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Wednesday 10th February 2021, 8.00 -9.10pm by Zoom

1. Helen warmly welcomed 30 members including our guest Pam Cruse. Apologies
were received from Marion B.

2.We had a very informative talk by David Pitman from The One Can Trust. David
is a nutritionalist and works with The One Can Trust to ensure that, as far as
possible, the food parcels handed out are healthy,versatile and sustaining. Each
parcel includes fresh fruit and vegetables with a focus on high fibre food. Menu
ideas are included.

Due to Covid restrictions parcels are currently delivered by some of the 120
volunteers working with The One Can Trust.

All people using the One Can Trust have to be referred to it and the assistance is
short term except in exceptional circumstances. Referrals have doubled since this
time last year and in the week ending Feb. 5th parcels were delivered to 253 homes
supporting a total of 521 people.

The One Can Trust website is updated regularly with foodstuffs that are currently
needed. Donations can be made through street volunteers, supermarket donation
points or if preferred by a donation of money . Details of how to do this are on the
website. One Can also has a Facebook page.

Helen thanked David very much for his very interesting and thought provoking

3.We then had an online vote, organised by Judith , to choose which of the
nominees to become a trustee of the National Federation of WIs, we wished to
support.The votes were anonymous and will be collated and forwarded on by
4. Helen then had a number of announcements :

a) Firstly, Helen thanked Fiona for co-ordinating and making up cloth bags for the
NHS and all the other members who worked so hard to help with this. Photographs
of these bags will appear in the next Newsletter.

b) We have received an email from Ann Davidson, one of our members and chair
of Four Ends Flower Club , to invite anyone interested to a flower demonstration
on February 25th at 2pm . The flower demonstrator is Gill McGregor who is highly
recommended. The cost is £3 and if interested you should email Ann on .

c) Helen thanked Laura for her help with the Wycombe Wenches website.
Laura has created a new email address which can be used by members who
wish to submit photos or information for the website. The email address is .

d) Helen drew members attention to the information about the NFWI Annual
Meeting on June 8th at The Albert Hall. Members can apply for tickets to go as
observers . The cost is £23 and information about how to apply is in the latest copy
of WI Life magazine.

e) There will be another card making class on February 16th at 12pm . Please
contact Helen if you wish to attend.

The Supper Club is meeting on Monday 15th Feb …members are asked to wear
something red as it is to mark Chinese New Year.

Cinema Club is on Feb 23rd when we will be watching The Dig on Netflix. If you
are interested in either Supper Club or Cinema Club and haven’t been before you
will be made very welcome . Please contact Judith on

AOB: Helen mentioned a Facebook site ..The Virtual Village Hall where you can
sign up to all sorts of different classes which would normally take place in a village
hall .

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