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EDUC311 1 The word Education is derived from Latin English French

EDUC311 2 Institutional Society School Home
EDUC311 3 Word philosophy is derived from ? Alpha and Amphia Neo and Latvia Sila and Sophia
EDUC311 4 Being the science of wisdom philosophy aims at Search for wisdom Search for reality Search for activity
EDUC311 5 What is called education acquired without any specificInformal education Formal education Indirect education
EDUC311 6 What is the main centre of informal education? Family Society Radio and Television
EDUC311 7 Planned with a particular end in view Non-formal education Formal education Informal Education
EDUC311 8 Outside the realm of formal education Formal education Non-formal EducatiInformal Education
EDUC311 9 The elements of Educational process are 5 6 3
EDUC311 10 The aims of education are achieved through Environment Curriculum Pedagogy
EDUC311 11 Ontology in philosphy deals with Knowledge Reality Value
EDUC311 12 Evaluation is concerned with Knowing the value of anRealibity Validity
EDUC311 13 Last element of educational process Aims Curriculum Evaluation
EDUC311 14 Ethics are concerned with the concept of Good and bad Yes or No Enjoyment
EDUC311 15 Search for order and linkage in ideas Perspective Speculative Analytical
EDUC311 16 Practical application of ideas Basic Pure Applied
EDUC311 17 Knowledge is directly related in idea or images Realism Pragmatism Idealism
EDUC311 18 Education,like human mature is a constant Realism Pragmatism Prennialism
EDUC311 19 In prennialism students are Passive Active Neutral
EDUC311 20 Educational Psychology deals with Individual developmentModification of behDevelopment of attitu
EDUC311 21 Social reconstructionsim concerned with Curriculum modificatio Addressing of socialModification of enviro
EDUC311 22 In social reconstructionism role of teacher must like Progressive teacher Active teacher passive teacher
EDUC311 23 Axiology is the branch of Philosophy deals with Knowledge values ideas
EDUC311 24 Opinion and ideas of thinkers Speculative Perspective Analytical
EDUC311 25 Axiology is divided into ________groups. 7 4 2
EDUC311 26 Cosmology study under the area of Epestamology Axiology Idealism
EDUC311 27 What aspects produce enjoyment? Asthetic Ethics both of them
EDUC311 28 May be negative Education Formal education Informal Education Non formal education
EDUC311 29 There are_______types of Education 5 6 2
EDUC311 30 How can we show that knowledge is true? concerned Axiology Epestamology Ontology
EDUC311 31 Teacher is responsible for motivating students Idealist Teacher Realist Teacher Essentialist teacher
EDUC311 32 Learner are active and self motivated in Idealism Realism progressivism
EDUC311 33 Serving the need of the identified group Formal education Non-formal EducatiInformal Education
EDUC311 34 Educare means Bring out track way
EDUC311 35 Modification in behavior is known as Education knowledge intelligence
EDUC311 36 'Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound boPlato Socrates Aristotle
EDUC311 37 Instructions,given to students in school and colleges. Institutional instructiondirect instructions Both of them
EDUC311 38 To be organized for a homogeneous group Informal education Non-formal Educatidirect Education
EDUC311 39 Philosophical foundations based upon Ideology of nation Aims of education development of societ
EDUC311 40 There are well-defined and systematic curriculum in Formal education Non-formal EducatiInformal Education
EDUC311 41 Vast in scope Aims goals objective
EDUC311 42 Everlasting reality is focused in Perennialism Essentialism Progressivism
EDUC311 43 To determine the value and worth of any thing Aims Content Method
EDUC311 44 Axiology in philosophy deala with Knowledge Values Reality
EDUC311 45 Ontology is also called as Metaphysics Axiology Epistemology
EDUC311 46 Metaphysics deals with Universe Values Knowledge
EDUC311 47 School should be run on democratic lines is held by Perennialism Progressivism Essentialism
EDUC311 48 pedagogy is concerned with Aims Content Teaching Methods
