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Vietnamese National University HCMC

International University
School of Computer Science and Engineering


Group 11
Nguyen Quoc Khanh ITITIU18186
Nguyen Ngoc Mai Oanh ITITIU18234
Tran Quoc Thinh ITITIU18217

Advisor: Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Loan

Course: Software Engineering – IT076IU

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 2. REQUIREMENT..................................................................................................1
2.1 Project requirement.............................................................................................................1
2.2 System requirement.............................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 3. ORGANIZATION................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 4. PROPOSAL..........................................................................................................2
4.1 Tools and resources.............................................................................................................2
4.2 Tasks....................................................................................................................................2
4.2.1 Creating the basic outline of the Online Retail Web Application................................2
4.2.2 Designing & developing the database system for Online Retail Web Application.....2
4.2.3 Building “View Products” functionality (as Customer)..............................................3
4.2.4 Building “Browse Categories & Filter” functionalities (as Customer)........................3
4.2.5 Building “Searching, Sorting & Paging” functionalities (as Customer)......................3
4.2.6 Building “Register & Login” functionality (as Customer)..........................................3
4.2.7 Building “Shopping Cart” functionality (as Customer)...............................................3
4.2.8 Building “Add Comments, Questions & Review Products” functionalities (as
4.2.9 Building “Add/delete, Edit Products” functionalities (as Admin)...............................3
4.2.10 Building “Reply Customer’s Comments” functionality (as Admin)...........................3
4.3 Timeline...............................................................................................................................4
4.3.1 Week 1: Creating the basic outline of the Online Retail Web Application.................4
4.3.2 Week 2: Designing & developing the database system...............................................4
4.3.3 Week 3: Building “View Products” functionality (as Customer)................................4
4.3.4 Week 4: Building “Browse Categories & Filter” functionalities (as Customer).........5
4.3.5 Week 5: Building “Searching, Sorting & Paging” functionalities (as Customer).......5
4.3.6 Week 6: Building “Register & Login” functionality (as Customer)............................5
4.3.7 Week 7: Building “Shopping Cart” functionality (as Customer)................................5
4.3.8 Week 8: Building “Add Comments, Questions & Review Products” functionalities
(as Customer).............................................................................................................................6
4.3.9 Week 9: Building “Add/delete, Edit Products” functionalities (as Admin)............... 6
4.3.10 Week 10: Building “Reply Customer’s Comments” functionality (as Admin).......... 6
4.3.11 Week 11 (Backup week): Final testing application, completing all documents..........6
4.3.12 Total working time (expectation):................................................................................7
Since ancient times, gathering in markets to exchange goods has been a tradition of the
world. Today, the world economy is changing rapidly towards industrialization and
modernization, leading to e-commerce and online stores. Therefore, we decide to choose the
Online Retail Application topic for our project because we are interested in how the online retail
system works. We also want to learn more deeply about how the system interacts with customers
and develop the business of a retail company so far.
Brands have been very successful in maintaining and expanding their online business
thanks to the website is efficient and beneficial for businesses and shoppers. The first is that for
customers, they will quickly compare the price, check quality with feedback, receive goods at
home, and efficiently find “sale off” programs or any attractive promotion. Besides, for
companies, they have significant benefits such as more accessible to customers, saving staff costs,
advertising, and having easier payment methods with the customer’s bank account. Based on the
success and influence of fashion brand websites globally, such as H&M, Zara, Uniqlo..., we
decided to develop our projects in the fashion retail area that is very popular today.
Our project is a web application-based shopping system for an existing fashion brand.
With this project, our team wants to bring the most convenient experience to customers. Instead of
going to the real store, they can buy products anywhere. Customers just need to surf the web to
select items, complete orders, and receive their fashion items through home delivery companies.

2.1 Project requirement
A customer can register to purchase an item. The customer will provide the bank account
number and bank name (can have multiple account number). After registration, each customer will
have a unique customerID, userID and password. Customer can purchase one or more item in
different quantities. The items can of different classes based upon their prices. Based on the
quantity, price of the item and discount (if any) on the purchased items, the bill will be generated.
A bank account is required to settle the bill. The items can be ordered to one or more suppliers.
Main users and their activities in our system:
- Customer:
o Search, view products.
o Select products into the shopping cart.
o Buy products and take payment.
o Review products.
o Comment, send questions.
- Administrator (Admin, as retail company):
o Release new products.
o Delete products (that not up to date).
o Change product information.
o Reply customer’s comments, questions.

2.2 System requirement
Requirement Description
1. Requirement Specification The document should be clear and easy to understand.

