: Three Moneue atg. 1, each holding} | scales and cornucopize 5 2 fii apie money. AEQVIT AS PVBLICA ame ty ries EXercitvs s.¢| Fides seated 1, holding eagle and standard; before ‘her, a standard R. a s » s| IFORTVNAE REDVCIl S.C. Fortunastg. L, holding| udder on globe and cornu copiae s » ¢ INVICTVS SACERDOS| AVG: S.C. Elagabalus sg I, holding patera over lighte| altar and club in I. hand; be} hind altar, bull crouching sometimes with star in fl. JBERALITAS AVGySTI Liberalitas sg. 1, hold. | Irgstacu sod cornucopiae. R Notes Ics PL 6, 8 Icy SWVierordt Cat. (1923) 1980. loa Ic-s5 |Ashmotean Coll csp. \c38 FL. 6, 9 \ Lawrence Coll ess: Ica 56 s2 344. Cohen's description incomplete, Supplemented from Ga.M.R,, pl. 152) H. 352. Probably of the year 218, UNDATED $7 No.| Or] Obverse Revere Notes ass] 8 hy. de LIBERALITAS AVGYSTIC-84 I.S.C. As the preceding! type, but sometimes with radiate globe (sar?) in eld. 5 354 As bd » ICs ssa S I. a. LIBERALITAS AVGVST|sotheby U.S.C. Same type. RY (May 16h, 1906), lot 270. sss |Dp lee LIBERTAS AVG.S.C|c.96 Libertas stg. 1, holding piles and transverse sept. 356 As |y. b (horned). > Libertas stg. 1, oldinglC.9s pllous and sceptre upright. -C 3s7 {Dp lye. im Libertas stg. 1, holding|C.99 pieus and comucopiae ; ome-| times star in feld. s sr 8 ly. Es S|Mesenger Coll 338 | 8 ILIBERTAS AV GVSTIIC105, 104 S.C, Libertas stg. Ly holding pileos and sceptre upright; io field, star. c 3s9| 8 Is 4. >» (without star) Cllevis Cat. une 38th, 1925) 7853 See 360 | Dp beef (with star). 3055 Bite wen Cat. (1926), 297 sor] S lb. iy Libertas stg. (as no. 357)|C.t07 Gi 36/8 ls bd. MARS VICTOR S.C. MaryC1745 nude, with flowing cloakjB.M. walking r holding spear and| trophy. ¢ 363 |Dp lsc. e Clen6 364 As fe bd. Fs Clears; Egger Cat. (1913), xii, 1550. 365 As he ba IMVNIFICENTIA AVG.3.M; S.C. Elephant 3 above, star | C.r18. R 58 ELAGABALUS | No. Or] & Obvene Reverse Notes 365 | 8 lk bd. PAX AVGVSTI S.C. PaxfCutar5 walking 1, holding olive! Vierordt branch and soeptre. S| Cat, 987. 61 hf as Slory 368 As |b. e lena: 369 lea SACERD.DEI SOLIS(Css5 ELAGAB. S.C. Elagabaius| Pl. 6, 10 sig. ly sacrificing over lighted altar, holding i. hand patra and in Lela; infield star. 370|Dp]| |. e (horned 1» Similar, but) Elagabalus|¢ holds eyprese-branch. | a7 |Dp| fs. e (horned), 7 RlAshmolean Col. an] S la. ISALVS ANTONINI ‘AVG Jc.26: S.C. Salus stg. ty fooding| snake which she holds in her arms Fi 313 As kaa. cle.265 3m |Dp| lhe SECVRITAS, PERPETVAMR I. (1895), S.C, Securitas eated I, hold-| p. 290 ingseptreand supporting te vith L hand ars|Dp] kt ViCTORANTONINi Cass AVG.S.€.. Vicwry sun ning F holding wresth and| palm, 5. 376 As bd. 5 Sle.agss Tinchane coll. a7| 8 I. VICTORIA ANTONINI[C.257 AVG S.C. Same ype. 5: JULIA PAULA 378) 8 IVLIA PAVLAAEQVITAS PVBLICAIC2 AVGVSTA Busi (without $C.) The Thre Ly drvdiad, | Monetae atg. 1, each holding| scales and eornucopiae. Ry a70"| S |: JAEQVITATI PVBLICAE(C.s (Game type). Bl 379. Cohen does not deseribe the obverse. This rare variant has not been verified, AQUILIA SEVERA 59 No.|Or| 2 | Obvere Reverse Notes sto] s IYLIA PAVLACONCORDIA S.C. cons AVG. Bust +.) cordia seated L, holding pater as, diad fand cormucopize; in field, r atr|s D >, Similar, but double cornu (C.8 copiae and star in field 1.) PL. 7 2 ss: | s Buse x, de, Rc30 383 8 [Bust «dry diad. | Similar, But ciple cormu-|VautierCat. copiaes on star. Ri (1922), a 84 | Dp 5 » Similar, but double(C.9 comnucopiae; on Ly star. . 385| | As [Busee,, de. 7 Rica 386] S 5 ICONCORDIA AETERNAIC.14 S.C. Elagabalus and Julia] Paula stg. facing each otber and clasping hands; between] them, Concordia stg. str As D 5 RCs PL 71 AQUILIA SEVERA 388] 8 IVLIA AQVILIAJAEQVITAS PVBLICA (with-{C.c SEVERA AVG | out S.C.) The Three Mone-| Bost dra dad, | te tg Ty each holding sel and cornucopiae. 389s 5 EONCORBIA'S.C. conic ‘cordia stg. 1, holding pater and double comucopiae; on L. lighted altars infield Ly star. R} sg0| 8 » | on Similay, butstar one RIC PL7,8 35: | Dp ° a Ric 39: | Dp a > but star om L rics 393 As Bust, dr 3 staron ale} as | | A . 3 sar on | Ric FL 74 ags|Dp| [Busted CONCORDIA (without $.C.) Blagabalus and Aquil stg. ith claped hands; be} teen them, Concordia placing ter hands on their shoulder 7 60 ANNIA FAUSTINA No.| Or] Obverse Reverse Notes 396 | s [Bost dr diad. LAETITIA S.C. Lactitislc.g wg. L, holding wreath and) rudder resting on globe. RY so7 |Dp » a Ris 38] 8 I IVENVS FELIX S.C. VenuslC-r1 seated L., holding Vietory ang| | sceptre; in field, star. RY ANNIA FAUSTINA 399 | S IAN NIA ICONCORDIA S.C. ElaC. FAVSTINAJ gabslus and Annia Faustina AVGVSTA Bost| stg. with clasped hands; ia) dr, dad, field, star R JULIA SOAEMIAS Obverse legends—(1) IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG. (2) IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVGYSTA. 400%] S (2) Buts,d. MATER DEVM S.CJicy Cybele, towered, seated 1, be} Pl. 7, 6 tween" two lions, holding! branch and resting 1. arm on| drum. F set As fa) on fi sles goa | S (1) Bust 1 dry VENVS CAELESTIS S.C.|C.rr ‘liad, Venus stg. 1, holding appl and wcepts jin ld, star. ws|Dp] |» a Sfeua goa] | As |) Similar. : skein fos [Dp| |) Busel, dia. 5 Riess 7,7 46|s (s) Borsjde, |, Venus seated 1, holdinglC.28 ‘iad, appleand sceptes #7, 8 child, 4074] Dp. ys 5 Sleag @ we] | as la 4, (eodiaay, » slez0 400, Variant with IVLIA SOAEMIS AGVSTA, bust], 4.S.F.N,, 1 407. Dp. or As. See p. 4. Note—A curious sestertus (2) is noted in A.S.F.N., 1886, p. 1x4, with rev. TYRIORVM, Astarte stg. between trophy and Victory on column, 6, poa4 JULIA MAESA 6r JULIA MAESA Obverse legends—(1) IVLIA MAESA AVG. (2) IVLIA MAESA AVGVSTA. Obverse Reverse Notes la) Bust 1 diad,AEQVITAS PVBLICA (with-(C.1 {araped through’| out §. C.) The Three Mone ut) tae stg: I each holding scale tnd cormucopis; at their fet] thee piles of money ®. kr) Bust x IFECVNDITAS AVGVSTAE(C.r+ S.C. Fecunditas seated 1. extending her hand to child fand holding cornucopise. —S. Ke) ” ” Clea PI. 7, 10 knw IVNO S.C. Jono veiled stg|C.s8 1 hold patera and spe ASQ)» » Clear (2) Busts, diad. |PIETAS AVG.S.C. PietasC.3r stg, ly maising hand over lighted altar” and holding! incense bor. s le)» 5 cles I) Bus cle3s {a) Bost r» diad. |PVDICITIA S.C. Pudicitsl 40 seated Ly raising veil and hold-| Pl 7, 9 ing eceptr s (i) : Clear () Bost? : cles. fa) Bost ra iad iB Sicas (x) Bust r. |SAECVLI FELICITAS S. C.