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Underline the correct word in brackets.

1. He looked up at the sky and (saw / have seen) a very bright light.
2. I (lost / have lost) the keys to my car. I don’t know what to do.
3. You (have smoked / smoked) ten cigarettes so far today. Don’t you think you should stop?
4. I (told / have told) you the same thing over and over again. Why don’t you listen? I’ll tell you again,
but please pay attention this time.
5. It (became / has become) very hot in here. Is there something wrong with the air-
6. Haven’t you finished your homework yet? I (finished / have finished) mine hours ago.
7. I (waited / have waited) for hours but nobody came.
8. She (met / has met) a lot of interesting people since she came here last Monday.
9. After less than ten minutes they (realized / have realized) that they were lost.
10. Jane (became / has become) very quiet lately. Is she all right?
11. I (looked / have looked) for a pair of shoes this morning but I didn’t find any I liked.

Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. A: Do you know that man?

B: Oh yes. He’s a very good friend of mine. I ………………… (know) him for about ten years.
A: I think I ………………… (meet) him at a business meeting last month.
2. A: Mum ………………… (lose) her purse.
B: Where ………………… (she / lose) it?
A: At the supermarket while she was shopping.

3. A: Who was on the phone?

B: It ………………… (be) Jane.
A: Who is Jane?
B: Someone who ………………… (work) in my office for a few years. She doesn’t work with us
anymore. She works somewhere else.
4. A: Who is your favourite singer?
B: Freddie Mercury. He ………………… (have) a wonderful voice.
A: Yes, I agree. He ………………… (enjoy) performing live, too.
5. A: What ………………… (happen)? Why is the room full of smoke?
B: I ………………… (just / cook) your dinner, dear.
C: Well, I’m not that hungry.
6. A: On Monday my father ………………… (give) me £20.
B: That’s wonderful!
A: No it isn’t. I ………………… (already / spend) it.
7. A: When ………………… (you / begin) painting?
B: Ten years ago. I ………………… (recently / complete) a painting that the National Gallery
………………… (ask) me to do a year ago.
8. A: ………………… (you / always / have) long hair, Julie?
B: No, when I was young my hair ………………… (be) very short.
9. A: How long ………………… (you / be) married?
B: Only for six months. I ………………… (get) married last December.
10. A: Mary ………………… (know) Steven for six years.
B: When ………………… (they / meet)?
C: They met when they ………………… (be) at university together.

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