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2 ∈ N
Since ⊂ is a symbol that is used to represent a proper subset, and 2 cannot
be a subset of N because sets are labeled with capital letters ONLY.

2. y=10 n , n ϵ N
4. If two integers are even, then their product is an even integer.
5. P: m Q: n PQ
6. P: a = b Q: a+ c = b + c P 𝑄

7. Q   P

8. R  Q  P
9. For any natural number x, there exist a natural number x, such that
three x minus y is equal to zero
10. There exist integers x, the element of natural number y, such that
x minus three y is equal to zero.

1. P: x is an odd number. Q: x + 1 is even

2. P: If a = b, and b = c, Q: then a = c.
3. P: The sun is shining Q: it is raining

4. P: a = b Q: a+ c = b + c, then a = c.

5.  R
1. Converse: If x is negative then it is less than 0.

Inverse: If x is greater than or equal to 0, then it is not negative.

Contrapositive: If x is not negative then it is greater than zero.

2. Converse: If you will marry me then you will love me.

Inverse: If you don’t love me, you will not marry me.

Contrapositive: If you will not marry me, then you don’t love me

3. Converse: If a man reaps the fruit of his labor, then he perseveres

Inverse: If a man doesn’t persevere, then he doesn’t reap the fruits of his labor.

Contrapositive: If a man doesn’t reap the fruit of his labor, then he doesn’t persevere.

4. Converse: if there are no face-to-face classes in all levels, then there is COVID-19
pandemic in the country.

Inverse: There are face-to-face classes in all levels if there is no COVID-19

pandemic in the country.

Contrapositive: if there are face-to-face classes in all levels, then there is no COVID-
19 pandemic in the country.

5. Converse: if I’m wearing face mask, only then I’m protecting myself from the virus.

Inverse: I’m not wearing face mask, only if I’m not protecting myself from the virus.

Contrapositive: if I’m not wearing face mask, only then I’m not protecting myself from
the virus.

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