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Family concern: Facilitating self-management of

patients undergoing hemodialysis夽
Cholina Trisa Siregar a,∗ , Zulkarnain b , Siti Zahara Nasution a ,
Jenny Marlindawani Purba a , Evi Karota a , Bayhakki c , Muhammad Pahala Hanafi Harahap d

Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Nursing, University of Riau, Riau, Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

Received 27 August 2019; accepted 16 December 2019

Chronic disease; Objective: The objective was to describe the experience of patients in self-managing.
Renal dialysis; Method: Phenomenology design was used in this study. Fifhteen of families who have family
Self-management; member which undergoing hemodialysis were recruited as participants. In-depth interviews
Quality of life were conducted at April to July 2018 to explore of the experiences of family in patients’ self-
managing. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi.
Result: We found four themes of patients’self-management which reported by their family.
There themes were (1) having positive and negative views on life changes after undergoing
hemodialysis, (2) spirit for undergoing the process of hemodialysis, (3) controlling the activity
and (4) limitation of food while undergoing hemodialysis and patient’s expectations during
Conclusion: Self-management of patients who receive hemodialysis includes self-management
in physical form (controlling activities and food restrictions) and psychological (views on life
changes and life zest).
© 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

夽 Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference of Indonesian National Nurses Association

(ICINNA 2019). Full-text and the content of it is under responsibility of authors of the article.
∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: (C.T. Siregar).
1130-8621/© 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Family concern: Facilitating self-management of patients undergoing hemodialysis 11

