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Atrish Job Training Institute, H-

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Dear Freshers,

Warm Greeting from AJTI.

Atrish Job Training Institute, an IIT alumni venture, is Placement

Oriented Training Institute to guide and help freshers to get their
dream jobs.

I am delighted that you are willing to improve your aptitude skills. This
Question bank is part of Question bank series for Aptitude test. It's the
Voulme I and Volume II is going to be issued in first week of January,
2011. This Question Bank Series covers Quantative Aptitude, Verbal
Ability and Analytical reasoning. It contains fully solved several
hundreds of frequently asked questions in written tests of companies.

Let us know in case of any clarification.

We wish you all the best for coming placement session.

With Warm Regards,

AJTI Team,
Atrish Job Training Institute,
Off. Add: AJTI-House, H-120, Beta II, Greater Noida
Website: www.ajti.in, Email ID: info@ajti.in
Mob. No. 8800-347-666, 8800-348-666
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H-120, Beta II, 8800-
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Quantative Aptitude

1. Two persons A and B start traveling in the same direction at 8km/hr and 13km/hr respectively.
After 4 hours, A doubled his speed and B reduced his speed by 1km/hr and reached the
destination together. How long did the entire journey take? TCS

A) 9 hr B) 10hr C) 11hr D) 8 hr.

Soln. Both A and B are reaching at same destination together. So distance covered by both and
time taken to complete entire journey is same. Suppose time taken by A and B to complete entire
journey is X.

Therefore, Distance traveled by A = 4 * 8 km/hr + (X - 4) * 16 km/hr

Distance traveled by B = 4 * 13 km/hr + (X - 4) * 12 km/hr
Distance covered by A = Distance covered by B
So, 32 + 16X – 64 = 52 + 12x – 48
==== > 4 * X = 36 === > X = 9 Correct Option A

2. The cost of one pencil, two pens and four erasers is Rs.22. While the cost of five pencils, four
pens and two erasers is Rs.32. How much will three pencils, three pens and three erasers cost?

A) 27 hr B) 20hr C) 11hr D) 28 hr. INFY

Soln. Suppose X denotes cost of 1 Pencil, Y denotes cost of 1 Pen and Z denotes cost of 1
Therefore, 1*X + 2*Y + 4 *Z = 22 ……. (1)
Second condition is given as: 5*X + 4*Y + 2*Z = 32. ……(2)
Find out 3*X + 3*y + 3*Z=?

By adding Eqn (1) and (2), 6*X + 6*Y + 6*Z = 54, so X + Y + Z = 54/6 = 9
Now calculate the 3*X + 3*Y + 3 *Z = 9 * 3 = 27 Correct Option A

3. The total expense of a boarding house is partly fixed and partly variable with the number of
boarders. The charge is Rs.70per head when there are 25 boarders and Rs.60 when there are 50
boarders. Find the charge per head when there are 100 boarders? TCS

A) 65 B) 55 C) 50 D) 45

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Soln: Suppose fixed cost of boarding is X and variable cost per head is Y.
Total cost of 25 boarders , X + 25*Y = 25*70 = 1750 . . . . (1)

Total cost of 50 boarders, X = 50*Y = 50*60 = 3000 . . . (2)

Solving Eq (1) and (2), Y= 50 Correct Option: C

4.. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit memory? TCS

A) 123 B)253 C)129 D) 251

Soln. No .of bits Binary Equivalent Decimal Equival.

1 1 1

2 11 3

3 111 7

n 11111……1 2^n - 1

For 8 bits, the maximum value that can be stored is = 2^8 – 1 = 255. Hence find out the prime
number less than or equal to 255. Now 255,254,253,252 are not prime numbers. But 251 is a
prime number. Correct Option: D

5. How many positive integer solutions does the equation 2x+3y = 100 have?

A) 50 B) 16 C) 26 D) 35 Accenture

Soln: Given 2x+3y=100, Take LCM of 'x' coeff and 'y' coeff in Eq.
LCM (2,3 )=6. For integer solutions 100 will be divided in intervals of 6.
So divide 100 with 6 , which gives 16 .
Correct Option: B

6. One train travels 200m from A to B with 70 kmph and returns to A with 80kmph, what is the
average of their speed?

A) 224/3 B) 80kmph C) 70kmph D) 35kmph

Soln: Suppose X is the speed for the journey from A to B and Y is for the journey from B to A.
Average Speed can by calculated directly by 2*X*Y / ( X +Y ) = 2 * 80 * 70 / (80 + 70) = 224/3
Correct Option: A
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7. A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph. Another person was also fined for
exceeding the same speed limit by twice the same. If the second person was traveling at a speed
of 35 mph, find the speed limit?

A) 2.4days B) 3.2 days C) 4.2days D) 15kmph

Soln: Let’s assume X be the speed limit. Person A was fined for exceeding the speed limit by =
10mph Person B was fined for exceeding the speed limit by = twice of A = 2*10mph=20mph
given that the second person was traveling at the speed of 35mph.

