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Pakistan and India are on high risk because they come into nuclear war. Former Sectary of State
Henry Kissinger said “If there is two states that would involve in the nuclear war are Pakistan
and India”.
 History of bilateral relations
 India polices of provocation
 Rise of hyper nationalism in India
 Kashmir flash point
History of bilateral relations:
 Trust deficient
History of Pak-India is full of conflicts like from starting gradually giving Pak’s share of
partition, water issues, wars. So it is predicted that in future both countries will enter into conflict
called nuclear conflict. Both countries have trust deficient they don’t trust each other any issue
arise in each country accused other country for any mess.
India policies of provocation:
They followed two policies of provocation
1. False flag operation
2. The cold doctrine
False flag operation:
It is like an alarm, there is no threat exercised but manifest/show that there is threat so in
response to their own assumption they start operation against the other states so they involve in
war e.g. Pulwama incident. In 14 Feb 2019, 40 military persons died due to suicide bombing
Jammu and accused Pakistan for this incident. Following the policy of false flag operation the
conducted air strike and by violating the Pakistan air space they dropped bomb in Ballacoat but
luckily these bombs fell on forest and our innocent trees martyred. In international law it’s a sign
of declaration of war. In response Pakistan launch the operation swift retrot. India’s inability to
prove its claims of bringing down a Pakistani plane and hitting terrorist targets in Balakot could
have “some deleterious political implications”, (Michael Kugelman; US analyst). From this we
understand that countries like India who followed false flag operation deliberately come in war
with other countries to weak them for achieving the superiority.
“It will not take more than seven to ten days to make Pakistan bite the dust".
(Narendra Modi)
The cold doctrine:
Israel said “if you want to war with other country minimize their war potential”. If Pakistan
strategical points e.g. military academy, weapon factory, heavy industry, nuclear reactor attacked
by India so it would minimize Pakistan war potential. This cold doctrine policies only happened
in case of Kahuta nuclear power plant but luckily it did not happen. (Iran revolution 1979-US
embassy attacked- CIA and Iran agencies helped to safe hostages-here they found india attack to
Kahuta with the help of israel).
Rise of hyper flash nationalism:
Which means destroy other nation to achieve superiority e.g. Akhand Bhahrat, it is a grand
unified Indian state under a Hindu rule like today BJP. India wants to become like Asoka’s day
when there was Hindu raj. Under the leadership of Mohdi, he is showing the people of India that
Pakistan/Muslims is a biggest threat to India because Pakistan is a stabling bloc to become India
superior state due to this India come in war with Pakistan.
Kashmir flash point:
Kashmir is generally describe as nuclear flash point, in its bid to change the demographic
equation of Kashmir. On August 15 2019, India revoked Article 35-A and 370 of its constitution
which had granted the special statues to Kashmir. By revoking Indians other than Kashmir’s
could also by real-estate. If there will more Indians than Kashmiris or more Hindus than Muslims
then Kashmir become part of India. Since 5 august, 2019, lockdown and no communication in
IHK by this Kashmir slipped down from hand of Pakistan. What was dangerous about its
Pulwama trigger is that it brought India and Pakistan to the brink of war. Since 1971, the two
have never been as close to a full-scale war as they were on the night of February 28.
Kashmir also has the strategical importance, Pakistan water resources relays on the Kashmir so
whoever has the power to control Kashmir have power to control the water. India also launched
the navigation project to navigate the flow of water so they can effect Pak by releasing water
when it is not needed which results in flood.
Pakistan is agriculture country so our main economy depends upon agriculture if there is lack of
water then crop yield will disturbed, energy production disturbed due to less hydel power
generation. Collectively these factors affect the Pakistan economy in plane words water is
backbone and that’s why Kashmir is strategical important to Pakistan so its reason of nuclear

Role of global community:
To pressurize India to stop it its policies against Pakistan (false flag, cold doctrine)
To pressurize India to resolve Kashmir issue (UN)
Role of Pakistan:
Pakistan should put its house in order having sincear leaders that put national intreset above their
own interest. By correct governance dependability (IMF, World Bank loans) on others will
decrease and then Pakistan voice would be listen.


 "When a nuclear armed country fights to the death, it has consequences. That is why we have
approached the United Nations and are approaching every international forum urging them to act
right now because this is a potential disaster which would go beyond the Indian subcontinent."
(PM IMRAN KHAN in an interview to Al-Jazeera)

Researchers warn India-Pakistan nuclear war could kill 100 million

Assuming that the year is 2025 and militants have attacked India's parliament, killing most of its
leaders. New Delhi retaliates by sending tanks into Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
Fearing it will be overrun, Islamabad hits the invading forces with its battlefield nuclear
weapons, triggering the deadliest conflict in history — and catastrophic global cooling, with
temperatures not seen since the last Ice Age.
This scenario was modelled by researchers in a new paper published on Wednesday, which
envisioned more than 100 million immediate deaths, followed by global mass starvation after
megatons of thick black soot (mushroom) block out sunlight for up to a decade (10 years).
Based on their current population and the urban centers that would be likely targeted, the
researchers estimated up to 125 million could be killed if both countries expended the bulk of
their highest yield weapons. Around 80 million peoples killed in WWII and this is most extreme
scenario which kills 100 million peoples with the bomb 6x powerful than Hiroshima bomb.
Resulting firestorms could release 16 million to 36 million tonnes of soot (black carbon) into the
upper atmosphere, spreading around the world within weeks.
Pakistan and India have fought four wars since 1947 that have seen a combined death toll of
22,600 and 50,000 wounded and maimed. While reliable data on disappearances and civilian
casualties is not available, at least 100,000 families have suffered direct human costs. The last
major troops mobilisation in South Asia in 2001-02 cost the two countries a combined $3 billion.

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