EDUC311 49 In Educational process which one is evaluated Method Aims Contents
EDUC311 50 Informal Education is Planned Incidental Systematic
EDUC311 51 Formal education has well defined Curriculum Method System
EDUC311 52 Which is not the element of Educational process Aims Curriculum Pedagogy
EDUC311 53 Education according to jhon Dewey Preparation for life Learning by doing Getting knowledge
EDUC311 54 The literal meaning of philosophy is Love of knowledge Love of truth Love of values
EDUC311 55 Ethics and Asthetic are components of Cosmology Ontology Axiology
EDUC311 56 Essentialist would get their aims of education from Great books Student interest Religion
EDUC311 57 Perennialism is an Educational Philosophy New values Old values Future values
EDUC311 58 Sociological Aims of education include Cultural growth Skills Dutifulness
EDUC311 59 Essentialist Philosophy of education is Content and teacher ceChild centered Need centered
EDUC311 60 To seek truth and reality is the subject of Education Values Philosophy
EDUC311 61 Every system of education based on Ideology of nation Social developmentIntellectual developme
EDUC311 62 Expected life outcomes from Education are reffered asLearning Evaluation Aims
EDUC311 63 Being the science of wisdom, philosophy aims at Search for activity Search for reality Search for utility
EDUC311 64 An important question of philosophy is What is Education? What is curriculum?What is curiosity
EDUC311 65 Sociological roles of education are Conservative,Critical, C Critical, PedagogicaCreative, Evaluation,
EDUC311 66 Elements of Educational process include Aims, Curriculum,pedagAims, Curriculum, pAims, Curriculum,Medi
EDUC311 67 The field of study associated with exploring realities anPsychology Sociology Anthropology
EDUC311 68 The process in which all community members learn froGlobal Educational Informal Education Universal Education
EDUC311 69 Formal and informa types of education are Supplementary to each Opposite to each otCompulsory for all
EDUC311 70 Progressivist teachers put more emphasis on Abstract ideas Practical Education Theoretical Concepts
EDUC311 71 The basic source of Educational objectives is Human experience Schools Educational psycholog
EDUC311 72 The real goal of education shoukd be Securing certificate Acquiring skills,ha Training to make a livi
EDUC311 73 formal education has Flexible rules of entry a Rigid rules of entry No rules of entry and e
EDUC311 74 Informal Education is Just schooling Time bound Life long
EDUC311 75 Education is not pre planned Formal education Informal education Non formal education
EDUC311 76 What is the most important element of non-formal EdTeacher Student Media
EDUC311 77 Essentialists Stress on Mental discipline Innovation Change
EDUC311 78 "Philosophy and Education are two sides of a Coin" ac Jhon Dewey Ross James
EDUC311 79 The application of Philosophy in education may be Selection of contents Selection of Metho Selection of objective
EDUC311 80 Education is derived from a Latin word Educate Educere Evolution
EDUC311 81 Education is derived from a latin word Educere Educate Ducer
EDUC311 82 Educere means Guide Bring out Path
EDUC311 83 Speculative philosophy deals with Developing theories analysis right or wrong
EDUC311 84 Aristotle disagree from the plato with respect to beliefState should control ed State should not coideas are the real
EDUC311 85 Electicism means borrowing belief from one philosophy Two philosophy Different philosophy
EDUC311 86 Reforms is necessary in all walk of life is focused in perennialism Essentialism progressivism
EDUC311 87 Life is continous changing process is the base of educ perennialism Essentialism progressivism
EDUC311 88 philosophical of education which focuses on useful cultuperennialism Essentialism progressivism
EDUC311 89 Philosophy of education which emphasis everlasing reaperennialism Essentialism progressivism
EDUC311 90 seeking expert opionion is a source of knowledge call rationalism intution authority
EDUC311 91 In intution knowledge is acquired by Experiments reasoning inner Feelings