Speed limit = B’s speed – B’s over speeding = 35mph – 20mph = 15mph

Correct Option : C

8. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days then
how many days should B work to complete A's work?

A) 2.4days B) 3.2days C) 4.2days D) 35days

Sol: In one day, A can do 1/10 work. In 6 days, he can finish 6/10. So remaining work is 2/5. B
does complete work in 1/8 so he will do 2/5 work in 2 * 8/5 days = 3.2 days.
Correct Option: B

9. A red light glows every 10sec, yellow every 15sec and green every 18sec. Find the number of
times all three glow together from 8:00AM to 9:00AM? L&T Infotech

A) 41 B) 24 C) 27 D) 32

Soln: To find out the time interval at which all lights glow together, calculate LCM of these
So L.C.M (10,15,18) = 90. It means after every 90 seconds all three lights will glow
Now to find out how many times it will glow in 60mins which is equivalent to 3600
seconds. Total no. of time these will glow together = 3600 / 90 = 40 times
Add one for the starting point when all the lights were glowing together. So the answer
is 41 times. Correct Option: A

10. Length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and width is decreased by 20%. What is the
percentage change in the area of rectangle?

A) 2% Increase B) 6% Decrease C) 4% Decrease D) 5% Increase

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Soln: Let’s assume length and width are L and W respectively. After 20% increase, L will
become 1.2*L. After decreasing in W by 20% it will become .8 *W.
So the area will become (1.2*L )*(.8*W) = .96 * L*W
Percentage Change in Area = ( .96*L*W – L*W ) * 100 = - .04 * L * W * 100 = 4% decrease

Correct Option: C

11. I am in a dark room and want to get two socks of the same color from my drawer, which
contains 24 red, 24 blue, 12 green and 16 yellow socks. How many socks do I have to take from
the drawer to get at least two socks of the same color? HCL

A)4 B) 5 C) 48 D) 25

Soln: There are 4 colors socks. In worst case, first 4 picks will result in 4 different color socks.
But the 5th pick will ensure that there are at least 2 colors of same color. Correct Option: B.

12. Which is the smallest number that divides 2880 and gives a perfect square? WIPRO

A) 1 B) 2 C) 5 D) 6

Soln: By using prime factorization form, 2880 can be written as 2^6 * 3^2 * 5. Looking at this
normalized form its clear If this number is divided by 5, it will become a perfect squrare.
Correct option: C

13. On a pizza shop, there were 2 kinds of pizzas available. But now they have introduced 8 new
types of pizza. A person want to buy two different types of pizzas. In how many ways he can
select the pizza? TCS
A) 24 B) 43 C) 56 D) 58

Soln. There are 8 varieties of pizza and he want to select 2.

While selecting the first pizza he has 8 choices. For the second pizza selection, he has only 7
choices because he has already selected one pizza. So total no of way to select pizza = number of
ways to select first pizza * number of ways to select second pizza = 8 * 7 = 56
Correct option: C

14. A train starts full of passengers. At the first station, it drops one-third of the passengers and
takes 280 more. At the second station, it drops one-half of the new total and takes 12 more. On
arriving at the third station, it is found to have 248 passengers. Find the number of passengers in
the beginning.

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A) 240 B) 248 C) 280 D) 288

Soln: Suppose train starts with X passengers. At first station: X – X/3 + 280
At second station: ½ (2x/3 + 280) + 12 = 248 === > X = 288
Correct option: D

15. The L.C.M. of two numbers is 40 times to their H.C.F. If one of the numbers is 75 and sum
of L.C.M. and H.C.F. is 615, the other number is? Infy

A) 175 B) 220 C) 125 D) 235

Soln: Let’s assume LCM is l and HCF is h.

By the LCM and HCF properties, HCF(A,B)*LCM(A,B)= A*B.
75 * B = HCF(A,B)*LCM(A,B) == > 75 * B = 40 HCF(A,B)* HCF(A,B)
l + h = 615,
By solving above equations, second no. is 125. Correct Option C.

16. The ratio of incomes of C and D is 3:4 and the ratio of their expenditures is 4:5. Find the
ratio of their savings if the savings of C is one fourths of his income?

A) 17/25 B) 12/19 C) 12/25 D) 23/35

Soln: Ratio of incomes is 3:4. Let’s say coefficient is X so 3X:4X.

