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Proposal, invitation, and schedule

Ajrul amilin
Xi mipa iv

a. Proposal
Generic structure :

- Description of the Event

- Purpose of the Event

- Venue and facilities offered

- The proposed event budget

Example :

Al- Fatih Islamic School is new school in Jakarta, this school is very
strategic, and this school have skilled teacher in their respective field, and have
very complete facilities. It won’t be long, this school will be one of the best in

Purpose of the Event :

1. Strenghthen friendship with people around
2. Fostering a sense of unity for one goal
3. Introduce school facility

Time and place :

Date of the Event : 23 July 2018,
Address : Egypt Street Number 35A, West Jakarta
Time : 09.00 – 12.15

Budget :
Total budget about catering and etc cost Rp. 2.500.000,00

Closing :
Thank you for your attention, Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

b. Invitation
Generic structure :
1. Receiver/To: Name of the person to being addressed/invited.

2. Body of invitation:
 Name of the Event
 Day or Date
 Time
 Place

3. Sender/from: The person who sent the invitation.

Example :
Student’s organization
SMP Tunas Bangsa
Jl. Sumpah pemuda no.1 Indonesia

Dear Nia,
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
Day/date: Saturday/11 July 2016
Time: 10.00 pm
Place: At AULA school
The meeting will discuss about preparation class meeting completion.
Please come on time, see you there.
Dian Rudy

Secretary Chairperson

My Invitation:
Al- Fatih Islamic School
Egypt Street number 39A, West Jakarta

The Honourable Head of the School Service,

We invite you to attend our School grand opening.
Day/Date : Tuesday / 23 July 2018
Time : 09.00 AM
Place : At School Field

Please come on time, see you there

Randy Ajrul

Secretary Headmaster

c. Schedule
General Structure :
1. Choose your event duration
2. Write a list of activities
3. Pick a time management system
4. Determine schedule visibility
5. Plan for people


Event Schedule: Event start at 09.00 am

Start Time End Time Task Duration
08.00 am 08.30 am Rehearsal 30 min
08.30 am 09.00 am Break 30 min
09.00 am 09.30 am The headmaster 30 min
will give a speech
09.30 am 10.00 am School 30 min
10.00 am 11.00 am School tour 1 hour
11.00 am 12.00 pm Break (pray, 1 hour
12.00 pm 12.15 pm Closing speech 15 min

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