EDUC311 92 Knowledge acquired through reasoning as called rationalism intution authority
EDUC311 93 Most of scientific knowledge is result of reason sense ,perception intution
EDUC311 94 paragma means thinking practical both a,b
EDUC311 95 Paragmatism based on the ideas of plato dewey aristotle
EDUC311 96 Mata physics deals the nature of truth reality values
EDUC311 97 Mataphysics another name of epistomology axiology ontology
EDUC311 98 Aristotle,s teaching became the philosophical foundatinaturalism realism reconstructionism
EDUC311 99 The objectives of any school subject must teacher derived general in nature determined by subject
EDUC311 100 The primary responsibility for determining the aims ofteacher derived administrator society
EDUC311 101 The basic source of educational objectives is professional organizati human experienceseducational psycholog
EDUC311 102 Education can be defined best as preparation for life acquiring knowledglearning
EDUC311 103 The word paragmatism is derived from the word pra action experience natural
EDUC311 104 The term paragmatism is also sometimes called as idealism perennialism progressivism
EDUC311 105 Change in behaviour through experience is called development growth learning
EDUC311 106 What is the most important element of non formal eduteacher derived student media
EDUC311 107 The knowledge that is related to values is mataphysics ontology axiology
EDUC311 108 The school should be run on democretic lines is held bessestialism perennialism progressivism
EDUC311 109 Which one is not among major exponent of perennial bentock adler hutchins
EDUC311 110 Philosophy of education which base on modern ideas perennialism Essentialism reconstructionism
EDUC311 111 Study of great books is at the core of perennialism Essentialism progressivism
EDUC311 112 Perecptive philosophy deals with Developing theories right or wrong analysis
EDUC311 113 Analytical philosophy deals with Developing theories right or wrong assessment
EDUC311 114 Axiology in philosophy deals with knowledge reality values
EDUC311 115 Epistomology philosophy deals with knowledge values reality
EDUC311 116 Ontology in philosophy deals with knowledge reality values
EDUC311 117 philosophy is theory of psychology education sociology
EDUC311 118 Sociological aims of education includes cultural growth reduce knowledge difficulties
EDUC311 119 A descriptive defination of the term its explanation reasoning justification
EDUC311 120 The universe of natural objects of is delivered as ultimidealist essentialist realists
EDUC311 121 What is the foundation out of which comes the objectiphilosophy curriculum assessment
EDUC311 122 The emphasis in the classroom should be on need of the whole classneeds of individualssubject matter
EDUC311 123 The goal of education should be getting a certificate subject mastery training to make living
EDUC311 124 Aims of education are used for the process of educatiodirect motive progressivism
EDUC311 125 Ethics and esthatics are the components of axiology epistomology ontology
EDUC311 126 Nature of scientific knowledge empericism experimentisim repetetion
EDUC311 127 Epistomology philosophy deals with knowledge reality values
EDUC311 128 why says "Human nature remains same everwhere henperennialism essentialism reconstructionism
EDUC311 129 Normally philosophy may be prescriptive and speculative analytical critical
EDUC311 130 Concept of reconstructionism was originated by hegal karl mark mortimer adler
EDUC311 131 Learning should be directly related to the interest of t realism progressivism idealism
EDUC311 132 modes\styles of philosophy are 2 3 5
EDUC311 133 Basic modes of philosophy are 2 3 4
EDUC311 134 Elements of educational process are 4 5 6
EDUC311 135 padagogy is the element of educational process 1st 2nd 3rd
EDUC311 136 Evaluation is the element of educatina process 1st 2nd 3rd
EDUC311 137 components of educatinal process are 2 3 4
EDUC311 138 An important question of philosopy is what is education what is universe what is curriculum
EDUC311 139 Philosophy and education are the two sides of a coin ajohn dewey ross james