Ratio of Expenditure is 4:5. Let’s assume the coefficient is Y so 4Y : 5Y.
So savings of C and D are 3X -4Y, 4X-5Y respectively.
Given that 3X -4Y = ¼(3X) so Y = 9X/16.
Ratio of saving of C and D is 3X -4Y: 4X-5Y. Putting the value of Y in terms of X.
Ratio of savings is 12/19. Correct Option B

17. How many 1's are there in the binary form of 8*1024 + 3*64 + 3? (PCS,HCL)

A)5 B) 2 C) 7 D) 6

Soln: There is no need to simplify this equation and convert the corresponding number in binary.
Number of 1’s can be directly calculated. It can be written as

(2^3) * (2^10) + (3)* (2^6) + 3 = 2^13 + ( 2^1 + 1) * (2^6) + 2 +1

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==== > 2^13 + 2^7 + 2^6 + 2^1 + 1 = 10000000000000 + 10000000 + 1000000 + 10 + 1
(binary equivalent)
This has total five 1’s. Correct Option A

18. Successive discounts of 20% and 15% are equal to a single discount of? INFY

A) 30% B) 32% C) 34% D) 35%

Soln. If successive discounts of A and B are given then equivalent single discount can be
figured out by a + b – ab/100.
=== > 20 + 15 – 20*15/100 = 35 – 3 = 32% Correct Option: B

19. The three numbers in brackets represent the length of the sides of a triangle. Which of these
does not represent a proper triangle?

A)(2m,3m,4m) B)(1m,2m,4m) C) (3m,4m,5m) D)(3m,3m,3m)

Soln: Triangle properties is that sum of any two sides of triangle must be greater than 3rd side of
triangle. Option b violate this condition as 1m + 2m is less than 4m. Correct Option: B

20. A radio when sold at a certain price gives a gain of 20%. What will be the gain percent, if
sold for thrice the price? WIPRO

A) 260% B) 150% C) 100% D) 50%

Soln: Let’s say cost price of radio is x and selling price is y.

In the beginning as gain is 20% so S.P. = C.P. + (20 * C.P)/100 = x + x/5
If the selling price is thrice, it means S.P. = 3*y.
Gain = (Selling price – Cost Price ) / cost price = ( 3*y – x ) / x
=( 3 *(x+x/5) - x ) / x = 3 + 3/5 -1 = 13/ 5
Gain percentage = (13/5) * 100 = 260% Correct Option: A

21. Numerator of a fraction is increased by 25% and denominator is decreased by 20%, the new
value is 5/4. What is the original value of numerator and denominator? Accenture

A) 2/5 B) 2/7 C) 4/7 D) 4/5

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Soln: Let's assume numerator and denominator be num and denom.
Num is increased by 25% so it increase value can be written as: num + num * 25/100
=== > num (1 + .25 ) ==== > 1.25 Num
Similiarly Denom can be written as .80 * denom
Given condition is: 1.25*num / .8 * denom = 5/4;
num / denom = 4 /5 Correct Option: D

22. The ratio of radius of two cylinders is 2:3 and the ratio of their heights is 5:3. If the volume
of the bigger cylinder is 27, then what is volume of the smaller one? IBM

A) 25 B) 20 C) 28 D) 32

Soln : r1 / r2 = 2/3, h1/h2 = 5/3

V1/V2 = Pi*r1^2*h1/ Pi*r2^2*h2 = ( 4 * 5 ) / ( 9* 3 ) = 20/27

V1 = ( 20 / 27 ) * V2 = ( 20 * 27 ) / 27 = 20 Correct Option: B

23. Sum of first 100 numbers ( from 1 to 100 ) is divisible by ? SAMSUNG

A) 2, 4 & 8 B) 2 & 4 C) 2 only D). None of these

Soln. Sum of first n natural numbers can be represented as n(n+1)/2.

Sum of first 100 natural numbers = 100 (101) /2 = 50 * 101
As 50* 101 is not divisible by 4 or 8 and its only divisible by 2. Correct Option: C

24. The least number which is a perfect square and is divisible by each of numbers 16, 20, 24?

A) 2400 B) 6400 C) 3800 D) 3600

Soln: As the number is divisible by all three numbers so it must be divisible by LCM of three
numbers. LCM(16,20,24) = 240 = 2*2*2*2*3*5 = 2^4 * 3 * 5
To make it perfect square multiply by 3*5. Therefore 240*3*5 = 3600 Correct Option: D

25. 91 + 92 + 93 + ……… + 98 + 99 is divided by 6. What is the remainder? HCL

A) 5 B) 4 C)3 D). 2

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Soln: It can be represented as : ( 91 + 99) + ( 92 + 98 ) + (93 + 97) + (94 + 96) + 95 = 495
495 modulus 6 is 3. Correct Option: C

26. A producer blends two qualities of rice, one costing Rs 12.5/kg and the other costing Rs.
14rs/kg in the ratio of 4:5. Find his profit percent if he sells the mixed rice at the rate of 16/kg.

