SMP Swasta Bpi Paluh Kurau: L. Multple Choice

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Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris (Kls 8A/B)

l. Multple Choice
Choose the correct answe A, B, C or D

l. She ..... a nurse two days ago. A. was b. Does c. Do d. Doing

2. Linda ....... a famous singer some years ago. A. is b. Are c. do d. Am

3. They ....... study English everyweek. a. Do not b. Does not c. Am not d. Will not

4. Toni didn’t ..... football last week. A. Play b. Plays c. Played d. Player

5. Bella and Amrii ....... elementary students . A. are b. Would c. Can d. can

6. You can use this expression for asking for attention . A. Thank you b. Excuse me c. I think d. really?

7. You can use this expression for asking opinion . A. Why not b. What about you? c. Do you agree

d. let me

8. The synonym of hard is ..... a. Small b. difficult c. Far d. Low

9. You can use this expression to end conversation. A. How are you b. See you then. Bye.

c. i am fine d. It’s okay

10. The name of adjective is ...... a. Smile b. sad c. Apple d. Guava

11. They were......the classroom. A. Clean b. Cleans c. Cleaning d. Cleaned

12. ...... you working now? A. Is b. Did c. were d. Will

13. We were ....... visiting my family. A. Is not b. Are not c. Not d. Am not

14. ..... she singer today ? A. While b. But c. is d. Where

15. ...... she sitting under the tree? A. When b. Since c. was d. Since

16. the synonym of beautiful is...... a. pretty b. Root c. Smart d. Nature

17. A : Why are you in a angry?

B : I don’t ..... him disturbing me a. Much b. Many c. Some d. A few

18. They are ...... than me. A. bigger b. Little c. Good d. Any

19. The singer is more ....... than him. a. Popular b. Lazy c. Smart d. Big

20. You can run .......than a horse. A. faster b. Slow c. Wow d. Bye

ll. Essay test

Change the following sentences into negative form:

21. They were my closest friends. Fill in the blanks with suitable ‘adjective’

22. Are you a good painter? 24. This is a very ............ table.

23. Maya is a new student in my school. 25. she eats a ........... apple.

26. Dhea is a smart and ....... student i my school.

Translate the following sentences into Indonesia language!

27. They are more dilligent than me.
28. Sella is taller than my sister.
29. Tiara is the best pupil in my college.
30. She is more beautiful than that artist.

Periksa Kembali Jawaban Anda Sebelum Diserahkan!

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Kls: X(SEPULUH)


I.Change the following sentences into english.

1. Saya belajar bahasa Inggris minggu lalu.


2. Santi pulang dari Jakarta sebulan yang lalu.


II. Translate the following sentences into Indonesian.

3. Our parents have gone to Bali for five years.


4. my younger sister has become a nurse since 2009 .


5. They solved the problem easily yesterday.


III.Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech!

6. Yola said,” I have cooked the rice.”


7. Gea said,” You are my new friend.”


8. Tiara said,” I was cleaning the floor.”


9. Lela said,” Rudi did the homework.”

IV.Change the following sentences into negative form.

10. Sandra eats the chocolate.


11. I heard the bad news.


12. I have played the game for an hour.


13. Did you know her name?


V. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech!

14. Tika said that I had a funny.

15. Kiki said that his father was a dentist.

Periksa Kembali Jawaban Anda Sebelum Diserahkan!

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Kls: XI(SEBELAS)

I.Translate the following expressions into Indonerian language.

1. She has been waited by her

friend. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

2. The song will be sung by Iwan

Falls. .........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. The kitchen is being cleaned by my

mom . .......................................................................................................................................................................................

II. Fill in the blanks with suitble verbs by using your own words:

4. He has been ................................ the fruits.

5. The dictionary is being ............................ by him.

6. The soccer will be ............................ by them.

7. The questions can be ......................... by me easily.

8. The bicycle is being ................. by my father.

III. Change the following sentences into Passive Form.

9. I will read the interersting

book. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

10 . She is calling me now.


11. She cooked the friedrice

deliciously . ..............................................................................................................................................................................

12. Andra can sing a song well.


13. Lula must help her mother diligently.


14. Kirana drinks a glass of coffee.


15. Anjasmara has made a new movie.


Periksa Kembali Jawaban Anda Sebelum Diserahkan!

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