|C.47 ‘Felicitas stg. ly bolding cadu-PL. 7, 11 cous and sacrificing over altar in field, star. lx) Bust x. diad. » sles (2) Bus. 7 cles (1) Bust dia. 7 cle 30 62 SEVERUS ALEXANDER* “The exceses of Elagubulus had taxed the patience of the Roman world beyond the limits of endurance. Amazement had given way to disgust and digus brought about inevitable reaction, Hissuccewon, Severus Alexander, presents a complete contrat;and although itis iil co form an exact estimate of his penonal ables and aims fom che undheriminating eulogie of Lampridust and Herodian,t there is no doubt that asa man he was high-prncipled and beneficent, dnd tha his eign was not merely a revolt against the extravagances of oriental fanaticism but marks a return 0 sane, if not brine, oPrThe weakness of Alexander's administration lay in hi too great dependence on his mother, Julia Mamaes. During the year of his ‘minority her position was doubles recognised asa necesary provision, 2 were ako the advisory council of sixteen senators, mentioned by Heroin, and the larger council of seventy§ But when Alexander reached manhood the domination of Mamaes, over tmpire alike, provoked 2 general feling of resentment ‘Alexander fs credited with having aimed at subst ‘zovemment for the military despotism, by which Septinis gained, and lis sons held, the empire. Herodan expatiates on this policy at Some length with many laudatory comments) But eis open to question +4 Pink in NZ 1935 p. 32 ashore bt may analy of the sag. He dat the" ibere Bilonys 1 COSs AD. tanya AD. tay 0) temple of Jupiter Ukor COB. Uy AD. 1263 4. COS. lik AD. 395 {5 AD. #35, fern from Pena: The qndsign rove now rgily od ¢ peat cameiip. Theme cps te wed th imperi i geno aespee nga.“ on 0 cic inca Hsrowng fon Eason, ‘ota tak of Eastern minage: The fin fase with long obser legend le ned {wo sections (6) onbearded porta A.D. s12334 (0 beanies AD. 234238 ‘The Dupondin aot svock at lls A:, sag and Swan deiily rood ADD. 22h "The coage of Ja Marseaprotbly egins i AD. 256 nih tat GF Ortiana, ‘The East tse do nt ilong toa eglar min of Anta Bett SSompany of forgo or, ery aor grt ne at {Lampe Sve zon agua XVI $F hodian, VE Stok, VT, i erode’ Vi, 2. The statements of Heroin and Lamps eating othe constoon most be ace with etn, SEVERUS ALEXANDER 63 whether such a policy actually took shapes and if i did, whether it was deliberate or merely the outcome of several years of peace. ‘Alexander's naturally unvarlike temperament may have prompted hhim to make certain modifications in the Severan tradition: but that he attempted « complete reversal oft rests on no solid evidence. Subse~ {quent history shows that actually the end of the reign of Alexander is aso the end of senatorial government under the Empire. ‘On this point the evidence of the coinage is negative rather than positive. "No type or legend on coins of Alexander appears to have the feast bearing on the Senate or the revival of senatorial authority. Since we find records on the coinage of works such as the erection of public buildings and the restoration of the currency its surprising that So important an administrative reform should be totally ignored, if indeed it ever existed s a definite policy at all ‘Although we are told that the army complained of Alexander's incompetence asa general and his mismanagement of military afr, for both of which there may be some justification, ic does not neces- satily follow that he in any way slighted the army or undervalued its importance.* Indeed, from such evidence as we ean glean from the coins, the opposite would seem to be nearer the truth, since we find such legends as FIDES MILITVM, FIDES EXERCITYS and PIETAS MILITVM repeated on a number of issues. This may rot be altogether without significance in view of the absence of any reference to the Senate ‘As a teligious, or rather moral, reformer Alexander put a stop to ‘the degrading exhibitions of licentiousnes instigated by Elagabalus. Tn doing so, ¢ would appear that Alexander's aim was to obliterate the memory of the man who had shocked the better taste of Roman society rather than to discourage the introduction of oriental religions into Rome. Various oriental eults had taken root in Italy, where they were becoming increasingly popular. OF these one of the most im= portant was Mithraisms and among its adherents were Mamaes and ‘Maes, and very probably the emperor himself. ‘On the coins we naturally find no allusions to the sacred stone of | -Emest of the god Elsgabalis; and exosi titles such as invicts ot sommus tacerdot ate scrupulously avoided.t On the other hand, Sol, the personification of Mithra and other eastern cults, appears. fre= {quently, more particularly on the later issues of the reign. (See dated Coins of A.D, 231-235, where Solis almost the only reve ‘The sscounts of Alerander's dealings withthe army are not altogether on "FN denariv,deesibed by Coben a PB, with the rev kyend SACERDOS ‘VAs in of eaern mitage andi quite iegulr. Soe no. 297. 64. SEVERUS ALEXANDER “The fine nine yeas ofthe reign were pesceful and uneventful. ‘The government was ain inthe has of Maesa snd Mamaea, and aftr fheldah of Nace (A-D, 223) was controled by Mamaca ion. We ter of ome diction on the prt ofthe praetor, perhaps not urdculaly serious atthe ime, but ominows of eouble to come ‘During the frst period (A'D. 222-228) the balk ofthe eoirage presets but few features of interest he coin types are mainly of yevenioal character, Dekies an peronifaons such as Jupiter Mar Sl; Romulus, Aequitas, Annona, Felicity, Fortna, Liberal fan Libertas, Pax, Provident Salus and Virtus occur regular the Ser psn mtr wm essing in Srurphal quadrgas also there are the milly ‘pe, mentioned shove Fides and Pies oe Socio the mote remarkable types, which record the public works undertaken by Alexander age worth noteng in deal (1) The Blavion Amphitheatre (Coliseum) ‘On August 23rd, 217, the Coliseum was struck by lightning. The ““qabulationes” of the Fourth storey caught fire and the falling embers set the floor ofthearena ablaze. ‘The work of reconstruction was begun by Elagatalus and finished in 223 by Severus Alexander. ‘The repuirs to the fourth storey give evidence of haste and negligence and Comist of a patchwork of various bits of masonry, trunks of columns, Fragments of entablatures, lintels and architraves, recovered from the portions damaged by fie or eaken from other buildings."