A) 20% B) 25% C) 15% D) 10% Satyam


Cheaper ( 12.5 rs/ kg ) Dearer ( 14rs/kg )

Mean Price (X)

14-x x -12.5

14-x / x -12.5 = 4 /5
70 – 5x = 4x – 50 , 9x = 120 , x = 120/9

Profit percent = ( (Selling price – cost price) / cost price ) * 100 = ( ( 16 - 120/9 ) / 120/9 ) *

= (24/9 )/ (120/9) = 24 * 100 /120 = 20% Correct Option : A

27. Rectangualr box, 25*20*2 converted in to cylinder of diameter 10. What is height in terms
of "Pi"?
A) 20/Pi B) 15/Pi C) 40/Pi D) 30/pi

Soln: a*b*c = Pi * r * r * h = = > h = 25 * 20 * 2 / Pi * 25 = 40/ Pi Correct Option: C

28. Pipe A can fill a tank in 20 minutes, Pipe B in 30 minutes and Pipe C can empty the same in
40 minutes. If all of them work together, find the time taken to fill the tank ? NTPC
A) 17 1/7 mins B) 20 mins C) 8 mins D)None of these

Soln: Net effect of one minute = 1/20 + 1/30 – 1/40 = 7 /120

Time taken to completely refill the tank = 120/7 = 17 1/7 Correct Option: A

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29. Lucia is a wonderful grandmother. Her age is between 50 and 70. Each of her sons has as
many sons as they have brothers. Their combined count gives Lucia’s age. What is the age of
Lucia? ONGC, Infy

A)52 B) 68 C) 64 D) 72

Soln: Let’s say Lucia has N sons. Each of her son will have ( n-1 ) grandsons.


Son1 Son2 Son3 …. Son(N-1) SonN

Total no of sons Lucia has = N, Total no of grandsons Lucia has = N * (N-1) = N^2 – N
So total no. of people in her family = No. of sons + No. of grandsons. = N^2 –N + N = N^2.

As per question: < 50 N^2 < 70; N = 64 is only square in this range. Correct option: C

30. Three types of tea the a,b,c costs Rs. 95/kg, 100/kg and 70/kg respectively. How many kgs
of each should be blended to produce 100 kg of mixture worth Rs. 90/kg. It is given that the
quantities of band c are equal. Cognizant

A)70,15,15 B)50,25,25 C)60,20,20 D)40,30,30

Soln: Given that B and C are in equal quantity i.e. X. So A’s quantity will be 100-2X.
Total cost of the mixture is 90*100
Therefore, 95(100 -2x) + 100x + 70x = 90*100
=> 9500 - 190x + 170X = 9000 => 9500 - 9000 = 20x
=> x = 500/20 => x = 25
Quantity of A, B and C is 50, 25 and 25 kg respectively. Correct Option: B

31. A digital wristwatch was set accurately at 8.30 a.m and then lost 2 seconds every 5 minutes.
What time was indicated on the watch at 6.30 p.m of the same day if the watch operated
continuously that time ? HCL

A)5:56 B)5:58 C)6.00 D)6.26

Soln: Watch is losing 2 seconds in every 5 minutes. Therefor every hour, it will loose 24
seconds. From 8:30 am to 6:30pm, there are 10hours. In total, It will loose 24 *10 = 240 seconds.
Watch shows 4 mins(240 seconds) less than actual time. Correct Option: D.
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32. Find out (112 + 122 + 132 + ... + 202) = ? CTS

A) 385 B) 2585 C) 2870 D)3255

Soln. Let’s say the value of this series is X. By using the formula: sum of n

squares = ( N * (N+1) * (2*N+1) )/6

X = ( 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + 202 ) - ( 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + 92 )

= ( 20 * (21) * 41 ) / 6 - (9 * (10) * 19) /6 = 2585 Correct Option :B

33. The proportion of milk and water in 3 samples is 2:1, 3:2 and 5:3. A mixture comprising of
equal quantities of all 3 samples is made. The proportion of milk and water in the mixture is ?

A) 138:235 B) 155:248 C) 287:345 D)227:133

Soln: Proportion of milk in 3 samples is 2/3, 3/5, 5/8.

Proportion of water in 3 samples is 1/3, 2/5, 3/8.
Since equal quantities are taken,
Total proportion of milk is 2/3 + 3/5 + 5/8 = 227/120
Total proportion of water is 1/3 + 2/5 + 3/8 = 133/120
Proportion milk and water in the solution = 227:133 Correct Option: D

34. 30% of the men are more than 25 years old and 80% of the men are less than or equal to 50
years old. 20% of all men play football. If 20% of the men above the age of 50 play football,
what percentage of the football players are less than or equal to 50 years?
GAIL, Tech Mahindra

A) 15% B) 20% C) 80% D) 70%

Soln: 20% of the men are above the age of 50 years. 20% of these men play football. Therefore,
20% of 20% of 4% of the total men are football players above the age of 50 years.
20% of the men are football players. Therefore, 16% of the men are football players below
the age of 50 years.

Therefore, the % of men who are football players and below the age of 50 = = 80%

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Correct Option: C

35. The population of a city increases at the rate of 4% per annum. There is an additional annual
increase of 4% of the population due to the influx of job seekers. Find the % increase in
population after 2 years ? TCS

A) 17% B) 20% C) 18% D) 10%

Soln: Suppose that current population is 100. The population is increasing 8% every year (4%
general rate + 4% due to job seekers.)

