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Final Term Examination

Institute of Management Studies

University of Peshawar
Introduction to Leadership MBA/BBA

Online Examination Maximum Marks: 50

Attempt all the questions. It is required that you use your own reflections and provide your own
examples to attempt this paper.

Q-1 Define the following terms in not more than five lines (20).
a. Trait Vs behavioral theories of leadership
b. Uniqueness of LMX theory
c. Black and Mutton leadership Grid
d. Leader Match Theory
e. Descriptive and Prescriptive
f. Leadership style appropriate for followers with dogmatic and authoritarian characteristics
g. Leader making and its phases.
h. Five-Factor Personality Model and Leadership
i. Career experiences and its effects of leadership outcomes.
j. Contribution of Bass (1985) to transformational leadership model

Q-2 Explain authentic leadership with reference to intrapersonal and interpersonal definition.
Explain the authentic leadership wheel by providing an example of your own for each of the six
elements (15).
Q-3 Explain the Full Range of transformational Leadership Model. Provide a comprehensive
example for each of the 4 “I” s in the model (15).

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