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Mend,\elQ Alou'n+arQ CclucIJD 4F6PA


ulike doing, would like to do, eta.) Silent letters
a Look at these sentences. What verb form comes a E9 ln Some words we don't pronounce
after / What verb form comes after 'd /t`ke? every letter. Listen to these words. Notice the silent
Teenagers like going out on their own. letters in brackets ( ).
I'd like to go back to the country one day.
Iis(t)en --cam(e)ra dau(gh)ter su(i)tcase --
b Find these verbs in the article. What verb form int(e)resting si(gh)tseeing (k)now
comes after them? Write the verbs in the-table. gran(d)father choc(o)late fru(i)t

Jgiv raeeaaepr i b Listen again and practise.

a Put brackets ( ) round the silent letters in

these words.
+ verb+ing + infinitive with to 1 (w)rite 7 sandwlch |a\
like would/'d like 2 island (15 8hour thv\,
Jen-\Crd aer`(r\p 3 f riend I
.;cg` 9 bread
4 vegetables,ie,\
\©vut\ unmt` 5 building `|u\ ,
h„\e \Jr"l\r\/A
`neec) . ~' I - 6 two .(`w .,,,
she b Work in pairs. Compare answers.
c Checkin
C EEP10 Listen an-`d practise the words.

a Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb

a Ebll Listen and write the words. Be careful
in brackets.
of the silent letters!
1 I like r?_a_a/'.f}.g_ fashion zines. (read)
1 wrote
2 Mysisterhates early. (get up)
b Work in pairs. Compare your spelling. Put
3 IwanL_b¢ some new clothes. (buy)
brackets ( ) round the silent letter in each word.
4 MysonlQve{ video games. (play)
J±5 lneed c Check your spelling in Audio Script EE>11 pl63.
a new job. (find)
6 I'd like_grfi this evening. (go out)
7 LastnightTim id \.e_a.`jt,lil hisjob. (leave)

: Ldy':vaere-niJ:g-¥`iAu-si:i,:e`;o:,aces (v,s,t)
I Vocabulary, Grammar and Real World
10 I stopped LE2LEmlinD9_ three years ago (smoke)
in EXEifa Pracfti©e © and PF®gFess per.Eff®li© 9 pl23
b Work in pairs. Compare answers. EE Language Summary 9 pl47

a Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these verbs.

E 9A-D Workbook p45 .
n Self-study DVD-FtoM 9 with Beview Video
he wgrb-e -or pr buy
1 I'd like to/I._V_e_intheusA.

6 I'd like .be___famous!
b Make questions with you from the sentences in 7a.
Then write two more questions, one with //.Ae and one I Heading and Writing
w.ith would like. E] Portfolio 9 Places to go Workbook p80
Would you like to I.Ive in the USA? F]eading tourist information
Writing describing places: paragraphs (3);
c Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Give
phrases with and without the
reasons if possible.
Merdie:\c| A\chnJorou tdutrJo u`e,\ lFip\
Vocabulary verb phrases; frequency

Stay fit and healthy expressions

Grammar .imperatiives., should/ shouldn't

QUICK REVIEW: Verb patterns Wor.k jD 'pairs. Take

turns to say something that you: love doing, would Everyone wqnls Ilo look good
like to do tomorrow, enjoy doing at the weekend,
and get fit, so many of us go
need to do soon, hate doing, would love to do in the
lo a gym. In Ike UK Trlere are
future. Continue the conversations jf possible.
over 6,000 gyms and 7 million

gym members. ThqT's a Lo| of

Vocabulary and Speaking Verb phrases exercise - or is it? A lypital `
a Work in pairs. Match the verbs in A to the gym member spends £372 a
words/phrases in a. Check new words/phrases
yeqr, but people spend £200
-A million every year a
8 membership they don'l use. So
get the windows/the
liere Ore our lop tips for gel?iqug
spend fit/stressed
Carry time/money fit wiTIIouf spending any mop?y.
wash the shopping/the
take a bath/a shower 1 Walk up and down stairs.
have a bus/a train Don't take lifts. If there aren't
do the lift/the escala any st:irs and there's an
get on/off the housework/s escalator, walk up or down
the escalator. Walking up an
b Work in pairs. Take turns to test your partner. escalator uses ten calories,
walking do`virn uses four. !
get fit
EEIl q2 Get off the bus one stop
earlier. You use about 80 calories
11 a` Write the name of one person you know who: for every walk.
elks a walkstowork o watchesTvalot
b3 \/\/alkaroundwhenyou are `c .,..,
Qt<. . does a lot of sport 0 gets stressed easily
unl- b Work in pairs. Tell your partner about the people ::;k::Fo::st::ep#i,:to=eu:,us`e `,

04 Wash the car. Don`tt,use `a car

wash. Washing the car f6; -30 -

.:`RQe*:nfi'La:sJ;efi:ioTi::q;!itiog"i minutes uses 100 calories.