After one year, population is 108 (4%; + 4%)

After 2nd year, population is (.08*108)+108 = 117
Percentage increase in population is 17%. Correct Option: A

36. Two trains start at same time from Bangalore and Chennai and proceed towards each other at
the rate of 45km/hr and 50km/hr respectively. When they meet, it is found that one of the trains
has travelled 120km more than the other. Find the distance between Bangalore and Chennai?

A) 2280km B) 4280km C) 1200km D) 2160km

Soln: Ratio of speed given as 45*2/50*2 = 90/100 = 9/10

similarly ratio will exist in the distance covered as well because distance is directly proportional
to speed. Ratio of distance traveled = 9x/10x.
So the difference between distance = 10x – 9x = 120
==== > x = 120.
Distance between Bangalore and Chennai = total distance covered = 10x + 9x = 19x
= 19 * 120 = 2280 km Correct Option: A

37. There are 12 pipes that are connected to a tank. Some of them are fill pipes and the others are
drain pipes. Each of the fill pipes can fill the tank in 8 hours and each of the drain pipes can drain
the tank completely in 6 hours. If all the fill pipes and drain pipes are kept open, an empty tank
gets filled in 24 hours. How many of the 12 pipes are fill pipes? HCL, NTPC

A) 6 B) 8 C) 7 D) 5

Soln: Lets say there are x fill pipes in total. Each fill pipe contributes 1/8 in each hour. Total
contribution by the fill pipes in each hour = x/8
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Each drain pipe will release 1/6 part of the water in each hour. So total drain pipes will
release (12-x)/6 in each hour.

Net effect on the water in every hour = (x/8) + ((12-x)/6) = 1/24

== > ( 6x – 8 * ( 12 - x) ) /48 = 1/24
== > 6x – 96 + 8x = 2 == > 14x = 98 ==> x = 7. Correct Option: C

38. Figure out the smallest number which when decreased by 5 is divisible by 21, 27, 33, and 55?

A) 1490 B) 10400 C) 15490 D) None of these

Soln. Number is divisible by 21, 27, 33 and 55. So number is LCM of these 4 numbers.
LCM(21,27,33, 55) = 10395. As the number is decreased by 5, we will add 5 to get the actual
number. i.e. 10400. Correct Option: B

39. A pipe can fill a tank in 3 hours. There is leak in the bottom of tank and because of leak, it
took 7/2 hours to fill the tank. If the tank is full, how much time will the leak take to empty it?

A)17 B)18 C)20 D)21

Soln: Suppose leak empties the tank in x hours. So 1/x will be drained every hours.

Hence, 1/3 – 1/x = 2/7 = = > (x – 3) / 3x = 2 / 7 === > x = 21

So Leak will drain the tank in 21 hours. Correct Option: D

40. Horse started to chase dog as it relieved stable two hours ago. Horse started to ran with
average speed 22km/hour, horse crossed 10 meters road and two small pounds with depth
3meter, and it crossed two small streets with 200 meter length. After travelling 6 hrs, 2 hours
after sunset it got dog. Compute the speed of dog? TCS, BirlaSoft

A)17km/hr B)18 km/hr C)20 km/hr D)16.5km/hr

Soln: As speed and travel time of horse is given,

The distance traveled by horse is = 22 *6 = 132 Km
Dog started 2 hours earlier so he traveled the same distance in 8 hours.
Hence Average speed of dog = 132/8 = 16.5km/hr Correct Option: D

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41. In an exam there are total 12 questions. From the first 4 questions a student has to answer 2
questions which are compulsory. From the remaining questions, he has to answer 5questions. In
how many ways he can answer questions? Wipro

A)336 B)372 C)520 D)470

Soln: First of all, student want to select 2 questions, out of 4. So Number of ways will be
4c2. Then he want to select 5 questions out of 8 questions, number of ways to select will
be 8C5. So Total number of ways: 4c2 * 8c5. Correct Option: A

42. There are 150 weights. Some are 1 kg weights and some are 2 kg weights. The sum of the
weights is 260. What is the number of 1kg weights? Accenture

A)50 B)40 C)60 D)30

Soln: Suppose there are X weights of 1kg and Y weights of 2 kg.

From the given conditions, X + Y = 150, X *1 + 2*Y = 260.
On solving these two equations,X= 40 & y = 110 Correct Option: B

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Verbal Ability
Directions1-25 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the
blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete. WIPRO,TCS

1. Everyday, in the school, one period is..................to games, sports and physical exercise.
A) entrusted
B) dedicated
C) conceded
D) devoted
E) conferred

2. What frustrates the opposition's effort of unity is the absence of a ...................long term
A) credible
B) contestable
C) creditable
D) compatible
E) conceivable

3. Some people...................themselves into believing that they are indispensable to the

organization they work for
A) keep
B) fool
C) force
D) denigrate
E) delude

4. The Government sought to set at.....................speculation that there may be a shift in nuclear
A) pace
B) rest
C) peace
D) fire
E) right

