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Name : Dinaresa Jesica

NIM : 1820205048
Class : PBI 18052



Analytical exposition text

Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon
surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter, and
to analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument to support it.

Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text

a. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s point of view.
b. Argument : Explaining the argument to support the writer’s position. The number of
arguments may vary, but each argument must be supported by evidence and
c. Reiteration: Restating the writer’s point of view / to strengthen the thesis. We can use
the following phrase to make conclusion in reiteration.

Street Furniture

In towns, they were very few bus shelters until about thirty years ago. Since then they
have appeared everywhere, probably because most people no longer wear the kinds of clothes
that protect them from the wind, cold, and rain. Country bus shelters have been with us for a
good deal longer. Before the Second World War, many of them were paid for by rich local
people, often in memory of a member of their family. Some were well built and very
attractive, to fit in with the surroundings.

By the 1870’s public lavatories were being installed all over Britain. May of them, for
gentlemen only, were made of iron, highly decorated and often in the shape of Indian Greek
temples. A little later in the 1880’s, more solid structures of brick or stone were being built,
with accomodation for ladies and gentlemen. Some of these looked like cottages or medieval

Public drinking fountains are to be found everywhere. Most of them were built in the
ninetheenth century and some are very grand. The old type of drinking fountains was note
very hygienic. It usually had an iron drinking cup, fixed to a chain, and everyone used it.
They were built for three reasons. Firstly, they provided people with pure water to drink, at a
time when much of the drinking water available, especially from wells and pumps, was
dangerous to health. Secondly, they were memorials to local resident. Finally, they were
intended to persuade people to drink water, instead of beer or sprites.

1. Choose the best meanings for these words.

a. Protect : Clothes that protect you against the bad weather are clothes which :
(a) Let in the wind, cold, and rain.
(b) Keep you warm and dry.
b. Rural : the paragraph describes town bus shelters and rural ones. Rural is
likely to mean :
(a) Town.
(b) Country.
c. Erected : the paragraph describes when and why public drinking fountains
were erected. It means :
(a) Built.
(b) Decorated.
d. Memorial : one reason for bulding the drinking fountain was as a memorial for
someone who lived nearby. So a memorial here is probably something :
(a) To help you remember someone who is dead.
(b) To provide fresh drinking water.

2. Read each passage again and fill in the chart

Bus shelters Public Lavatories Fountains

3. Why were they To protect
built? someone from -
bad weather
When were the
first ones built?
What are they - -
made of?
What do they
look like?
What street furniture do you have in your country? What does it tell us about life in
your country?


Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to
describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

a. Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be
b. Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by
describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe.

Purpose of Descriptive text

a. To describe person, thing or place in specific.

The Polar Bear

The Polar Bear or white bear is distinguished for his tremendous ferocity. They are
very numerous in the polar seas. There it is seen not only on land and fixed ice, but on
floating ice several leagues out at sea. At sea, the food of this animal is fish, seals, and the
carcases of whales; on land, it preys upon deer and other animals, and will, like the Black
Bear, eat many kinds of berries. In winter, it beds itself deeply under the snow or eminences
of ice, and awaits, in a torpid state, the return of the sun. The Black Bear lives in the woods of
the United States, and it is not as large as the Polar or Brown Bear, but lives very much like
the Polar bear.


A. Please Answer the questions below.

1. What is colour of the polar bear?
a. Blue c. Yellow
b. White d. Green
2. Where is the polar bear usually seen?
a. Land and fixed ice c. In the desert.
b. On the tree d. In the class
3. What is the food of polar bear at the sea?
a. Many kind of berries c.Fish, seals, and carcase of
b. Deer and other animal d. Many kind of vegetables
4. What is the food of the polar bear on the land?
a. Many kind of berries c. Fish, seals, and carcase of
b. Deer and other animal d. Many kind of vegetables
5. Where is the black bear lives?
a. In the zoo c. In the forest of the Africa
b. In the Japan d. In the wood of the United

B. Essay
1. What is the topic of the text?
2. Which paragraph is the identification?
3. Which paragraph is the description?

A. Practice the dialogue with your pair and then choose the best answer.
1. Karin : I was disappointed with the art exhibition.
Jesslyn : So was i.
Karin : The paintings were not greats works.
What does the Karin express?
a. Inability
b. Uncertainty
c. Impossibility
d. Dissatisfaction

2. Jessica : what do Americans do in their free times?

Jackson : that depends. They do all sorts of things.
Jessica : well, what about you?
Jackson : i spend most of my time reading books and writing some articles.
What does Jackson do in his free time?
a. Reading books
b. Doing many activity
c. Reading books and writing some articles
d. Fishing

3. Varo : dad, have you seen my report card?

Daddy : sure, you did well. I’m proud of you.
Varo : thank you, dad.
What does the man express?
a. His pride
b. His advice
c. His curiosity
d. His agreement

4. Joce : do you know where the public library is, please?

Kim : it’s on broad street, near the town hall.
Joce : is it far from here?
Kim : no, it’s about a mile.
Joce : thanks a lot.
What are they discussing?
a. The librarian
b. The broad street
c. The books in the library
d. The location of the library

5. Jeff : whose book is this?

Yujin : it is mine.
Jeff : may i borrow it? I do really want to read it.
What is Jeff interested in?
a. Buying the book
b. Lending the book
c. Reading the book
d. Explaining about the book

B. Complete the following dialogue with the words provided, and then practice it with
your pairs in front of the class.

Wendy : what are you doing, Irene?

Irene : i’m (1) my uniform. It was very dirty. What is it?
Wendy : Have you done with your English homework?
Irene : not yet but David did. I (2) it tonight.
Wendy : (3) ? he is very good in English.
Irene : Good thinking! Phone (4) that we are going to do the homework
Wendy : okay.

a. How about doing it at David’s house

b. Will
c. Washing
d. Him

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