* "A representation of the Coliseum appears on a rare denarius (No, 433) and on sesterti and ases (Nos. 410, 411). On the bronze, three Figures are shown standing beside the Meta sudans on the lft, and on the right is pert of another building, posibly the *aedes Claud or temple of divus Claudius-+ Tn the arena are two combatants (2) The temple of Jupiter Ulter (2). “The legend JOVI VLTORI, an unusual dedication, accompanies a representation of an elaborate temple on a bronze medalliont and on Sestertitand asses (Nos. 412, 413)- The temple is hexastyle and enshrines a seated figure of Jupiter. At each of the extreme points of the pediment are two small figures, and above the apex is a facing {quadtiga._In front of the temple is an open court surrounded on all des by covered arcades, with a main entrance of three archways * Lancini, Raine of Amin Rome, p75 4 Phe lesincation ofthe building shows on te right of the Colieom bis ea sto + good deal of speculation. "Table, ol BV, pani, Bo 102 66 SEVERUS ALEXANDER sit was clearly of greater service tothe public to erect baths rather than fountains, tis surprising thatthe Building (type e), regarded by Donaldson athe ‘Thermae, should only appear on rae Aes coins an medallions of Alexander and Mamaea, whereas type b occur on aure, denarii, setrtit and asses, 8 well ss medallions of Severus Alexander, Failing mote certain archaeological evidence, it may be sugested thatthe purpose of type b i realy to commemorate the erection or enlargement of the ‘Therma, but thatthe structure shown on the ons 64 fountain that may have been atached tothe outie of the sain building, much asthe famous Trevi Fountain, with its arched fuperstructure and semicircular basin, abuts on the wall of the Palazzo Poli “The death of Julia Macs, the emperor's grandmother, 23 and her apotheosis is recorded on denarii and sete with the ‘been legend DIVA MAESA AVG and the uss" Conscratio™ types. (See nos. 377-380, 712-724.) Tm 235, Aleaander at his mothers instigation, married Sallustia Barbi Orban, alady of patrician rank. But within ashore space of time Mamaea became jealous of her daughterin-law and. forced “Alexander to banish her to Aria. Its uncertain whether Alexander rarted subsequently. "Thc rns of Oana, which were sued in, or holy afer, 225 mainly refer to her marriage with Alexander. “The types of most frequent occurence ate CONCORDIA. AVG (or AVGVS- ‘TORVM) and PROPAGO IMPERI. “The conventional type of PVDICITIA is es common, and thowe of MINERVA VICTRIX and VENVS GENETRIX ace decidedly rare. In the second period of the reign (A.D. 228-231) the genera character of the coinage temains unchanged. “The sim deities and ‘penonifcations secur regulary, but a the end of the period we find Profectio, Virts and. Victora types, which mark the preliminary stages of the campaign against Araterncs of Persia. “The Vict types here, asin several other case, are anticipatory and not com "An isue of dupondii_with the revere legends MON. RES- ‘TITVTA, wich type of Moneta standing, and RESTITVTOR MON,, with type of the Emperor in military uniform holding peat (Now, sho, 601), scems to allude to some kind of monetary reform for Which the Emperor hinelf was responsible, But, as the general Gharacter of Alexander’ coinge is similar to that of his immediate predecesors, itis dificult to dicover any clear indications of monetary reform. Sundry changes, such asthe revival ofthe gold ‘quinarius, the abandonment of the antoninianus oF posible attempts rvs 67 to improve the quit ofthe ives scarcely in themes justify the Pras mann Petits eident therefore, thatthe sin Pele te'some monary readjustment st noe vio serial. Hence some ingenuity hi ben execied on the part of mumbai tovuggean explanation ofthe legen Cohen for example connects theme Aleander eduction of public tac toa tht of the tioune at which ey were awe by Engi hough the onneton iby no means cleat. Moreorer he quotes crows page from Lampriis which sates tat Aleander ved gold series an tremisey and contemplate an. evenanaler denomination, the {Mfemarun presumsty to facta the payment ofthe rend tance Buta the pao contin, "formas Minar temas et ‘fsterariay ct Jena eam sue amplor ue ad Holes quogue ee Semeran qu Helga invert rsl pace nego in tu culusuam Yea "te iseriden thatthe writer's conception ofthe thidsentury coinage isco eonfied that Tes imposible to Stach ang impor oh arom ‘We have suggested im the Inteduson to the potent volume 2 sieve and fatnore pau enanaion pve) ohich any tates entirely in keeping with the facts ofthe eine of the period. ‘Daring the nt fe yeas the vegn (A/D. agheags) the pace of the Empey which hated sic fong to uty ee legend, PAX ARTERNA AVG, ws broken ly wars on the eater and rorhem fonts {i} In 297 Aveaneres(Ardihi) had invaded Parthia and over tow King’ Araanas V. priming him he rocorer of the ‘Achuenclis under the tlc of King of Kings. Having consid iis poston in Metin sn Pes, He procs go overran Mesop= tala an these the proinss of Sa and Capendoca. New of the impending danger feached Rome in 230, and inthe following Year Aletander and his mother scout for Anch. ‘The compen Zppears to hve brought ite cred to she Roman army ao sl les 12h Emperor inthe role of alliary commander, Howevet, the Sesgos of Avan were tempura sree and Alesander cle inte’ tun in Soptember 232 “The ony epic velerenens cote Penian campign our ona ‘onze melon dated TR-P XII (Cy ol IV, 445.90 446) ith The densi of Sey. Aloander vary conderabiy in quay, and an aay shows the proportion of purser tof fsqeaty at ow a 4 per cet. Denar ff pe al od beter postmslp are nx conf to anyone Frid ofthe ‘ifm ore than anotbery Pen any tempat nproeteat appar to have Jpeermienerather tan rosie “fCaheo, val VE past 4S, XVI 396 68 SEVERUS ALEXANDER ype of Vietory crowning the Empscor who tramples on Buphrats 2d Tigris and on an Avot Alecder and Mama withthe legend, PROFAVG. . TRPX. (no. 6663), cf No. 524 “The Profetoand Viewory type, ocuteing wth the obverse legend IMPSEV.ALEXAND(ER) AVG. belong tothe year 330 Dena withthe ype of Victory running, hong wreath and galm (no. 215), apearto have hen src mainly the Ess (Antioc) ‘They are peculiar nssmach a8 the avert legend places thei fue Tetween 298 and 231 (probably in 231), but the syle of portrait youthfl and characteris ofthe evi years of he feign ‘Waske type of a generat characte eg OVE PROPYG- NATORI, MARS PROPVG,, MARS VETOR and VIRTVS AVG,, occutring withthe obverse legend, IMP. ALEXANDER PIVS AVG. were probably sued in conneion with the Pesan war (2) Disurbanceson the rorthewest frontier broke outwhile Alera der wasin Syria Taking advantage ofthe withrawal of oop to the East, che Germani crowed the Rhine and Danvhe and shreatned Tyrcum. Accordingly Alexander, accompanied by his mother, lef Rom caiy ir 234 for the Rhine dict and concentrated ia forees at Maina, where he constructed s pontoon bridge acros the river. But hore dfection on the part ofthe Tlyrian regiments proved more disso to the Emperor than the German invasion ‘Deming his illejdged negotiations with the Germans as evidence of weaknes, and disgusted wit his ack of generlship and favouritom of easter oop the Rhineland and Danubis legions transfer thee Sllegiance to Juli Vers Mximines, « Thescan of humble txtracton whose promotion inthe army. was de to his enormous physical strength and warlike qualities In March 235 Maximinus teas proclimed Emperor by the troop and within a few days Alexe Inder and bis mother were ssassinated in the camp near Main. “Tha, one aay the army aserted itself a the power om which the impertum rested de fate “The only dec refeence tothe German campaign is found ona bronze melon, dated TRP.XTLLL, with portals of Alevander and. Mamaca and the reverse typeof the Emperor sccompanied by Vierory, several soldiers nd stindard-bearer, crowing the pontoon bridge nt Maine (See Cah, vol IV, p85, m0. 