5. How do you expect that country to progress when her government is corrupt...............and still
largely feudal?
A) devalued
B) dwindling
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C) despotic
D) demeaning
E) demobilised

6. We are certain that the snowstorm was .............................

A) immutable
B) extraneous
C) unavoidable
D) inherent

7. With God not having a ............... , nobody could complain to him.

A) telephone
B) wireless
C) hotline
D) None of these

8. He requested all his class .............. to attend his birthday party.

A) comrades
B) companions
C) fellows
D) friends

9. The two sisters look so............. that it is difficult to tell one from the other (Infosys)
A) same
B) similar
C) identical
D) alike
E) resembling

10. Since one cannot read every book, one should be content with making a...............selection
A) normal
B) standard
C) sample
D) moderate
E) judicious

11. Success comes to those who are vigilant not to permit............... from the chosen path
A) diversion
B) deviation

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C) obstruction
D) alienation
E) distraction

12. His actions had..................pain and suffering on thousands of people.

A) deplored
B) eliminated
C) affected
D) inflicted
E) imposed

13. He has good...................over the famous world languages

A) authority
B) expertise
C) hold
D) command
E) knowledge

14. The lions in the Gir forest are protected as they come under ............ species.
A) dangerous
B) engendered
C) enamoured
D) endangered

15. People who have an ....... reputation are often avoided by the rest
A) unsteady
B) unsavory
C) unsafe
D) unsatisfied

16. My father was too ...........to push open the heavy door.
A) timid
B) faint
C) feeble
D) faltering.

17. He succeeded in getting possession..............his land after a long court case

A) for B) to C) of D) with E) against

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18. Now a days Rajani is .............busy to take care of her health.

A) very B) too C) so D) extremely

19. Had the police not reached there in time the bandits...............him

A) did have killed B) will have killed C) would kill D) would have killed

20. These essays are intellectually ............... and represent various levels of complexity

A) revealing B) Modern C) persistent D) demanding E) persistent

21. It was almost impossible for him to put out of his mind the ............... words which he heard
from his clever father-in-law

A) inspiring B) witty C) sarcastic D) soothing E) exhortative

22 Integrity of character, honesty, dependability and discipline............... with a genuine interest

in your work will go a long way in the achievement of success in your professional life.

A) coupled B) adjoined C) fixed D) attached E) joined

23. The soldiers were instructed to.........................restraint and handle the situation peacefully.

A) exercise B) control C) prevent D) enforce E) remain

24. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was one of the chief............... of women's rights

A) promoters B) facilitators C) instigators D) organisers E) protagonists

25. Her parents will never give their .........to such an unsuitable match.

A. willingness B. agreement C. consent d. acquiescence

1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. E

11. B 12. D 13. D 14. D 15. B 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.D 20. C

21.B 22.A 23.A 24.E 25. C

Sentence Correction (Infy, TCS, HCL)

Direction 26-35: In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an
error. if there is no mistake the answer is 'no error'
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26. Myself and Gopalan/ will take care of / the function on Sunday / No error
A) B) C) D)

27. Being a very / hot day I / remained indoors / No error

A) B) C) D)

28. As he is rich / so he spends / lavishly / No error

A) B) C) D)

29. The audience / are requested / to be in its seats / no error

A) B) C) D)

30. Had I come / to know about his difficulties / I would have certainly helped / no error
A) B) C) D)

31. The house with all its / furniture and exotic plants / were sold for Rs. 50,000 / No error

32. The teacher asked the students / if everyone of them were interested in / going on an

excursion / No error

33. If I was you / I would have / terminated his services then and there / No error


34. As soon as I will reach Bombay / I will send you the books / you have asked for / No error


35. Each of the men involved/ in the extensive renovations /were engineers/ No Error

Solution with description:

26. A. always put other person first. So it could have been Gopalan and myself

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27. A . Begin a very hot day is modifying I which is wrong. It should be some thing like It being
a very hot day

28. B . There is no such idiom “As ….so”

29. C . Incorrect pronoun. their seats is correct

30. D . No error

31. C. House is a singular noun so was must be used.

32. B. everyone of them was interested.

33. A. Its imaginative format so “If I were you “ is correct sentence

34. A. As soon as will come with present sentence here. As soon as I reach Bombay…I will…..

35. C. Each of the men is singular so verb should be was.

Directions 36-45 : In each question, a part of sentence is printed in italics. Below each sentence,
some phrases are given which can substitute the italicized part of the sentence. If the sentence is
correct as it is, the answer is 'No correction required'

36. Each boy and each girl was busy in her work
A) were busy in their work
B) was busy in his work
C) was busy in one's work
D) No Correction required .
Ans : B. According to first subject.

37. 'Hard Days' was his last novel

A) latter
B) recent
C) latest
D) No Correction required
Ans : C.

38. A boy has been sunk in this river

A) submerged
B) immersed
C) drowned
D) No Correction required

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Ans : C. Drown is the appropriate word here.

39.Two hours have elapsed since he had fallen asleep.