The UI should be simple for everyone using this

2. UI Design
3. Implementation All functions should be clear and can be developed.
The system shall be able to be developed and maintain
4. Service
a base on customer demand.
The final system shall be delivered to the user at a
5. Cost
reasonable price.
6. Future enhancement System shall be able to build up for a commercial.
System shall be responded to the user with an
7. Response time
acceptable time.

Name Responsibility
Nguyễn Quốc Khánh Project Manager, Developer
Nguyễn Ngọc Mai Oanh Developer, Tester
Trần Quốc Thịnh Developer, Software Analyst

4.1 Tools and resources
- Programming language: JavaScript with NodeJS
o Main framework: ExpressJS
o Template Engine: Handlebars
- Database management system: PostgreSQL

4.2 Tasks
4.2.1 Creating the basic outline of the Online Retail Web Application
Using NodeJS with main Framework Express and Template Engine Handlebars, we create
a basic outline and menu tabs of Online Retail Web Application. Our web menu tabs will include
“Home,” “Women,” “Men,” “Story,” “About us.”
4.2.2 Designing & developing the database system for Online Retail Web Application
Our group decided to use PostgreSQL to manage the database of this system. In this task,
we will design and develop the database system including ClothSections (Men clothes, Women
clothes), Categories (Jackets, Jeans, Shirts, T-Shirts, Shoes,..), Colors, Products,
ProductDescriptions, Users, Admins, Comments, Reviews,...

4.2.3 Building “View Products” functionality (as Customer)
It includes two mini-task: “View list of products” and “View details of the product”. After
completed, Customer can choose any section; a list of products of that section will be displayed.
Then, the customer can choose any product to view more detailed information.
4.2.4 Building “Browse Categories & Filter” functionalities (as Customer)
To help the customer more easily choose the right product for their purposes, they can use
“Browse categories” to choose what kind of products they want and “Filter” to show the list of
products that suitable for customer’s shopping purposes.
4.2.5 Building “Searching, Sorting & Paging” functionalities (as Customer)
“Searching” helps customers find products by some keywords from the product’s name
they can fill in the “search” box then the system will show all the products by that name. “Sorting”
will sort all the products in three ways: sorting by name, sorting by price, sorting by reviews.
“Paging” have a mission is to display on the screen the number of products that the customers
want. Also, they can turn to the new page to find more products
4.2.6 Building “Register & Login” functionality (as Customer)
This is required if the customer wants to buy the products. When the customer clicks the
“Buy” button, the web will notify the customer to log in to their account. If the customer does not
have an account, they need to click the “Register” button next to the “Login” button to register an
account. This helps the Admin get customer’s information that they can complete the customer’s
payment and shipping.
4.2.7 Building “Shopping Cart” functionality (as Customer)
When the customer clicks the” Buy” button, the information of that product will save into
“Shopping cart.” So, they can find another product without losing information about all products
they want to buy. Also, they can recheck all information before processing to checkout.
Furthermore, the customer can apply the voucher if they have fulfilled their address, and click
“Done” to complete their order.
4.2.8 Building “Add Comments, Questions & Review Products” functionalities (as
Customers will have questions about products while they think of buying those items, so
adding this function helps customer comment, send questions to know more details about the
products. Also, customers with similar questions are easily seen without asking again, saving
admin time for answering.
4.2.9 Building “Add/delete, Edit Products” functionalities (as Admin)
The admin role can update and modify information, detailed descriptions of products, new
arrivals, and upcoming promotions. This function helps admin and staff to control the quantity of
new goods imported and exported, which are updated continuously on the system and do not need
to count again. They also can edit the price if necessary.
4.2.10 Building “Reply Customer’s Comments” functionality (as Admin)
When customers have questions and reviews about products, the admin needs to interact
with customers by answering their questions. This function helps admins get closer to the
customers who have not purchased and had purchased.

4.3 Timeline
No. Backlog Items Priority
1 As a customer, I want to view products 4 1
2 As a customer, I want to browse categories & filter products 4 2
3 As a customer, I want to search, sort & page products 5 3
4 As a customer, I want to register & login my account 4 1
5 As a customer, I want to see my shopping cart and make payment 4 2
As a customer, I want to add comments, questions & review about
6 5 3
7 As an admin, I want to add/delete & edit product’s information 3 4
8 As an admin, I want to reply to customer’s comments 3 4
Priority: 1- Highest 5- Lowest

4.3.1 Week 1 (21/09 - 27/09): Creating the basic outline of the Online Retail Web
Tasks Member
Attend group meetings for planning & setting up 0.5 All members
Decide necessary web application information (field of
retail, name of the brand, orientation, database source, 4 Quốc Thịnh
outline tabs of the web, ...)
Find web application template 2 Quốc Khánh
Set & start a server and code for primary outline tab 4 Quốc Thịnh
Code web’s layout 5 Quốc Khánh
Test the web application 2 Mai Oanh
Attend group meetings for reviewing and planning 1.5 All members