Introduction the description of the patient’s self-experience during

hemodialysis could be clearly illustrated. This method is
Hemodialysis is a therapy that is widely used by patients with very appropriate to be used to explore the phenomenon
decreased kidney function and requires patients to undergo of patient self-management because each patient has his
hemodialysis. Hemodialysis is required 12---15 h per week or own experience in self-management during hemodialysis
3---4 h per hemodialysis session which is carried out contin- in accordance with his views of himself. The study was
uously throughout life.1 Hemodialysis patients in Indonesia conducted in the city of Medan in the hemodialysis room
continue to increase every year. Indonesian Kidney Registry because Medan is a city of diverse ethnic groups and the
data increased by 11,689 patients in 2015.2 capital of North Sumatra. The existing hospital in the city
Hemodialysis patients experience various complications of Medan is also a referral hospital from several surround-
such as skin irritation, insomnia during or after undergoing ing provinces. The study began in March---October 2018, data
hemodialysis, hypertension, hypotension, muscle cramps, collection was conducted in April---July 2018. The number of
vascular access problems, cold, headaches, itching, nausea participants in this study was 15 participants. Participants
and vomiting. This condition can disrupt the quality of life were taken using purposive sampling with inclusion criteria:
of patients such as physical, psychological, spiritual health, willing to be a participant, not experiencing communication
socio-economic status and dynamics in family forums.3 problems, good physical and mental condition, undergoing
The process of hemodialysis is very helpful for patients hemodialysis for more than 6 months. Exclusion criteria are
with chronic kidney disease, especially end-stage because patients who have complications and patients who are not
nephrons are functioning at 15% (end-stage or end-stage routine hemodialysis.
kidney failure).4 The process of hemodialysis is done as Data collection in the hemodialysis room when patients
an effort to extend the patient’s life. This process helps undergo HD therapy. Data collection using in-depth inter-
patients restore damaged kidney function, to improve the views conducted by researchers themselves with a duration
welfare of patients with chronic kidney failure. The func- of 55---60 min. Data collection was assisted by other
tion of the kidneys as a means of cleaning blood can be researchers in terms of recording participant responses
replaced by a hemodialysis machine, but the process causes during interviews. The interview process was carried out
health problems for patients. Dependence on the hemodial- several times to get data saturation. Data collection tools
ysis machine also causes perceived physical, psychological in this study were demographic data questionnaires, inter-
and social problems such as the burden on the sufferer.4 One view guides, field notes, and voice recorders. The interview
of the causes of the decreased psychosocial state of patients guide consists of 5 open-ended questions such as what to
undergoing hemodialysis is failure to adapt to the current expect during hemodialysis therapy, problems that often
situation. Overcoming problems that occur requires good occur during hemodialysis therapy, actions taken to over-
self-management in patients undergoing hemodialysis.5 come problems and others.
Self-management of patients with hemodialysis patients Qualitative data analysis using the Colaizzi model with
must be an important concern for health professionals, espe- 9 stages ranging from describing the phenomena under
cially nurses because it can be a reference for the success of study, collecting descriptions, reading all descriptions, read-
an intervention/action or therapy. In addition, data about ing transcripts of interviews, describing existing meanings,
self-management can also be preliminary data to be con- organizing meaning collections, writing complete descrip-
sidered in formulating appropriate interventions or actions tions, meeting participants to validate descriptions and
for patients. Self-management is a way for patients to combining data results into the theme. Ethical consideration
improve their health status by managing themselves through was approved by the USU Faculty of Nursing Health Research
changes in a patient’s lifestyle.6 Self-management is a way Ethics (1333/III/SP/2018). The limitation in this research is
to increase motivation, personal ability, control the abil- that triangulation of sources, methods and theories is not
ity to achieve good things, and develop various abilities to done.
become better.7 The results of8 obtained data on the level of
self-management of hemodialysis patients are still low than
the ideal level of self-management, so that patients feel Results
that he is a burden to his family. Good self-management
in hemodialysis patients can reduce morbidity, mortality, The first participant of the husband of the patient aged
complications and increase patient life expectancy.9 65 years, secondary education tribal minang; the second
From a search for print and electronic literature (inter- participant was a 30-year-old female patient, high school
net), several studies have been carried out relating to education Batak tribe; third participant husband of 68-year-
quality of life in hemodialysis patients in several developed old patient of middle school education Batak tribe, fourth
countries. While in Indonesia, data are still rarely found or participant is wife of 62-year-old patient with Batak tribal
the results of research on the self-management of hemodial- junior high school education, fifth participant of wife of
ysis patients. patient age 55 years of junior high school education of Java
tribe, sixth participant husband of middle school education
patient first age 52 years old Batak tribe, participant sev-
Method enth wife of middle education patient over age 45 years old
Javanese tribe, participant eighth daughter of high school
This research uses a qualitative study with a phenomeno- education patient Minang tribe, participant ninth wife of
logical design. This design was chosen so that participants’ patient age 66 years old middle school education Batak
experiences could be explored more clearly so that tribe, participant of tenth wife of patient age 45 years old
12 C.T. Siregar et al.

middle school education Batak tribe, the eleventh partici- Theme 3. Controlling the activity and limitation of
pant of the husband of the age of 50 years of junior high food while undergoing hemodialysis
school education, the twelve participants of the husband of
the age of 61 years of senior high school education of the In undergoing hemodialysis patients maintain activities car-
tribe, the thirteenth participant of the child of the patient ried out in daily life and also maintain food consumption to
aged 35 years of school education en middle of the Batak maintain their health to remain stable
tribe, participant of the fourteenth husband of a patient
aged 62 years of junior secondary education Batak tribe, ‘‘Sadly, we can’t eat food. Sadly, but already said doctors
participant of the fifteenth wife of a patient aged 40 years don’t eat, if eaten it arises. Later will the doctor be
of high school education in the Minang tribe. asked whether you eat?’’ (P10)
There were 4 themes emerged from this study, namely
‘‘. . . during this work it can’t work, the second we move
(1) Having positive and negative views on life changes
it is difficult because it’s a little bit he wants him to be
after undergoing hemodialysis, (2) Passion for undergoing
dizzy, wants to go, just wants to be limp’’ (P4)
the process of hemodialysis, (3) Controlling the activ-
ity and limitation of food while undergoing hemodialysis
and (4) Expectations that patients have during undergoing Theme 4. Expectations that patients have during
hemodialysis. undergoing hemodialysis