EDUC311 140 Leacture method is a choice of idealist teacher perennialists essentialistis
EDUC311 141 Types of knowledge derived from sense is known as rationalism revelead logical
EDUC311 142 paragmaistis was intoduced by charles john dewey william james
EDUC311 143 Word philosopy is derived form two greek words alpha and emphia phila and sophia cila and sophia
EDUC311 144 Every system of education is based upon intellectual developmenideology of nation social and obligation
EDUC311 145 To seek truth and reality is the subject of education philosphy morals
EDUC311 146 who says "permanancy is more real than change" perennialism essentialism progressivism
EDUC311 147 Philosopy literly means love for knowledge love of intellect love of wisdom
EDUC311 148 Perennialism is an educational philosopy of old values present values future values
EDUC311 149 Educaion as the reorganization of experience is expo william james john lock rousseau
EDUC311 150 Education is imparted in schools is formal traditional informal
EDUC311 151 Which is the first school for a child's education society friends family
EDUC311 152 What is the main center of informal education society family friends
EDUC311 153 What is the compulsory element of learning ability to read bright mind tendency to know
EDUC311 154 Which one of the following sentence is correct about it is dignostic it is remedial it is dignostic as well
EDUC311 155 What is education called acquired without any specificindirect education individual educatio informal education
EDUC311 156 What is origion of word education E abd catum edu and catum word educate
EDUC311 157 padagogy is concerned with aim content teaching method
EDUC311 158 Informal education is planned incidental systematic
EDUC311 159 formal education has flexibal rules inflexibal rules both a,b
EDUC311 160 nonformal education has flexibal rules inflexibal rules rigid rules
EDUC311 161 The word “Education” is derived from Greek Latin Persian
EDUC311 162 Educere means bring out to draw bring up
EDUC311 163 Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at thSocrates Plato Aristotle
EDUC311 164 Human behavior is modified and improve through Education Skills Training
EDUC311 165 Education reconstructs and remodels our experiences toAristotle Plato Socrates
EDUC311 166 __________covers aims of education, nature of educatPhilosophy Psychology Sociology
EDUC311 167 ____________helps to understand the child better & d Philosophy Psychology Sociology
EDUC311 168 The ___________ of education is the development of in Aim Curriculum Evaluation
EDUC311 169 The aims of education are achieved through Aims curriculum Pedagogy
EDUC311 170 ________________ is concerned with teaching methodaims & objectives curriculum Pedagogy
EDUC311 171 _______________ is concerned with knowing the valueaims & objectives curriculum Pedagogy
EDUC311 172 Tests, questionnaires, observation etc are used in Aims curriculum Pedagogy
EDUC311 173 Which is not the element of educational process? Aims Motivation curriculum
EDUC311 174 Scope mean_____________ Range of view Pre-view Pedagogy
EDUC311 175 Education is derived from Educere Educare Educate
EDUC311 176 Education which is planned Formal Education Informal Education Non-formal Education
EDUC311 177 Education that may be negative also Formal Education Informal Education Non-formal Education
EDUC311 178 Education outside the realm of formal education Formal Education Informal Education Non-formal Education
EDUC311 179 Education has _________ types One Two Three
EDUC311 180 Education is imparted mostly by correspondence in Formal Education Non-formal EducationInformal Education
EDUC311 181 Most common example of formal education is Schools Colleges Homes
EDUC311 182 The most important element of non-formal education i Teacher Student School
EDUC311 183 Which one is not the source of formal education Home School Colleges
EDUC311 184 Informal education is Planned Incidental Systematic
EDUC311 185 Formal Education has well defined Curriculum System Method
EDUC311 186 Formal education observes strict Teachers Students curriculum