16.) Posbly sho the mcllion with the " Profeto” type, wnted (Coh, tno. 19) Selongs to the sime dite, or the previous yea “The only referees on the regular coinage ae the general walike “ype, "Tow propupnatori,”ete, mentioned shove, which might poly shally tthe Persan or Geman campaigns, ‘cHRoxotocy 69 Chronclegy a July sath, Ser, Alsender adopted by ‘Blgatlue and rcv tie of Cava ie | PRP. GOS. | March. Murder of Biagabals. Advisory ‘Council apposed during the minorty of ‘Aleroder Th) TRPaT “sy in year dent of ola Mas. sy | TRE oy | TREAT wef Prev, [cosar br | PREM “Anahi invades Partin a] TRewn ‘Mutiny of oops im Mesopotamia Zo TRevmT | coanr he | TREVEIT The Peniam pillage Moopotmia and ‘reaten Cappedocse ayn | TREX “Alexander sts out for the Eat In| TREAT Compign ogaine Arkwbir, Alsander ‘wren Asoc, Sy | PRP ‘Alacra Rove oy | TRPSRIT Dinsrtanos on he Rhine. Aleander and Mama toot fr Male hs | FREI Tsing of toopr im favour of Minin, ‘Marth. Mssinin”procaized Emperor Nunta of Alan nd Memes a 70 SEVERUS ALEXANDER MINT OF ROME, GOLD AND SILVER STRUCK UNDER ELAGABALUS After July roth, 231 IM. AVR. ALEX/INDVLGENTIA AVG. Splcse ZANDER CAES, wang sling ec ales. PIETAS AVG. Litas, kniefergs ‘ase, stpel and prin ™ SEVERUS ALEXANDER Afier March 222 Obverselegende—{1) IMP.C.M.AVR.SEV.ALEXAND.AVG. (AV. "i 223-228) (0) It CAE AYR. SEV ALEXANDER AVG iE, 233-239) () IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG. (7, R. 228-231) 1G) Ime SEV-ALEXANDER AVG. (4 228-231) (5) IMP:ALEXANDER PIVS AVG. (47. AR. 2B. 231-235) fa Head r orate, aoe ih alghe drapery ove Lshoule. ee we deaped Gre asap and cursed Gold and Sites Dated) TR» (A.D. 222) lnp.c.4.ave.| SEV.ALEXAND, AVG. lp. TR.P.COS.P. Plcs05 TJupice stg. 1) oak! bend Sod ower sam, holding ‘honderble and wpe. D ea. ” Cleaoe Baldwin, fa Mart tg. Ly holiing C206) clinch snd "spear Bement eed "el 57. Dd fa cheer, BM PL, 20 ke vy So dy sg yang x|C-a= Wind and holding whip. vk Hybrid with oby- legend 3). RD, ps 130. n SEVERUS ALEXANDER vole] MP.C.M-AVRIP.M.TR.P.COS.P.P (carn ae SBVALBXAND/ fin Soe Ave: sae ay | > KA Blears m/e : a 15 [Aw 4 vy, Siler mented 1, foding ang tase Seat hat Ean ea “tence |IMP . CAES. M || Sei “ ae ee Bea SEy Be sate" aE Dy NENG EF Sadan oe on elas] PARE Mave site, our gute fang SEV.ALEXAND. ean a| |e alors my |B + Emperor, om els Cay aS aie a len Etee SE ited fears Be Bae co ‘TR.P.Al (2234) vt ]An] IP. C. M4 AVRIP.M.TR.P.Il-COS. P,P cast SEVSGEXAND! jie sy ne ihe ',@ SN ee cm wa ted pun 8 »| [ok i elcaas 2) [ee 2 est Dae} ° fi Mae a. ty bldg sino” a | encan 1. Or pity with drapery om 1 soslder( 1 Rabeigas pigs gra arnt head ur, coiane, bot nt dee + Reve ype on holing hander in jaw wth ged, PMT R eLEGS PTB: Put que rors Vs ot Cay ent bee Fee oars eed moma e fla Mas Se Ne, 80, ap. 222-024. 2B xolar| aR | obvne evo Noes [| |tp.c.m-AvR|P.M.TR.P.I.COS.P.P Essen SEV,ALEXAND| Sys Sang cite! gee RVG r a NPY Fras Sade peu] 9 rene Hi a) [ok » lease hl [BE 4 Sey 3 May walling crag a34 fr sear and copy % sla] fa acy folding live day Macnee shout a) | > | » clésse Fae Ponuon eg ls oldngl338 sdger ghle and ene Sone ‘| | |» » ales 2 [ek baling er on gS EN, aha sep fate, per alae] fe Sian sede fein ato tau ted md tar | | ok ° Fleas any wf [> “The Colieum with sha? sa oot one gn a ne ening oa pens TR.P.lll (A.D. 224) IMP.C.M_AVR, 1 ISEV.ALEXAND | AVG. sa [aw ip.m.TR.P.IIlCOS.P.P C248 opie ages ne). 5 ssf | > k- * Clenay law vn Martgi (eno. 8. Sfease nl. | > . leas Blaef be wy Pecwg.tee00.28). Slag an se] a] edd, turd. * 27. Variant with TR. Pos RDe p30 SE. Cohen's Svrption init. (C247) 4 a “ ” 2 Aw ve Obvene Imp.c.14.avr SEV,ALEXAND| ‘AVG. © Revere lp..7R.P..COS.P.P. foled round ssn, rating 1] Show on i, Rl pease * cles sm» Brperorin military dol 6-1, baling globe ad pe] Balin ened 186, ‘TR.Pullll (A.D. 225) IMP.C.M. AVR.) [SEV.ALEXAND. "avi 4 ( [p.M.TR.P.tIN, COS.P.Pc.60 ‘Mar waling (ano 3). Bape Gea 68 » cx65 y cles iy Bmperoeitg.Lyeterfcinglo 75 fee a triped and’ balding roel, sp Acguite ag. 1, holding Cam, Joly oa, TRP.V (A.D. 226) IMP.C.M. AYR. SEV.ALEXAND | "AVG. et 224-297 15 wolar| aR | otvene Revere Noes ss|ao| — IMP.C.M.AVR.P. M.TR.P.V.COS. IL [case ISEV.ALEXAND] P..P. Emperor sg y ics ‘AVG. « Siig os 49) ® ss| | > ke ° Chessy 33 [Aw ny Bmperorin quadriga LIC 296 ‘eiding sop and branch * pe, Bae Imp. SEV. AL| » Bmperor making r4Cs96 EXAND. AVG]| ceying oper aod tophy. 8 sas] IMP.C.PAVR| 4, The Thermus (or NynfCa98 ISEV,ALEXAND, placa) Aleindr. (For fll PL 7 AVG. | dsription so latod p63 ‘ sl [> . iCa97 TR.P.VI (A.D. 227) |IMP.C.M. AVR.) SEV.ALEXAND.| "AVG. wae) ee PM. TR.P. V1.COS. 11 Hine BP, Mars walking (0 no) XXIV ah | (909). «| | » ql a] | a § 63 | 40 me, Aequitas g, Ly hoi ieee corauespie. «| | > ™ CG | | > Annona tng. 1s boing 315 STocormenn i ontop ster ee modi. «| | > panties Geno. 20, CfCant | | > 4 Box rooniog ty boiling 319 clive-branch and epee, aa | ae ay Bmpre nriig | 2.49) #40 | @ se 41 This dearioe may be wrongly decribed or pomibly & hybrid, The sett ype appa tobe Mam (cron) 76 wolar| a | obvene ‘TR.P.VII (A.D. 228) (alr part ofthe yeas) nfaef ea a u p oo vous o bo z a e 3 of prow, and holding. oy Sod prantom. eg gto. 66 eI PONTIF.MAX.TR.P. Vil, COS. II. P,P (ee Ester] in) (ater pt of te yeu) IMP . SEV «AL. EXAND. AVG} P.M, Vil. COS. 11 (2908) D : Mir walking y(n) poe. Hybrid with obr. legend (35 RD. p13. A.D. 228-229 7 olay | a wl | > ul je s5[ |p as) [oh fsiaysend, 935) n| |e 3 wy) |p BIB. Virwo waiting, Sod ig beach and per »| | > oF Ming 6 eas a TR.P.Vill (A.D. 229) Imp - SEV. AL- EXAND. AVG | a| |> P.M. TR. P. VII. COS fess Tie Py Maretg es bol fig spar ved fo tan] tnd ing Lomas. Cl al jo we Mart walang 1y boldng.s65 ‘eid cveornch and igersd oad 6 wo] | > "Mr alking 1 (alc66 map. é ay | De * "Ronons stg. ber fo] RD. oh prow oldlag'two cor] p35 Sista omacopie G| Era a| | > he eran mg’ bolting. 5. Remarkable dat if the sins are genie. runt of hn deur tr baw’ mcal with obr. legend IMP. C. M. AVR. SEVIALERAND. AVG. in Beth Socom, 8 SEVERUS ALEXANDER R | Obvene Revers Nowe ve [ao] fig. sev AL|P. m.TR. P. vill. COS fracas EXAND. AVG] ll, P. Py Roinsls walking} Smith : asta) Ef cons Setby Gao feet. »| |b » fears Slaa] ” b. Emperor in quads rian Widng eeletped sep] (9:0, wo! lob. » Riese TR.P.Villi (A.D. 230) | MP. SEV. ALY EXAND.AVG.| rool as| eters P.M. TR. . Vill. COS Jestr | tile BP. Sal rade. ‘ing t hand and’ ning a wl | bw » Chats Catt Bt. we} | > hw ny, bead toned Baling, ing 1 tand and lig) Cp th é ros fas] Romulo walking + (slMontags, 95.85). Ry) ye woe] | Df » Ckea9s 15] |B Riorms. o» Emperor. tin mifesct tly des holdog ‘raven seed gle @ ros} | Imp, ALEXAN,| S™SSiae Is. 100. Clcs89 DERPIVSAVG. io fe 1 TR.P.X (A.D. 231) Ie SEV. ALI MEXAND. AVG| wr} | D bea P.t4, TR.P.X, COS. LCase BI Merci 1) Cad el oan, A.D. 229-232 9 ws} | > Solr sg Ly ing IC 5 ig pte: | Tockane Call wo} | > [ye "el (Dee cathy gan lt Can TR.P.XI (A.D. 232) IMP. ALEXAN DER PIVS AVG] a [aw Ip, M.TR.P.X1. COS. I . B. Soi ng. (rao. 209)| BAM ml |p ba . as] | @ ml | > ba > Selwalig (arn. 110) ns} | @ be » asl » sr} | > | Stain wit xk 6 | 05. Vasiot with Sol halding whip. B.D, ps2. 