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Some people strongly believe that Noah is a pure anunnaki, but we know from WES PENRE, that he has

been born from Earthly woman, as follows:

The Birth of Noah

As mentioned earlier, and as the reader may have noticed, the gods were not exactly monogamous. Ea
was certainly not an exception. Sex, and strengthening of the royal bloodlines was something very
important to the gods, and something they found tremendous pleasure in. Incest, sex with minors, and
promiscuous behavior in general was normal behavior and not considered strange amongst them. This is
where we humans learned those traits, although we are still much more restricted than they were. In
those days, for a woman to be invited to have sex with one of the gods was not something you tried to
avoid; it was considered an honor.[11]

So, once again, Ea felt desire for a human female. He seduced Batanash, who was bathing him, and
impregnated her. The offspring’s name was Utnapischtim, better known as Noah.


As written in Wes Penre's Sixth 'Level of Learning: whatever part you choose it is a part of the construct,
the same as your choice between democrats and republicans, the two hands of the one monster.

In the darkness of ignorance, Zoë Sophia moved back and forth in the water, and she saw how
Yaldabaoth, in his perpetual creation, created a large number of demons, in addition to the twelve Chief
Archons, and he elevated himself above them. Not all of them were evil because Yaldabaoth created
from the Spirit he inhabited from his Mother, but at the same time, he also created out of ignorance, i.e.
the lack of Spirit, which belonged to Pistis Sophia’s consort, who was not part of Pistis Sophia’s Creation.
Everything was therefore a half-creation. What is created out of ignorance is evil because it’s created
without Knowledge and without understanding. Therefore, it is not the Truth but a distortion of the

In the Kenoma, demons and angels are the same thing—they are just two sides of the same coin.
Sometimes, they can pass themselves as more benevolent, and sometimes they can act as being very
evil—it’s the duality of this universe, where everything needs to have a catalyst. When there is a
feminine energy, there needs to be countercharge, for this is a universe of energy—anode and cathode.

In what had now become Yaldabaoth’s construct—the Seven Heavens—he saw himself as God, thinking
he was the only one who existed, apart from his Mother. He used his Mother’s Spirit to create this
dichotomy of good and evil, and when Sophia noticed what her son was doing, she could see where this
was heading, so she repented.[


Osiris Jesus isis Mary.

The question of " how could be so many people all around after the first pair of humans brought birth to
Cain and Abel?"

Cain and Abel have been the kids of Adapa and Titi, the kids of Enki and two Earthly women, the number
of first human hybrids was quite big at those times. So we may see in details from wes penre papers:

Adapa, a Genetic Upgrade

Ea found the female hybrids very attractive and he started feeling desire for them. Thus, he impregnated
two of them, and one bore a son, whom they called Adapa. The other one carried a daughter, Titi.
Damkina/Ninki felt a special affection to Titi and taught her all manners of crafts. Ea and Ninki kept these
two children secret, covertly transporting them back to Edin in Mesopotamia, without Nammur’s
knowledge, understanding that they would be more intelligent than the earlier Adami, due to that their
parents were directly impregnated by Ea himself, being one of the Nephilim. Ea manipulated the
weather, using technology similar to today’s HAARP[9], making the winds change so he could set sails for
Edin and hide his new creation in this vast territory.

Ea spent a lot of time in secret to educate Adapa, and found out to his great excitement that he was
brilliant and a quick learner. A new, upgraded species was now created, which was more civilized and
much more intelligent.

Ea and Ninki let Adapa and Titi mate and they gave birth to twins, whom they named Ka-in and Abael,
the first earthlings of this new breed, born from two hybrids. Adapa was taught a lot of important things
from his father, the Enki, and as the new race grew larger in numbers, Adapa was put in charge over
them, supervising the bakers, the fishermen, the farmers, and so on.

Eventually, news about this new, brilliant hybrid race soon came to King Anu’s attention back on Nibiru.
Ea then sent his two earth-born, unmarried sons, Ningishzidda and Dumuzi to Nibiru and they brought
Adapa with them. They also brought with them a sealed tablet from Ea, asking Anu to deny the new
species the “elixir”, which would make them immortal (Tree of Life). Anu realized what his son had done;
illegally created a new, civilized species. The reason Ea wanted to deny them immortality[10] was so that
they could stay quarantined on Earth for a long time. Anu also realized that Adapa and all his offspring
were his descendents as well, whether he liked it or not, and decided to accept what had happened.
Hence, he let Dumuzi stay on Nibiru for another šar[*] to learn about husbandry, while Ea and
Ningishzidda were sent back to Earth as teachers for the new, civilized man. Dumuzi, when Nibiru came
back after one šar, also brought with him the seed for goats and sheep, so these animals could be
introduced to Earth, to be herded by the humans. Anu agreed to refusing to add the longevity gene to
the new species, and deprive them of the nano-technology which extended the Ša.A.M.i.’s lives
significantly, but the first homo sapiens sapiens still lived for a long time, sometimes up to nearly a
thousand years; something which is written about in the Bible, especially in the “Book of Kings”.


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It turned out we should take a newly invented vaccine twice in a year, because the immune protection
lasts for several months only. Again, the vaccine is not invented, it is perfectly designed for its purpose to
enslave and degenerate people, as it follows from the ordinary method of the Elite: problem, reaction,
solution. We may see also massive promotion of the new cyber age, even in the movie "bloodshot," the
nanobots exellently do their job of recovering the human tissue, restoring bones and intestines, any part
of you is gonna be rebuilt wtih no mistake, and this advantage is looking fantastic at first, but at the same
time it is already in use, and human behaviour may be managed remotely through these nanobots in
your bloodstream. To launch the process of the massive nanobots invasion one must have a good
reason, and the irus hysteria effectively serves the purpose and creates a new horizon, totally controlled
society with no escape, the machine kingdom predicted by wes penre, promoted by ray kurzweil is
approaching too fast. you know all sorts of infections and plague in the human history were intentionally
seeded to fullfill the plan of not only to reduce population or to destroy the certain part of it, it was a
strategy of forming a new genetically modified humanoids, as we have been cloned after every reset and
left with a new insertion of alien dna everytime, the Earth has been terraformed several times and the
human was reproducted artificially several times after the war of gods and natural disasters, which were
of course artificially launched. You see, what the hidden government is doing today, they actually keep
robbong their citizens with fines for your not wearing the mask, for breaking the regulations of the
quarantine, which get to the absurd sometimes, you lose your job and salary because of the quarantine,
your kids do not integrate into the society because of their sitting home, they integrate themselves into
the internet and they even feel no need build relationships as we used to, we will have quite a new
generation socially destructed and disintegrated. We see some differences and may raise alert, but our
kids have no worries and cannot distinct the danger zone they were intended to enter.

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