EDUC311 187 Not prescribed time table or curriculum in Formal Education Informal Education Non-formal Education
EDUC311 188 Education which is conscious and deliberate Formal Education Non-formal EducationInformal Education
EDUC311 189 _________derived from the expression of “formal educNon-formal Education Informal Education Formal Education
EDUC311 190 ___________education is given by specially qualified Formal Education Informal Education Non-formal Education
EDUC311 191 _________is not imparted by any special agency Formal Education Informal Education Non-formal Education
EDUC311 192 _________ is organized for a homogeneous group Non-formal Education Formal Education Informal Education
EDUC311 193 The word philosophy is derived from the language Latin Greek British
EDUC311 194 The combination of two words which make the word “ Phili, sophia philos, sophi phili , shoy
EDUC311 195 The Greek word “philos” is termed as Understanding hate of loves of
EDUC311 196 The word “Philosophy” simply means Love of wisdom Love of nature Love of money
EDUC311 197 Philosophy is a Science of Science view given by Aristotle Coleridge Plato
EDUC311 198 Plato’s view about “philosophy” is A Science which investig
A step to libration Self – realization
EDUC311 199 In the light of knowledge , we study internal nature of Psychology Sociology Philosophy
EDUC311 200 The Greek word “ Sophia” means Wisdom Knowledge Reality
EDUC311 201 Branches /areas of educational philosophy are Two Three Four
EDUC311 202 How can we show that knowledge is true which branchOntology axiology epistemdogy
EDUC311 203 Epistemology is branch of philosophy which deals witNature of values Nature of reality Nature of knowledge
EDUC311 204 The discussion about nature, scope, sources, & applicaepistemdogy Ontology axiology
EDUC311 205 Another term is used for Ontology is epistemdogy axiology Cosmology
EDUC311 206 In education philosophy; the things what we know, howOntology axiology epistemdogy
EDUC311 207 The major areas of discussion in ontology in number a One Five Four
EDUC311 208 What aspects of knowledge are discussed in epistemol Nature sources and scope applicability
EDUC311 209 The term “ Cosmology” is used for The knowledge of thingThe knowledge of UBoth A & B
EDUC311 210 “Nature of Reality” is discussed in which philosophy Ontology epistemdogy axiology
EDUC311 211 The branch of educational philosophy “Axiology” dealNature of knowledge Nature of reality Nature of Values
EDUC311 212 The aspects like existence reality cosmology are discu Aesthetics epistemdogy axiology
EDUC311 213 “Nature of human being” is also discussed in educatio Psychology Aesthetics Ethics
EDUC311 214 Discussion on “existence” of things related to Ontology epistemdogy axiology
EDUC311 215 Types of values are discussed in educational philosop epistemdogy Ontology axiology
EDUC311 216 The educational philosophy “Axiology” deals with Reality Values Knowledge
EDUC311 217 Education is Life training direction
EDUC311 218 All ideas must be tested against observation of the worEmpiricism Dualism Idealism
EDUC311 219 Ethics in educational philosophy related to epistemdogy Ontology axiology
EDUC311 220 Concepts of beauty & enjoyment concerned with Ethics Aesthetics Cosmology
EDUC311 221 Axiology is further divided into nature , reality Aesthetics Ethics
EDUC311 222 The educational philosophy which widely discuss natuOntology epistemdogy axiology
EDUC311 223 Everlasting reality is focused in Perennialism Progressivism Essentialism
EDUC311 224 Focus on culture and skill is emphasized in Perennialism Essentialism Reconstructionism
EDUC311 225 Life is continues changing process this concept is discuEssentialism Perennialism Progressivism
EDUC311 226 Reform are necessary in all walks of life is focus in Perennialism Essentialism Progressivism
EDUC311 227 Study of great books as a subject is the core of Reconstructionism Progressivism Essentialism
EDUC311 228 Who is not the major exponent of Perennialism philos Adler Bentock John Dewey
EDUC311 229 Essentialists stress on Mental discipline Innovation Changed or reduced k