1d, Vais ses aype appear to be wrongly’ deverited. The coin mentioned ia RN. fagasy p24 5 from the Nieclaro hoard 80 SEVERUS ALEXANDER TR.P.XII (A.D. 233) nt fas P.M. TR. P. XII. COS Jc. HHL PP. ‘Solsg (ao! 109), B 9 |au L in Solwaking (0.11) wo} | pf. » cles Belaal ? fe sw Alerndeinquadrign. RAC ss TR-P-XiIl| (A.D. 234) tas As P;M.TR.P. Xl. COS.ILJC-447 BLP. Sa “walking ( en) 4 ws} | D Chess tag] | D IMP. SEV. AL), Mars wailing 1, holtnglC-ase EXAND. AVG! ane hts din ‘ears hi TRP-XII=A.D. 235 vis | D JMP. ALEXANP.M. TR. P: | ° [BERAWEANE Fit : mine) UNDATED, A.D. 222-228 136 /Auy—IMP-C.M-AVRIAEQVITAS AVG. Ass i | RVACEKANG mets gw eft ave opi. "t 14. Coben's dsrpton i incomplete, No| a7 Noes say] | D |IMP.C.M-AVRJAEQVITAS AVG. AcquitulC.g) La- ISEV.ALEXAND]| sug> 1 blding” scales andl vence Col "AVG. ed uepie ¢ as} |g n Sfeue tied [ath [IMP . CABS. M JAEQVITAS AVGVSTI TilC 16,17 AVGrod | at tha fs the pc ol vag | _ |itp.c. Maya JAETERNITATIBVS WomsofCat ISEV.ALEXAND) sg ening on cola, bal] “AVG. {og pate abd join. sur |as| —HIMP.C.M.AVRJANNONA AVG. SEV.ALEXAND] ste holding eora-ury and] AVG. « ‘ormacopses at her fat othe. zi 2/@ sd R op (oy: ALEXAN| DER) ve us ve us| |p TECIND ba : ean ethan oi we} | @ . shcine ml [SE IMARTIVICTORI Man wake 79 esol pe Soy % w| | > MONETA AVG. _Moncalcant ar ts og gl sraecyes < say |a0 [FAX AETERNA AVG. an fang oan Sicee @ us| | D fo : leas fe we} | ak Rew Pk elas] oa PAX AVG. Pox ronsing Lane ia ine band nd pee 05 = a ats wl [ok \ » ela tsp. Obv. legend, IMP. C.M. AVR. SEVE. ALEXAND. AVG. LLawttnce Col. Plated 84 SEVERUS ALEXANDER No.[a7 Notes 6 | | D |IMP.C.M-AVRJPERPETVITATI AVG. Perli.nts SEVALEXAND) power Sein) ig) Case ‘AVG. fotdng globe and wanstene scope a aang on elon] § mm] | > IIETAS AVG. Pieus ny. 1|Tinchane ‘bing band over ata andl Coll halting acento am} | D PIETAS MILITVM Pits sg 209 roing band om standard) thin, snot candard. wm} | > [PROVID. DEORVM Prova, gsr, ds gs ty ig ot 3 wns] | > PROVIDENTIA AVG e498 Provident sg. lo boli sagan xp aber Hobe, mf > re provieta ng Ie piafst2 iat abe wth wand ahd ieUbaed ns aw IAE AETERNAERomdC.sig ‘ened [y ling Vitory an Soap" tehids shld ws} | > ISALVS AVGVSTI Sos tg C.se8 , eding snake wbich olden ber are 7 |Aw BALVS PVBLICA satonasclc.say 1 ding sake twined round sar A as} | > 7 lesse ss0 we] |B EMPORVM FELICITASE 334 elicas sg. L balding ead cess and crascopie D ke WICTORIA AVG, VisorC.s63 564 Yonng dg wha 1B ef MiRTVs AVG. vie. sf595 helling apse rvened and and roting I on sid dhe 1518 6 @ : sles 7s, Caco give ALEXAN inated of ALEXAND. in erry posibly of Syrian mice. UNDATED 85 | oe | nga! i sy Abuadania sg we HRSA sol el ecg Se i |IMP.SEV.ALEX-| E nga pv kn MF snoun ats by holding(C.ay “sah ene @ jue | ake | Qh. fe k bonded and epee facing) Solel ari i bee oa D fab. FORWNAE REDVElB Ms cos Fortuna tp blding rode plead on globe and’ cornu) copa, cl 86 SEVERUS ALEXANDER rolar| x] omen | even Noe toy [Aa] [MP_SEV.ALEX|IOVI CONSERVATORIC.59 AND-AVG. | Jopie tg. 1. a0 42) 3 p Is 7 Clog: Ao] ie ov Jupiter Sg. ly hong ye Melb thrietole itr andor og Ct. Emperor and holding sexpte| (rg ot ‘one wo] | > x clBatyc7s. w| | > lov! pROPVGNATORIC 7s Topiter im wardie aude feet, haing hander ze| | vb JOVI STATOR! topes welege front hand turned’ hold isiracaaennel ws] | Db FORT: Jeroen tag call rorfav] fs LIBERALITAS AVG. Tiberias sg (ar m0 149) ws] | > . Clowss wt} | @ ‘ gles zr] | D MARS VLTOR Man watkinglCs¢ le n0. 13). ‘ wt! | > PERPETVITATI AVG. rer|Caps eso Seri ga boas wo} | D PiRTAE Avs. Pica He ts wo] | > b IFROFECTIO. AVG. tm-catt peror in tlitary deco Bom 2 he holds pee ir ard = an [as & CTORIA AVG. vicwryCs35 ‘tg. Ty olding wrath soa! Foor, pa, | ge a! | > » ches, ike as] | > > Simiae, with Rowling Rit igo, psi pao aa) | > be i Vitory sg. ly holding them imo and pacing’ han ae, by which sae as | fod in Viuey runing ry bold ig wrath aad pans” | 25, Thin may belong to che mint of Andoch, UNDATED 87 Nolar| aR | obverse Revere Net 26} | D |IMP.SEV.ALEX|VICTORIA AVG. VictryfR. Bal, "AND. AVG. = [gL pssing band on Cat. Vi ‘1 Hong palm in 13] (958) fend capive a Ber fet 8] nor 2045- a7 [Aw orb. [CTORIA AVGVSTI.Vie|c-s65 tory sg, fy Foxe on Belnet tenting VOT. % on «shit ® Fe pine as} | > he. Spm. Cas, 29] | D hen. Ss, bat wit pa a wo} | Dd fab \iktvs ave. virus ee elding Wiory and ring] BE end on sly spat again wi, sr 4 at} | Dd fore Virose Roms) eae fsto of aia bling branch a0 Spe or oe) behind sine | aa! | > Vins ag. root oofCsts ein toting spre aa erosion, 25 Au Romulus, Darehended C8 skin singel 4, 28 troy aul | > Sloss By] [be ov, Bmperorin ary de 565 I inde crying pea Top: ae} |v fue. eon des sil son bene, olding) Sydenham Shicand par ered] Cat srl | a hors, > Slestr iii, A.D. 231-235 aat'| | JRM |IMP | ALEXANJAEQVITAS AVGVSTI ThsC.t5 DERPIVSAVG, Thre Moncue ng La a a8. ® 88 SEVERUS ALEXANDER sol] R | Obvene Revere Notes Ao |IMP. CAES_M JAEQVITAS AVGVSTICas AVREL, SEV Sinfs, bot” cota Sure ALEXANDER) freue ‘ PIVS FELIX VG. se] | D |IMP-ALEXAN/ANNONA AVG. AnnonaC.a6 DERPIVSAVG, stg. 1, bolting carmen ang foie SG D IFIDES MILITVM. Fides e058 hang standard and vex iim, cl sz] | D fort, IFORTVNAE REDVCI For 64 ‘na sg. I bolding rode pred en lube and corm opie ‘I as| | pf o Forum sand. $F inchant ‘cai a4 |Av L OVI PROPVGNATORIC.75 opie in Bgbting atkude IPL 4 18 Sut fet apart hed tte] Fosing thunderble | | Jupiter walking 1, bold (C22 |i ee us | [ok : eess o| | Dk : cee dk llovis PRoPVGNATOR|Cs, Sern: ey Go ba > ki os Eley hea LIBERALITAS AVG.Vvasier, “uring Ng se sacra ona eh . sles" IMARS PROPVG. Yim aif, st, og C78) bing yea pot tebe 5] asin] be MARS VLTOR an wang, rebodig penn a aa} | > aa} | D Call st. | mai ‘UNDATED 89 nafar| aR | obene even Notes a4s| | D_[IMP-ALEXAN-IMARS VLTOR Mar atkinglC 615 DER PIVS AVG) 1 olding spear and shield. C] Tiachant ke, Cai av] | @ fre » sleiveas Hamburger Cats 985 as] | > be Mare ag. lasing 098.5 slit nd ling spear tae] C8. ‘Sed seing op hs arm | ssfas| yew IPROVIDENTIA AVG. Pro|Carum, dens (or Annona) vi. 1 478 Ting ‘wo. crocus and) Cosos emnucpiagy on grounds | C9 ‘olin rooney gy so] | D bed : Clashes Cally coils Cas BM. a [aw vn Provident wg. frontlC.so7 nd toned Ly holding cor (hm and apchor, oa grown ‘| ‘modi. wel | D hoa » Cleo, ‘Tinchast al 53 [AU ISPES PVBLICA Sper ralking!C.s42 1, holding Bower and ras F Sire fi an) | Db » Cleusen 6 as| | @ foe 2 S\vierorde, osm Cats PL a ay lao] bes VICTORIA AVG. View} (1889), Wig. 15 ouding wreath and pth pa, | Caer an| | > bee. "vice tgs by boing a ablad an palng at ber ft] BML neling or uated cape. | aa] | D ber. ie Viery walking ry bol4562 ily wreath and palm.” C| 90. SEVERUS ALEXANDER rola] ae | ob | Revere Nowe IRTVS AVG. Vins. sfCs855 ae) | > DERPIVSAVG) 1. toe on helmet holding) Tih nb expe and panznioon 3 pie Fi Bam ef 60 | au voris VIGENNALIBYS ICos ‘wins lee wreath, wi| | > : lesys MINT of ANTIOCH Obverselegends—1. IMP.C_M.AVR.SEV.ALEXAND.AVG. 3. IMP.SEV.ALEXAND.AVG.. (A) DATED COINS TRF. (am) add eoesoopan oe Sere Besar a| | d fre. oe sarin fd Chany F418 ws) | fk Without sar cleasa xe] | D |e PIM. TR. P. COS. P. PCa Mars ge (695.263). C) Riess, p.seo. | |v fee vy Fortuna mg. (a noises cs el 263, Iregular ob. legend for TR. P. Posy ybid. A specimen inthe BM. is of baw sive, 85, Vainot with ALEXAN. instead of ALEXAND. Not in BM, MINT OF ANTIOCH 9 TR.P.II (223) nol | a | Otvene Revene Now ws] | o fee P.