A) fell
B) has fallen
C) was fallen
D) No Correction required
Ans : A. With since past sentence should be used in this case. So it will be …he fell…

40. I am sorry , but I don't believe what you say.

A) I will not believe
B) I am not believing
C) I will not be believing
D) No correction required
Ans : D

41. He never tells the truth

A) Says
B) utters
C) speaks
D) No correction required
Ans : C

42. Practically every part of the banana tree is used by man.

A) most part
B) any part
C) each part
D) No correction required
Ans : D

43. Old habits die hardly.

A) die much hardly
B) die hard
C) die too hard
D) No correction required
Ans : B. Adverb hardly is wrong here. Die hard is the correct.

44. You have played a great role, unless your help I possibly would have landed myself into a

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A) unless your help
B) without your help
C) despite your help
D) No correction required
Ans : B

45. The terms given to you are not acceptable with me

A) acceptable with me
B) acceptable to me
C) acceptable for me
D) No correction required

Ans : B. Acceptable to is used in these kind of senses.

Directions 46-50: In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or
passive) voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best express the same
sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice. (Wipro)

46. His pocket has been picked.

A) They have his pocket picked

B) Picking has been done to his pocket

C) Picked has been his pocket

D) Someone has picked his pocket.

Ans : D

47. Someone gave her a bull dog.

A) She was given a bull dog.

B) a bull dog was given to her

C) She has been given a bull dog

D) She is being given a bull dog by someone

Ans : B

48. Do you imitate others ?

A) Are others imitated by you ?

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B) Are others being imitated by you ?

C) Were others being imitated by you ?

D) Have others been imitated by you ?

Ans : A

49. They are building a house next door to our school

A) Next door to our school a house is being built by them

B) Next door to our school is being built a house by them

C) a house next door to our school is being built by them

D) a house is being built by them next door to our school

Ans : D

50. I saw him conducting the rehearsal.

A) He was seen conducting the rehearsal

B) I saw the rehearsal to be conducted by him

C) He was seen by me to conduct the rehearsal

D) I saw the rehearsal being conducted by him

Ans : D

Vocab Builder

1. Repudiate:
Meaning: give up, reject, refuse to acknowledge.
Synonyms: Disown, renounce, abdicate
Usage: Kunti repudiated Karan because she was unmarried.
The parents repudiated their son due to personal issues.
Trick to remember: REPU + DIA + DATE. Repu(boy) had an affair with Dia(girl) and they
were dating. After a while, DIA repudiated REPU.

2. Admonish:
Meaning: to warn strongly, serious advice
Synonyms: rebuke, scold, berate, reprimand.

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Usage: Teacher admonished the student for his bad behavior.
He was admonished by traffic police for driving negligently.
Trick to remember: (ma)Adm + On. Jab madam on hoti hain to bas daat hee padti hain.

3. Tenacious:
Meaning: persist, preserve, firm
Synonyms: retentive, stubborn, persistent , coherent
Usage: He is stingy but tenacious character.
Trick to remember: TEN + AC will persist the temperature.

4. Abysmal:
Meaning: very bad, extremely poor (performace)
Usage: Attendance at games was abysmal.
After a long silence, Reliance communication acknowledges abysmal service. Coach was fired
due to abysmal performance of the team.
Trick to remember: -bys--- means poison which is bad and in –ve sense.

5. Harbinger:
Meaning: Sign of start of anything
Synonyms: forerunner,.
Usage: Childhood obesity can be a harbinger of serious disease. BJP looks upon victory in Bihar
as harbinger of national trend. Raining weather in the beginning of winter season is harbinger of
sizzling cold.
Trick to remember: Haar in hindi shows beginning of relationship.

6. Slothful:
Meaning: lazy, not willing to work
Synonyms: indolent , sluggish
Usage: If work is not assigned properly and regulary, your employees will become slothful.
Trick to remember: Slo (slow)….laze log slow hote hain

7. Reprimand:
Meaning: rebuke formally
Synonyms:berate, scold,
Usage: High court judge reprimanded police for their misbehavior with lawyers.
Trick to remember: Remand pe lena…forcefully/harshly enquiry karna

8. Pensive:
Meaning: Deep thinking
Synonyms: ponder, meditate, contemplate
Usage: I noticed that he was pensive and calm in discussion.
Trick to remember: Pain due to deep thinking

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9. Mitigate:
Meaning: to lessen, make less severe
Synonyms: reducing the severity
Usage: China calls for joint actions to mitigate the tensions between Korean countries.
Trick to remember: Miti in hindi….Line ko mitane se wo kam dikhte hain. ..so it means kam

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Analogy (HCL, TCS, Infosys, DRDO)

Find the most appropriate number to form the second pair

1. 28:44 :: 52:

A) 62 B) 80 C) 68 D)74

2. 27:51 :: 83:

A) 102 B) 117 C) 123 D) 138

3. 9:16 :: 49 :

A) 81 B) 100 C) 64 D) 121

4. 15:35 :: 63:

A) 97 B) 99 C) 101 D) 105

5. 64:512 :: 100:

A) 729 B) 343 C) 1000 D) 1331

Directions 6 to 10 : Read the following information carefully and choose the appropriate pair.