5 Do the housework faster

:EaaBmefrje}°u;:Cy::¥::;::W°ardm:,ew'thheoa,thy than normal. You use four extra
your teacher.
calories every mini]te.
6 Don't drive to the supermarket
6-Fi-C-a -a Week. Walk to the shops
b Read the first paragraph of the article. Then
three times a week and carry
choose the best headline.
yourshopping home.Thiscan .`r
For All use 100 calories every rhile.
Get Fit For
7 Don't have a bath, have a
• City People Don't Exercise shower. instead. It saves water
c Head the rest of the article. Match tips 1-8 to and you use one more calorie
pictures a-h. every three minutes.

o for a run twice a week.

ou can use 150-200 calories a
]d #,rckh':og;:::hs,.n:I,::::Sb::tet::?q:eh;t;°&So. /¢ rm
ile -and it's a lot cheaper than
2 Do you do any of these things now? lf so, which ones?deca,
3 Whichwouldyouliketodointhefuture? lou u}C /t~`o

:r:41 :rf 8hopp'`3 L~
MerdtL A\cd^-\on tciji-:-a u,.,tL\ 1Ftp|

i -hiEhip \wfctjGirET" @[ffiAFTvflFTvilApu Imperatives

We often use imperatives to give strong advice.

Look at these sentences and answer the questions.
Walk up and down stairs. Don't take lifts.
: 1 ls the positive imperative the same asthe infinitive?

E a Writefive moretips :n h?wet¥sta#]nd hea|th`y.
Don't watch TV every night. Eat a lot of fruit.

b Work in groups. Compare sentences and choose lal


HEELpwiHE±jv®®ABULARY *T}uv\ cr\ce a

I.-_ _-. _ ._ _-. _` ,_.-_ _ _: _ __
Frequency expressions
Look at the frequency expressions in bold tnulhe
article. Then fill in the gaps.

day HELP W!TH GRAMMAF! show/c//show/cyn'f
three times month every I week
` rTronth We use should aLnd shouldn't to g.ive adv.Ice. Look
four times
lyen at these sentences and choose the correct words
in the rules.
"P a We use How offer7 . . . ? to ask about frequency:
You should do some exercise three times a week.
A How often do you go to the gym? 8 Twice a week.
You shouldn't eat so many pizzas and biscuits.
© We use show/d to say something is -'fl bad
thing to do.
a Underline all the frequency expressions in the
article. The,n compare answers jn pairs.
© We use show/cin'f to say something sagoo®
thing to do.
b Work in-the same pairs. Ask your partner how often ® #;nr,t;vhe°#:h%d shouldn'try`th infinitive/
he/she does these things.
1 goforawalk? 4 getvery stressed?
• pq50
2 goswimming? 5 eat vegetables?
3 havea holiday? 6 eat fish?
a The doctor gave Mrs Lee some more advice.
: How often do you Oh, about Fill in the gaps with show/c/ or show/dn'f:
( go for a walk? once a week. go swimming every week.
y:: -_s:*!-la_,+
: y:: -_si*!-ld eat big meals in the evening.
eat more salads.
Listening drive to work every day.
• E a EEEEL12 Look at the photo. Mrs Lee is at the :;::-gh¥`:dii, walk to work twice a week.
doctor's. Listen to their c °ttvoe.rsfn-,:#.fita:d 6 you.Sh sit and watch TV every evening.

