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: Ni Made Santhi Dewi

NIM : 1812021144

Class : 6F

Subject : Micro Teaching

Summary of skill 1-4

1. Skill of Probing Questions

According to Padmadewi, Artini, and Agustini (2017), a teacher must have the
ability to make questions, the teacher must also listen well to what students ask,
besides that the teacher can also provide positive feedback to students, because the
right questions can create good interaction and communication between teachers and
students and can also make students more active in the learning process. In the
learning process, the questioning strategy must be considered well by the teacher, the
questions asked of students must be clear and directed (Padmadewi, Artini, and
Agustini 2017).
According to Padmadewi, Artini, and Agustini (2017), there are several
objectives of asking questions to students, namely:
a Increase students' curiosity and interest about the topic being discussed in
b Creating student participation.
c Measure student learning outcomes.
d Can easily identify student difficulties during the learning process.
e Encourage students to express something about the topic discussed.
f Ensuring student success in the learning process.
g Give students the opportunity to understand the topic being discussed.

2. Skill of Reinforcement

In the learning process, each teacher has the ability to provide encouragement
to students and this must be done by the teacher in implementing learning in schools,
the teacher must also be able to correct the attitudes and behavior of their students.
Basically reinforcement is a response that the teacher gives to students for positive
behavior, with the aim of increasing the likelihood of students repeating the same
behavior and to motivating students to be more active in the learning process
(Padmadewi, Artini, and Agustini 2017).

According to Saud (2009; 64) as cited in Padmadewi, Artini, and Agustini

(2017), there are five goals to provide reinforcement to students, namely:
1 Increase students' attention in participating in learning.
2 Foster student motivation.
3 Make students have no difficulty in learning.
4 Encourage students to behave positively.
5 Reducing negative student behavior.

According to Padmadewi, Artini, and Agustini (2017), reinforcement skills

can be divided into two, namely:
1 Verbal reinforcement is reinforcement in the form of praise and awards given
to students by the teacher, such as: "good", "correct", "good idea", and others.
2 Non-verbal reinforcement is reinforcement that is shown using gestures, such
as: approaching students, raising hands and smiling, in the form of symbols
(such as cards, stars, etc.)

3. Skill of Stimulus Variation

As a teacher, we also have to think about how to make teaching and learning
activities not boring. Therefore, so that the learning atmosphere is not monotonous,
and does not cause boredom in students, a teacher should use a variety of stimuli in
teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Which according to Padmadewi,
Artini, and Agustini (2017) stimulus variation is a series of activities carried out by a
teacher that aims to overcome boredom in students and also to increase student
motivation in the learning process.
As explained by Padmadewi, Artini, and Agustini (2017) skills in using this
variation of stimulus can provide several benefits, including:
a Attract students' attention during the learning process.
b Facilitating students' different learning styles and desires.
c Developing positive student behavior by varying their learning activities.
d Involving student participation in every learning activity.

In the teaching process it is very important for a teacher to master the skills to
use variation, but these skills must be flexible according to the needs of teaching and
According to Padmadewi, Artini, and Agustini (2017), variation skills can be
divided into three types, namely:
1 Variations in teaching styles, this variation can be adjusted by the teacher in
delivering material, such as variations in voice, concentration of attention, eye
contact and movement, and body movements.
2 Variations in teacher-student interactions, these variations can be dominated
by teachers or students when learning activities take place.
3 Variations in learning media, this variation can be done in several different
ways in learning activities, such as using visual, auditory, and audio-visual
aids, to differentiate the media used in learning.
4. Skill of Explanation

According to Padmadewi, Artini, and Agustini (2017) Explanation skill is the

ability of a teacher to convey information orally which is systematically managed to
show the relationship between learning materials. Thus the teacher has an active role
in improving student understanding by providing material reviews to students in clear
and effective language, so that students are able to understand the content of the
material well (Padmadewi, Artini, and Agustini 2017).
There are several components that must be considered by a teacher in
explaining the material, namely, planning what to convey, giving examples, and
asking students about material that they do not understand (Padmadewi, Artini, and
Agustini (2017).
According to Sukirman (2019) as cited in Padmadewi, Artini, and Agustini
(2017), there are several goals to have explaining skills, namely:
a Helping students in understanding the material being studied
b Involving students to think in solving problems.
 Helping students understand laws, propositions, and general principles to
think objectively.
 Guide students to use their reasoning, and use evidence in solving
 Provide feedback to students to avoid misunderstandings.

Padmadewi, N. N., Artini, L. P., & Agustini, D. A. (2021). Pengantar Micro Teaching.
Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Pesada.

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