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KNIME L1 Drill

KNIME Certification

This KNIME L1 Drill aims to train the students for the KNIME Certification. It covers most parts of the
subjects of the certification. Difficulty is increased in order to be sure to have the level for the certification.
The drill is divided into 2 parts and based on 2 datasets (and a REST API).

- Datasets: kickstarter.csv and pokemon-spawns.csv. They are available on the KNIME server at
“10_Students /DATASETS”
- Your workflow should be titled L1_DRILL_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.
- Organize your workflow with annotations labelling the question numbers

Part 1
Using the kickstarter.csv dataset, answer the following questions.

1. Which main category has the most projects? Which has the least?
a. List the number of projects by categories
- sorted descending by project count
b. Plot this data with a pie chart

2. Which main category has the highest number of successful projects?

a. List the main categories with their successful and failed counts
b. Plot only the successful count data with a bar chart

3. Which main category has the highest success rate?

a. Plot just the success and failure counts by category
- In stacked bar chart
- Sorted by descending success rate

4. Which week in the year has the most successfully completed projects? (use the deadline date)
a. Plot successful and failed projects count per week with a line chart

5. Which month of the year has the best completion success rate?
a. Plot only the success rate per month with a line chart

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+41 27 606 90 01 • •
Part 2

In the world of Pokémon, there are many fantastic creatures in the wild, known as Pokémon. These
Pokémon are documented in a large database called the Pokédex. Each species has one or more types
(water, fire, ice, grass, flying, etc…), has certain abilities, moves and stats. All these stats are documented
in the Pokédex.
To get information about a certain Pokémon, you need to query the API with a link as follows: example, this link will give you the Pokédex entry of the first
Pokémon: Bulbasaur.

Using the Pokémon API, answer the following questions.

6. What are the names of the first 151 Pokémon (using the link model above)?
a. List the IDs and names.
- Bonus if you can display the Pokémon’s sprite image.

b. Save the output of the GET Request node (just the body column) as a KNIME table.
(name it Lastname_Firstname_pokedex.table)

7. How many grass type Pokémon are there in your Pokédex from 6b?
a. List just the names of the grass type Pokémon.

Using the pokemon-spawns.csv dataset one the KNIME server and your own Pokédex from 6b, find out
the following:

8. How many fire-type Pokémon spawns occurred?

a. List the Pokémon name and occurrence count
- Sort descending by occurrence count

b. Do the same with water types:

- Concatenate water and fire occurrences
- Sort by descending occurrence count
- Display name, type(s), and occurrence count

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