6. Kangaroo : Australia

A) Whale : River B) Elephant : Russia C) Penguin : Antarctica D) India : Peacock

7. Dislike : Repulsion

A) Dream : Sleep B) Steal : Crime C) Reputation : Behaviour D) Intelligence : Wit

8. Plants : Coal

A) Crops : Manure B) Animals : Oil C) Cow : Milk D) Fire : Smoke

9. Rectangle : Cylinder

A) Square : Sphere B) Circle : Dosc C) Triangle : Cone D) Wall : Room

10. Cube : Cuboid

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A) Oval : Sphere B) Square : Cube C) Sphere : Ellipsoid D) Triangle : Cone

Solution with Description:

1. 28 + 16 = 44, So 52 + 16 = 68. Correct Option: C

2. These terms are n^2 +2. So 5^2 is related with 7^2. Similiarly 9^2 will be related with 11^2.
So 121 +2 which is 123. Correct option: C

3. These are direct squares. 3^2 is related with 4^2. So 7^2 is related with 8^2 i.e. 64. Corrrect
Option: C

4. These numbers can be visualized as: 3 *5 : 5*7:: 7*9 : 9*11. Correct Option: B

5. These are square and cubes of 8. 8^2 is related with 8^3. Similarly 10^2 is related with 10^3.
Correct Option: C

6. C. Relationship: location. Kangaroo is found in Australia. Similarly Penguin is found in

Antartica. Look carefully option D is wrong because order is incorrect.

7. D. Cause relationship. Dislike causes repulsion. Same way intelligence causes wit.

8. B. Dead plants gets converted into coal. Same way dead animals produces oil i.e. from pig’s

9. C. By folding rectangular plane, cylinder can be formed. Same way by foling triangle, cone
can be formed.

10. C. Cuboid can be formed from cube by stretching it. Similarly Ellipsoid can be formed from

Complete the Series (INFY, SAMSUNG, HCL)

11. Complete the series : 2, 9, 28, 65, ? INFY

A) 99 B) 126 C)152 D)245

12. Complete the series : 3, 4, 6 , 9, 13,? Accenture.

A) 18 B) 16 C) 52 D)24

13. Complete the series : (HCL)

3, 6, 13, 26, 33, 66 , ___

A) 78 B) 86 C)73 D) 84
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14. Complete the series: (HCL)

364, 361, 19, 16, 4, 1,___

A) 18 B) 6 C) 0 D) 1

15. Complete the series: 7, 9, 13, _, 27, 37. (HCL)

A) 18 B) 19 C) 0 D) 1

16. Complete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63 TCS

A) 15,30 B) 15,35 C) 20,40 D) 10, 20

17. Complete the series 1, 16, 3, 64, 5, _

A) 120 B) 144 C) 164 D) 210

Soln with description:

11. B. This series is n^3+1 so 5th term will be 5^3+1 = 126

12. A. In the series,difference between two terms is increasing by 1. So difference is coming as

1,2,3,4. For the next term difference will be 5. Hence 13+5 = 18.

13. C. Terms of this series are: n , 2n, 2n+7. So next term is 73.

14. D. This series is n^2+3 , n^2 , n. So the next term is 1.

15. B. The series is N, N +2 , N+4, N+6, N+8, N+10 . Therefore 4th term is 13+6 =19. Correct
Option B.

16. B. This series is N , N+5, N+7, N+9, N+11. Therefore, 3rd and 5th term is 15 and 35.

17. B. This series is of type x, (x+y)^2,y So 5, (5+7)^2, 7. It will give 144.

Odd Man Out

18. Select the odd man out. (TCS)

1. A) Java B) Lisp C) Smalltalk D) Eiffel.


3. A) Oracle B) Linux C) Ingress D) DB2

4. A) Mercury B) Moon C)Jupiter D) Saturn


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7. A) 17 B) 27 C) 37 D) 47

8. A) 441 B) 289 C) 361 D) 343

9. A) 1011 B) 1101 C) 1111 D) 10001


Soln with descriptions:

1. D. Other than Eiffel all other are programming language.

2. C. SMTP,WAP and ARP are network protocols. While SAP is a software.

3. B. Oracle, Ingress, DB2 are databases.

4. B. Moon is not a planet

5. D. SQL Server is not Operating system.

6. D HTTP is not a database.

7. B 27 is not a prime number

8. D. 343 is not a square.

9. C These are binary representations of 11,13, 15 and 17.

10. C First and third character has more than one difference.


Every effort has been made to avoid errors or omissions in this Question Bank. In spite of this,
some errors might crept in. Any mistake, error or discrepancy noted should be brought to our
notice which will be taken care of in next edition. AJTI will not be responsible for any kind of
damage due to any part of this material.

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