4.3.2 Week 2 (28/09 - 04/10): Designing & developing the database system
Tasks Member
Analyze & list the types of information that need to be
3 Quốc Thịnh
stored in the database
Design & define the tables and relationships 5 Mai Oanh
Sync & demo database 3 Quốc Khánh
Attend group meetings for reviewing and planning 1 All members

4.3.3 Week 3 (05/10 - 11/10): Building “View Products” functionality (as Customer)
Tasks Member
Research, analyze the requirement and define a concept of
4 All members
Design interface for functions 4 Quốc Thịnh

Develop “View Products” functions 5 Quốc Khánh
Design and integrate data into the database 5 Mai Oanh
Test function, database 2 Mai Oanh
Attend group meetings for reviewing and planning 1 All members

4.3.4 Week 4 (12/10 - 18/10): Building “Browse Categories & Filter” functionalities (as
Tasks Member
Research, analyze the requirement and define a concept of 4
All members
Design interface for functions 4 Quốc Thịnh
Develop “Browse Categories & Filter” functions 5 Quốc Khánh
Design and integrate data into the database 5 Quốc Khánh
Test function, database 2 Mai Oanh
Attend group meetings for reviewing and planning 1 All members

4.3.5 Week 5 (19/10 - 25/10): Building “Searching, Sorting & Paging” functionalities (as
Tasks Member
Research, analyze the requirement and define a concept of 4
All members
Design interface for functions 4 Quốc Khánh
Develop “Searching, Sorting & Paging” functions 5 Quốc Thịnh
Design and integrate data into the database 5 Mai Oanh
Test function, database 2 Mai Oanh
Attend group meetings for reviewing and planning 1 All members

4.3.6 Week 6 (26/10 - 01/11): Building “Register & Login” functionality (as Customer)
Tasks Member
Research, analyze the requirement and define a concept of 4
All members
Design interface for functions 4 Quốc Thịnh
Develop “Register & Login” functions 5 Quốc Thịnh
Design and integrate data into the database 5 Quốc Khánh
Test function, database 2 Mai Oanh
Attend group meetings for reviewing and planning 1 All members

4.3.7 Week 7 (02/11 - 08/11): Building “Shopping Cart” functionality (as Customer)
Tasks Member
Research, analyze the requirement and define a concept of 4
All members
Design interface for functions 4 Quốc Thịnh
Develop “Shopping Cart” functions 5 Mai Oanh
Design and integrate data into the database 5 Quốc Khánh
Test function, database 2 Quốc Khánh
Attend group meetings for reviewing and planning 1 All members

4.3.8 Week 8 (09/11 - 15/11): Building “Add Comments, Questions & Review Products”
functionalities (as Customer)
Tasks Member
Research, analyze the requirement and define a concept of 4
All members
Design interface for the function 4 Quốc Khánh
Develop “Add Comments, Questions & Review Products” 5
Mai Oanh
Design and integrate data into the database 5 Quốc Thịnh
Test function, database 2 Quốc Thịnh
Attend group meetings for reviewing and planning 1 All members

4.3.9 Week 9 (16/11 - 22/11): Building “Add/delete, Edit Products” functionalities (as
Tasks Member
Research, analyze the requirement and define a concept of 4
All members
Design interface for functions 4 Quốc Thịnh
Develop “Add/delete, Edit Products” functions 5 Mai Oanh
Design and integrate data into the database 5 Quốc Khánh
Test function, database 2 Mai Oanh
Attend group meetings for reviewing and planning 1 All members

4.3.10 Week 10 (23/11 - 29/11): Building “Reply Customer’s Comments” functionality (as
Tasks Member
Research, analyze the requirement and define a concept of 4
All members
Design interface for functions 4 Quốc Thịnh
Develop “Reply Customer’s Comments” functions 5 Quốc Khánh
Design and integrate data into the database 5 Mai Oanh
Test function, database 2 Mai Oanh
Attend group meetings for reviewing and planning 1 All members

4.3.11 Week 11 (30/11 - 06/12: Backup week): Final testing application, completing all
Tasks Member
Detect errors and shortcomings of the system. 4 Mai Oanh

Improve system and optimize functions 4 Quốc Khánh
Final test and demo all functions of the application 3 Mai Oanh
Complete all the required documents (final report, user
4 Quốc Thịnh
manual, ...) and slides
Attend final group meetings for reviewing. 3 All members

4.3.12 Total working time (expectation):

Member Estimate working time (hours)

Nguyễn Quốc Khánh 105
Nguyễn Ngọc Mai Oanh 102
Trần Quốc Thịnh 102

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