EDUC311 230 Progressivist teacher put more emphasis on Practical education Teaching methods Reality
EDUC311 231 The curriculum will be child centered if teacher is Realist Perennialist Progressivist
EDUC311 232 Learning should be directly related to the interest of th Progressivism Perennialism Essentialism
EDUC311 233 Essentialist philosophy of education is focus on Content and Teacher Students needs Society needs
EDUC311 234 Perennialism is an educational philosophy of New value Old values Old and new values
EDUC311 235 The objectives of education comes from Philosophy Psychology Curriculum
EDUC311 236 Sociological aims of education include Cultural growth Skills development Both A & B
EDUC311 237 Philosophy and education are two sides of a coin accorJohn Dewey Ross James
EDUC311 238 Speculative philosophy deals with Developing theory Right or wrong Analysis
EDUC311 239 Perspective philosophy deals with Developing theory Right or wrong Analysis
EDUC311 240 Analytical philosophy deals with Developing theory Right or wrong Analysis
Option D Correct Option
None A
All of above C
Phila and
Search for utilitB
All of above A
All of above D
None of above B
Indirect educat E
Evaluation B
All of above B
Knowledge A
Pedagogy C
None of above A
Pure B
All of above C
Retional C
None of above C
Motivated A
None of above A
All od above B
All of above A
reality B
Rational thinkinB
Ontology D
None of them A
direct Educatio B
None of above B
All of above C
Idealism and ReC
Direct EducatioB
None of above A
values A
Rousseau C
None of them A
None of them B
All of above A
All of above A
None of above A
Reconstruction B
Evaluation D
culture B
Morphology A
Reality D
None of above C
Evaluation C
All of above A
Arranged B
Approach A
Motivation D
Schooling C
Love of wisdomD
Epistemology D
Traditions D
both a and b B
All of above D
Socity centeredA
Psychology C
Skill developmeA
Pedagogy C
None of above B
What is universD
None of above A
None of above A
Philosophy D
Operational EduB
For children onlA
Method B
Professional or A
Mastery of subjB
Few rules of entB
pre-planned C
both a and b B
School C
None of above A
Kant B
None of above C
Learning B
none a
both a,b b
none a
both a,c c
none b
Reconstruction d
Reconstruction c
Reconstruction b
Reconstruction a
revelation c
none c
none a
both a,b a
none b
rousseau b
knowledge b
none c
both a,b b
the basis for cod
parents c
state legislatur b
growth from exd
ideal a
none c
maturity c
school c
epistomology c
none c
john dewey d
progressivism d
Reconstruction a
none b
evaluation c
none c
both a,b a
none b
all b
all d
validation a
culture d
psychology a
teaching methob
acquiring knowld
all d
all a
all b
none a
progressivism a
normative a
john dewey d
perennialism b
4th b
4rth c
none b
kant b
progressivism a
imperical c
none b
none b
none b
both a,b b
Reconstruction a
love of truth c
none a
john dewey d
non formal a
school c
all d
none c
all d
formal educati c
none a
all c
both b,c d
none b
both a,b b
None of these B
both a and b D
Rousseau B
None of these A
John Dewey D
Economics A
Economics B
None of these A
Evaluation B
Evaluation C
Evaluation D
Evaluation D
Evaluation B
Evaluation A
Both A & B D
None of these A
All of above B
None of these C
Four C
All of above C
Both A & B D
Media D
Library A
Arranged B
Discipline A
Discipline D
All of above B
None of these B
None of these A
None of these A
All of these B
None of these A
All of these B
Philos , Sophia D
internal nature C
Love of health A
Socrates B
All of these A
Education C
Values A
Six B
metaphysical C
All of these C
Both A & B A
metaphysical D
Cosmology C
Six B
All of these D
None of these B
Cosmology A
Both A & B C
Ontology D
Ontology D
None of these A
All of these C
Cosmology B
All of these D
Pragmatism A
None of these C
Both A & B B
Both A & B D
All of these A
Reconstruction A
Progressivism B
Reconstruction C
Reconstruction D
Perennialism C
Hutchins C
All of these A
None of these A
Essentialist C
Reconstruction A
All of these A
Future values B
Sociology A
None of these C
Kant B
Non A
Non B
None of these C

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