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Req.ID Requirement Name Detailed Description Type

001 Register an account If the user doesn’t have an account, then he will be asked to Functional
register. requirement
002 Rapid and Powerful Customers can find the book that they fit them the most with Functional
Searches filter system, ranking system and they can search for books Requirement
003 Import and Export Ways to let the creator publish books and the user to pay or Functional
download them Requirement
004 User-friendly User Easier for everyone to access and interact with the system Non-functional
Interface Requirement
005 Reliability The system will run 7 days a week, 24 hours a day Non-functional
Requirement requirement
006 Responses to view information shall take no longer than 5 Non-functional
seconds to appear on the screen requirement

 Risk Register
Risk Risk Risk Title Affect Probability Impact Risk response plan
ID Category
001 HR Members lack of This can slow down Medium Low Organize team
team corporation, the progress of the members so that they
or weak project, produce can easily get along
participation unreliable result with each other.
from the Solve all the conflicts
uncooperative work that are existing
among the team
002 Programmatic Incomplete User Bug and error will High Medium Get commitment
Risks Functional occur during user from IT position on
Requirement interact with the making key users
system available for
003 Schedule Project progress is Project will not Medium High Project Manager and
Risk slowly done make it in time for everyone must be
the customer and contact and help each
will lead to contract other to finish the
failure project as soon as

1.1 Hardware Resource

Items Quantity Description Purpose Price Total Cost Date needed
HPE ProLiant 1 System Server Data Server 1000$ 1000$ …..
Total Cost: 1000$

1.2 Software Resource

Application Quantity Description Purpose Price Total Cost Date needed
MS Windows 10 10 Operating System PC’s OS 40$ 400$ …..
Pro 64bit
Eclipse 1 Coding Software Building the 10$ 10$ …
Total Cost: 50$

1.3 Human Resource

Name Name of Project Role Required Phone Email Salary/month
Organization Skills
Đỗ International Project 3 years 096511425 200$
Ngọc University Manager experience of 2
Cường Software
Lê International Server 3 years 070794148 200$
Hoàng University Maintenance, experience of 8
Phú Function Software
Thành Compile Engineering
Nguyễn International Interface and 3 years 036452598 200$
Trần University experience of 6
Duy Software
Thanh Engineering
Total Cost: 600$

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