¥4.1R.P.11,cOs,P.Pp.s- Fomine fae. ww) |p fre iat Tenn satel oed tar | ae |v ie FONTIE. MAX TR: PIGS, COs Be Rima cne a, Sige Yen tnd spe Peer eee amas a | > foe lrONTIF- MAX“ TR.P. ti xcs COs. Pe Pe oases] C5 Rees S}mc ao TR.P MI (228) an) | D foe PONTIE. MAX. TR. P JCats \?| TIN COS MSP: Be om eS eae a TR.P. Vl (230) ans] | D ea@et Pj, TR, P.M O51 BrP Gi) Empeor ne | sncrifcng over tipo. 70. Specimen ia BML ple 71 Posily a hybrid. with rere of Elyabaluy, Hepoe the anomalous COS. specimen in BM, els PONTIE for PONTIF. Avvriant with OS! If occur ie RD, p. 1 272. Dectibed by Coben at PB. Probably" denier défoure.” (B) UNDATED COINS vo a7 Obvene Revere ‘ig holding” sels aod forucpiae sometimes fel sar, a5 eed ly holding patra ae ‘ornacoiae omens, dosbl ‘vnucopi) | tnd-enluony, a ha Fibes exerci fy > belting wantaedy behind eraonite onda, 2 Ie. FIDES EXERCITVS Fidel ‘ested |, holding tandard sol cornucopia ‘s so ba IVEVNDITATI AVGcs05 Women Jonny) Iwiding slote and vps ba UiBERALITAS AVG pm. eri, a. ly tl acon and eotace a ba LIBERALTTAS AVG. ca) caofoaas a \. 4 LIBERTirAS on ave Mt. Sane ate = LIBERITAS (a AVG. Libfees sr ing ees eps inal ate as b. « LIBERTASAVE. Sune espe C.49 3 26 h. ae » Chesars Bi a he sy Tiberas st. 1 holdinglCast iw and anne spas Flas ar, hed Libera stg. 1 oldingltgas “| is and eormtcope, CBA 277. Soe speciness age of barbarous workmacsip. Cohen gives oby. reading IMP. CAESM- AVR . c. 2840 Varian with Litvaias sig (uo By). RDy pass MINT OF ANTIOCH 93 Obrene blige Bret FS " ja FiETAS AVG. Pir weitelcays re bsg and ve Ns cll nme a Gletsa Ine IPROVID. DEORYM Paw |eape Mens sts Ip olding fa Sond over le aod je ey but PROVAD, lc-s7 Ie IPROVIDENTIA AVG. Sane. limp MARCORKEERDOS vABIS vaser AVR. SEV.AL.| peor ia itary drew wg aves. Cesc ie Pal bee SRLS BVBLICA. sanleans vexed 1, fediag anake colle] Pl 4 20 round sarin fl sat |. ISECVLI FELICITAS Pati tir By. ‘ely hldingpatera apd long! Nem Cer, Sac om Eman eal tp 1g. CF no, 160 (C173) of Roma mit. ge. Vasiant with Vier instead of pear, RD, p59. 29s. Cl. mo ss (C18) of Roman mit ‘Gags, ob legend omits Vin the word SEV. Variant in BM. raing NVC inna of AVG 193. Gigs; aby legend ends AV instead of AVG - 254. Variznts with oby. ALIXAD w KD, p13 and with we. cormoeopite ince of sep RD. p. 34. » wer 197. Described a» Pe B. 298, Vasa in the Ashmolean Col. wads SALVS. PVBLICA. Another seats SALVS PSVLAS fs BD, p-234 94. SEVERUS ALEXANDER Rerene we) | D Ind VICTORIA AVG. vieor}; meg ine eh sr} | dD fre pine ee Ee jal | > fee | nitow HYBRIDS ° IMP- SEV. ALEX4DEANA LVCIFERA DinniCarlyon- AND. AVG: | tery bldg torch 5] Briton Gi (Gat frat om D |IMP.C.M.(AVR)DIANA LVCIFERA DianalC.42 » ISEV.ALEXAND, wing Is tiding tech, Ne »—|FECYND.AVGVSTAE Peles conto. ne SMT Bia. Rp. Il anrence ws 4064 : Intp. CAE. MAR, VENVS (CAELIISTIS Venu]. TAVSEVAALX.°| ‘i IMBC. Me AVE VENVS VICTRIX Venwe eH. ISEV.ALEXAND ||, holding belo aed ining 886) | AVG. e tn peat be fet ahi. |B #55 veces IRREGULAR ISSUES 7 IMP.C.M.AVR. ns ALEX: ND. AVG. MAISIAVG.. Juls Maes tg 4S... font, Wea 1y acing (1886), alan” Holding Sxpoe and] pages Heng on slemns “Ra Gage | D 06. Revere of Elagaales (ef. 29) Yop. Bow cease th evan of Jl Mamas eh. Bue denarioe with reve of Joli Souris o9: Plated deni wth revere of Julia Marae, to. The eter § (ir SEV) omived in Coke's description. HYBRIDS — IRREGULAR ISSUES 95 nolar| a | Obvene Revers Notes D ine p.m. TR.P.COS.I.P.P RD. iia ae (98 D ine P.M. TR.P.M.COS. 11 JkD, BP Provident sg bp. | Ieaingon enum td hi | sand ne ge a om limp] Bement DERPIVSAVG| Mars walking ey caeying| Cal. ts spar and uophy, 8 Gos set) | D ime. C.m-AvR|P. MTR. Pll. OS I JB SEVALEXAND} PB Pew sling ssf fo [Se [PONT TH. W..COS.P, xing Bmpr ag 1 bole gla} Fd sod per Ming, Bey. Nem oa. (ox SEVERUS ALEXANDER and JULIA MAMAEA yea |As] IMP-C.MAV RIIVLIA MAMAEA AVG .BasiC.12 SEVALEXAND] of inser indy a” us| | > hes aR "ALEX.[imilse, but without dade. RACs ‘AND. AVG 3 s6| | JRM IMP ALEXARLIAEQVITAS AVGYSTI Thee IDER PIVS AVG, Three Monee stg. (2 a IVUAMAMAEA) 135), "| AVG.MATER | AVG. Box of Severs (a) facing} bon of Mamas I | id de 41%, Iegular form of rene legend, and dat inconsinent with vere, The sje unos psbly Afan 12, Base dear of barazour tle 96 SEVERUS ALEXANDER Nol] Noves siz [ai Ig SEV. ALEX FELICITAS TEMPORVMCs WWOAHAMAEA ci hela gate tnd saud AVG.MATER| cromied by Victory, standin AVG" Boss of trod. with pny i Tom on preading coin] Febicts "sig. fe and woman a ce SEVERUS ALEXANDER, ORBIANA and JULIA MAMAEA sett] [ROI IMP. SEV.ALEXIVLIA MAMAEA AVG.IN.C.t), (ANDER AVG, MAT. AVGVSTI Bost if Proc. SALL-BARBIAI Jul Namaes pas ORBIAN Al ANG. Bow 3 ‘Aleniader sad] rsa fing on another 1 SEVERUS ALEXANDER and ORBIANA (No genuine nin hows) ORBIANA (Gauuysria panera onsrana)t Gold and Siver ‘ObverseIegend—SALL. BARBIA ORBIANA AVG. si] | D. Burr, dial, de. [CONCORDIA AVGG,c ‘Concordia sted lig) PL. 8, 1 ‘copiae, 4 wel | @ . ice 38 Varintwith IMP. SEVERVS,etc,and se bstof Mamie. SEN 6, pf, 4 See alo AR Mad. of Alernder, Oriana and Julia Mamsea, 10.318 JULIA MaMaga 7 No A | 2 Obvene Reverse | Notes Burrs didade |CONCORDIA AVGVS.C TORVM Same spe PLS, MINERVA VICTRIXCS ‘Mineren sg. 1s haling Viel fey and spam at ee Hl hl w PROPAGO IMPERI Aue Cue er and Oreos sg. fing ‘Se another, luping hands wt aw we a . IPVDICITIA Posicita ‘ested Ly rasing bert hand) ter lipe sod holding sxpte. Re » SSAECVLI FELICITAS Fel Lawrence ss. L, holding pater ove] Cal fighed liar» snd te Ly Tong] eaducr ‘| » WENVS GENETRIX VenulC.z vest 1, Holding. pera and] expe, f| » vn Wena wg holding applelC.r5 sd wear 5 ns 36 yuuia Mamaras ot te Oa nA HAWAEA AV. me] RO RUR IA SOUTAS ICA TE aw] | > |NLIAMAHAEACONCORDIA ConcirilRte, ego, "AVG. Bory dr} sg. holding double corau} pote in | ae] | D [porendid,de. [ESNCORDIA AVG ARI 921, Concer sed ty Boling). » | doubt eraucopa. 