Patients have very high expectations for recovery, patients

Theme 1. Having positive and negative views on have hope for recovery for their families and can undergo
activities such as before undergoing hemodialysis.
life changes after undergoing hemodialysis
‘‘. . . Hopefully, God will give healing so that I can meet
The patient has a view of the changes that occur to him, with the family’’ (P15)
these changes occur due to illness and routine in undergoing
hemodialysis. The views given by patients vary in the form ‘‘. . . If I hope, I want to ask for a cure, right, ask the
of negative and positive views. Negative views such as, the Almighty to get well soon . . .’’ (P3)
patient feels his life is not in accordance with the wishes
because of illness, feeling dissatisfied with life because it is Discussion
not in line with expectations, feeling life becomes depen-
dent, feeling hopeless. The studies found that participants had positive and neg-
ative views on life changes after undergoing HD. Positive
‘‘. . . There’s still a lot that you think about, it’s not the views of participants can accept the state of having to
same as what you were thinking about . . . yeah, even the undergo hemodialysis. Forms of support such as attention
ordinary people don’t need a crew too, do you expect too are needed by patients to reduce the emergence of neg-
much. But even then it’s still far from what you expect’’ ative feelings such as depression and feeling a burden on
(P7). the family. Families and health workers have a function to
improve health status and influence the patient’s view of
Not only does the negative view of the patient also have a the disease during treatment.10 One participant revealed
positive outlook on living his life as the patient feels satisfied that if patients are left alone without attention, patients
because he has been able to return to activity, feels that life will tend to daydream and negative feelings will arise that
is approaching the ideal even though he is sick, accepts the will automatically affect the quality of life. After coming
condition after illness, grateful for the conditions that occur home from the hospital just sleeping and watching TV, the
activity was so repetitive because of dependence on others
due to physical weakness.
‘‘. . . I can move, I can work, I can be with family, together
The state of participant psychology decreased where
with children . . .’’ (P10)
participants felt bored, desperate and felt a burden since
undergoing hemodialysis. The psychological state of the par-
ticipants has declined since undergoing hemodialysis. The
Theme 2. Passion for undergoing the process of goal of fifteen participants revealed a psychological bur-
hemodialysis den such as being bored, desperate and feeling a burden
to the closest person. One participant revealed that he
The patients are eager to undergo the treatment process. felt a burden to his child so that negative feelings always
The enthusiasm of the patient can be attributed to the sup- arise such as despair and thought it would be better to
port of the family and the enthusiasm of their own. just die. Saturated feelings also arise because every two
weeks you have to undergo hemodialysis therapy. This is
consistent with research conducted by Welch et al.11 men-
‘‘Yes, be enthusiastic, for the best, you will live’’ (P6)
tioning that the psychological quality of participants is felt
to decline where participants feel embarrassed, hopeless
‘‘Well, that’s what makes me excited and indeed the and feel guilty which can cause depression in participants,
reality. Until now it’s been able to do nothing, it’s just quality of life is also influenced by psychological factors like
that it can’t be too tired, it must be controlled’’ (P11) anxious
Family concern: Facilitating self-management of patients undergoing hemodialysis 13

The enthusiasm generated by the patient is inseparable action/intervention or therapy. Management of patient’s
from the support made by the closest person, especially the self-management can be a nursing action especially for
family. The source of social support needed by participants patients undergoing hemodialysis.
is support from families such as husband or wife partners,
children, mother’s father and coworkers expressed almost Conflict of interests
by all participants. Social support sources in implementing
self-management of patients undergoing hemodialysis are The authors declare no conflict of interest.
obtained from spouse, family, and fellow patients under-
going hemodialysis.6 A form of support needed by the
participants obtained by researchers, namely attention, Acknowledgments
family support and support for the work environment or
friends. The authors thank the Ministry of Research, Technology,
The results of the study showed that participants expe- and Higher Education, the Republic of Indonesia for fund-
rienced limitations in carrying out their activities. A change ing this research through Research Grant in 2019 no.
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