Listen and check. Then

:ea|:5t#:dgt##hdy#°st;%%°rh-t`_irist|TSH±-en\l cQl haa\}V PstEai:
listen again and practise. Copy the stress.
1 How much does Mrs Lee weigh? Seyenfyfo./os. You should g8 swimming 8very we®ek.
2 How often does she walk to school \^ffl the chil(
3 When did she start going to the gym? EetchELernfou Get ready .„ Get it right!
4 How often does she-gofothe gin?lha±cc +„.c> a ton
Work in groups of three. Student A pl08.
Student 8 pll3. Student C pll4.
: #:: :::,::hd:dutshuea:yo:ta::g€eah:h'"fl¢`D dyJ 4."
€h. 6\oulowlJ eJ s6 ry`anrty hlw`

AjFFP , .
Mend`-e]ct A\ich+cA-a thou.-ds Uyte\

Stay fit and healthy Languagesummarylo, student's Bookpi49

Verb phrases Frequencyexpressions , „ EE,i. E:,

H Bead about how Bita and Keith stay fit and healthy.
Choose the correct verbs.
E Write these sentences again with the word in brackets`

1 My brother goes cycling every three or four days. (twice)


RITA I read an article in the 2far|nv:,:d_A#ydre\ncn`L;e;e\r:,Thu{:edna%`€nc:)nc€Ch

Paper about 1 /tching
fit for free, and I think it's a
v\/e=`e,`k` ` _._ _
very good idea. Now when
3 Wegotothesuper ''='.=-. i ee-. . i
I'm in town I don't 2do®
escalators, I walk up the stairs
instead. I also 3ge£©the
housework more quickly than 4 You should take some aspirin in the morning and the
before, which uses extra calories, and rfae/£¢fae
the windows every week. And I go to local shops, #g±t§:::;§d_1ou¥€5fftg_G3pir{fi.+irty!-i'a
not the supermarket, and 5spe7Gd{dez:z:)4)the shopping
J`de+ '
home. And I usually do a shower not a bath,
5 I have an English class on Monday, Wednesday and
because that uses more calories too. I also
Friday. (three)
7 get o lot of time with my grandson
- that i ha,e~ I,Qr\`` _£
uses hundreds of calories! t\iih al¢S +hiee +`me
6 'ff;et°ah;thffi°#r:'Te#;:te:e£„eqv

KEITH I'm a lawyer for a

7 My parents always go on holiday in April, July and
big American company
De^cember. (thr
and I always 8Z7czc;

very stressed at work.

3 , G\unS- DCy\

In the past I g'S- _±irtyc} _a ``ch

a lot of money on gym
membership, but I never
E Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
had time to go. Now I want to ]gr4t;e fit |nmy 1 I see mygrandparents onceA month.
day-to-day life. Every morning I llgef o 2 Howoftenyou go clubbing?
the bus two stops earlier and then walk
3 Hegoestothegym everyweekS'.
the lift, I walk up the stairs instead. I don't drive 4 I gotothedoctortwicetimes ayear.

the car 5 How often do he play football?

:ytshe:f:aArnwda:haLawn:y:L°S[s;3es„P;:!9x ercise at
6 I studyspanishthreetime aweek.
the weekend, either swimming or running. Now
7 She visits every week her parents.
I'm a lot fitter than when I ]5sPG#£©hundreds of
pounds a year on the gym! 8 I phone my mumLgp¢ a day.


4i F€pl -
Merbreh frlechnc^ ,€Jal`Jo a,c.I
Imperatives shouldlshouldn't
Fill in the gaps with these imperatives. Read these tips on how to learn English quickly. Fill in
the gaps with shouid or show/dr'£ and these verbs.
Keep QpecL=jDen!t-whk
jHeak';±h dige~ _I -i===
1 You show/d` atyourclass on time.

2 you T3haJdn!i Sleep late.

3 you thould to every class.

4 you a`uld at home in the evenings.

5 you rda do ~ your homework.

6 you Sou`!c3 +Qlk in your first language

in class.

7 you chou!ic1_ be theteacherwhenyou

don't understand something.

8 yo u Ti n`\a d i a I i k in class!

Character DOwn J

EI Do the puzzle.
1 She'sgot

2 A person makes
Across + 2
0 people laugh a lot.
3 Attractive, usually IV
4 A person likes doing
for men. 3G 4
things to help other people.
5 Similarto fh/'r7.
5 6 7 6 A `..``` __ person doesn't
8 Marilyn Monroe had
8 9 10 like working.
-`` ------..- _. hair.