5. Rev with arin eld. RDy p35. {See abo Alerander and Julia Marans, Not 54-17 " JULIA MAMAEA Fevundias ‘stg. ly bold snd over a child at Bldg pera and cormscepie. Feliu ont head ured Legs eed, boling ead ces and leaning 1 arm on ‘slumn, IWNO Juno veiled eg. Ufa heling persed sep. WNO" AVEVSTAE™ Jongcss stg fy holding “lve-brina be wpe PIETAS. AVGVSTAEC4s Peas, elds tg, ly beside Tighe, tar, ris han) ad holding incenseboe. | IPVDICITIA Posts, vec. tated, er han! pcr of er pe and holding Bt ‘Mo, Vorint with peaogk tft of Jur. Mit ds Bay. N.Cy 1936 9.29. YES. Vasuoe wah LIA MAMIAS AVG. (protubly Baser}s lr, 196, ps JULIA MAMAEA 99 volar] a | obvene Revene Nowe aat| | D fuer, did, ae. [SAECVLI FELICITASCss abetan oly bide lighted ala, ling patra and exo toot | sot] | > (SALVS AVGVST. Sale aglegs aso [an > \VENERI FELICI Venus nzcs9 holding sept and Cupid ® a| | > » Close ae) | : ales as} | > ENS FELIX venur ag. [008 alingsxpee and Cups Cl aut | Aw »[VENVS'GENETRIX® venules ‘5. Ly holding apple an] Spay a her fa, Cop. as] | D . : | S| |B [poe onitnoee : ¢| din} ar[@]— Bowrsdind, — VENVS VICTRIX._Venudcars WME) Iy holding helmet sn pus) het i st] | » » Clegér7 7 aso [Au > NESTA Ves wile tg. to Weking. palais aod’ up| #3, 5 ight seep ry seo] | > » " cles: | | : 2 Rica: ge) | D> 5 Nets bby holies prs snd wantene sept. | wl | @ : : Rlcas fer} | Doe Vests seed Ly holding 90 | Lite a ware és] | D [Boweyain — NICTORIA™AVG. Viera. Viking aldig wrath sa) (ed) pln " Eastern Mint 366) | D FIVLIA MAMJANNONA AVG. Abundan {C3 MAEA (a) AVG, ts or Annona, balding Bos tedisd | eortcopiae nd ermal 149. Cotes deiption is icomple. 100 JOLIA MAMAEA volar] R | ober | Ree Now 3| | [vUA MAMAEACONCORDIA i) cover Bee ae ees easy sa] | | Ske al aca so | D > FELICITAS exerci, alfoone cal | cansat | aing cider Sd ese eg mrrcscyontetantre | se} | » FORTUNE REDUX Aestts0 | Prete Nine td HYBRIDS sf] | D_IYLIA MAMAEAJABYNDANTIA AGC» rl 1. (hu | Abuedanta or Annons) gp. ah 2 Oe. a” sol | D %—_ fAIEOWITALS AVG). Ange iggomote "arog. Ly bldg sees ta) Find, Su onnepe ae Arc Gea ol fig se} | > » [ANNONA AVG. Annona, sl Men holding cova ove} Pe is ® Piorand Sorpucop, on} | IDES HILITYP Fs ee # on} [> > [LIBERALITAS AVG.It Bw Tberaliar sig. I, blding) PLB, 7 acon sod coroucopise sm} | > > (UIBERTAS AVG? "Linerage, vot vy, sm] | » — (CiBertas avevstisn?” eran ved Tong ples and se wal | D . PHAR PTs ne. Pen, gs| | > PAM TRSP. vu ice a 2 a) > [PONTIETR. PU, zmperorean (May el sand fash to sre Apparently Ease fbr. SEVERUS ALEXANDER (CAESAR) 101 wolar| a | obvene Revere Note sé || D_IVLIA MAMAEAIVICTOR AVG. (oc AVGG2)R.BalCac, | TAVG Boe) cory 1 ling wrth 8, | o oa pa JULIA MAESA ‘Memorilinoe under Severus Alexander ‘Obverselegend—DIVA MAESA AVG. DIVA MAESAY "AVG. wT D [Bows (CONSECRATIO Macsa JC Toling spt, etd Lon tngle arg ber opwarén m| | > 7 we Simian yp, bee WiC 3 cock, ised of eagle sz) | D Bowes vevea | P eee SCs Ho} | D Bone IFECVNDITAS Fecundicaler Vesely baling Bower an] {eepte, betwee fo che | SEVERUS ALEXANDER MINT OF ROME AES STRUCK UNDER ELAGABALUS ‘After July 10th, A.D. 221 Noor] | Obvene Revere Noes ats | | As [M. AVR. ALEXJINDVLGENTIA AVG.S.C cat ANDER CAES | Alesnder in_ miliary dre Young bead tg. ly bedding baton | aj botde. "| septs om f two standards sto, Probably of the mint of Aadioch. 102 SEVERUS ALEXANDER IM. AVR. ALEX-INDVLGENTIA AVG. S.C.|tmburger ANDER CAES | Ses raltng |, hlding fom Cat Young head .| and rising sk rae me onTiFeX cos .s.¢ lease Alerander in quidigh olin base ada ppd expe, 35 IM. AVR. ALEX: . cas ‘ANDER CAES | Same bends bus a > [PRING.IWeNTYTIS.S.C eats ‘Aleander sg 1 (a 20. 38) a 36 SEVERUS ALEXANDER (AD. 222-235) AES{A) DATED, bere types a. Head arate. aoe ea Slight drpery on shoals, eS erated & TSS imaged and cir enn on Bast cleased Feta eae Koon mn Slight drapery on shoulder. Bee ‘at draped CO Sh Bastdepedand sired TR.P (A.D. 222) IMP. CAES.M J [AVR.SEV.ALEX| ‘ANDER AVG. s]s « PM. TR.P-COS.P.P leaos = Joie ig, holding] Tiehane oni ed Sopot cial Cat Ab. 221-223 103 No o| a se[s| [IMP CAES .4.P.M.TR.P.COS.P.P {C209 [AVR:SEV.ALEX| S.C. Mar ag. Ly holding] Bae "ANDER AVG. | aise eanch nd sete. la sto [Dp] fa . sof s| fe sy Mare walking, earyinglC.are sear and opty. sf s] fa weiter me. ly Boldin Henky plews'sndcornucopiae, 8} (917 ss [Dp] ofete gs] fe Salus send Ly fedinglCa20 ike ced round sar. sso |Dp] i ” CUs.RN. (cs88), sos] | ae fo Secure ete holdings | slptm and sang herbed o| ied. | ‘TR.P.I(A.D. 223)t IMP. CAES.m J [AVR:SEV.ALEX| "ANDER AVG sos] 8 iP.M_.TR.P.1.COS.P.P Caer Saas (no. 393) aor] | ae "2 Brovidentia wg, ly holdC.asz ie wand and coroscope| Kang on columns at fe, gate sos] | ae ve’ Kein (a 0.395). Claes 499 [De | es ‘p_ Bmperoatg suring Cass a's lighted sar apd body al BH 1A oe he Thre of Anat, PM TR. COS Pe §0C% isabel in Manedadva, Ban, March 2935 74 The Poot ios ofthe ei ender the legend wnceriny probably P.M = TR. P.Ve COsvilP.PS.C. 104 SEVERUS ALEXANDER nolor| | obvene Reve Noes | 8) IMP. SAEs M JPONTIE, MAX. TR. Pt fees [AVR.SEV.ALEX: as] Von ANDER AVG: | Sed i ling cise brane] Sebi vd Sed cep Cl s903, 14 esl | a » class fa] s vs Providenfa sg. Ly leery comedy holding "wand! ore] Hine, Ba coop Sa Tr to Etec cuon “| 005 [Dp * Chisew, woo | | as * c| in| s od apy Srsia"eet by ted aay baling sx find supporting, ber bead on] sprae Teed | sto, wet |Dp] hi » cles, BM woo} | Ae ke » cleats 2] s » The Coliseum on 1c sty cites figures mg. aod Met) Marti- dansonr sf of temple net. rena two combust RY agen ee Fuse rs ee . rlcass, Goer, pe R.P.Ill (A.D. 224) IMP. CAS. mJ lave'sev.Atex| "ANDER AVG. ass lovivizoALP. MTR P.Coss = COS. P. Tecate iin wl invented sate of Jupiter. The temple is faked By cineel Srey eloing nope Space widhenane in rote as] | a fe yr frithot 8. C.). COS C.104 Bi Pliner: Same ype, Ab. 293-225 105 Noor] ae | obvene Revere Nowe au] S| IMP. CARS. M JPONTIE. MAX. TR. Pll [C47 IAVE.SEV.ALEX} COS. PP. S.C. Prow ANDERAVG -c| densa sey). as |De] pe . Sivieroras, March as) | ake » | fr] s | fe » Por(anbgos. GC EE |Dp| Porn. i‘ Gi {S| fede sm» Emperorin military deel Ms siz. In bolding globe 04 Sef 473 eed per cl 20 [Dp or. » Cloays fe) | as ke : cna als] 7k PONT. MAX. TR. Pll Rule, 18 COS.PuP. S.C. Faia p. 305 fest” bodiog “Paladin it scepe. < ‘TR P.lll(A.D. 225) IMP. CAES. M4 AVRSEVALEX| ANDER AVG. as] [ab iP. M.TR.P. Il. COS.P.PJc-as9 $.C. Japier sed Ly bal} ing Vicory sndspenr.” SI als] ok ve Mar waking (8 nalCa6a 0) | as[Dp] fh » Clase, ata, pig as] | a . lie 508), pes an| | as vy Mare stg, Jy leaning on|C ds sadind holding pee. | at] | ark my, Mars stg. ening [45.8.1 tit Snd obiing spar 51 (885), pase ws] s Fide tg. Ly holding ewe dS. endure, ‘sass, paste ae] | a cleee ey OE Secures” seated 1 (fCa65 3095) | 106 SEVERUS ALEXANDER Noor] a | Obvene Revene Nott an | | As IMP. CABS. M IP.M.TR.P.II.COS.P. Pfca6s |AVR.SEV.ALEX] S.C. Vieiry resning bol] Pl ANDER AVG. | iog-wmath and palm. S| ass 8 _ Baperor ag Ly in milifCaye sty dey‘ be spose reed, wxtpDe} 7 Eleanor Bel] ae : cles BF pp Similar, Bo emperors 45. f 2 S} Gat, pst, afs] » Baperor meriécing cart Bea aes) ci aa] | a {car de s 7 fear: a TRP.V (A.D. 226) IMP. CAES mj AVESEV.ALEX: ‘ANDER AVG. we|s a p.m. TR.P.V.cos. i BuPLS.C.. Mar wang 7 a earsing epee and top| a [De] bh. . ch oP) aw : ¢ | fa ve, Aequitas eg. a boii scutes nod commu. wl | a be sm Aanonn why bold roca orer modion and] Cazy. ‘cornecpiae (cB 8,7 as| | ae hoe, var raasing Ly holdinglCiy cllyetraneh and cep C] Venter Caeyests. wis] few vn Bmperor ang. ty sestfC 39%, og a Hane te al 9s Boling vl aol | as ” Gloag. ss3-435 Cart-arg. SEV. omited fom ob Inge in oe, Ap. 225-297 107 No, Reve Nove Ip. cats. |e.M,TR.P.V.COS. II cas. “ BIB ISIC. bmpens isl 7 pres foing cee! 4 asc} oe os Alexander. PONTIF. MAX. TR. P. ‘COS. II. P-Pas ine, LI AVGLI..(itioae 8.) Sensis Emperor sated ron pam Ca hind himy fier andl] (950) TRP.VI(A.D. 227) IMP. CAES. M AVR SEV.ALEX: ANDER AVG. |, asl s M.TR.P-VL.COS.IhJc.o8, . PS: Ce Mary waiingh lao. eh ¢ 437 |Dp > Cha. 899) pase atl ae » clas oben desi esti of thie with ob. IMP. ALEXANDER AAS AVE" (Ci poly» hy ped do ot crwth MMe Se al Sev. Aleader nd Manan Not 66. 55. For other cone of LIBERALITAS AVGVSIT Il se undated exis, ok 57-574 108 SEVERUS ALEXANDER olor] | oben Revere Nove a9/ S| |IMP. CAES. MP. M.TR.P. VL. COS. IL.fes93 |AVR:SEV.ALEX| P.P.1S.'C. Acqua si "ANDER AVG. | jas. 4) @ k woo) | Ae 7 close fer] | AS Pind 1, tus, ae 7 Sherine we) fas ws] s wa) | ae be asi s| a. ws) | aba Clog fer | sm» Vizory nog Ly holed (909) Aig beach and sere’ SI pe saree bon ws] be > Emperor scricing 1 GH386, 37. et @ aso |Dp| - Ges yP| a : cess fe | a ve Bmprorin quudrgs. RIC350 TR.P.VII (A.D. 228) (dIMP.CAES.I WRSEV.ALEX ANDER AVG Kime. sev | [ALEXANDE 6. asl ioe lp,m,7R.P.vil.COs. ICs PoP. S.C. Mon alin Fete 395 é an| | & [ae a Clee als] Be Mars tg" (no. 3816339 2 aslsl lee » Clese A6 471. Coben's deserption is ncompee Ab. 227-229 109 Noor] a | Obrene Revere Noes as) s ae. P,M.TR.P. Vil. COS. IIc, Pip. 8. C.” Maw (a Virus) agi, ft on proof ‘hips Rang pear al par ‘env | ani s| fae . Clesas [De] fee. : Chaat s ® 1 mofo “ je sp Pax rnning 1 aniC 319 ato} | a We Clesse ils ie Roms” bare - headed f 358 ing rezeying ope and we] s| fab. Clesss Bs] | a fae . clea 9 Ie 1 Emperor lacing 1 C338 on) | ws |Dp) lay . Gle.seo BE1P?) as [be cles ty) | as ioe > Emperor Lsacrfiing! Ashmolean tar ary om [y two pnts Cal Ueki himy sanding igure ip backgroud, empl. "(el 5c) ® ‘TRP Ml (A.D. 229) ) IMP_CAES.M AVR SEV-ALEX: "ANDER AVG. \a) MP. Sev" | "ALEXANDER) ANG. esl s] foo. sr a9] 5 io Mars (or Vu) (0 no f36 , aot” ¢ (os sale wls| [ge » cles Bs) foe vn Sol ag. Fy hong glateAshmolena inl hand aod taiog i Coll 110 SEVERUS ALEXANDER Nol or] a | Obvene Revere Noes als] fans. eM, TR. P.VI-COS. I ictese Liberte sg Nam | Fring eur to tee} 90) ene sea | pesos Eons 4 /o] fase » eke Sel] as feat. : GWierorae co oe Es. ws|s] foe sag BMEra gud 1 ting ep surmounted by] LB, 8 ane ee iy] Rs, wes] fae » less: re] fans. : Rega: BM F838 at] | As fod. » C79 378 S| | a fore. » Alexaaiier, boldinglCate sty ecm by Vi tory guadrga terse bal I the Bones led by we felt om adeno on TR.P.MIll (A.D. 230) soo] S| IMP:SEV.ALEXIP. MTR. P. wll COS Jeo ANDER AVG. | lil. P.S.C._ Sol sd bs weft iat ing 2 Mia and heding whip. 6 sor|De] * Sse, ga | | as . clei, tt91, 3 sss] b Sol ad sg roms heals Trging hd and bling 8,8 sea] | Ae ¥ fa Sloss iis |“ fhe 1, Vitory st ber feo oof 398 Wins wedng VOT. oe 1 Weld Hand wo palms 8 ‘492, Normal aby legend 4), not IMP. SEV. ALEXAND.AVG. ot C.s72 AD. 229-231 ut Noor! | obvene Reverse Note ss] | a+ limp. sey.aLex'P. MTR. B. Vl. COSC, "ANDER AVG. | lil. P. P.S.C.Vieors| Tinchant be Ig fs fer foo on bln] Calls 9p end VOT. x" i Ered to pale, sa] | ab se le ed yang ep plea and spre upright. gt] | As pore ee Binperor gy i Coy 2055 tly dram fooconteiess als) Hach, Ing lobe ad lover spest.C eon 278, seg] | Ask (with sei * ‘lcs so] | a i op Emperor tested oldinglC 408 Vicery tad sept, crown by Victory who sands behind ‘gia om + el stheld incited, VOT | plaed on low colina.” TRP.X (A.D. 231) lap IMP. SEV AUEXANDE aie ALEX NDER PIV: VG. sls ‘ Ps, TR.P.X.COS. tears DBI SLE. So Ge a0 = ¢ se] fm bee » Gea 5a s S : fess mop] ete : leas Me as{s| bee pS. root (0. 50) els ws] | a ioe » Sleeee coy me sofs| be Sol walking Ly oldinglC88 hip, é sal s ob vr FAnnona wg. 1 holding Case ho corveam ove odio an er. ‘| sig] | As heb » cleass 1a SEVERUS ALEXANDER olor] a | oben ere Nove yo| 8 P.M.TR,P.X. COS. II Bats BAP. SCs Astoas ner] Case, Ieidsg “two carte ‘red h ‘odio aad sacha as} ke vr Vieuy ag by beliglai9 eh a pl a sa] | as dee. lease ls] ™ ioe ler BY S| a fhe ety | S.C. Bopenc ob hone Boidngspu in me, Wc Solting "eath and palo] Wehnd olde eying Se TR.P.XI (A.D.232) Ime. ALEXANY DEK PNSAVG| vs|s] hea Petts BRP Xt COS. rinchane cai 2 Cas. ‘26 |p chat sr" ae Sv, ls} fa Eos 9 3 [Dp ca Be] | aw ean Bis] ba tha. BL as eae TR.P XII (A.D. 223) IMP. ALEXAN. | DER AVSAVG| ss] s] fe LJBERALITAS avGvsT1y oan i mls} ke m TRypemne se, Ricans Ab. 231-235 113 Nofor| a | omere Revene Notes ss] 8] ee ALEXAN p.t7R,P. 201. COS. ts Dem AVSAVG) 6 SP teas bese ih ihn Tang oh 536 |Dp IB aan Pleas at sin] | as foe » chests TRP.XII (A.D. 234) IMP. ALEXAN. Dea PIVSAVG, ss] 8 a lpm. TR... XII. COS Jase the. P.'S.C. Sat walk vb torn Pe Ge. «39 |Dp org. » clease Ho| | As bed : leases TR.PXilll (A.D. 235) IMP. ALEXAN: DER PIVSAVG| sat] s & Fritts TEP RW COS Case as Iii. B.P.S.C, Sol wale] | el dese) ¢| st [Dp] bw > C36, sky Cats Mito, Feb. 295%, 2595. so] | pa . oka m4 SEVERUS ALEXANDER B-UNDATED (i) A.D. 222-231 ‘Obverse legends (2) IMP.CAES.M AVR.SEV.ALEXANDER AVG. (4) IMP.SEV.ALEXANDER AVG. Obvere ave ADLOCYTIO AVGYSTICs. 5 S.C. Bape ng, ly on pliirm, "secompatind” | pte so ofcery adden S&%) EQVITAS AVc.s.C] “acquit, blag vale and comuenpie. cl MEQVITAS AVGvsTica : S.C. | be. JANNONA "AVGvsTiless SuC. Ansonang. holding] Guncan over modus an I. be SrAnnons ate. Ly, boldinglC36 Car~ cimers over moles a ies 190, seer, (208 Clear ONCORDIA AVGVST-C4i TORVE (witoss S.C) Aloe over and Orbnos (ml on VIBES MiLiTvM s.Cjean cx. bed Fides sg. 1p hlding “ewo| (Oct andar “C39, pis ‘ » fess a cless sf, Coben gine an wsrtsn reading (hom Vail), ob. IMP; CARS. MifevCATEVAND. AVG. best lur rene, ADLOCVTIO AVGVSTI CostP Pease. (es) Sst Impey decried fom Minot (C48) No] OF sss 39 se 6 se ss Pa oe se UNDATED 5 x ows luper tgs Boling thon ae “Ea "copes fag im, Alersodr baling cet And’ ssticing over trp, ‘Soaed by Vis; on grote Soh | As fad, . [Ra 0896), ba IM. AVREL . AL INDVLGENTIA AVG.S.C,C.r EX ANDER) Spex lking ty bolding AVG. Young) fowee and rising skin Bust r., bare endo. % OVI CONSERVATORIC.14 S.C. pier seb bldg] thunderbolt and top, ex tending hi. hand to lexan = “| ba. » Sfeomaggia totes . 100 ake : 0 Sbve livstitia AVGVSTI S. Cede (896), Yast wate yelling) pcb, ter sod sept. '5| Sydenham Ls fa Aram behind im, eto infront, Literal sty ol ing’ abacus and. cormucpiaed ten mounting pe Vaiat without S.C, ASPEN, (885) sas.

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