9 An _ person is friendly

and likes talking to new

12 13 14
13 Amore politeword
for fat.
1o Opposite of fa//.
15 lt's difficult fora ________
16 17 11 people usually think
person to talk to about themselves and not
new people.
other people.
16 Old people often have
14 A person likes giving
hair. 18
people money or presents.
18 lfyou'renotoldor
17 Opposite ofo/d.
young, you're

Reading tourist information

P]aces Eo go Writing describing places: paragraphs (3);

phrases with and without the

Review places in a town; can

a Tick the words you know. Check the other words/phrases in a dictionary.

thecoast aview scenery gosurfing anocean acastle

b F}ead this tourist information about Wales. Then match these places to 1-5 on the map.
Cardiff E theBlackMountains H Snowdon H Llandudno H Tenby H

Facts about the coiintry

Wales is part of the United Kingdom and it's famous for its
beautiful scenery, music festivals and friendly people. It has its
own language, Welsh, but nearly everyone speaks English. Wales
is also famous for its long place names -like Llanfairpwllgwyngy-
llgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch! The best time to visit

is from June to September.

Places to visit and things to do

Cardiff is the capital city of Wales. It's a busy, modern city on a

river called the Ta ff. There's a beautiful castle in the centre of

the city and some interesting museums. St David's Hall is a good

place for traditional Welsh music. You can also go to concerts and
sports events at the amazing Millennium Stadium.

Brecon Beacons National Park is a great place for walks and

picnics. You can walk along Offa's Dyke in the Black Mountains
and enjoy the wonderful views, or go fishing at Llangorse Lake,
the largest natural lake in south Wales.

Snowdonia National Park is in the north of the country. Every year

about 500,000 people climb Snowdon, the highest mountain in
Wales. You can also travel up the mountain by train!

Llandudno is an old seaside town on the north coast. It's famous

for its long beaches and beautiful scenery, and it`s a good place to

go surfing. You can also go surfing at many places in the south of

the country, like Broadhaven and Tenby.

E Bead the information again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 E walesisacountryintheuK. 5 H snowdon lslntheBIackMountains.


HELP WITH WffilTiNG Describing places Head these sentences about popular places for
tourists. Fill in the gaps with the or -(no article).
Paragraphs (3)
a Look at the tourist information again. Match 1-5 to 1 There'sa beautiful castle in the centreof -
paragraphs A-E. Edinburgh, in i Scotland.

1 HE thecountry's highest mountain 2 Aspen is a popular place to ski in _...=_ Bocky

2 E general information about the country Mountainsin._trRerusA.

3 RI placestogowalking 3 ___i Mount KIIimanjaro is in hi north of= `.`

4 H placestogosurfing Tanzaniain_-_Africa.

5 E± thlngstodointhecapitalcity 4 Bournemouth is a seaside town on `the+ south coast

Phrases with and without the
5 .`_``__```..` Lake Balaton is about 100 kin from _=._
b Look at these useful phrases for describing places.
Budapest, _be capital city of .._`. `: Hungary.
Notice when we use the in these phrases.
c.I |t'sfamousforits... a, ® 6 Mardel plataisaseasidetown on east coast of

a es __T=_`_Argentinain±_SouthAmerica.
a ... isagood/greatplacefor... a \t) 7ManausisacityonifeBiverAmazonin_lha
northof_ ~ Brazil.
: ¥::r::snat:,s:: the cgntr,e :the c,ty e
'`.> ... onthenorthcoast c= E a Make notes about yourcountry. Tc"`ec!
o ... inthesouthofthecountry e. facts about the country i places to visit and
c ,... f'sthecapJta/OJ'£y b ,Ci ; things to do

c Underline the phrases in 3b in the tourist

information on the website.

d Notice when we use the and when we don't use an

article with these places.


a r.Ivers.. the Taft, the Nile

c`. seas a\r\d oceans.. the Irish Sea, the Atlantic Ocean
a some coumr.ies.. the UK, the USA
a mouutalm ra:nges.. the Black Mountains, the Himalayas


a most countries: Wa/es, Braz/./

o cities and towns: Card/'ff, Ter7by
a moijritdr\s.. Snowdon, Mount Fuji b Write a description of your country for the
® continents: Europe, Asr.a website.
® lakes.. Llangorse Lake, Lake Geneva
Tc]/eq © Useyournotesfrom 5a.
© Use different paragraphs for each place.
® Use phrases from 3 and check for the/no article.
® Bead and check for mistakes.
© Give your description to your teacher next class.

Tick the things you can do in English in the

Beading and Writing Progress Portfolio, p88.


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